40k: Midnight Blade.

Chapter 7 71 Ordinary Nostramo Rainy Nights (End)

Chapter 7 7. An Ordinary Nostramo Rainy Night (End)
Long, long ago, Khalil understood one thing.

Despite their resemblance, Nostramo's gang isn't exactly human.They don't deserve the word at all.

They seemed to Khalil at best a kind of kinship of man, a kind of crazy kinship with no sense of morality.

Their brains were torn to pieces by a world of hallucinogens and madness.Then they began to crave blood, they began to crave violence, they began to crave the groveling and carefulness of others.

All of these factors add up to allow them to murder other people without even needing a reason.And the biggest problem is that in Nostramo, all this is normal.

It just seemed ridiculous to Khalil—until one day, it dawned on him, it dawned on him.

They are not human.Yes, they are not.

After figuring this out, Khalil set to work.

Yes, he called it a job walking through hives and murdering gangsters.

In fact, in his opinion, apart from the fact that this job is a bit special, unpaid, and the environment is bad, everything else is fine.

He is 12 careful about his job because he knows how dangerous gangs can be.

They have guns, cannons, everything they need to kill -- and most importantly, they don't usually fear death.

You have to do something special to scare them.

And the young ghost obviously didn't understand this.His strength made him a fish in water for killing, and because of that, he couldn't see things that only a mortal like Khalil could see.

He did not know what a rare virtue prudence is.

"My time is short Ghost you better be worth my wasting."

Khalil sighed, jumped off the gargoyle, and fell sharply.He walked through the freezing cold fog, his cloak flapping, his black hair dancing wildly in the wind, but his eyes were so bright that they were almost terrifying.

After 25 seconds, he landed without making a sound.The blue light in the eyes had already begun to turn the raindrops from the sky into icy concretions, they stayed for a moment, and then fell again, smashed to pieces.

And he didn't.

Standing where he was, Khalil calmly took a deep breath.He closed his eyes, and his dark vision was illuminated by some kind of brilliance at this moment.

A vague shadow dances distortedly not far from the abstract world, baring its teeth and claws, full of despair.

He knows who it is.Khalil sighed silently.

Can you really take up the responsibility, you innocent little monster?

Khalil opened his eyes, and at the same time, a cold vomit began to linger in his throat.

Immediately afterwards, a vague voice that seemed to be covered by a curtain came from the far end just right.It was gentle as a father, whispering indistinct words.

It tried to get him to talk back, and he almost complied.

Once again, Khalil suppressed the urge to sneer.

No, not today, you don't want to succeed.You thing that hides in the dark.

He clenched the sharp blade in his hand and began to run across the spooky steeple roof.

It seems to be a convention that in Nostramo, all those who are qualified to build houses have chosen this grim style.That's good, at least they fit a ghost.

The bricks and tiles trembled under his feet, and the rain curtain was shredded abruptly by his speed. With the chilly low temperature and quietly rising anger, Khalil began to approach his target.

He jumped silently in the night, like a wandering ghost.

And then—at the final point of the run—

The ghost started laughing wildly.
"Did you hear anything?" a man asked.

"I only hear the sound of failure," a woman replied lazily.

She leaned on her motorcycle and poked her left forearm intermittently with a small knife made of bone.There was a lot of blood on it already, and she seemed to be enjoying it completely, not wanting to stop.

"No, no, Dill, I'm serious." The man turned his head and said. "I did hear something."

"Come on, Carlo, close that asshole in your mouth."

Dill was still lazy, she raised her eyes to glance at Carlo, and sneered disdainfully. "We lost the convoy, which means we've failed, so shut up, okay?"

"Don't mention this."

Carlo frowned, seeming a little annoyed.He has a face that's been split in two by some kind of paint.The upper half is pale and the lower half is scarlet.This interesting contrast made his expression at the moment look terrifying.

But Dill didn't buy his account, and she sneered again.

"If it weren't for you, the bastard with the asshole on your face, who said you saw that thing running this way, we would still be killing people with the big army. Maybe we can get two medicines to fight after it's done. Hit, you fucking have the face to say this now?"

"I told you to stop talking!"

Carlo growled, pulled out a shotgun from his motorcycle in the rain and pointed it at Dill.It was rough, and there were even burrs on the handguard. Carlo looked at her, panting heavily, and spoke every word.

"I said, I heard something. You idiot cousin!"

He roared suddenly, the outburst was unexpected and not gradual—he seemed to go from mild anger to fury all at once.

