Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 137 Late Window!The fish hit the water!

Chapter 137 Late Window!The fish hit the water!

Zhao Dahai looked at the lights of the familiar village pier in the distance, and heaved a sigh of relief. He ran a little far today, and there was a mistake in the time estimate. The plan was to return to the pier at five or six o'clock, and it was already past seven and close to eight o'clock. Driving a fishing boat is a very dangerous thing.

Zhao Dahai slowed down the speed of the fishing boat, approaching the pier, there were more fishing boats, and there were wooden stakes and ropes in the sea, so he could see clearly during the day, so it was not a big problem, but now it was night, so he had to be very careful.


Zhao Dahai was taken aback. There was a loud sound suddenly on the sea. The sound of the diesel engine was very loud, but he could still hear it. Issued to.


Zhao Dahai frowned.


Zhao Dahai heard it clearly now, and immediately turned off the diesel engine.







Zhao Dahai stood on the fishing boat, staring at the southeast direction. All the sounds came from there. The sea was empty, and the sound could be heard far away. The distance is estimated to be two to three hundred meters.

what fish

Sea Bass?
Zhao Dahai suddenly remembered that he had caught a sea bass two days ago.

Sea bass are very ferocious by nature, and they will gather in schools to chase small fish. They are very active when it is just dark at night or when it starts to light in the morning, and they swim very fast. They will rush out of the water when preying. These sounds are most likely The sea bass leaps out of the water and smashes back into the sea.

Catching a sea bass means nothing, but now the sounds are evidence that sea bass season has begun and sea bass are back in the waters.

Zhao Dahai didn't go there, it's night, I can't see clearly, the key is that it's late, if I don't go home, grandma Zhong Cuihua will be very worried, now she's restless, if it's too late, she might have to ask someone to go to sea to find her, making money is important but Nothing compares to the family.

Zhao Dahai stood on the fishing boat, listened to the sound of water from time to time, and carefully identified the location. He was familiar with the shallow sea area, and slowly remembered that it was the sea facing the reef area at the east end of the village. The fishing boat caught half a catty of Shi Jiugong and put it in a barrel to go home.

Zhao Dahai saw his grandma Zhong Cuihua from a distance, standing at the gate of the yard, looking around constantly. She was waiting for him, so he immediately quickened his pace.


"I ran a little far today. The main reason is that I have no experience. I guess I came back late at a bad time."

Zhao Dahai talked about the reason why he came back late, but he didn't say anything like don't worry. As long as someone in the fishing village doesn't come back after going out to sea, the people in the family will be very worried. Say your own situation is special.

Zhao Dahai took the bucket into the yard and walked to the side of the fish pond. Shijiugong is different from other fish. No matter it is caught by fishing or by fishing nets or cages, it is not easy to feed them. Shallow sea If the water depth is a few meters, the chance is relatively high. Today, when fishing at a water depth of 30 to [-] meters, the water pressure changes rapidly, and most of them have died.

Zhao Dahai picked the live ones and put them in the fishpond, and put the dead ones into the refrigerator. He took three of them and spent a bit of extravagance. He cooked a pot of soup, fried vegetables and some other meat, and had a good meal.

After Zhao Dahai had dinner, he took a bath, and after a day in the sun, he relaxed after eating and drinking enough.

Zhao Dahai teased Xiao Naihei for a while, and went out to the vegetable garden behind the house. The loofah and beans grow very tall, with a lot of knots, not to mention the green vegetables, which are green and oily. I don’t have time. They are all grandma Zhong Cuihua Take care of them, water them again, and see that the chickens have grown bigger. The chicken coop built at the beginning is a little small, and I have to build a bigger one when I have time. The lychee and longan have grown to shoulder height.

Zhao Dahai wandered around and went home to sleep. He had to get up very early tomorrow. Life in the fishing village was simple and boring. Today he was busy with things, and he went to bed early if he had nothing to do. He had something to do tomorrow.

early morning.

There is a trace of mist floating on the surface of the sea.

The sky is very blue, and white clouds can be seen from time to time. The weather is very good.

Zhao Dahai left the pier, and the fishing boat was driving forward. The sea breeze was blowing in front of him. Before the sun came out, it was very comfortable.

Before going out to sea today, I was a little hesitant. I ran further away yesterday and found a place with running water and cut the line. There must be big fish. But when I returned to the pier in front of the village last night, I found sea bass fetching water, and finally decided to try it first. Try to catch sea bass, if you can't catch it, go to catch big fish.

It took Zhao Dahai a little time to find the location where he heard the fish hitting the water last night. During the day, he could see very clearly that there were several large wooden stakes erected in the sea.

It took Zhao Dahai a while to remember that there used to be a fixed fishing net in this place. This is a fixed-position fishing net that can be raised and lowered. When the tide is high, the fish will enter the fishing net with the rising sea water. The fisherman comes in time to raise the fishing net, and the fish will be "stranded" in the fishing net.

Two or 30 years ago, when there were many fish, shrimps and crabs in the sea, they could catch a lot of them. Now, there are too few fish, shrimps and crabs in the shallow sea, and there are too many fishing boats. Especially, the fishing nets must be placed in front of the fixed fishing nets. It is nothing to stop the fish directly. Harvested and slowly abandoned, only these wooden stakes driven into the depths of the seabed remain.

Zhao Dahai looked around carefully, and found that the sea water here had a clear boundary. A long strip of sea water was darker than the others, not particularly wide, about ten meters long, but very long, extending all the way to the depths of the sea. .

Could this be a fishway before?

Zhao Dahai has long heard that all fish in the sea have fishways. When the tide is high, the fish swim from the deep sea to the shallow sea, and the opposite is true when the tide is low.Only by choosing such a place for fixed fishing nets can more fish, shrimps and crabs be caught.It's just that there are too many fishing boats now, and the fishing nets are put into the sea one by one, and the fishways are all ruined, so there will definitely not be many fish.

Zhao Dahai drove the fishing boat and found a place with relatively deep sea water. Now there is almost no running water and no anchor. He just turned off the diesel engine to see if there are any fish.

The fishing group of sea bass is very simple, a triangular conversion, a main line, a lead hook, and a sub-line tied with a hook. The bait is live shrimp. Unlike other fish, sea bass is very picky. Basically only eat live bait, the hook is hung on the shrimp gun of the shrimp, so that the shrimp can live for a long time.

Zhao Dahai threw the pole out to the bottom, the water depth was about five or six meters, and the line was taken up half a meter from the bottom. In this way, the live shrimp hanging on the sub-line would always "float" in the water and swim only when the length of the sub-line was fixed. Swimming within the range to attract sea bass to prey on the surrounding, this is "floating shrimp" fishing for sea bass.

Zhao Dahai waited for more than ten minutes, but no fish bit the hook, so he pulled in another half a meter, one meter from the bottom, and waited for another ten minutes, but nothing happened, and continued to draw the line, fishing higher and higher from the bottom.

The sun hangs high in the sky.

The sea is open, there is no shelter at all, the sun is shining directly, and it is very hot.

Zhao Dahai was very patient and kept putting out and taking up the lines.

Fishing for sea bass is different from fishing for other fish. One is to find the spot where there are fish, and the other is to find the water layer where there is no fish. However, where there are fish, the water where there are floating shrimp If the layer is wrong, it is also impossible to catch, the difference is one and a half meters, which is a big difference.

Zhao Dahai started the diesel engine and couldn't catch fish in one place for two hours, so he tried another place.

(End of this chapter)

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