Chapter 104
Zhao Dahai turned around and began to prepare for fishing.

I bought some mud prawns a few days ago. When I was fishing for sand tip fish, I bought sea centipedes from the fishing tackle shop and kept them on the fishing boat. Some of them died, and the rest were brought over with me just now.

What fish to catch?

What kind of fish to raise in the fish row, what kind of fish to catch, now the red drum is what to catch.Zhu Defei just said that during the past few days in the white-headed waves, the grids of some fish rafts were broken and many fish escaped.

The farmed red drum fish will not go to other places, but will just wander under the fish rafts, waiting for the rafts to feed the fish to fill their stomachs.

These days, the wind and waves are strong, the rafts are shaking violently, and there are not many people fishing. If you are not bad luck, you will get something.

Fishing red drums is very simple. A lead pendant, the main line passes through the middle, a rotating figure-of-eight ring is tied, and the other end of the figure-of-eight ring is tied with a sub-line and then a hook.

Zhao Dahai tested the depth of the water, it was about ten meters, he hung live mud shrimps on the hook, and lowered it from the gap between the grid and the grid, but it didn’t sink to the bottom, and stopped at five meters, and started to slow down immediately. Pick it up slowly and pull the live shrimp to swim up and down in the sea water. The escaped red drum fish usually hide under the net line, so there is no need to catch too deep.

Zhao Dahai waited for five or six minutes without any fish taking the bait, so he changed the place and lowered it through the gap between the other two grids. This time, he didn't have to wait too long, only two or three minutes, when a fish took the bait, he had great strength.

Zhao Dahai locked the exhaust force of the spinning wheel and pulled it out forcefully.

It is easy to break the line and run away when the big fish take the bait like this, but this must be done when fishing with rafts.

There are a lot of mussels or oysters growing under the fish steak, which are very sharp.In addition, the gap between the fish raft grid and the grid is very narrow, and the ropes tied to the fish underneath are intricate.

As long as there is a fish hooked, it must be pulled up quickly with force.Once the fish gets under the fish fillet, whether it is cut into the oyster mussels, or entangled in the rope, 100% escapes.

Either the line breaks and the pole explodes, or the fish lands on the shore. This is the case with red drum fishing.

Zhao Dahai used a hard pole and a thicker line. He held the fishing rod in his right hand and pushed it up vigorously. With his left hand, he swung the spinning wheel quickly. In less than 30 seconds, a red drum fish was pulled out from the gap in the grid. , A net cage was found on the top of the fish raft, and the red drum fish took off the hook and put it inside, and hung it into the seawater.

Some fish are going to die inside!


"Another one!"


"This one is even bigger! It must be ten catties."



"This is too much strength!"



"This fish is running so fast! It's tangled in the line!"

"It's over! Run away!"


Zhao Dahai was sweating profusely.

Fishing red drum is definitely a physical job, especially when there are many red drums under the raft grid.

For several days in a row, the white-headed waves smashed the grids of many fish rafts and ran away a lot of fish. Coupled with the bad weather, there were fewer people feeding the fish rafts.

The red drum fish in the grid can't get enough to eat, needless to say these escaped.

All hungry.

Finding the grid position where fish schools gather is crazy fishing.

Zhao Dahai took a few breaths, the sea breeze was so strong that the clothes on his body whistled, and beads of sweat still came out one by one.Three to five catties or even more than ten catties of red drum fish are really strong, but there is no way to rest. The fish are gathered under the grid in front of you. You don’t know when they will disperse. Hurry up and catch as much as possible.

Zhang Defei stood in front of the cabin of the fish raft, looking at Zhao Dahai ten meters away.After getting on the fish raft, I went into the cabin to hide from the wind and waves. I didn’t pay much attention at first. Recently, the wind and waves are relatively strong. I have been worried that something will happen to the fish raft’s grid. I have been guarding it all the time. I can’t sleep well. Something will definitely call me, so I took the opportunity to sleep at ease, and when I came out to see, one after another red drums were pulled out of the water non-stop.The top of the fish farming grid is covered with a fishing net to prevent the fish inside from jumping out. Half of them are soaked in the water. There are more than a dozen red drum fish in the fishing net on the top of the grid, and the top of the other net. There are more than [-] red drum fish in the fishing net above, and the water is relatively shallow, so they can't swim, so it's no problem to feed them.


This is really crazy fishing!
Zhang Defei shook his head. I don't know how many people have fished on the rafts. They have never seen such a burst.

Zhao Dahai didn't stop until there were no more fish. He checked the time. After fishing for about six hours, he shook his sore and numb hands and looked at the red drum fish he caught.

Zhang Defei walked up to Zhao Dahai, watched it for more than an hour, and caught about ten more, including more than 50 red drum fish, the small ones were three catties and the big ones were ten catties.

Zhang Defei took out a cigarette from his pocket, flicked one and handed it to Zhao Dahai.

Zhao Dahai pushed it lightly, he doesn't smoke.

"The leader."

"There are too many of these fish, it's troublesome to bring them back, just a few of them will do."

"Are you going to take the rest?"

Zhao Dahai pointed to the red drum fish that had been caught. Zhang Defei came here just to collect these fish, so he opened his mouth on his own initiative.

Few people eat these farmed red drum fish in seaside fishing villages, and it is not easy to sell them in the town. If the price is right, they can be sold.

Zhang Defei bought it and put it back into the grid directly. The big ones can be sold directly, and the small ones can continue to be raised.

"Big or small."

"25 yuan a piece."

Zhang Defei made an offer directly.

Zhao Dahai didn't bargain, but nodded to sell the fish.The red drum fish is really not very valuable. Fish rafts recycle these fish at the market price. Zhang Defei’s purchase price must be a little lower, but not much lower. He sells it in the town by himself. The average price is 27 or 31 yuan per fish, which is good. One piece can be sold for [-] yuan, and one piece earns a few yuan less but saves effort.

Zhang Defei counted 57 large and small fish, Zhao Dahai took five back, and received 52 fish, a total of 300 yuan.

Zhao Dahai took the money, once the raft fishing stopped, it was meaningless to keep going, and then he checked the time was about the same, packed up his things and went ashore on Zhang Defei's small fishing boat.

"Is there any fish?"

"Have you seen this boss?"

"Caught 56 ​​red drums on my raft today!"


"The smallest is more than three catties! The largest is more than ten catties!"


"25 yuan a piece for recycling."

"I made 300 yuan in half a day."


Zhao Dahai smiled.Zhang Defei sent himself to the pier, and immediately told the people around him loudly that someone caught fish on his raft, and it was a good plan.Tomorrow there will definitely be people standing on the fish steaks, at least twenty, maybe fifty, and there will be many people for several days in a row.

Fishermen are all virtuous. If someone catches fish in one place, he will feel that he will be able to catch fish in this place and catch more fish than others.

Zhang Defei immediately earned back the money he bought the fish, maybe even more. The fifty or so red drum fish were all white.

How can the owner of the fish steak use his own fishing?What are you trying to do?
Zhao Dahai left on his motorcycle. He couldn't come to this place tomorrow. If he went fishing with rafts, he would lose the cost of the rafting fee if he fished well.

 Seek to read and ask for votes!Thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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