Chapter 93

As the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, Zhen Yuanzi said these words in front of the Heaven and Earth Treasure Mirror and many great powers, so it is naturally impossible for him to be false.

In an instant, most of the powers paying attention to the movements on the side of Calabash Mountain were lost.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly appeared in the sky, and a thousand auspicious auras appeared in the sky, and an auspicious cloud appeared.

There is a person standing on the cloud, wearing a gold leaf button with a pendant bead tassel on his head, a plain blue robe with a dragon and a flying phoenix, and a embroidered velvet skirt around his waist. He holds a mutton fat jade bottle in his hand, and a weeping willow tree is inserted in the bottle. , dignified, graceful and compassionate.

"Guanyin Bodhisattva." Zhen Yuanzi bowed slightly.

"Great Immortal Zhenyuan." Avalokitesvara bowed respectfully, and said, "Fellow Daoist Hongyun owes me two saints of the Western Sect. My Buddha Tathagata has already gone to the Blood Sea Styx in person, and I will not let anyone interfere with Fellow Daoist Hongyun's ferry crossing." robbery."

"Good." Zhen Yuanzi was completely relieved.

Ancestor Hongyun is a good man, but his biggest enemies are Kunpeng and Ancestor Minghe.

Now that he is here to guard against Kunpeng, and Tathagata personally suppresses Styx, the danger from the outside world has basically been ruled out.

For the rest, it only depends on Fellow Daoist Hongyun's own fortune and choice.

Zhen Yuanzi looked through the formation and looked towards Calabash Mountain.

Li Anran and the others have already returned to the old man's residence.

As soon as the cloud descended, the precious gourd seeds flew out of the old man's hand and sank into the ground. It didn't need anyone to water it, and it took the water in the bucket and the well by itself.

In just a few breaths, a crystal green gourd vine broke through the rock and got out.


With a light twitch of the gourd vine, the huge rock was split in two, and a gourd shelf was built for itself.

And grow rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But in a short time, the gourd vine, which was not as thick as a thumb and the length of an arm, became as thick as a wrist in an instant, and the leaves of the gourd shone with little crystal light, as if carved from jasper.

Immediately afterwards, it blossomed and bear fruit, and seven gourds of different colors grew.

"Grandpa! Grandpa!" Childish voices came from the gourd.

"Good boy! Good boy!" The old man rushed forward and hugged the gourd, weeping with joy.

very strange!

Li Anran looked at the scene in front of him, but murmured in his heart.

Generally speaking, creatures with deeper heels are more difficult to reproduce and grow slower.

He originally thought that the growth process of the treasure gourd seeds was simplified in the cartoons of his previous life, but he didn't expect that it didn't.

It took less than a minute for this treasure gourd seed to take root, germinate, bloom and bear fruit, giving birth to a gourd baby and giving birth to wisdom.

How strong can such a gourd baby, which is almost forcibly catalyzed, be?
And how strong is the snake essence and scorpion essence who is not the opponent of gourd baby and can only use magic weapons to intrigue?
However, the gourd mountain god, who was suspected to be the remnant soul of the ancestor of Hongyun, did not tell him that this was just going through the motions, but told him that only by planting a treasure gourd can he eliminate the snake essence and scorpion essence.

This shows that in the eyes of the gourd mountain god, he is not the opponent of the snake spirit and the scorpion spirit, and must rely on the gourd baby to destroy them.

For a moment, Li Anran couldn't tell whether it was the gourd mountain god who underestimated him, or whether he underestimated the gourd baby, the snake spirit and the scorpion spirit.

"Children, this is the Heavenly Prisoner God, who came down from the sky to help us eliminate monsters." The old man introduced Li Anran to the gourd babies.

"Grandpa, we can eliminate monsters by ourselves without the help of others!"

"Yes! We don't need anyone's help! I can burn them to ashes with a fire!"

"I can drown them all in one sip of water!"


