Chapter 108 Octopus Tube!
Zhao Dahai took the bamboo tube and weighed it, pressed his hand, and was overjoyed. The mouth of the bamboo tube came close to his eyes, and he squinted to see that there was an octopus hiding inside.


"Good start!"

Zhao Dahai was very happy.

Octopuses like to drill holes by nature, and they like to drill into any place with holes, such as reef holes, glass bottles, etc.The octopus tube takes advantage of this feature. If it is placed on the bottom of the sea with octopus, the octopus will definitely drill in if it finds it.

Zhao Dahai took a bucket and put it in front of him. The bamboo tube was turned upside down, and it was knocked lightly twice. An octopus slowly slipped out of it and fell into the bucket. It can't be pulled out even if it is sucked and pulled. Knock it lightly a few times, don't force it if it doesn't come out, put it upside down, and crawl out by itself after a while.

Zhao Dahai continued to pull the rope, and a string of octopus tubes was pulled up. Twenty bamboo tubes caught eight octopuses.

Zhao Dahai was very excited.

Octopus tubes are not efficient at catching octopuses. If you want to get a better harvest, you have to put them for a long time. It is common to put them for two or three days or even a week.

I came here today just to collect two or three skewers to see if there are any octopuses. If there are no octopuses, I will collect the remaining ones in a few days.I didn't expect that there would be such a harvest in just one day and one night. There may be many octopuses on this seabed.

Zhao Dahai was full of energy, and he continued to collect one bunch after another with quick hands and feet. When all fifty skewers were collected, the octopus was poured out. The fishing boat stopped and rearranged. The octopus has its own territory. It is impossible to have two octopuses in the same place. For the second time, I had to re-select a place with currents and drive the fishing boat down.


Zhao Dahai picked up the last string of stones tied to the octopus bucket and threw it into the sea. The splashed water sprayed his face, he didn't care at all, wiped it, and took the water bottle and gulped down his stomach with water.

Zhao Dahai raised the plastic bucket in front of him with both hands. Most of the bucket was full of octopuses, and the top ones almost crawled out.

Each string of octopus tubes has seven or eight more and five or six less, and three hundred octopuses have been caught, and together they must weigh at least [-] catties or close to [-] catties.

The price of these octopuses is not particularly high, the purchase price of a catty is about 20 yuan, five to six hundred yuan.

Zhao Dahai took a net cage, poured all the octopus into it, tied up the opening, soaked it in the live cabin, collected it again tomorrow and sold it together.

The sky began to brighten, red, and the sun, which was not dazzling at all, emerged.

Zhao Dahai drove the fishing boat away and did not go home. He has already made money today, but who can refuse to make more money and continue fishing.

Zhao Dahai threw the anchor into the sea, stopped the fishing boat, and looked at the two small islands a hundred meters away. The bottom of this place is full of small reefs.Today's sea water is not as muddy as it was a few days ago, but as long as it is not clear, there will be no fish. It is a fool to continue to drop sand tips or black bream.

Zhao Dahai tied a string of three hooks, hung a sea centipede that had been cut into small sections, put it on the side of the boat into the sea, directly to the bottom of the sea, shook it up and down three or five times, and immediately a fish bit its mouth.



Zhao Dahai reeled in the line, and the fish pulled out of the water, and three small fish that were as red as the big toe were hanging on it and spinning around, all of them were Shi Jiugong.

Muddy water is not without fish!
There must be!
Just look at the size and value of money.

Fish like Shi Jiugong don't carry water, they find the right position where there are reefs, one after another, there are so many!
Why don't the other fishers or fishers come?Small and worthless.The head that was just caught costs five yuan and a catty. Some time ago, the east side of the village caught three or five fish and it was worth a little money, but there are very few fish of this size.Offshore and shallow seas are things that can be encountered but not sought after.

Who doesn't want to drive a motorcycle?Everyone wants to catch big fish and catch big fish!
But isn't there no motorcycles now?Bikes are nice too, aren't they?

So what if the fish is small and worthless?
Just sell it for money!
The quality is not enough to make up the quantity, and if you work hard, you can catch ten to twenty catties a day, and the money for oil and food will come out?
It’s better than spending a day without catching a few sand tips or black bream, right?
People are real!

There are big fish making big money, but there are no big fish making small money.

Can't really pick!
Zhao Dahai picked the fish, threw two into the live cabin, took a knife, cut one into small pieces, hung it on a hook, and put it in the sea. He continued to fish for Shi Jiugong, and it was very useful.

Zhao Dahai fished for ten minutes, and found that there were a lot of Shi Jiugongs, so he decisively changed to a string of six hooks, and pulled a long string of five or six hooks. After fishing for almost half an hour, there were no more fish mouths. After leaving a place, he started to go crazy again.


Shi Jiugong in the sea is really crazy!
Three in the afternoon.

Zhao Dahai decided to go home.I got up at [-]:[-] in the morning, and it has been [-] hours now. I first pulled the octopus tube, and then I kept fishing Shijiugong. , The octopus is easy to die, so I decided to go home early.

Zhao Dahai returned to the pier. All the fishing boats that went out to sea in the early morning or early morning to set fishing nets were parked. There was no one on the deck. The weather was too hot, so he was worried that the octopus would die, so he packed up the fishing boats, two buckets, one Only the bucket was filled with octopus, and the other bucket was filled with Shijiugong. The two large baskets were placed on the racks on the back seat of the motorcycle. They drove home and pushed into the yard. The village was quiet and there was no one there. meet.

Zhao Dahai picked up the net cage containing the octopus, put it into a large bucket filled with sea water, turned on the oxygen machine, waited for a while, and tested the water temperature. It was a little high, and he took a piece of ice and put it in. The ice melted completely. , The water was a bit cold, and the octopus slowly regained its vitality and breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhong Cuihua heard the sound of the oxygen machine, walked over and looked down at the octopus in the cage, and smiled.


"Older gingers are more spicy!"

"There are so many octopuses!"

"Put it down again!"

Zhao Dahai took a foam box, put a layer of ice stones on the bottom, drained the water, put it in, and spread the ice layer by layer, and put the fish on it. It was not weighed, and it would be worth 150 yuan. The octopus is Valuable goods, grandma Zhong Cuihua is not a good fisherman, she has lived in a fishing village all her life, has heard and seen a lot, and has rich experience.


"A lot indeed."

"It's a pity that it won't last for a few days!"

Zhong Cuihua shook her head.



"It's not bad to make two trips and earn a few hundred yuan!"

Zhao Dahai turned on the faucet to wash his hands and feet. After a whole day in the sun, he was covered in stinky sweat, and the cold water felt very comfortable on his body.

The octopuses caught today all come up with the tide in a certain season.Don't look at the fact that I caught a lot today, but the total number will not be too much. Regardless of whether people in my own village or other villages, I soon found that I put octopus tubes, and imitated everything.

Zhao Dahai’s idea is very simple, one trip today and another one tomorrow, as much as he can earn. In these two or three days, the sea water must have cleared up a lot, so continue fishing honestly, and putting the octopus tube is just a stopgap measure. There is really no fish in the sea, so a subsidy, that's all, I don't expect to make money all the time.

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(End of this chapter)

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