Chapter 4 Judicial God

"This Juling dispatching general turned out to be a sixth-level spell, higher than Yimu Jue?!"

Li Anran was a little surprised.

The skills and spells are divided into nine levels from low to high. The first level is the lowest and the ninth level is the strongest. The higher the level, the higher the upper limit of the level.

And it will only appear on the system panel if you have cultivated to a certain level.

Yimu Jue is a cultivation method obtained by the predecessor in an ancient qi refiner's cave. It can be cultivated to the realm of heavenly immortals. In the system judgment, it can be regarded as a fifth-level exercise, and the upper limit of the level is five!
From this incomplete fairy preaching, he comprehended the "Jing Ling Dispatch General" to be able to reach the sixth level!
"Who is that fairy preaching? He is so powerful! Who is he preaching to?"

Li Anran was very curious.

At this time, a sound of footsteps came from inside the dungeon.

Looking up, the person who came was exactly the Heavenly Soldier who left his post to talk to Gao Laosan earlier.

At this time, his face was full of joy, obviously he had got his wish.

Li Anran looked up and down, and immediately showed a look of surprise.

"No wonder they dare to be so unscrupulous!"

After learning how to detain spirits and dispatch generals, Li Anran's perception of the yin energy of the soul is much sharper.

Only then did he realize that the heavenly soldier in front of him was not an ordinary monk, but a Yin god!
Yinshen refers to the gods who have no physical body but only spirits!
All the 360 ​​five righteous gods on the list of gods can be classified into this column.

The heavenly soldier in front of him should be an elite soldier who died in the catastrophe of the Conferred God.

They are not qualified to ascend to the position of righteous gods, but they are all celebrities on the list of gods, and there will be a ray of soul on the list after death.

It belongs to the real iron rice bowl!

"Boy, I have already told Gao Laosan that you will be my soldier from now on. Do whatever I tell you to do, you understand?" Tianbing said triumphantly.

"Yes, my lord."

Li Anran put on an obedient look.

These heavenly soldiers who have been on the list of gods are immortal, but they will never be able to improve their cultivation, and they will never be able to escape.

To a certain extent, they are the most miserable existences in the heaven, similar to the dead ghosts in the underworld who can never be reborn forever.

Offending them will do no good.

If you bow your head and give in, at most you will be instructed to do things like stand guard and escort criminals.

And this is what he wanted.

Seeing Li Anran's attitude is so good, Tian Bing himself felt a little embarrassed, and his tone softened a lot: "You don't need to call me Sir, my surname is Wang Mingzhen, you can just call me Brother Zhen."

"Brother Zhen." Li Anran followed suit.

Standing guard and guarding the gate is a boring thing, one of the two deliberately wins over, and the other deliberately flatters them, and soon they get into a ball and start to call each other brothers.

The details of Wang Zhen were also found out by Li Anran.

Just as he had guessed, Wang Zhen was originally an elite under the command of the Yin Shang Qinglong Pass Guard General Shenwei General Qiu Yin, who died together with Qiu Yin in the Battle of Qinglong Pass.

Qiu Yin was named Guan Suoxing by Jiang Ziya to guard the sky prison, and the soldiers who followed him on the list became the jailers guarding the sky prison.

Gao Laosan also had the same origin.

They belonged to the earliest batch of heavenly soldiers in the heavenly court.

It wasn't until a hundred years after the Conferred Gods ended that the Heavenly Court began to recruit mortal monks to serve as errands.

In Wang Zhen's words, it was because the Jade Emperor felt that there were so many affairs in the Three Realms and the Heavenly Court was short of manpower, so he went to the mortal world to recruit troops.

However, in Li Anran's view, it is more likely that after the Jade Emperor found out that these heavenly soldiers and generals and those gods went to heaven, they still organized gangs to keep warm, so they had to cultivate their own cronies.

Let's not mention these.

After a large number of monk-born celestial masters and generals appeared in the heavenly court, not only the original celestial soldiers and generals began to be marginalized, but even many righteous gods' priesthoods were gradually occupied by these celestial masters.

However, there is one exception!

That is the sky prison!
There is a fierce and resentful atmosphere in the sky prison.

Wang Zhen's Heavenly Soldiers on the Conferred God List, although their strength gradually fell behind those of the cultivator's Heavenly Soldiers because they couldn't cultivate, they were not afraid of the evil and resentment at all!

Because of this, Tianlao has become the place where monks and heavenly soldiers are least observant of heaven's rules in the heavenly court.

"Did the two of you offend someone and were sent to the prison?" Wang Zhen was determined.

Li Anran didn't hide anything, and told about the fact that they were sent to the prison because they didn't bribe Wu De Xingjun's subordinates.

He also deliberately talked about being frightened by monsters in the cell, and then vowed to put 1 monsters in the cell with his own hands.


Wang Zhen was dumbfounded, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "You think the prisoners in the sky prison are Chinese cabbage! 1 more? I have been in the sky prison for thousands of years, and the number of prisoners sent to the prison by myself is only three to five hundred! "

"It took thousands of years to send in three or five hundred?" Li Anran was taken aback.

If this is the case, he will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey before he can leave the mountain!

Wang Zhen was even more speechless: "Heavenly Prison is the place where the heavenly court detains serious offenders. Not all cats and dogs can come in! Moreover, capturing alive is much more difficult than killing them directly. Who would do such a waste of effort..."

