Chapter 132 Such a ship boss is too awesome!
Liu Bin was very surprised to see Zhao Dahai returning to the pier. It was only four o'clock and less than five o'clock, so why did he come back so early.

Zhao Dahai was a little embarrassed. Ding Xiaoxiang didn't say anything about Ding Xiaoxiang's affairs. He absolutely couldn't say anything. Thinking of Wu Weimin's wanting to go fishing with his own fishing boat, Liu Bin must know the market. He asked about the market. The price is 200 yuan per day for the pure boat fee, and usually 300 to [-] yuan if the bait is included, depending on what bait and how much bait is.

"The sea."

"You can indeed do such a thing."

Liu Bin was a little envious.When Zhao Dahai inquired about this matter, there must be someone who wants to go out to sea with a boat and take someone out to sea for fishing. This is two hundred regardless of whether the person can catch fish or not. This is a steady profit.


"Uncle Liu!"

"It's not that easy to earn money for taking people to sea."

Zhao Dahai stopped the fishing boat.

The advantage of taking people out to sea for fishing is that no matter if the catch is not caught, the money is guaranteed.But is the person who goes fishing in a fishing boat an idiot?Once or twice, I couldn’t catch anything, and I didn’t say anything, but I was definitely not happy in my heart. Next time, I will definitely find someone else’s fishing boat, and I have nothing to do with myself.

This requires familiarity with the weather and sea conditions and fishing spots, and it is necessary to ensure that the people on the fishing boat can catch fish.

I don't have such ability now, don't think too much, this is just a way, one day I can really bring people on a boat and go out to sea to catch fish, so I can make such money.

Zhao Dahai cleaned up, caught the fish, went to the pier and returned home, only to find that the fish in the bucket was poured into the fish pond, only to find that the fishing time today was not long, about two hours, and caught about twenty fish, three or four or four. There are about two yellow snappers, two Shijiugongs, and the remaining fifteen or six are black snappers, all of which are five or six taels in size, and two of them are over a catty.


"I have to earn two or three hundred less today!"

Zhao Dahai shook his head, the fish situation was good today, but he was thinking about meeting Ding Xiaoxiang at night, and if he came back early, he could catch at least ten catties more fish for another two hours. Liu Gang is now competing with the opposite restaurant, the price is high, earning two dollars. It's not a big problem, but nothing in this world is more important than meeting Ding Xiaoxiang.

After Zhao Dahai had dinner, it was just dark, and he couldn't wait to go out on his motorcycle. There was a cage tied to the back seat, and Xiao Naihei was inside.


"What's going on here?"

"If you go out in such a hurry at night, can it be said that you are going to meet a girl?"


"Go out with Xiao Naihei?"

"Is this puppy brought by the girl's family?"



"It's a good thing if this is the case. Great great-grandchildren, it seems that they will have a chance to hug soon."


Zhong Cuihua watched Zhao Dahai riding a motorcycle at the gate of the yard. She couldn't see her for a while, her old face was full of smiles, and she went back to the main room and sat down to weave fishing nets. What, especially if you bring Xiaonaihei, there must be something wrong, maybe something good will come to you one day.

eight pm.

Ding Xiaoxiang walked into the room after dinner and walked out of the yard.

What happened?
My old lady usually goes out to enjoy the cool air. It's so hot tonight, why is there no movement at all?

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at the clock hanging on the wall, another 10 minutes had passed, and she felt even more anxious. The last time she made an appointment at nine o'clock in the evening, Zhao Dahai was waiting early in the morning. Had to wait a long time.

Ding Xiaoxiang was thinking about whether to say that she wanted to go out to enjoy the cool, but it was a bit too deliberate, her mother was very smart, so she was suspicious.

When Ding Xiaoxiang was hesitating, Zhang Li opened the door and walked out.



"Go out and enjoy the shade!"

"It's too hot in the house."

Zhang Li saw Ding Xiaoxiang make a move.


"I'll just stay at home!"

"Going out is so boring!"

Ding Xiaoxiang was secretly happy, but shook her head.

"What do you do at home all day?"


"Get out with me!"

"Come back in an hour."

Zhang Li is beyond doubt.

Ding Xiaoxiang shyly followed behind out the door with a face of reluctance.

When Zhang Li walked under the banyan tree at the entrance of the village, there were already quite a few people. She looked at a few familiar people chatting in the southeast corner, and walked over.

Ding Xiaoxiang didn't leave right away, and stayed behind Zhang Li for about 10 minutes, and when she wasn't paying attention, she turned and left quietly.

It took Zhang Li a few minutes to realize that Ding Xiaoxiang was not behind her, but she didn't think much about it. This is a village, and Ding Xiaoxiang might have met her good friends and wandered elsewhere.

The moon hangs in the sky.

