Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 113 The Great Trench I Met!How to clean sandworms?

Chapter 113 The Great Trench I Met!How to clean sandworms? (The second order is requested)
"Is that person from your Dalang Village?"

Jiang Shiyan pointed to Zhao Dahai who was digging sandworms tens of meters away.

"What's the matter? Have you taken a fancy to Zhao Dahai? How about I hook you up?"

"You really dare to pull this line, I really dare to take it."

Ma Hongyu was unrelenting, Jiang Shiyan was not stingy, and they fought for a long time.

"Jiang Shiyan."

"Want to be a matchmaker?"

Ma Hongyu looked at Zhao Dahai. In ten minutes or so, it could be seen that ten of them had been dug out. The sandworms were in the sand. They all knew the eyes of sandworms and could dig them out. But not everyone can make money. Some people What he digs up in a day is only one or two catties. A hoe and a shovel like Zhao Dahai can feed a whole family.It is not surprising that Jiang Shiyan has such an idea.

"What's the situation with Zhao Dahai?"

Jiang Shiyan had such an idea.Zhao Dahai couldn't stop breathing for several hours in the morning. He was a hard worker. Seeing Ma Hongyu knew each other, Zhao Dahai came over to inquire as soon as he left.

"Jiang Shiyan."

"It's a good thing to want to be a matchmaker. Zhao Dahai's grandma has long wanted to raise her great-grandson."

"But you have to choose people carefully. Don't think that the fat and water will not flow into the field of outsiders. You just want to introduce your own girl. This is not okay."

"There are a lot of people digging sandworms today. You are not the only one who can see Zhao Dahai's quick work. You are definitely not the only one who has this idea. It is inevitable for a big girl in Huanghua to wait to get married and think about it."

Ma Hongyu talked about Zhao Dahai's situation in detail, and then pointed to the surroundings. There are thousands of people digging sandworms, all of them are from nearby villages, and they are all people who go to sea. Zhao Dahai's ability to work depends on his eyes. inside.

Jiang Shiyan opened her mouth, wanted to say something but swallowed the words on the edge of her mouth, chattered a few words, turned and left.

"Ha ha!"

"Jiang Shiyan might really want to introduce someone from her family."



"What good thing do you want?"

"Zhao Dahai is in charge of his own house. He doesn't like it. It's useless to say anything. Zhong Cuihua won't talk too much about this matter."


Lei Dayou and Ma Hongyu rested for a while and continued to dig sandworms. It was money to dig one more sandworm. Not everyone has Zhao Dahai's body and ability.

The tide begins.

The sea water came out from nowhere, more and more.

Most of the people who dig sandworms go ashore in advance.

Zhao Dahai stepped on the waterline and walked back while digging. At this time, the sandworm instinctively felt that the tide was beginning to rise, and it drilled out of the ground. It was shallower and better to dig bigger. However, not everyone could dig the sandworm at this time. One is that I am tired early in the day, and the other is that the tide rises fast, and the action of grabbing the tide is faster. I can't dig it out once or twice, and the rising seawater fills the hole in one go.

Zhao Dahai's hands were swollen and painful, and the shovel in his hand was pressing down like a big rock. He gritted his teeth, moved faster, walked a few steps, poked the shovel in his hand into the sand, picked it up, bent over to catch the sandworm and threw bamboo In the basket, the seawater flooded to his heels, and he immediately ran forward a few steps. When he saw sandworm eyes, he poked down again with the shovel in his hand.


"Why is there a ditch here?"

Zhao Dahai was startled when he saw a sandworm eye next to a trench about three to four meters deep. Water accumulated in such a place, and the sand was fine and soft. It might even be a layer of sand on the surface and silt underneath. It is very easy to sink if you step on it, and the more you struggle, the deeper you sink, especially now that the tide is high, the mud sucks and you can't get out, the sea water has no roof, and your life is gone. Such a place does not look dangerous, but in fact it is very dangerous .

Zhao Dahai looked up and saw that the trench was not one or two meters wide but about a hundred meters long. There was a small island to the southeast of the open sea.

There are many dangers in the sea, and the pits and ditches are far more terrifying than people imagined. You can see clearly during the day, but you may not be able to see the sea at night when the tide is low. You must remember such places before you can avoid them.

Zhao Dahai walked around the trench and trotted forward. The sand worm eye just gave up. It was right next to it. Don’t go down with a hoe and the sand collapses. The whole person falls down. Making money is important but life is more important. You can’t take chances and be careful. A ship that sails for thousands of years.