The gourd babies didn't appreciate it, they chirped and yelled, full of confidence in destroying the monsters.

Li Anran wanted to test the strength of these gourd babies, so as to infer the strength of the snake essence and scorpion essence, and said deliberately: "You little gourds, what are you capable of? Are you so loud?"

"I am so powerful that I can crush those two goblins into powder with just one finger!"

"I have clairvoyance and good ears. No matter what the goblins say or do, I know exactly what they are doing."

"I can breathe fire and burn them to death!"


The gourd babies showed off their abilities without any scheming.

Li Anran said: "I happen to know a little bit about what you said, why don't we compare first?"

The old man was startled, and hurriedly stepped forward and said, "My lord, they are still children, not sensible. You don't want to be as knowledgeable as them. I will apologize to you on their behalf."

"I'm not angry."

Li Anran stopped the old man and said: "As the saying goes, 'Know yourself, know your enemy, and win a hundred battles'. Since we are going to join forces to deal with monsters in the future, we should figure out our respective strengths first, so as to avoid any mistakes. What do you think?"

"Compare! Who is afraid of whom!" Siwa responded loudly with the hottest temper.

Siwa's facial features appeared on the green gourd. With one mouth, a ball of flames spewed out, instantly burning a big stone in the distance red.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his mouth again, and a thunderbolt flew out, splitting another stone into pieces.

The rest of the gourds cheered happily: "Good! Good! Fourth brother (fourth brother), you are too good!"

Siwa swayed triumphantly on the vine, seeing that Li Anran had remained silent, urged: "Now it's your turn! You're not talking big, are you?"

The rest of the gourd babies, including the old man and the pangolin, couldn't help looking at Li Anran.

They are also looking forward to how powerful the legendary god is.

Li Anran only had one thought in mind.

So weak!

Siwa's flames are not small, but they are just the most common fire in wood, and thunderbolt is just ordinary thunder and lightning.

If only this level can almost burn the snake essence and scorpion essence to death, then the snake essence and scorpion essence are too weak!
I'm afraid he can't even be considered a true immortal!
He suppressed the doubts in his heart, flicked his fingers lightly, and a bean-sized flame flew out.

Old man: "???"


The gourd babies were also taken aback, and then burst out laughing: "This flame is too small! It's not as big as a fingernail!"

Only Siwa had no voice.

"Fourth brother, what's the matter?" Liu Wa was the most alert, sensing something was wrong, and asked.

Before Siwa opened his mouth, he had already seen the answer.

The bean-sized flame fell on the huge rock several meters high, and the rock was melted like ice, and then it burned blazingly.

After a while, the rock was completely burned, leaving only some black ash, which drifted away with the wind.

And the surroundings, whether it is other rocks or vegetation, are all intact.

The ability to control fire is evident!
The surroundings fell silent in an instant.

The expression on the gourd changed from ^_^ to Σ(⊙▽⊙"a, extremely vivid.

Li Anran said lightly: "This is called a fire in the stone."

Before the words were finished, Siwa suddenly yelled: "I understand!" With his mouth opened, a ball of flames spewed out.

Only this time, the flame is no longer an ordinary wood fire, but the stone fire that Li Anran just used!
The rock was instantly ignited and melted by the flame, and burned to ashes, while the surrounding things were not damaged at all.

Li Anran was a little surprised, and became interested, and flicked again.

A bit of flame flew directly into the air, and it burned blazingly without any help.

"It's air fire."

Almost at the same time, Siwa opened his mouth, and also spit out a ball of flames that burned blazingly in mid-air.

It is also fire in the air!
"Samadhi really fires."

Li Anran didn't stop, and pinched the formula again.

This time, the difficulty has been greatly increased. The fire in the wood, the fire in the stone, and the fire in the air are directly combined into one, turning into a mass of crimson flames floating in midair.

Hundreds of meters away, one could feel the billowing heat waves rushing toward one's face, and the void seemed to be burned and distorted.

