Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 115 Epiphany?Great fishing!Happy to mention poison 1!

Chapter 115 Epiphany?Great fishing!Happy to mention poison! (The fourth order is requested!)
"Here comes the fish!"

Zhao Dahai lifted the pole up, and the fishing line was immediately tightened. The fish hanging on the hook rushed forward like a tractor. He controlled it carefully. After rushing for 2 minutes, the fish had no strength. The first black snapper.

Zhao Dahai replaced the hook with a new sea centipede and threw it out. The 10-gram lead pendant flew seven or eight meters and landed in the middle of a stream of bubbling water. This time, no fish took the bait after waiting for [-] minutes.

Zhao Dahai put away the fishing rod, drove the fishing boat forward about ten meters and stopped, and continued fishing with the rod. In less than 10 minutes, he caught three five or six taels of black bream.


"The running water is really powerful! There are really fish."

Zhao Dahai sighed, feeling a little depressed. He dug for sandworms for a few days and went fishing today. He caught fish a few days ago in a place with running water. There were many small bubbles and the running water was very clear. It lasted for almost two hours. Staying in this place, I have been able to catch fish. There are already a dozen black breams in the live cabin, and they are not small. It is a pity that the running water is too short and too small. The bigger the fish, the bigger the fish.

"What's the matter? Why is there a running water here?"

"How can we find such running water elsewhere?"

Zhao Dahai patted the back of his head vigorously. He had already started to think about it before digging the sandworm, and today he was thinking about it again while fishing. He couldn't figure it out at all.

Zhao Dahai was a little helpless, started the diesel engine, and was about to change places. There were indeed fish in the flowing water, but he couldn't help himself from running back and forth like fishing for two hours. Come again, and you will definitely be able to catch fish again.

Zhao Dahai turned the direction of the bow of the fishing boat, and was about to head out to the open sea when he suddenly saw a small island in the southeast corner.

How is this going?Why does it feel a little familiar?
No way?

Could it be that the big trench is under the fishing boat?

Zhao Dahai stood up at once, stared at the small island in the southeast corner carefully, recalled and made gestures carefully, he couldn't be 100% sure, but it was very likely that it was true, the bottom of the fishing boat was the first day he dug sand worms on his way back The big trench I encountered, in order to remember that trench, I carefully looked around and saw a small island in the southeast corner in the distance.


"So that's what happened!"

Zhao Dahai was very excited and waved his right hand vigorously.

The sea water looks motionless, but in fact it is not, but the speed of flow is relatively slow, but the sea surface is so open that it is not obvious.

Once there is a trench on the bottom of the sea, which is two or three meters lower than the surrounding seabed, there is a drop, the seawater flows faster than other places around, and the formed flowing water attracts the surrounding small fish and shrimps, and the nearby black bream Fish gather here for predation, and gradually the density of fish is higher than other places around. It is definitely easier to fish in this flowing water.

Zhao Dahai calmed down for a while, stared at the small island in the southeast corner for a while, carefully recalled the direction of the ditch he saw a few days ago, drove the fishing boat forward, and stopped at a place where no running water could be seen.

The trench is more than 100 meters long and close to 200 meters.On the surface of the sea, the flowing water is not long, only 20 meters. This means that the trench has become shallower, and the drop of the surrounding seabed is not large. The flowing water has become weaker but has not disappeared completely. You can definitely find the difference. If your guess is right, this is the trench. There must be flowing water and fish in the invisible place under the calm water.

Zhao Dahai hooked two sea centipedes and threw them into the sea where he judged to be a trench.


The lead pendant didn't have time to reach the end.

As soon as it entered the water for a second, it was directly bitten by the fish and pulled away!
Zhao Dahai raised his pole to stab the fish, he pulled it up and saw that it was not big, about four or two.

Zhao Dahai was very excited. He took several deep breaths before calming down a little. His guess was correct. There was no flowing water on the surface of the sea, but there was indeed flowing water and fish. He continued fishing without stopping.

Two in the afternoon.

The sun hides behind the clouds.

The temperature on the sea immediately dropped by two or three degrees, and the hot sea breeze became cooler.

Zhao Dahai stood up and walked to the edge of the live cabin, which was full of fish. In one morning, he caught fifty or sixty fish, big and small, all in the flowing water area formed by the trench, and the total weight weighed twenty catties.