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, paused, and murmured: "Then Yang Jian, after becoming a judicial god, likes to capture monsters in the prison for interrogation first, and then send them to the demon-killing platform to behead them for public display."

"Judicial God?!"

Li Anran was startled, isn't this Yang Jian's official position in the Heavenly Court in the Lotus Lantern?
Wang Zhen nodded, and said angrily: "Why do you think we are so polite to that Yao Taiwei? Isn't it because his master has become a judicial god? That fellow Yang Jian is the most ruthless and cunning, even if it is us, hit him If you don't die in his hands, you will lose your skin! You must be careful!"

Li Anran: "...Understood."

Yang Jian was a handsome and personable Second Master of the God of War in the later generations, but what he did in the Conferred God Catastrophe, to Wang Zhen and other people from the Yin and Shang camp, it is not an exaggeration to say that he was cruel, merciless and cunning.

Wang Zhen thought for a while, and then said: "Since you want to send the monster into the cell with your own hands so much, then I will help you."

"I'll tell my old brothers later that as long as someone sends monsters over in the future, I will notify you and let you escort them. 1 is unlikely, but there is still a chance of one or two thousand. "

"Thank you Brother Zhen!" Li Anran was overjoyed and thanked repeatedly.

Wang Zhen waved his hand: "You are willing to do these things, and it is too late for them to thank you!"

The two chatted for a while, then Wang Zhen found an excuse and slipped into the dungeon to be lazy.

Li Anran had nothing to do, turned on the Punishment Book again, and browsed the life of another prisoner, the "Green-skinned Ghost King".

This is another fellow from Xiniu Hezhou.

Before his death, he was a hooligan who was beaten to death with sticks for stealing and raping.

After death, he turned into a fierce ghost, and took refuge under the command of a one-horned ghost king, causing disaster.

Later, the one-horned ghost king was wiped out by the Yin Division, but it escaped with a life, and also obtained the evil method of the one-horned ghost king to devour souls to improve its cultivation.

With the lessons learned from the one-horned ghost king, the green-skinned ghost acted extra cautiously and kept a low profile. It took the form of a human and hid in the world for more than 300 years. It devoured thousands of souls before it was exposed.

After that, it successively wounded the Yin messenger who captured him, the land of the mountain god, and devoured several river gods who were canonized by the heaven.

It wasn't until the Meishan brothers made a move that they were defeated and captured. They were escorted to the sky prison and locked into the cell by his hand.

Through the life of the Qingskin Ghost King, Li Anran obtained the evil method of devouring living souls to improve his cultivation.

But this kind of evil method that hurts the sky and has endless troubles is of no use to him.

Li Anran didn't waste any more time on the Qingskin Ghost King, his eyes scanned the attribute panel, and finally stopped at "Yimu Jue".

Tianlei Yin and Lingling Dispatch are obviously not suitable for practice at the gate of the prison.

Practicing Yimu Jue may lead to the erosion of vicious and resentful energy, but Li Anran decided to give it a try.

In the next few decades or even hundreds of years, he may have to stay in this prison.

If you can't practice, then life will be a bit boring!

Li Anran carefully operated the Yimu Jue.

The rich fairy air of the heavens poured into his body instantly, flowing along the meridians, and continuously transforming into his own mana.

The efficiency is more than ten times stronger than him in the mortal world!

This is also the reason why many casual cultivators are willing to come to heaven as soldiers!
At the same time, the fierce and resentful aura in the sky prison also entered his body.

Li Anran looked solemn, but he did not stop practicing.

Only when the exercises are performed for a complete cycle can they play a role in improving the cultivation base, and giving up halfway is equivalent to wasting all previous efforts.

Time passed very slowly at this time.

Li Anran was always vigilant about the movement of the fierce and resentful aura in his body, and unswervingly operated the exercises.

at last.

The week ends.

on the properties panel.

Yimu Jue changed from "6213/10000" to "6214/10000".

The cultivation level has also changed from "24121/30000" to "24123/30000".

However, Li Anran no longer cared about these things.

His eyes were red, and an uncontrollable desire to kill and destroy rose in his heart.

Li Anran immediately stopped cultivating, mobilized his mana to rush out the fierce and resentful energy in his body, and gradually eliminated them from his body.

It took nearly half an hour before and after, Li Anran finally got rid of this fierce and resentful aura, but it also consumed a lot of mana.

"This evil spirit is really powerful!"

Li Anran's face was a little pale, but his heart was still filled with joy.

The magic power consumed to get rid of the evil spirit is not much less than that obtained through cultivation, and it will also damage the meridians of the body and affect the soul.

Every time you practice, it takes more time to recover and adjust.

For others, this is half the effort, and the gain outweighs the gain.

However, for Li Anran, being able to improve the proficiency of the exercises is still within an acceptable range.

While recovering his body, Li Anran was looking forward to the arrival of new prisoners.

Unfortunately, until the shift was over, no new prisoners appeared, and nothing happened.

It was the same for nearly a month after that.

Li Anran is also used to not having a mobile phone or a computer, practicing exercises every day, and then spending time to get rid of evil spirits and restore the days of adjusting the body.

Now he can fully understand why Wang Zhengao's third son and the others are so indulgent and depraved——

The days are boring and boring, and the key is that there is no end in sight and no hope!

Whoever it is, will collapse!
Fortunately, he has a system in his body, and he is full of energy every day!

Fast forward 26 days, and he has finally accumulated enough experience points for leveling up!

(End of this chapter)

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