I am guarding the sky prison in Journey to the West

Chapter 291 Level 2 Pure World White Lotus

Li Anran and Yang Jian are both thoughtful people, and they always have to be fully prepared when doing things.

After making up their minds to change the world, they asked Yao Ji about the Jade Emperor.

However, the harvest is very little!

The brother and sister Haotian and Yao Ji are somewhat similar to Xi He and Chang'e.

Haotian was born with spiritual wisdom much earlier than Yao Ji, and his magic power was also much stronger than that of Yao Ji.

Yao Ji's ability to transform into an innate being instead of being refined into an innate spirit treasure was largely due to Haotian's kindness and loneliness.

Haotian knew everything about Yao Ji, and watched with his own eyes as Yao Ji gave birth to wisdom and transformed into a human being bit by bit, and helped Yao Ji with many things in the process.

Yao Ji's understanding of Haotian is limited to what happened during their relationship.

As for what Haotian is, when he was born with spiritual wisdom, when he transformed, etc., Yao Ji has no idea at all.

She only knew that she was transformed into a seven-color cloud, and because the cloud took on the shape of a lotus, she was named "Cloud Flower".

Haotian once said that although they may not have the same origin, they are better than the same origin, so he recognized her as his sister.

As for Yao Ji's "Yao" character, it was conferred on her by Haotian after he became the Jade Emperor, which means "beautiful".

In addition, she also won the title of "Princess Lotus".

"Although not from the same origin, it is better than the same origin from the same origin"——

These twelve words are the most important clues Yao Ji gave them!
Li Anran and Yang Jian made many speculations about this.

For example, Haotian is named after the sky, which may be the sky where the clouds are located.

For another example, Haotian can become heaven and earth after Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, which must represent the most powerful and powerful sun in the world. He may be the first ray of morning light between heaven and earth.

Yao Ji is the clouds illuminated by the morning light.

This also explains why Haotian said that he and Yao Ji "although they are not of the same origin, they are better than the same origin."

Etc., etc.

However, when Li Anran opened the Jade Emperor's life, he realized that his and Yang Jian's guesses were completely wrong!

Not only is it wrong, it doesn’t even touch the edge!

"This, this is the twelfth-grade Pure World White Lotus?! The Jade Emperor is transformed from the twelfth-grade Pure World White Lotus?!"

Li Anran's pupils shrank suddenly and he was shocked.

I saw the pictures in the Book of Punishment flowing, and an endless chaos appeared.

In the midst of the chaos, a twelfth-grade pure world white lotus swayed gently, emitting seven-colored clouds and surging brilliance!

I don’t know how many years have passed, but the twelfth-grade Pure World White Lotus has gradually matured, from being in bud to fully blooming.

And at the moment when the twelfth-grade pure world white lotus bloomed, a piece of innate creation energy happened to fall into it and merged with the twelfth-grade pure world white lotus.

As a result, a ray of spiritual wisdom was born from the twelfth-grade Pure World White Lotus, which fell into the great lake formed by the intersection of earth and water.

I don’t know how many years have passed, but the spiritual wisdom of the twelfth-grade Pure World White Lotus has gradually matured.

Outside the sky, a calamity cloud gathered, and 81 chaotic thunderbolts fell suddenly.

This is because the twelfth-grade Pure World White Lotus is too perfect and cannot be tolerated by heaven and earth, so the Chaos Thunder Tribulation was sent down to destroy it.

As a result, it naturally ended in failure!
After surviving the catastrophe, the twelfth-grade Pure World White Lotus transformed into a young version of Haotian wearing a white robe, with a face like a crown of jade, fair skin, and delicate features.

——This is not what later generations would call human form!

The heaven and earth were opened by the great god Pangu, and all things were transformed by the great god Pangu.

The innate beings in ancient times all followed their instincts and took shape according to the Pangu figure that remained in their souls.

The more similar the appearance is to the great god Pangu, not only does it mean the higher the heel qualifications, but also the easier it is to be loved by the Taoist.The human race can become the protagonist of heaven and earth and is loved by heaven, largely because the human race was created by Empress Nuwa based on the appearance of the great god Pangu.

And after the human race became the protagonist of the world, the transformation that was once based on the great god Pangu was misinterpreted into what later generations would call the transformation into human form!

The sunlight shines on the calm, mirror-like lake, and the reflected light reflects the image of the twelve-grade Pure World White Lotus on the colorful clouds in mid-air, forming a virtual shadow of a lotus.

This lotus shadow itself is illusory and difficult to form, but because of the vitality left after the thunder disaster dissipated, it actually turned virtual into reality, giving birth to a trace of spirituality!
"No wonder the Jade Emperor said that although he and his aunt are not of the same origin, they are better than the same origin! That's it!"

