40k: Midnight Blade.

Chapter 34 34 About the Blade, About the Mine (End)

Chapter 34 34. About the Blade, About the Mine (End)

It was the first time the ghost saw Khalil's anger.

He stood in the dark, feeling a little uneasy about the scene in front of him.Not because of the impending kill, but because of Khalil's mood.

"how many people?"

Khalil asked aggressively, his tone never so cold.Makes him sound hardly like Khalil Rohars anymore, but someone else.

a stranger.

He pinched the neck of a man in a blood-stained apron and lifted him up.The latter's left hand disappeared from the elbow and was bleeding continuously.

A shudder was creeping across the face.

This person's fears are the same as other people's fears.The ghost could see it in his face, but he couldn't see Khalil's.He wondered how Khalil felt now.

After all, Khalil had his back turned to him.

He stood under the light in the basement of the butcher shop, covered in blood.

"23." The man answered with an exasperated air.

"120 for three people? How much did it cost?"


He can't answer you, Khalil.ghost thought.You almost strangled him.

Khalil let go of his hand in the next second, causing the man to fall to the ground.

"No money, my lord, no money!"

The strangled man knelt and said, his voice broken and full of fear, but still no match for the miner named Hakan.

Youhun didn't want to remember his face, but since they left, that face and that voice kept reappearing in front of Youhun.

"So, it's an exchange of benefits—you'll send them half of the work after you're done, isn't that right?" Khalil asked calmly.

"Yes, yes, it has already been sent! My lord, which gang do you belong to? Balier? My lord, forever night, my lord, just take whatever you like! Don't kill me, please!"

Khalil smiled.

He lifted the man, and put his head on the only table in the basement of the butcher shop.The table was made of iron, and its surface had a strange dark red rust.

Khalil held him, then broke his collarbone.

The shrill screams were accompanied by tears and snot.Specter watched all this silently, and in just half a second of trance, he glimpsed Khalil's true emotions at the moment.

Khalil is smiling - but the real Khalil, the one behind the smile
He is very angry.ghost thought.

"I don't want anything," Khalil said. "Listen, mark my words—I don't want anything, you understand?"


"Very good," Khalil said quietly, and broke the man's neck.He fell limply at Khalil's feet without making a sound.

"120 three."

A voice sounded in the basement.

It passed through iron tables, butcher knives, a dozen sticky iron buckets used to store internal organs, and some long objects wrapped in black cloth bags and hung from the ceiling—finally, it reached the Dark Land middle.

It reached the ghost's ear.

120 three.

He listened in silence, and braced himself, wondering what Khalil would say next.

"I'm sorry," Khalil said. "I'm out of control, sorry, ghost."

".Why do you always have to apologize?"

"Because I made a mistake."


"—because it's not my job, ghost."

Stand where you are, Khalil said. "I told you you shouldn't have personal emotions at work, and I'm leading the way in violating that rule."

He paused for a few seconds, then spoke.

"All this time, I've been telling you what's right and what's wrong. I didn't realize it was a condescending attitude, I'm only now realizing it. That's the second thing I apologize for."

The ghost stepped out of the darkness, he wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to interrupt.

Forced, he continued to listen.

"And... and this thing." Khalil said in a low voice. "I found that I couldn't resist the urge to do it, and that's the third thing I apologize for."

"Of course, I actually have to apologize to them. I was once driven on a path of self-destruction by a so-called high morality. On this road, I forgot many things. These people should have a better ending. , their deaths will be blamed on me."

"...you were a miner before, how long have you been, Khalil?" the ghost asked dryly.

"Three years." Khalil replied calmly. "At that time, I was not on that road. I wanted to see if I could light the fire, so I went among them."

"I haven't found fire-burning soils. They've become numb, like ice cubes, only thinking about melting or continuing to freeze, never wanting to burn. In fact, a reasonable person should not try to make ice cubes combustion."

".So, you know them?"

"Yes, I stayed in that mine for three years. After I left, I would go back from time to time. That's how I met you."

Khalil turned his head, and there was a complex existence on the pale face that the ghost could not understand at all.

"Don't be like me," he said softly. "Don't just chase after the fire and forget what's in front of you."

".I don't know."