Carlo dropped his motorcycle and stumbled up to Dill.He put the gun to her forehead,

The force was so great that Dill almost fell off the motorcycle: "I said, I heard something! I heard it! I heard it! I didn't lie! I heard it!"

"Okay, okay, you heard. Shit." Dill cursed under his breath. "Get that thing off my head, Carlo. Damn it, you're a paint sucker."

"I heard it! I heard it!"

Carlo screamed, turned and ran away with his shotgun in his arms.Dill frowned, watching him disappear into the rain inexplicably, he couldn't help cursing again.

"What a fucking idiot, is he full of shit?"

Feeling unlucky, Dill shook her head, started her own motorcycle again, and planned to ride back to the gang's territory to sleep.

As for Carlo's car - let it stay here, the civilians dare not take it, the scarlet finale's emblem is obvious on it.They know the consequences of taking it.And other gangs.

Dill wished they had it, so that the Scarlet Finale would have a reason to go to war.And Carlo. To be honest, he was not in her consideration at all.In fact, she now wished for his death.

However, a scream piercing the rain curtain interrupted her original thoughts and actions.

Dill frowned and turned his head to look over there.The darkness and the rain screen cut off her sight, and the sound of the heavy rain washing over the ground prevented her from hearing any other sounds.

She got out and cautiously drew an automatic gun from the motorcycle's side pocket.Facing the rain screen, she shouted: "Carol! Is that you?!"

No one answered, only the sound of acid rain smashing into pieces.Dill was beginning to feel a chill, undetectable, that hit her down the first second and sent chills down her spine.

"What the hell. You idiot."

After muttering something, she held up her gun and stood there hesitantly.She didn't know if she should move on, or turn her head and forget about it.

She was thinking, but from the corner of her eyes, she suddenly found that the rainwater flowing under her feet had changed color at some point.

The turbid rain that had flowed down her leather boots had turned from a filthy color to a downright scarlet.Sen Han's coldness came out again, but this time, it didn't come from his back.But from straight ahead.

She raised her head tremblingly.

"Who is it?" Dill screamed. "Who is it?! Come out! Come out!"


A soft voice came from the rain curtain, pierced the rain curtain with precision, and reached her ears: "Be quiet, someone is sleeping."

Dill's face twitched violently, and she tried to pull the trigger, but her fingers didn't.A silver light took the first step, piercing through the rain curtain, and also piercing the palm of her hand holding the gun.

With a bang, her automatic gun fell to the ground, and was soon washed away by the rain to a dark corner, without even giving her a chance to pick it up.

"No—!" she yelled.

In the pain and fear, Dill heard someone laughing lowly.Then, the voice spoke again.

"Yes." He said gently. "Also, come and meet your companion?"

A head was thrown out of the rain curtain and hit Dill's body with precision.Her eyes widened, and she instinctively caught the head tremblingly.

His eyes were staring blankly at the sky, his jaw had been cut open, his tongue was hanging between the parted jaws, and there was a little bit of meat stuck in his yellow-brown teeth.The upper half of his face was extremely pale, while the lower half was completely scarlet.

That was Carlo's face.

No, it's Carlo's head.

At the end of his life, Dill was shaking and crying.She fell to the ground, didn't try to escape, didn't try to resist, she just cried, just like all the innocent people who died under her hands in the past.Carlo's head fell beside her, staring blankly.

Fear shattered her, completely.

Then, a pale hand reached out and lifted her chin.

"Don't cry," Khalil said softly. "Crying is a human privilege, and you are not."

The silver light flickered.

The headless corpse fell to the ground, its limbs were still twitching due to the nervous response, but it didn't matter anymore.

Khalil turned his head slightly, and the blue light in his eyes flowed quietly.A ghost covered in blood floated over from the other side of the rain curtain. With his eyes closed, he was obviously still in a coma, his brows were tightly frowned, and the rain slid across his face.

"By logic I should thank them for their bikes - but I usually just say thank you to people."

Khalil smiled and decided to end the night with a sense of humor he didn't like.He moved his finger, and the ghost sat on one of the motorcycles and even started the engine.

"Let's go, ghost, but be careful." Khalil said with a smile. "This is your first time riding a motorcycle. Safe driving is very important."

A few seconds later, two motorcycles smashed through the rain curtain and drifted away.

 The stone in the signing force's heart fell.

  By the way, this book has groups, 774284093
  So can I ask for a ticket?

(End of this chapter)

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