Just a few seconds later, Siwa opened his mouth and spit out a ball of Samadhi real fire.

Li Anran's eyes were fixed, and he was really surprised now.

His Samadhi True Fire has already been upgraded to the full level with experience, and its power has reached the limit that ordinary monks can practice!
But these four babies, with just one glance, not only learned it instantly, but also their power is no worse than his!
"It's fun! It's fun!" The two gourd leaves under Siwa's gourd were clapped like palms, and they shouted, "My lord, can you do anything else?"

"The flame is gone, but..."

Li Anran pinched the formula with his hand, pointed forward, thunder clouds gathered, and a red-gold thunderbolt fell from the sky.

"This is called Zixiao Shenlei."

Siwa pondered for a moment, opened her mouth, and with a "bang" sound, a purple sky thunder came out.

"Sky God Thunder!"

"Qingxiao Shenlei!"

Li Anran used the three kinds of lightning that he knew one by one.

However, Siwa can learn to master it just by watching it once. Moreover, unlike Li Anran's twisting formula using thunder method, he directly turned these abilities into the same ability as his natural talent.


Seeing Siwa still looking at her expectantly, Li Anran spread his hands.

Siwa suddenly showed a disappointed expression.

The rest of the gourd babies shouted one after another: "My lord, it's time to compare with me! It's time to compare with me!"

They saw Siwa's progress and Li Anran's strength, and their attitude towards Li Anran was completely different from before, and they instantly became enthusiastic.

Li Anran didn't refuse, walked up to the red gourd, and said, "You are extremely powerful, right?"

"Yes." The red gourd shook up and down twice.

"Then let's compare our strength." Li Anran put his hand on the gourd and said, "As long as you can push me, you will win."

"Okay." The eldest baby replied.

Li Anran felt a force coming from the red gourd.

Not as strong as the Halloween Dragon King!

Li Anran hadn't settled down yet, when he heard the big boy roar "Ah", the power from the gourd suddenly became much stronger.

"Huh?!" Li Anran's expression gradually became serious.

Infinite strength is an adjective to others, but to Dawa, it seems to be a noun.

He is really powerful, there is no upper limit!
From the very beginning, it was not as powerful as a dragon, but later it was far beyond the power of the Dragon King of All Saints and could be compared with the Yellow Wind Monster.

But this still didn't reach the limit, and it was still improving rapidly. In just a few breaths, Li Anran had to use all his strength to compete with it.

"Ah!!!" Dawa roared again.

The power suddenly increased by a few points.

Li Anran's body was unstable, and he pushed him back half a meter, and his feet rubbed two half-foot-deep marks on the ground.

"I (big brother) won!" All the gourds shouted happily.

Li Anran looked calm, only looked at the second orange gourd, and said: "I don't know how to clairvoyant or clairvoyant, but I can open the eyes of the sky, and I can see through the boundaries of yin and yang, truth and falsehood, and infinite mysteries."

As he said that, Li Anran closed his eyes, a golden light suddenly condensed between his brows, a vertical eye appeared, and a divine light shot out.

On the cliff, a rock exploded, sending dust flying.

This spell was deduced by Yang Jian according to the sky eye on his forehead after he learned that Li Anran would not be able to see through the spell of changing the spell of the blind eye.

On the system panel, it belongs to the fifth-level spell!
It can be equal to the spells of Samadhi True Fire and Zixiao Shenlei!

Similarly, it is not easy to practice!
However, Erwa only pondered for a while, then smiled happily, clapped her hands and shouted: "I will too! Open my eyes!"

He didn't have a single vertical eye on his forehead, but there was a divine light in his eyes, which cut off another piece of the distant cliff.

Li Anran turned to look at Huang Gourd, and said, "I have a spell that can increase the hardness of the body and turn the body into the strongest weapon..."

"I have the art of summoning wind and rain, which can change the color of the world in an instant..."

