Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 110 It's Good to Change the Bottom!

Chapter 110 It's Good to Change the Bottom!

Zhao Dahai finished his meal, drank water slowly, looked at the sea surface, and thought about changing fishing methods.

There are many methods of fishing, and the shaking stake is just one of them. If the fishing is good, you must continue to use it, and if it is not good, you have to change it.

Small fish are often more curious than big fish. Big fish are relatively cautious. The white-headed waves have just passed, and there are a lot of small fish in the sea. The sound that came out attracted all the small fish, so there was no need to continue shaking the pile.

Zhao Dahai decided to switch to bottom fishing.

The fishing group is very simple. The main line passes through the lead through the center and is tied with a figure-of-eight ring, and a sub-line about one meter is connected to the figure-of-sight ring. The hook is tied, and the single hook is opened. To a certain extent, small fish and small hooks can be avoided.

Zhao Dahai picked up two sea centipedes, he was reluctant that the children couldn't catch the wolves, and if he wanted to catch a big fish, he had to have not only a big hook but also a big bug.

Zhao Dahai threw the pole forward, the lead pendant flew out and landed seven or eight meters away, hit the water with a "boom", sank with the hook and disappeared, tightened the line, and dragged it to make sure it was not hanging on the bottom Put the fishing rod on the boat, pick up another rod, and do the same. There are five rods in total. Some of the lead pendants and hooks thrown out are five or six meters long, and some are seven or eight meters long. They are distributed in a fan shape. The hook of the rod is entangled with the line, and the other one covers as much area as possible. One of the biggest characteristics of the bottom fishing method is "street stall". There are often three or four or even seven or eight fishing rods on the fishing boat.

After Zhao Dahai finished setting the poles, he sat on the side of the boat, his eyes kept sweeping over the five poles.

5 minutes passed.

10 minutes passed.

Zhao Dahai wasn't impatient at all.Bottom fishing wants to catch big fish, such as black bream weighing about one catty. This kind of fish keeps swimming around on the bottom of the sea to hunt for food. The target of hanging two sea centipedes is bigger. The hook hangs on the head and stings. The lower will keep twisting and the fishy smell is more likely to attract the attention of big fish. It is a "wait for the rabbit" fishing method. No fish will be hooked soon, and you have to wait for the fish in the sea to find the bait.

Zhao Dahai waited for about 10 minutes, and the tip of the farthest pole in the middle shook slightly, the amplitude was very small, and he couldn't notice it unless he was concentrated.

Zhao Dahai stretched out his hand, picked up the fishing rod lightly, and instead of taking up the line, stretched it forward a bit, and the tight broken line loosened a bit.Small fish don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, and they are very reckless, and they eat bait very simply. Big fish are different, and they are very cautious. The same is true for black sea bream. Loosening the line can greatly reduce vigilance. less than fish.

a bit!

Three times!

Zhao Dahai concentrated his mind and kept staring at the tip of the pole. He waited until the tip of the pole trembled three times and then fell heavily for the fourth time before raising the pole and bending a big bow.

Zhao Dahai bowed the fishing rod and slipped for a while, feeling that the fish didn't have much strength to reel in the line and pull the fish back. When the fish was pulled to the side of the boat, he controlled the rod with one hand and picked up the net with the other.


At least a catty and a half!

Zhao Dahai took off the fish, threw it into the live cabin, swam with a "plop" and flicked his tail.

Zhao Dahai was very happy. He got three to forty yuan. Even dozens of small fish in twos and threes could not be worth this one, and the big fish was fine.

Zhao Dahai took two sea centipedes and hooked them, and threw them out. They landed precisely on the place where the fish had just been caught. The black snappers would gather in groups, and one of them would have three or five or seven or eight. We should not let this opportunity pass After a while, another two black breams of seven or eight taels were caught, but for the next half an hour, all five poles remained motionless.

Zhao Dahai did not "love to fight". He put away all the poles, cleaned them up, started the diesel engine and changed places. Bottom fishing is the same as swinging piles. You have to change places diligently, and change places as soon as there are no fish.

The sun slanted to the west unknowingly, the sun hit the face, and the eyes could not be opened.

Zhao Dahai covered his forehead with his hand and looked at the tips of the five poles. He did not move for 10 minutes, put them all away, and drove the fishing boat back to the pier.

Zhao Dahai tidied up, fetched water to clean the fishing boat, and was just about to catch fish to go home when he saw Zhong Shizhu striding towards the pier.

Zhong Shizhu nodded.


"Uncle Shizhu. Isn't it a good thing to have fish? Does he look unhappy at first?"