Ghost said in confusion. "I really don't understand, Khalil. Your countdown is gone, and you said that the flame has been lit, and you said that the method will gradually emerge by itself, but you now"

But why are you still so sad now?

"Is it because I want a knife?"

He lowered his head, then raised it again, and asked cautiously, "I don't want it anymore, is that okay?"

Khalil gazed at him calmly.

He didn't answer, didn't react, just stared.Then, he said, "No, it has nothing to do with your knife."

He laughed, and the ghost slowly widened his eyes, realizing that the familiar Khalil had returned.

"Okay," he said with a smile. "Okay, alas, ghost."

He sighed.

"Thank you," Khalil said sincerely. "Thank you."
The death of a butcher was nothing in Quintus.In the lower nest, people die every day, why not be a butcher shop owner?

Khalil knew they wouldn't care.

A big purge is coming.Even if someone wants to care about it, they will make themselves forget everything at this juncture.

He sighed, and sat on the edge of the shelter eating his nourishing ointment as usual.Ghost went on patrol, much more aggressively than before.He has been very self-conscious about doing this on weekdays, but today he is even more enthusiastic.

Khalil knew why, and he had bits and pieces of evidence to piece together.Such as his loss of control, such as Hakan's face, or the expression of the ghost when he said he didn't want the knife.

He will keep these things in his heart forever.

But what he wants to know more now is how the other nobles in the nest will react?

This is very important, and this is related to everything that follows.

Khalil ate the nutritional cream with a blank expression, and began to think about another thing.

That Prometheus said he would bring the ghosts, or rather, he would bring Konrad Curze's brothers to Nostramo.

Khalil didn't know when they would come, but he knew one thing.

That Prometheus probably won't be an ordinary person.

The evidence is as follows.

One, his memory, and what he showed Khalil in memory.

Second, the power of ghosts.

A one-and-a-half-year-old baby can tear apart an armored vehicle with a wave of his hand, can easily move around in the dark at a speed that is absolutely undetectable to ordinary people, and his self-healing speed is astonishingly fast—all visible wounds can be healed .

That's not the definition of a baby, in fact, if Khalil had been given one word to refer to a ghost, everything else, he'd have chosen the word 'weapon'.

And that Prometheus called himself the father of the ghost.

What father would make his son a weapon?What kind of father can make his son such a weapon?

However, the problem lies here.

If that Prometheus simply saw the ghost as a weapon, why did he put that knowledge in the brain of the ghost?There is also that innate sense of justice, which is full of doubts.

Again, Prometheus.
fire thief.

Khalil squinted his eyes and stopped eating, his thinking gradually became slow and cautious.He realized that the reaction of those behind the curtain did not appear to be lying.

That's funny, a fire thief.A fire thief who is feared by things behind the curtain, a fire thief who can talk through the air, even revive me, and even change me.

Prometheus. The fire thief, the god who betrayed the gods.

Forget it.

It's meaningless to think about it, because you don't know when he will come.

Just focus on doing the things in front of you, Khalil, such as eating your food, and then go to the upper nest. Then go to observe how the workers who stopped to look at the corpse of the noble before are doing now.
Flames need tending.

then, then.
He sighed slowly.

There is always a then.

Always used to plan everything before acting, but the plan can never keep up with the changes.You were going to put the miners on the other side of town, but you killed the upper nest before doing that
Now, they're dead, Khalil Rohars.

This is your responsibility.

Admit it, you're not one for sticking to a schedule.You originally planned to blow up the upper nest and die, but the ghost changed your mind.You light a fire, but you don't know how to keep it burning
Khalil lowered his head with a wry smile.

"It's really shallow on paper." He muttered to himself.

Plans don't always keep up with changes.

He thought this way, then stood up slowly, and decided to save the rest of the nutritional cream for a few hours before eating.

It can't be broken anyway.

After 5 minutes, he left the shelter and went to the upper nest.

And after eight hours, he will have an urge to tattoo the phrase that the plan can never keep up with the changes.As for the nutrient paste left on that plate, he probably never had the chance to eat it again.

 First of all, I want to apologize, readers who want to see the rebellion may be disappointed.For one thing, I don't dare to describe this aspect in detail.Second, if I continue to write on the sidelines, this part of the content may be extended infinitely
  Then, the book might be about to change its title.

  Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, I have advanced some things.

(End of this chapter)

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