"I know the art of invisibility..."


The gourd babies in the back looked at Li Anran eagerly, their faces filled with impatience.

The heart held by the old man also gradually let go.

He could tell that Lord Tianshen was not trying to compete with his children, but was teaching them skills!

Li Anran really thought so.

Judging from the strength shown by the gourd babies at the beginning, the snake spirit and the scorpion spirit are two monsters in the realm of true immortals.

With his strength, the backhand can be suppressed.

However, since the gourd mountain god said that only precious gourd seeds can destroy monsters, then he will give the mountain god a face and let these gourd babies be the main force!

In addition to this, Li Anran also had the idea of ​​seeing where the limits of these gourd babies are.

He was not stingy at all, except for a few skills and spells such as Jiuzhuan Yuangong, Hehuan, Juling Dispatch, Samadhi Kamikaze, etc., he demonstrated the spells he knew one by one.

In the end, it surprised him!
The talents of these seven gourd babies are no longer "terrorist" to describe, but as if they are on the hook!
In terms of spells that match their attributes, the speed of improvement is abnormally fast!

The eldest baby is in strength, the second baby is in probing spells, the third baby is in physical strength, and the fourth baby is in fire and lightning...

It can almost be said that "you will know it after seeing it, and you will be good at it after using it". It only takes a short time to work hard, and it is comparable to him!
Especially the eldest baby, third baby, and fourth baby, because he has a strong physical body and is good at thunder spells, so he has improved the most!
The strength has more than doubled dozens of times compared to the beginning!

"If it wasn't me who came here, but Yang Jian, could they be promoted to the same level as Yang Jian?"

Thoughts turned in Li Anran's mind, but he didn't hesitate in his actions. He showed the spells one by one, and let the gourd babies imitate and learn.

Regardless of whether this gourd mountain has anything to do with Hongyun Patriarch and Zhen Yuanzi, just the terrifying talent shown by these gourd babies is worth his investment to form a good relationship.

"This prison god is proficient in so many spells!"

Zhen Yuanzi saw that Li Anran taught the calabash baby the spell without reservation, and there was a smile in his eyes: "No wonder Yang Jian gave him this opportunity, it is a bit courageous! I trust Yang Jian enough!"

The matter of Patriarch Hongyun was exposed in front of all the great powers only after the Calabash Mountain Formation was broken.

But not all the great powers learned about Hongyun Patriarch at this time.

For example, Taiyi saves Ku Tianzun who explained teachings.

Ancestor Hongyun was attacked by Kunpeng back then, lost to the enemy and died, only a wisp of remnant soul escaped, wanted to reincarnate, but was stopped by Ancestor Minghe, who threatened him to hand over the primordial purple energy.

After learning that Patriarch Hongyun had thrown the Primordial Purple Qi into the chaos, Patriarch Minghe still refused to let Patriarch Hongyun go, and directly dragged him into the sea of ​​blood, intending to turn him into an Asura.

Fortunately, Zhen Yuanzi had the treasure of heaven and earth in his hand, and found out about this in time, so he rescued Hongyun Patriarch from Minghe Patriarch.

However, the remnant soul of Patriarch Hongyun has been eroded by the river of blood, and even reincarnation has become a luxury.

Zhen Yuanzi thought over and over again, only the Sanguang Shenshui of Yuanshi Tianzun can restrain the poison of the sea of ​​blood most, and can keep the remnant soul of the ancestor Hongyun.

So, I went to Yuxu Palace in person, and asked for the Sanguang Shenshui from Yuanshi Tianzun, and owed a share of cause and effect to the explanation.

Patriarch Hongyun didn't want his old friend to owe karma for him, so he asked Zhen Yuanzi to tell Taiyi Save Ku Tianzun about the calabash mountain, and wanted to settle the karma himself.

Taiyi Saves Ku Tianzun doesn't care about these.