Li Anran suddenly realized.

I finally understood why Haotian became furious after Yao Ji got married to a mortal and suppressed Yao Ji under the Peach Mountain!
This is not only to maintain the majesty of the newly built heaven and heaven, but more importantly, Yao Ji is essentially the projection of Haotian on the clouds, and is deeply causally involved with him.

Yao Ji getting married and having children with a mortal not only violated the laws of heaven, but also implicated him and brought him endless trouble!
That's exactly what happened!
Because Yao Ji made trouble in the Heavenly Palace, carried mountains to chase the sun, and split mountains to save his mother, and because he wanted to change the rules of heaven, he served as the god of justice, and had a false relationship with the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother.

He also secretly helped his nephew Chenxiang, a hybrid of god and man who also had the blood of Yao Ji, to cause trouble in the Heavenly Palace, splitting mountains to save his mother, and once forced the Heavenly Palace into a desperate situation that everyone pointed out, forcing the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother to pinch their noses and recognize the new heaven. strip.

In today's world, although because of Li Anran's appearance, the latter story does not exist.

However, Yang Jian is determined to change the world, which is even more cruel than the original time and space!

It can be said that Yao Ji's entire lineage is a result of Haotian's injustice, and she comes to Haotian to collect debts!

The scenes in the Book of Punishment are flowing, and time continues to pass.

What happened next was almost what Yao Ji told them.

After Haotian's transformation was successful, he put away the big lake and turned it into a side with a green shimmer on the front, ancient seal script with tadpole inscriptions and the shape of Yunlong and strange birds on the back. It seemed to be raised, but there was no trace to the touch. Neither engraved nor painted, a bronze mirror that is deep into the bones.

It is Haotian's companion spiritual treasure, the famous Haotian Mirror in later generations!
And the reflections of the clouds and white lotus were originally supposed to be Haotian's accompanying spiritual treasures!
However, when Haotian collected it, he hesitated and did not take action to cut off its activity and turn it into a magic weapon. Instead, he did not hesitate to waste his original mana to help the colorful cloud lotus condense its vitality and turn that ray of spirituality into spiritual wisdom.

Countless years later, he helped her survive the catastrophe of transformation, named her "Yunhua" and recognized her as her younger sister.

And this further deepens the causal involvement between them!
Although Yun Hua, later Yao Ji, succeeded in transforming, her heels and feet were too weak and her strength was very weak, and her cultivation level could barely reach the late stage of True Immortal.

Haotian is completely different.

His heel is the twelfth-grade pure world white lotus, which is no worse than Sanqing, Jie Yin Zhunti, Di Jundong Huang Taiyi and others. As soon as he was born with spiritual wisdom, he had the cultivation of golden immortal.

After the transformation was successful, he directly broke through to the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm.

After practicing smoothly all the way to the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal, I encountered a bottleneck and got stuck at the threshold of Daluo Golden Immortal.

In the ancient times when Taoist Hongjun had not yet begun to preach, Taiyi Golden Immortal was already considered a powerful person at his peak, second only to the Ancestral Dragon, Phoenix and Qilin, the former protagonists of the Dragon Han First Tribulation, and the Emperor Jundong, who had just become famous at that time. Taiyi, the prince of the east and the queen mother of the west, are equal to each other.

It's just that Haotian has no interest in being competitive and keeps a low profile, so he doesn't gain much fame.

After reaching the bottleneck in his cultivation, Haotian became very restless and wanted to travel around the wilderness in search of opportunities for breakthrough.

He was worried that Yao Ji would be in danger, so he left the Haotian Mirror in the valley where they lived in seclusion. Not only did he tell Yao Ji the spell to use the Haotian Mirror, he also arranged numerous formations with the Haotian Mirror as the core.

She was also worried that Yao Ji would be lonely, so before leaving, she enlightened and subdued many surrounding creatures, not only to keep Yao Ji company, but also to act as a guard.

By the time Haotian finished these things, a hundred years had passed.

"Is it possible that the second brother's sister-control attribute is also inherited in the family? At this time, Haotian is really good to his aunt!" Li Anran couldn't help but complain.

Later, during his travels, Haotian got acquainted with Fuxi and Nuwa's brother and sister. By chance, he encountered a congenital parallel lotus that matured and turned into a male and female lotus lantern.

Brother Haotian and Fuxi each got one.

Haotian invited the Fuxi brothers and sisters to his home and gave the lotus lantern he got to Yao Ji.

Li Anran suddenly felt an inexplicable worry in his heart.

Could it be that Haotian, like his second brother, is deliberately playing the villain?

The corners of Li Anran's eyes twitched.

He really didn't dare to think about what kind of scene this unfolding would be like. (End of chapter)

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