Zhao Dahai was a little strange, there was no smile on Zhong Shizhu's face.

Zhong Shizhu smiled wryly, there are indeed fishes, there are not many big ones, they are all small fishes, the big ones are sold off, now it is the small fishes on the net.

Zhong Shizhu got on the fishing boat, erected the shelf, dragged the fishing net soaked in the sea water, and hung it up.

Zhao Dahai saw that there were indeed a lot of fish, and they were all about the same size as the small black bream he caught by shaking his stake. No wonder Zhong Shizhu was unhappy.

"After the past few days, the white-headed waves are all small fish."

"We can only wait for a few tides to pass and see if there are any bigger fish."


"It's really not good to shake the stake. They are all small fish. Today's fishing sinks to the bottom. There are not many fish, and they are bigger."

"Da Hai, your mind is so fast, all the fishermen I met today are shaking their stakes!"


Zhao Dahai helped Zhong Shizhu untangle the fish. The two of them were much faster. They finished untwisting in less than an hour. The small fish were thrown into the sea, and the larger fish, crabs, and snails near the pier were full.

Zhao Dahai went back to his fishing boat to catch the fish and carried it to the pier in buckets.

Zhong Shizhu saw that there were about ten catties of black sea bream in total, which was more than what he caught with his own fishing net.

Zhao Dahai took the fish and walked quickly into the yard, walked directly to the side of the vat, dumped all the fish in, turned on the oxygen machine, and caught more than ten catties of fish today, not many over one catty, most of them were seven to eight taels , It costs more than 200 yuan a catty to sell more than 150 yuan. After deducting the gas fee, you can earn [-] yuan. It’s not good but not bad. It’s impossible to eat meat every day when you go fishing. Most of the time, soup is good.

eight pm.

The sixteenth moon is very bright.

Zhao Dahai set up a table in the yard, served dishes, fried pork belly with vegetables, fried two salted fish, cooked a large bowl of soup with a dozen or so small black snappers that couldn’t be sold for two or two, as long as you go out to sea, you can’t lack fish, shrimps and crabs. They just eat the small ones and keep the big ones for money.

Zhao Dahai ate porridge and soup, took a bite of salted fish from time to time, stayed on the sea for a day, and ate casually at noon, he was really hungry.

Zhong Cuihua looked at Zhao Dahai, who was devouring so much, and felt sorry for her grandson. She had no choice but to get money if she didn't work.

Zhao Dahai finished his meal, took a shower, went to bed early, and had to wake up early tomorrow. Fishing had to catch up with the tide. The tide was early and the sea was early, and when it was late, the good positions were taken by others. Another busy day.

Silent night.

Zhao Dahai was lying on the bed. He thought about fishing for a day, but he was so tired that he fell asleep when he lay down. Unexpectedly, he tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. He couldn't control his mind and kept thinking about fishing during the day.

Today I changed to bottom fishing, the quantity is not much but the effect is good, I caught more than seven or eight taels, and avoided small fish. However, I also used bottom fishing, some places could catch fish, and some places had no fish.

I went out early in the morning and fished for more than ten hours. I changed no less than fifteen fishing spots. I could catch fish in three or four places, and none of the rest.

Today, less than two hours were spent in the place where the fish was actually caught, and the rest of the time was spent in the place where no fish was caught. If the selection of fishing spots can be more accurate, it can save a lot of time and catch more fish. many fish.

In the same sea area, fish can be caught in some places and not in other places.

It can't be by chance.

Fish are not humans, but fish are not brainless, and it is even more impossible to be a fool, at least they have animal instincts, don't they?

There must be a reason!
Could it be that fish eat running water?
Zhao Dahai thought of a saying often said by the old people in the village. Flowing water refers to the flow of sea water. It means that there are fish only where there is running water. , The small fish and shrimps gather to eat, and when the small fish and shrimps come, the big fish that eat the small fish and shrimps will appear.

Zhao Dahai recalled that he had fished more than a dozen places during the day, and some fished places did have obvious sea water flow, but there were two fished places where no flowing water could be seen, so what happened.

The first rooster crow sounded, and the roosters in the whole village slammed one after another, endlessly.

Zhao Dahai looked out the window, the sky was getting brighter, he hadn't slept all night but he was in good spirits, so he simply got up, let go of things that he couldn't figure out, and work was more important.

Zhao Dahai cooked breakfast, put the leftovers in the lunch box and warmed it on the stove, packed up his things, and immediately went out and strode to the pier to continue fishing.

(End of this chapter)

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