After Zhao Dahai finished his meal, he changed places. The trench is only about a hundred meters long. There are indeed flowing water and there are indeed fish, but it is impossible to have fish all the time. It is very satisfying to catch so many fish. One afternoon plus one night to recuperate, the flowing water will definitely attract many fish to gather. , Come fishing again tomorrow, and you will definitely be able to catch a lot.

Zhao Dahai drove the fishing boat eastward for about four to ten minutes before stopping the throttle, and the fishing boat was floating on the sea.

Where there is a ditch, there is running water.

Where there is running water, there are fish!

After enjoying the sweetness, I no longer change places blindly, but only look for places that may cause water flow.

Zhao Dahai stood up, carefully looked at the location of the village that was almost invisible in the distance, and then looked at the location of the mangrove forest to the west, and confirmed that the place where he stopped was a reef on the seabed, which was high and low. The ones half a meter short are almost level with the seabed.

The sea water here is seven or eight meters deep when the tide rises, and the fishing boats will not be affected in any way. The general small ebb tide will not be exposed.

Zhao Dahai has been to this place several times. There are sea mud and sand in some places in the middle of this reef. The seawater has washed away for many years, and there have been several trenches more than one meter deep. There must be running water.

Zhao Dahai observed carefully, the sea was calm, there were waves from time to time, and there was no obvious sign of flowing water. There was no way but to rely on memory, and it took half an hour to adjust the position of the fishing boat back and forth before stopping.

Zhao Dahai threw the pole, and the lead pendant flew out, and fell into the water at a position of five or six meters.


Zhao Dahai expressed his emotions. He either chose the wrong place or threw it in the wrong place. The hook hooked on the reef and had no choice but tore it off with force.

Zhao Dahai carefully recalled the position of the submarine trench in his memory and once again looked at the distant village and mangrove forest. The fishing boat moved five meters to the northeast and stopped. This time, he cast the pole four times and hung it three times. It was only once that the position of a trench was found, and the lead fell to the bottom of the sea. After pulling it, it didn't catch.



"It's here!"

"Look there's no fish!"

Holding the pole in his hand, Zhao Dahai waited for five or six minutes without moving.

"No way?"

"Isn't that so?"

"Isn't it a trench? No flowing water? Or is it a trench with flowing water but no fish?"

Zhao Dahai waited for 10 minutes without any movement. He couldn't take it any longer, so he collected some thread and pulled it. A ferocious fish mouth directly pulled the thread away.


"finally come!"

Zhao Dahai pulled the fish out of the water, the black bream was not big, only four taels.There are groups of black bream, one proves that I may have chosen the right place, and there will be more, so I will continue to cast the pole immediately.



Zhao Dahai caught five fish in one breath before stopping, and the fishing boat drove forward ten meters to continue fishing.


Xiaguang Wanzhang.

Zhao Dahai was a bit reluctant to leave. It was dark in less than half an hour, and he had to go back if there were any fish, and he would come back tomorrow.Most of the afternoon was spent looking for trenches, and the actual fishing took less than two hours, but the fish caught were more than in the morning, but the fish were not big, but they were all going up in fours and twos, which was quite good. It is impossible for big fish to swim everywhere.

Zhao Dahai picked up the fishing rod on the deck of the boat, and went home after collecting the rod without waiting for the fish.

so heavy?
have fish?

But why not move?
As soon as Zhao Dahai turned the spinning wheel, something was hanging on the hook, and there was a fish on the hook, but he had been staring at the tip of the rod just now and remained motionless.

Tiger fish?

Zhao Dahai looked at the fish pulled out of the water, his eyes widened suddenly, he carefully pulled it to the side of the boat, took the scoop net and copied it to the deck, took about ten minutes to unhook the fish hanging from his mouth, and breathed a sigh of relief. "One stingray, two tigers and three sand hairs", "two tigers" refers to the tiger fish I just caught. It looks ugly and yellowish in color. This kind of fish doesn't struggle much when taking the bait. No wonder the tip of the rod doesn't move.

The tiger fish is extremely poisonous, and it hurts so badly, but it tastes delicious. It is a kind of high-end seafood. This one weighs two catties, and one catty can be sold for 150 to 200 yuan, and three or four hundred yuan.

Zhao Dahai was very happy, he didn't expect the fish to be harvested so beautifully, he pulled up the anchor and drove the fishing boat back home.

(End of this chapter)

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