Zhao Dahai parked his motorcycle by the side of the road, looking at the entrance of the village from a distance, and he couldn't get too close. Once the people in Dashi Village saw him and Ding Xiaoxiang together, Zhang Li would know right away that he had to sneak around now, not even in the village. If you can't bear it, you will mess up the big plan.

Zhao Dahai saw a small figure running out of the village entrance under the faint moonlight, recognized it as Ding Xiaoxiang at a glance, and immediately flashed the headlights of the motorcycle.

Ding Xiaoxiang ran up to Zhao Dahai panting, looked at Zhao Dahai a little embarrassed, and turned her head immediately.

"Where's little Naihei?"

"Didn't you say you brought it here?"

Just as Ding Xiaoxiang finished speaking, she heard the puppy barking.

Zhao Dahai opened the cage tied to the back seat, carried Xiao Nai Hei out and handed it to Ding Xiaoxiang.


"Remember mine!"



"You little guy grows up so fast!"

"It weighs two catties!"

"If this goes on, I won't be able to hug you!"


"It seems to be eating well and sleeping well. What a conscience! Don't miss me at all."


Zhao Dahai watched Ding Xiaoxiang and Xiao Naihei play happily under the faint moonlight, and the string in his heart twitched.

This woman must marry home!
Zhao Dahai swore secretly.

Ding Xiaoxiang hugged Xiao Naihei and played non-stop. Half an hour passed in a blink of an eye, and reluctantly handed it back to Zhao Dahai, then turned and ran into the village. Zhang Li will definitely find herself if she returns too late.

Zhao Dahai opened the cage and put Xiaonaihei in. He just watched Ding Xiaoxiang play with Xiaonaihei without saying a few words. This is a woman who is going to marry and raise her for the rest of her life. Don't worry, take your time. There is plenty of time, and the most beautiful thing is when things come to fruition.

Zhao Dahai rode his motorcycle back home, put down Xiao Nai Hei, and immediately ran to grandma Zhong Cuihua to lie down.

After Zhao Dahai and Zhong Cuihua exchanged a few words, they went to bed and went fishing tomorrow morning.

Zhong Cuihua waited for Zhao Dahai to return to the room, put down the net shuttle, stretched out her hands to pick up Xiao Nai Hei and put it on her lap, smelled it, and there was a faint fragrance, which was not the smell of Xiao Nai Hei.

Zhong Cuihua smiled, put down Xiao Naihei, picked up the net shuttle, and continued to weave fishing nets.

Five in the morning.

After Zhao Dahai got up and had breakfast, he opened the door of the yard, and saw a familiar car parked in the open space not far away.

Wu Weimin?
No way?Did you come here so early in the morning because you wanted to go fishing?

Zhao Dahai saw that Wu Weiming's car was covered with dew, and knew that it would take at least several hours, so he walked over and knocked on the window lightly. After a while, the door opened, and Wu Weimin came down while yawning, and asked For a moment, I came here at two o'clock in the morning. I fell asleep in the car and blocked the door. I won't miss it when I go out.

Zhao Dahai waited for Wu Weimin to pack up his poles, and the two of them walked to the pier together, just as the fishing boats from the sea came back one after another, which was very lively.

Wu Weiming went around and found that the fish, shrimps and crabs were very fresh. If he wasn't going fishing, he couldn't resist buying a bunch of them.

Fog hung over the sea.

The sun has just come out, and it is getting thinner and thinner, only a thin layer is left on the place close to the sea water, and the sea surface is getting wider and wider.

Zhao Dahai drove the fishing boat and took Wu Weimin directly to the reef and trench. He arrived relatively early. There were only two or three fishing boats. It took him two to three 10 minutes to circle several times before dropping anchor and stopping the fishing boat.

Zhao Dahai tried a few poles and hung the bottom several times to find out the location of the trench.

"Boss Wu."

"Is it where I just threw it?"

"Below is a trench, no more than one meter wide, and the water depth is about seven or eight meters."

"I chose a relatively straight place. About three or four meters from front to back."

"Throw it right, there is a good chance of catching fish, try this place first, and don't change to another place."

Zhao Dahai pointed to the location and carefully told Wu Weimin where to fish.


"There are fish here!"

As soon as Zhao Dahai finished speaking, the tip of the pole shook slightly twice, then bent down suddenly, and raised the pole to stab the fish. After a while, a fish was pulled out of the water, a black bream weighing two or three ounces, with a blue tail very beautiful.

Wu Weimin couldn't wait a long time ago, hung up the sea centipede, threw it out and landed on the exact position Zhao Dahai said, and within a minute, the thread straightened suddenly.



Wu Weiming stood up, the strength of the fish was very fierce, and he carefully controlled it. It took about 2 minutes for the fish to pull out of the water.

"There are really fish!"

"If you say yes, you will!"


Wu Weiming watched Zhao Dahai take the nets and fish to the deck, he was very excited, he said that where there are fish, there are fish, and what he said is accurate, it is so cool to go fishing with the boss of such a boat.

(End of this chapter)

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