I am guarding the sky prison in Journey to the West

Chapter 289 The Nine Worlds Change Owners

Chapter 289 Three Realms Change Owners
"What happened? Why is it suddenly dark?"

"Look over there! It's that black cloud covering the sun, moon and stars!"

"Heaven is a place for gods and immortals, so why do black clouds appear? Could it be caused by some monster?"

"Monster? What kind of monster is so bold and dares to come to heaven and cause trouble?"


First came the heavenly soldiers and generals guarding the Heavenly Palace, and then the civil and military immortals in the Lingxiao Palace.

The entire heaven instantly became a mess.

Just like the previous gathering of scriptures from the West and the gathering of eight immortals, the immortals who know about the bet between Tathagata and Wutian are still a minority among the minority.

The same goes for Wutian's men.

Except for the monkeys, Heipao and the others only thought that Wutian was the one who led them out of the abyss of darkness after he achieved great feats of magic and wanted to settle accounts with Tathagata and Heaven.

It is not clear that all this was agreed between Wutian and Tathagata.

"Quiet!" the Jade Emperor stopped the chattering civil and military officials, and pretended to say: "Taibai Jinxing, go quickly and summon the clairvoyant Shunfeng Er to the palace and let them see what's going on outside. thing!"

"I obey the order." Taibai Jinxing followed the order and walked out of the palace.

As soon as I arrived at the entrance of Lingxiao Palace, I saw a dark purple thunder flashing in the black clouds outside, like a group of snakes dancing wildly, accompanied by the howling wind, and the color of the sky and the earth changed.

A huge black lotus phantom appeared above the head with dazzling splendor, covering the entire heaven below.

A piece of purple light fell, blocking the path of Taibai Jinxing.

Several figures appeared at the entrance of Lingxiao Palace.

The two leaders, one of whom looks to be in his thirties, has long hair shawl, black clothes and black robes, and a stern face, giving people a very domineering feeling when he glances at them.

The other one was dressed in a smart outfit, completely black, with a hood on his head, only a pair of golden eyes were exposed.

It's Wutian and Monkey!
Monkey originally wanted to show his true colors to others, but was persuaded by Wu Tian.

During this time together, Wutian appreciated Monkey more and more, and felt that he had found a soulmate. Many things that he had not thought about before, or had figured out but didn't know how to do, gradually became clear during the discussion with Monkey.

Although Wutian was full of confidence that he could win Tathagata in the gambling battle, what if something unexpected happened!

He doesn't value his own life or death, but he doesn't want to see what he has done disappear into thin air!
He didn't let the monkey reveal his identity just to leave a chance of survival. Even if he was really unfortunate enough to be defeated and completely dissipated, there would still be a monkey who could pass on his teachings!
Behind them were Wutian's disciples, including Black Robe, Giant Scorpion, and Six Spirit Generals.

Different from Wutian's indifference and calmness, their faces were filled with the excitement of breaking out of the abyss of darkness. Their eyes looked around the heaven, and there was unconcealable greed hidden in their shock.


The general on duty led a group of heavenly soldiers to stop Wutian and asked loudly: "Who are you? How dare you trespass into the important land of heaven!"

Wutian didn't even need to say anything. Giant Scorpion had already stepped forward, snorted coldly, and said triumphantly: "The most important place in heaven? Humph, in these three realms, my Wutian Buddha can go wherever he wants. Today I come to your heaven. That’s to give you face!”

"Wutian Buddha?"

All the civil and military immortals looked at each other in shock, and finally shook their heads, saying that they had never heard of this extremely arrogant Buddha's name.

The general on duty immediately said angrily: "How dare you, monster! How dare you pretend to be Buddha! And you have such a name that insults the power of God. You really don't know how to live or die!" He pulled out the sword from his waist and slashed at Ying Yao.

"I think you don't know how to live or die!" The giant scorpion was also furious. He opened his right hand and a black staff appeared in his hand, and he stood up to hold the sword.

Giant Scorpion is the right protector among Wutian's left and right protectors. His strength and status are second only to the black robe of the left protector. His cultivation has reached the Golden Immortal realm.

The wooden staff in her hand was also refined by Wutian himself, and it was extremely powerful.

The heavenly general on duty had just stepped into the realm of Xuanxian and was no match for the giant scorpion. He was knocked to the ground in two or three moves, vomiting blood and fell unconscious.

The other generals were shocked, and realized that they would not be able to defeat the giant scorpion alone. They winked at each other, and then swarmed up and surrounded the giant scorpion in the center.

The giant scorpion was happy, holding the wooden staff horizontally, and was about to take action, when the black lotus above his head shed a dark purple light.

Those heavenly soldiers and generals were unable to dodge, and were directly covered by the purple light. Their movements suddenly stopped, and a bug seemed to be trapped in the resin and could not move.

"That's enough, I still have a lot of things to do, don't waste time here!" Wutian stopped the giant scorpion who wanted to make a last-ditch attack, and walked towards the Lingxiao Palace.

The temporary relinquishment of the power of the Heavenly Court to rule the Three Realms is only an agreement between the Tathagata and the Jade Emperor, and has not yet been truly implemented.

Wutian was afraid that if the giant scorpion took too much action, it would anger the heaven.

It would be terrible if the Jade Emperor regrets it!
"Disciple, I obey." Ju Xie naturally did not dare to say anything more and followed Wu Tian obediently.

Wu Tian's cultivation level is not as good as that of Lai Chai, he is already in the realm of Daluo Jinxian. Coupled with his soul transformed from the twelfth-grade world-destroying black lotus, his aura rises into the sky, stirring up changes in the wind and clouds, which is extremely frightening.