Zhao Dahai rushed ashore, gasping for breath, and the tide was rising faster and faster. He sprinted 100 meters along the shore, and the last one among the sandworm diggers went ashore. He rested for a few minutes, and stepped into the sea to wash his hands and feet.

"The sea!"

"You dig so much!"

Zhong Shizhu glanced at the bamboo basket in Zhao Dahai's hand, it was almost full, and it weighed more than [-] catties or nearly [-] catties. He dug seven or eight catties by himself, which was more than others. A comparison, the difference is too far.

"Going into the sea has been walking without much rest at noon."

"Do it to death."

Zhao Dahai soaked the bamboo baskets in water to clean the sandworms.


"Uncle Shi Zhu!"

"There's a trench a hundred meters long. Do you see it?"

Zhao Dahai remembered the trench he encountered when he came back, and reminded Zhong Shizhu.

"About half a month ago, there was a large fishing boat that ran aground there when it was docking against the tide, and the propeller hit the bottom."

"I hit a stone, and the propeller was broken. I heard that the ditch was quite deep, and it was about ten meters at first."

Zhong Shizhu knew where he was talking about when he heard it.

Zhao Dahai was taken aback.

A deep ditch of more than ten meters?

When I saw it just now, there were only three or four meters left!This happened half a month ago. The sand backfilled in the ditch must be very soft and trap people.

Fortunately, I was not greedy and didn't dig out the sandworm's eye.

You have to be careful in such a place, if you encounter it, you have to go around if you are far away.

Zhao Dahai washed the sand worms, walked quickly to the house, walked into the yard, took a large iron basin with a diameter of one meter, and poured all the sand worms he dug into. A little scalp tingling.

Zhao Dahai didn't care about rest or dinner, so he took a small iron basin and a few chopsticks, ready to start working.

Sandworms not only grow in sand, but also have sand in their stomachs.

Fresh sandworms are valuable, but dried sandworms are more valuable.

Zhao Dahai didn't intend to sell the fresh sand worms he dug. He washed the sand and dried it into sand worms. It took a lot of work, but he could make more money.

The method of cleaning the sand in the belly of the sandworm is simple but a bit cruel.

Zhao Dahai grabbed a sandworm with his left hand, held it in his palm, held the chopsticks in his right hand, and poked it up from the bottom. The sandworm turned from the outside to the inside, and strung it on the chopsticks, washed it in the water, and rolled it off. In the iron basin, this is called "sand worm" in the fishing village, which means that the sand worm turns the whole inside out to clean the sand.

This is a delicate job, and it can’t be done quickly. If it is too fast, it will be easy to pierce the sandworm when you poke it with chopsticks. The other is that the sand cannot be washed clean, and it will be very uncomfortable when you eat it.

In either case, don't even try to sell at a good price.

Zhong Cuihua came out, pulled up a stool, and took a chopstick to help.

"The sea."

"Are you tired from digging so many sandworms?"


"These sandworms weigh about thirty kilograms!"


"This year's sandworms are really big!"

"If it is dried in the sun, it must be able to sell for 1000 or [-] yuan a catty!"


Zhao Dahai and Zhong Cuihua were chatting while working. When they finished their work, they saw that it was already ten o'clock.

After Zhao Dahai and Zhong Cuihua finished their meal, they continued to work. The sandworms that had been washed once had to be washed several times to make sure that there was no sand.

One o'clock.

High-wattage lamps illuminate the entire yard as if it were daytime.

Zhao Dahai was busy all by himself, grandma Zhong Cuihua had to help, but she was getting old, so she could stay up late as much as possible, and it took a lot of work for the boss to persuade her to go back to sleep at twelve o'clock. Okay, let's get over it, sleep well in a few days and nothing will happen.

Zhao Dahai placed the last sandworm in the basin, stretched his waist a few times, his hands and feet were numb from activities, the sea breeze was dry, and the dustpan was directly placed in the yard to dry, and it will be half dry tomorrow morning.

Zhao Dahai immediately took a shower and went to bed, lay down for less than five seconds, and immediately fell asleep.

Four in the morning.

Zhao Dahai got up, took the food after breakfast, and strode towards the pier with the bamboo basket on the shovel against the moon like a hook. These days there are suitable tides, and sandworms have to be dug every day. The fishing village works in season, what? What kind of work do you do to make money, sleep and rest are all put aside.

(End of this chapter)

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