Chapter 140 Night Murder
When Zhao Dahai rode a motorcycle and arrived at the Fortune Restaurant, it was almost seven o'clock in the evening. The front of the restaurant was full of cars, the lights were bright, and it was very lively.

Zhao Dahai often came here to sell fish, and the security guard of the restaurant was already familiar with it, so he immediately went inside and called Liu Gang out.

When Liu Gang saw the sea bass in the bucket, his eyes lit up.Sea bass is actually not a rare fish and can be caught along the coast, but in seasons when it is not sea bass, there are few fish and thin fish, especially small fish, which are not tasty.

"The first sea bass of the year?"

Liu Gang picked up one from the net and looked at it carefully. It was fat and strong, and it must be the first sea bass of this season.

Zhao Dahai told Liu Gang that this was a sea bass that he had just caught during the day, and he didn't know if it was a head or not, but there must not be many people who caught or caught sea bass now.

Liu Gang knew that what Zhao Dahai said was true. If many people really caught sea bass, some of them would definitely send it to his restaurant.

Liu Gang looked at each sea bass carefully, and they were all alive. The smallest one weighed three or four catties, and the big one weighed more than fifteen catties.

Liu Gang pondered for a while, and offered a general price of 70 yuan per catty.

Zhao Dahai nodded and agreed, this is the first batch of sea bass, it is a bit "out of season", the rare is the most expensive, the price is a bit higher, and there are a few larger ones, so it can be sold so high, after ten and a half days It is estimated that the same sea bass can only be sold for 40 yuan a catty.

Liu Gang immediately called someone to call the fish, the size was 120 three catties, and the total was 610 yuan.

Liu Gang saw that Shi Jiugong didn't live much, most of them were dead, but they were all very big, so he took all of the 1000 or [-] yuan.

Zhao Dahai is very satisfied with the price of selling fish today. After collecting the money, it’s getting late, so he hurried back to the village immediately. He has to rest early and continue fishing for sea bass tomorrow. The price of sea bass is high, and the chance to make good money is only a few days. Gotta hurry up.


"Boss Liu!"

"How can there be sea bass tonight?"

"Get me the biggest one!"



"This sea bass is a good size!"

"Have you had any sea bass this year yet? I have to try it tonight!"


Liu just wanted to ask someone to raise the sea bass in the living pond. The guests who had just arrived gathered around, one for you and one for the hundred catties of sea bass.

"Boss Wang."

"I'm really sorry. This is the first sea bass of the year. It's a small number. It's all booked."


"Mr. Sun."

"It's really not about money. It's sea bass from the fishing port, just landed and delivered, that's all."


Liu Gang spent a long time, nodding and bowing his head to explain for a long time, there are too many monks and less porridge, and there are not many sea basses that will be sold out immediately. Others receive the news and want them all. They can all be sold, but it is a pity that there are not so many fish.

"I wonder if Zhao Dahai will be able to catch fish tomorrow?"

"I don't know how many can be caught?"

Liu just told Zhao Dahai just now that in the next two or three days, as long as there are sea basses, he can send them over. He wants to see Zhao Dahai catch [-] catties of sea bass tomorrow, but this is impossible. The matter, it is only two hundred catties to support it.

How to get more sea bass?

Liu Gang walked into the restaurant while pondering. There was an idea in his mind, but he couldn't think of it for a while. The business of the restaurant was very busy.

Nine p.m.

Zhao Dahai rode his motorcycle back to the village, and saw the yard door open and the light on from a distance. It was someone inside the house. He stepped on the gas pedal to speed up. After a while, he reached the door and just stopped when Liu Bin came out.

"The sea."

"I've been waiting for you for a long time. Come in quickly."

Liu Bin waved his hand.

Zhao Dahai walked into the yard, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da were sitting in the yard, Ma Hongyu was in the main room with grandma Zhong Cuihua, chatting while weaving fishing nets.


"what's the matter?"

Zhao Dahai was confused and didn't know what happened.

Zhong Shizhu didn't go around in circles, and he directly talked about his, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou's plans when the time was short.

Zhao Dahai nodded immediately, there is no need to think about this kind of thing.There are fish in the sea, especially if the density of fish is high, the efficiency of fishing with fishing nets is higher, more fish can be caught, and more money can be made.In addition, I can take this opportunity to familiarize myself with fishing with fishing nets, including the sea area where sea bass is caught. It is impossible for me to just fish without fishing nets all my life, and the more experience I have, the more benefits I get.

After Zhong Shizhu, Lei Dayou and Liu Bin finished talking, they didn't chat much. They made an appointment to meet at the pier at 03:30. They went out to sea at four o'clock and arrived at the fishing place in an hour. The tide happened to be from 05:30 am to [-]:[-] am. Now go home immediately, hurry up and sleep, if you can sleep for a while, it will be a while.

Zhao Dahai sent Zhong Shizhu and the others away, closed the courtyard door, and walked back to the main room.

"Did you follow them out to sea for sea bass?"

Zhong Cuihua was weaving fishing nets while talking. With decades of experience, there is no need to look down, relying on the feeling in the hands, there is nothing wrong with it.

Zhao Dahai nodded.People like Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin have a lot of experience. Seeing that they caught more than [-] catties of sea bass, they immediately realized that the season of sea bass this year is very likely to be advanced. They immediately decided to go out to sea to catch sea bass. The news came from themselves. You must bring yourself when you go out to sea to catch sea bass. This is the rule of fishing people.

Zhao Dahai came back from fishing to focus on selling fish. He didn't eat dinner. He was already very hungry. He ate with big mouthfuls. After he was full, he walked around the gate of the yard for a few times to digest, and then went to bed immediately.

Three in the morning.

Zhao Dahai got up, and the meal he had cooked before going to bed was hot on the stove. He was full in 10 minutes, and immediately went out to the pier. After waiting for less than 5 minutes, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, and Lei Da came over with two bags of fishing nets each. , Ma Hongyu followed at the end, and immediately walked over to pick up Ma Hongyu's burden.

"The sea."

"Don't talk so much."

"Just work."

"All four of our fishing boats are going to sea."

"Two bags of nets per fishing boat."

The bell and stone pillar suppressed the sound.

Don't look at it is only 03:30 in the morning, but there are already many fishing boats preparing to go fishing, talking too loudly, others will hear, everyone knows the place where the sea bass is caught, and once they know that the sea bass is caught, they will definitely swarm all of them Going over, these fishing boats did not bring fishing nets for catching sea bass, but other fishing nets can also catch sea bass, but the efficiency is not high. As long as you know, no one will miss such an opportunity.

Zhao Dahai didn't say a word, picked up the fishing net on the fishing boat, put it in a safe place, untied the cable and pulled up the anchor, and got ready. In less than 10 minutes, Zhong Shizhu left the pier, followed by Lei Dayou and Liu Bin's fishing boat. Least, follow last.

In the early morning sea, there are fishing boats and lights everywhere.

Zhao Dahai concentrated his energy. The early morning sea breeze blew over and made him a little cold. He tightened his clothes and followed Liu Bin's fishing boat closely, looking forward to how many fish he could catch today.

(End of this chapter)

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