Even if Patriarch Hongyun is a great power in ancient times, he was already a remnant soul back then, how much ability is left now?
What's more, Yuanshi Tianzun saved Patriarch Hongyun at the beginning, thinking that Patriarch Hongyun had always been kind to others, and there was some kind of good relationship between him and Sanqing, so he did it conveniently, without thinking about repaying him.

However, Tianzun Taiyi saves Ku also knows that if Patriarch Hongyun is not given a chance to settle the karma, Patriarch Hongyun may not be able to let go.

He told Yang Jian about it, but Yang Jian handed it over to Li Anran.

And because the identity of Patriarch Hongyun is really sensitive, Taiyi rescued Ku Tianzun only hinted the identity of Patriarch Hongyun to Yang Jian, but Yang Jian didn't tell Li Anran anything directly, only saying that there was a great opportunity.

These townspeople have already been counted.

That's how she felt that Li Anran had some courage and trusted Yang Jian enough.

Actually, just because of Yang Jian's words, he really completely obeyed the orders of the ancestor Hongyun, and was willing to come up with so many spells in one go.

"I don't know if this son has a master-student relationship with Fellow Daoist Hongyun, let me count it."

Zhen Yuanzi's fingers in his sleeve counted for a while, but his eyes showed surprise.

He could only figure out the various pasts of the Prison God before he entered the prison, but he couldn't figure out what happened after that!
It was as if there was a thick layer of fog covering his fate, making everything chaotic and blurry.

"Another person who should be robbed?" Zhen Yuanzi looked a little dignified.

Since the beginning of the world, Pangu has transformed into all things.

All living beings have joy, anger, sorrow, joy, resentment, parting sorrow, cause and effect turmoil, worldly entanglement, and karma inevitably arises.

After the karma between the heaven and the earth reaches a certain level, there will be disasters in the world of mortals, which is also known as the catastrophe of heaven and earth, to consume these karma.

Among them, the person with the most entanglement of cause and effect is called "the person who has committed the evil of the world of mortals and is punished with death", and is also called the person who should be robbed!

They are usually responsible for the great cause and effect of great luck, and their fate is vague. Every move will affect the direction of the catastrophe and will also promote the development of the catastrophe!
Even saints can only see their past clearly, but not their future!

The more people who respond to the calamity, the greater the calamity will be, and the wider the scope will be affected!
"Golden Cicada, Monkey King, Marshal Canopy, General Rolling Curtain, Yang Jian, plus this Prison God, there are already six as far as I know! I don't know what this catastrophe will look like in the end!"

Zhen Yuanzi thought of what Tathagata had said to him at the Yulan Basin meeting.

The content is very beautiful, but I don't know how many of these plans can be achieved, and whether they can deal with this catastrophe.

"I hope everything goes well!" Zhen Yuanzi prayed secretly, thinking of the tragic catastrophes of the previous times.

At the same time, Li Anran has already given all the spells he is proficient to to the gourd babies.

And all this in less than half a day!

It's really scary!

Li Anran was really convinced.

He even moved to teach these gourd babies the 36 changes of Tiangang just now, to see if they can learn it in an instant.

But considering that Yang Jian gave him the Tiangang 36 Transformation technique, and he didn't use the life of a prisoner to prostitute for nothing, so he dispelled this idea.

After all, the gourd babies were born not long ago. After learning so many things, they were all a little tired and yawned one after another.

After a while, he fell into a deep sleep.

The old man felt distressed and relieved at the same time, it was a great opportunity to learn from the gods, even if it was tiring, it was worth it!
The old man asked in a low voice: "My lord, what shall we do next?"

Li Anran said: "Snake spirits and scorpion spirits will soon know about the fact that we have planted the precious gourd seeds. They will definitely come and destroy the gourds when they are not yet ripe. We should make preparations early and not let them It worked."

The snake spirit and the scorpion spirit have magic mirrors in their hands, so they must have seen the situation here.

I just don't know, how do they feel?

(End of this chapter)

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