40k: Midnight Blade.

Chapter 118 21 Red Sand

Chapter 118 21. Red Sand (End)

where am I?
Jill Baldwin asked herself.

Where am I?where am i
He barely opened his eyes, and all the senses came back at this moment.He saw gray mist, twisted light, and fire in the darkness.He could hear roars and bolter fire, maybe some plasma?Then, he smelled a strong stench.

He couldn't discern more things. As the legion commander, he instinctively wanted to question why he didn't use heavy firepower, until someone stabbed him in the neck with something.

Accompanied by the intense pain, his sanity suddenly became clear.

"Please wake up, Legion Commander!" Pharmacist Pakarod yelled at him. "The last shot of excitement—"

Before he could finish his sentence, he fell, his head gone, a mass of blood and flesh.

Jill Baldwin fell to the ground, and the pain came from his head as if someone had split his head in two.

Panting heavily, he groped with his fingers to pick up the gun that the pharmacist had dropped on the ground, and instinctively checked its condition.With a full ammunition, the muzzle is still warm, obviously not long after reloading.

Jill Baldwin coughed, blood gushing from between her lips and teeth.

Apothecary Packalod was right, he thought—I must come to my senses, I must go to the bridge and contact any Imperial fleet that could get the message and let him open fire on us.

We must be stopped.

A few seconds later, he staggered to observe the surrounding environment, and the broken memory fragments in his mind were immediately connected together. With his tenacious will, War Dog ignored the pain in his mind and the anger sweeping his entire heart, and forcibly It was clear exactly where he was.

I'm still on board.he thinks.

He didn't know if it was luck or misfortune, but he hoped that the six squads led by Kahn of the [-]th Company would escape. The War Dogs had paid a bloody price for them to escape the encirclement.There are [-] brothers who have lost contact during the enemy's strangulation, and their lives and deaths are unknown.

Jill roughly estimated the distance between himself and them, and then prepared to fight.He squatted down and took a combat dagger from the pharmacist's armed belt.Then he began to wait in the dark.

Three seconds later, he stood up abruptly.His body couldn't support such violent activities, but the stimulant shot by Pakarod still worked after all. He ignored the sharp pain coming from his head and started to pull the trigger continuously.

The muzzle flames illuminated the faces of the assailants in the darkness. Their faces were pale and scarlet, and they were insane. There were clusters of steel cables trembling behind their heads.It was obvious that they were insane, even though Jill had shot four of them dead at the moment of contact with the enemy, they never stopped.

"Blood!" An attacker yelled and rushed towards him, crushing the head of his fallen companion while running.Jill continued to pull the trigger indifferently, the first two rounds hit the body, and the last round hit the right knee.

The bolt landed with precision, and the assailant fell to the ground, still trying to crawl towards him.

But his companions ignored him, they stepped on him as if on the ground, blood spattered, the successors rushed towards Jill furiously and eagerly, the roar of the chainaxe was so obvious, the brass and scarlet shared The composed armor gleamed in the dark mist.

Jill took a step back, gripped the battle knife tightly, and stabbed the first man in the throat.He spun the blade brutally, ripping open his throat, and the blood spattered and sprayed on the Warhound's face, but it was far from over.The bolter was still firing, breaking the second man's left leg.

Jill lunged at him, adding more power to her attack with a leap.He punched the man's wound with his fist, pulled out a broken bone, held him coldly, and then inserted the bone into his throat.

The third arrived a little later, and that gave Jill plenty of time.

He turned around, and the combat dagger swept wildly through the air, driving deep into the eye socket of the enemy.The cable behind his head danced more and more violently, causing the man to roar furiously: "Blood sacrifice to the blood god! Blood sacrifice to the blood god!"

"Hour your own death." Jill Baldwin said coldly, loosened his right hand, clenched into a fist, and drove the dagger deep into the eye socket with one fist.

Having done this, he picked up the bolter and stepped into the darkness again.

Things are far from over.

He must rush to the bridge to warn everyone that the Warhounds' earned honor has been tarnished, that what happened on this voyage must be obliterated, that their Primarch must not be affected by it.
Thinking of this, Jill Baldwin's previously bloodless and tearless face suddenly showed a wry smile mixed with blankness.

I have not seen what you look like, Primarch.he thinks.I'm sorry we didn't get to meet Ni, but we have to die here.

The honor of the No.12 Legion must be upheld.

Something is burning, burning forever.

Khalil walked slowly into the darkness, the terrible stench still lingering in his nostrils, lingering.For some reason, this didn't surprise him.

All around was burning debris, and the skies of Nuceria had vanished entirely since he stepped off the plain and into rolling hills shrouded in twisted metal.

Even if he raised his head, he could only see a sweeping wave. The ocean that belonged exclusively to the subspace was shining in the sky of Nuceria. A million stars were instantly destroyed, forming a terrifying vortex, and then descended again. An instant dissipates.

These pictures began to make Khalil feel grateful for his previous decision. This is not a scene that normal people should see. Only people like him can look directly at it.

He continued to walk, and the dirty black mud churned under his feet. They refused to be stepped on, and bubbled out as if they were alive, making strange and terrifying sounds.

Some human remains remained in the burning soil and metal ruins, shining with light, shining with the flames, reflecting strange colors.

Khalil spent a few minutes watching them, and he saw that at some point these things would return to normal—the twisted metal and burning darkness would fade away, and the fields destroyed by the explosion, the rivers, and the ruins of people's collapsed houses would return.

But it is only for a moment, because something is pouring his power here without restriction at the other end of the curtain.


Khalil squinted his eyes, and there was a noisy sound in his ears. It was the voice from the communication channel, and it was probably the second company commander or Robert Guilliman calling him.

But he can't hear clearly now, this is no longer a world that normal people should set foot in, and normal technology can't achieve any due effect here.

He walked calmly, his pale face looming in the darkness, as if it should have existed here in the first place.Upon realizing this, Darkness cheered.

Thick fog gathered from the originally empty front, and a strange silence descended in an instant.The mists lingered, begging for the strength in Khalil Rohars' skin to come forth, to take them, and let them share in the glory.

The power did not answer, only Karyl Rohars.

Frowning deeply, he raised his hand in disgust and grabbed the mist, turning it into a mass of screaming and scattered spirits.There were several screams in the darkness, and some things that came here through the vibration of the curtain ran away in fear after seeing this scene.

They are new monsters in the Chaos Ocean, and do not know who their vengeance and hatred now belong to, like their older counterparts.Sadly, their existence has already been captured by Khalil.

Therefore, escape has become a luxury.After a brief, pointless time elapses, they are all killed outright.Khalil stood in the darkness with bloody hands, and already had a rough guess about the current situation.

This speculation almost made him unacceptable—why is he so arrogant?Won't other monsters take this opportunity to attack him?He knows that the relationship between them has never been harmonious
But now.
Khalil shook his hand calmly and cut off his thoughts again.He had no time for these things, he just went on—the darkness still rejoiced, and the power of Chaos itself did not reject him.

As he walked, some shining fragments gradually emerged from the darkness.Some of them have been completely covered by darkness, and only a few are still shining.Khalil frowned, not understanding what it meant, until the darkness itself sent him a thought with chaotic rationality.

"Welcome back," they said indistinctly. "help."


Khalil was silent for a moment, stretched out his hand, and chose one of the fragments.In the next second, he suddenly disappeared in place.

 There is also a chapter in 4k

(End of this chapter)

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