No one among the civil and military immortals in the Lingxiao Palace dared to step forward to stop them, and they watched helplessly as Wutian and his party walked in in a swaggering manner.

"Who are you? How dare you break into the Lingxiao Palace of Heaven!" Although the Jade Emperor agreed to Tathagata's conditions and gave up the Three Realms for him to have a bet with Wutian, this was the first time he saw Wutian and he looked him up and down. He thought to himself: "This Wutian Fruit is really not simple! No wonder it makes Tathagata spend so much effort!"

"Little Monk Wutian has met the Great Heavenly Lord."

Wutian bowed respectfully, and the title was respectful enough. What he said was completely inconsistent with his greeting and salute: "The young monk came here today just to persuade the Great Heavenly Lord to abdicate."

"Bold!" "Insolent!" "How dare you, evildoer!"...

As soon as Wutian finished speaking, all the civil and military immortals in the Lingxiao Palace spoke angrily and started scolding one after another.

Wutian just pretended not to hear and continued: "The Great Heavenly Lord has been ruling the Three Realms for some years, but now the demons in the Three Realms are rampant, the mortals are in dire straits, and the resentful ghosts have filled the entire Fengdu. Since the Great Heavenly Lord is incapable of governing the Three Realms well, , it is better to abdicate earlier and make way for someone more worthy."

The Jade Emperor's face was a little ugly.

Although he had promised Tathagata to give up the Three Realms to Wutian to rule for 33 years, it was still a bit hurtful to hear Wutian's truth.

"How dare you, you evildoer, to speak such arrogant words here!" Several generals couldn't stand it anymore and picked up their weapons to kill Wutian.

Wutian didn't move, but with a thought in his mind, a world-destroying black lotus appeared on his chest, and a ray of light shone, and several heavenly generals were frozen in place.

next second.

The World-Destroying Black Lotus flew out from Wutian's chest. It first grew strong against the wind, and then transformed into two and then four. It turned into countless fist-sized black lotuses and landed on top of the heads of all the gods, sealing their magic power. .

Things are generally the same outside as they are inside.

Countless fist-sized black lotuses were like snowflakes, falling from the black clouds above their heads and landing on the heads of the heavenly soldiers and generals.

With Wutian's cultivation, even if he has the twelfth-grade world-destroying black lotus in hand, it is impossible to destroy the heaven by himself!

But now, those who have the strength to fight Wutian, such as Taishang Laojun, Queen Mother, Yang Jian, etc., have given up resistance and allowed the black lotus to fall on their heads.

The black lotus on their heads is just a look-alike and cannot really seal the original mana.

However, people like Taiyi Tianzun and Antarctic Immortal, who did not want to lose face, returned to the mountains to retreat and meditate long before Wutian was born. They only waited for the gambling battle between Tathagata and Wutian to end before leaving the mountain.

The remaining ones who did not have the strength to fight against Wu Tian and did not know the truth of the matter had their spirits sealed by the World-Destroying Black Lotus and fell into a deep sleep.

Wutian did not let Ying Yao and his subordinates take action again, and directly urged Hei Lian to take the Jade Emperor and others in, and sent the monkey to the prison.

He arranged this because Monkey had a friendship with Li Anran, so Monkey was more suitable than Heipao and the others.

Secondly, it was because after all, Monkey and Tang Seng had a master-disciple relationship, and they didn’t want to embarrass Monkey.

"Let's go." Wutian didn't stay in Heaven for long, and immediately took a group of his men and flew to Lingshan.

There are more Buddhas in Lingshan who are qualified to know about gambling and fighting than there are gods in heaven, so the power to resist is even smaller!

Almost at the same time that Wutian appeared, Tathagata put his hands together and chose to be reincarnated, leaving only a verse -

Everyone has one mind, so that with two minds, Sakyamuni in black can lead and govern the three realms.

The true soul is cast into the world, reborn in Nirvana, and returns to the Buddhaland.

Only when fate comes, can this misfortune be resolved, the world will be clear, and the two hearts will be united.

Compared with the original time and space, the Tathagata only changed the "only son only line" in the verse that represents the monkey (Sun) into the "only fate" that represents Daoji (Li Xiuyuan), and passed away in Nirvana, with only a little bit of true spirit reincarnated. .

Tang Monk didn't know the inside story. When he saw this situation, he ignored the decree of non-resistance left by Tathagata before his death that "it is determined by heaven and cannot be changed without human power". He attacked Wutian angrily, but was wounded by Wutian's backhand.

Tang Monk still wanted to take action, but was persuaded by Guanyin. Like other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, he stopped resisting and surrendered.

Similarly, among these Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, those who knew were just pretending to have their spirits sealed, while those who were unaware were truly captured.

Wutian cast another spell to collect them all into the black lotus, and asked the black robe to send them to the prison.

In addition to the Main Hall, Wutian also went to Yuanjue Cave in Lingjiu Mountain to see the burning lamp.

His original intention was to win over Ran Deng, the former supreme Buddhist and leader of Theravada Buddhism, to confront Tathagata.

However, Ran Deng chose to pass away without saying a word——

To be more precise, he faked his death and escaped, actively cutting off the cause and effect between himself and Buddhism!
Wutian understood Ran Deng's attitude and stopped making unnecessary entanglements.

Although he failed to win over Ran Deng, it was good news for him that Ran Deng chose not to help each other!

At this point, Tianting Lingshan has completely fallen, and the three realms have changed hands!

At the same time, Li Anran also ushered in his biggest harvest since time travel!

(End of this chapter)

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