Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 175 The female college is not allowed to stay!Stay, stay, stay, become enemies!

Chapter 175 The female college is not allowed to stay!Stay, stay, stay, become enemies!
Zhao Dahai rushed to the entrance of Dashi Village, it was already dark, and he was about to park his tricycle to go to the relatively hidden place where he met Ding Xiaoxiang last time, when a car light came from behind him, and he immediately pulled over to the side of the road.

Ding Lihua drove the car and went to Dashi Village to meet his elder brother Ding Chongshan to discuss some matters. When he arrived at the entrance of the village, he saw a tricycle in front of him. There were so many cars like this in the village that almost every household had one. It is very convenient to go out to the town or buy some fish or something.

what! ?

Isn't this Zhao Dahai's?

Ding Lihua didn't pay attention at first, after a few glances, he found that he was an acquaintance, and stopped the car when passing by.

Zhao Dahai didn't expect to meet Ding Lihua, and his heart skipped a beat. He came here to see Ding Xiaoxiang tonight. This is Ding Xiaoxiang's second uncle. He asked himself what he was doing here, and he casually said that he came here to find a fishing friend to pick up something. .

Ding Lihua didn't think there was anything wrong, chatted a few words and drove away.

Zhao Dahai watched Ding Lihua's car go farther and farther, and soon the taillights could not be seen, so he breathed a sigh of relief. He felt a little guilty just now, so he immediately parked the car, walked into a small path, and walked quickly to the place where he met Ding Xiaoxiang last time. Don't stay at the entrance of the village, you never know who you will meet, especially if you meet Zhang Li.

Ding Lihua stopped at the door of Zhang Li's house, carrying a bag of fruit, called "brother and sister-in-law", opened the door and walked in.


"Where's Ding Xiaoxiang's? Where did it go? I bought her favorite fruit!"

Ding Lihua looked left and right, he didn't see Ding Xiaoxiang, he was a little curious, he was always there when he came here, but he couldn't see him tonight.

"Let's go out after dinner!"

"It is said to go to a friend's house in the village to play."

Zhang Li said while boiling water to make tea.

"Why do you care so much? It's normal to go out and have fun."

Ding Chongshan took a cigarette, popped one for Ding Lihua, lit one himself, and started smoking.

"Women can't stay in the college! If you stay, you will be enemies!"


"I think the elder brother is right. Xiaoxiang is 16 years old now, and she will be a 17-year-old girl next year. She must take care of it when it is time to take care of it, but sometimes you really don't need to take care of it too much."

Ding Lihua knows very well that Ding Xiaoxiang, Zhang Li's baby, is a big deal, and he is usually under strict control. There were no problems when he was young, but now that he is older, he really can't control everything.

Zhang Li thought for a while, then nodded. This makes sense. No matter how precious a daughter is, she will eventually get married. It's really not good at this age to control everything.

After making tea, Zhang Li talked a few gossips, stood up and went back to her room. Ding Lihua came tonight because he had something to talk about. This is the matter of the two brothers, so there is no need for her to stay by the side.

"Big brother."

"The last time my sister-in-law came to the store and told me about the machines in the next village. I went to talk about it. It's not that I can't get it, but the price is a bit low."

Ding Lihua lit his cigarette, took a deep drag, and frowned tightly.

"It depends on how you think about it. The machine doesn't make money, but the maintenance of the machine can make money. The other thing is that these people can introduce you to other people if they are used well."

"There is no need to make money when doing long-term business."

Ding Chongshan looked at Ding Lihua, his younger brother is a good player in business, but sometimes he is a bit fussy. There are two ways to do business, one is a one-time deal, and the other is a long-term deal. The two ways are not the same. Same.

In small towns or places like fishing villages, there are so many people coming and going.One-shot deals don't last long.Word of mouth is king.


"Big brother."

"I understand what you mean. I'll go back tonight and think about it carefully. I'll go to the next door village to make a decision on this matter tomorrow morning."

Ding Lihua admires his elder brother's business mind very much. He is honest and straightforward, but he started from scratch and became one of the largest buyers of fish, shrimp and crab in 28 villages in the three towns around him. .

"Brother, how is your business doing recently?"

"It's not bad. The fish, shrimp and crabs purchased for wholesale have increased by another ten percent this month."


"I heard from my sister-in-law that she wanted to take down the stall next to the fish market. Has this been done?"

"We didn't show up, so we asked someone to help. It was settled yesterday and we paid for it. But we can't use it for the time being, and we have to wait for a while. I'm worried that the person who changed hands will make a fuss in retrospect."


The two brothers Ding Chongshan and Ding Lihua started chatting after finishing their business.

A room on the east end of the second floor of a small building near the entrance of the village was lit.

Yang Qin kept staring at Ding Xiaoxiang non-stop.


"I said are you finished?"

Ding Xiaoxiang's face was flushed, and she gave Yang Qin a hard look. She was at the same table when she was growing up and studying with her, and they had a very good relationship. When I went to see Zhao Dahai tonight, I had to find an excuse and someone to cover me , ran to Yang Qin's house after dinner.


"Ding Xiaoxiang."

"Your mother is a powerful person. If you know that I will cover you, it will be a great thing."

"But who called me your good friend?"

"Surely you need help?"

"Tell me! What benefits do I have?! I won't do anything that is not beneficial!"

Yang Qin was very surprised while talking on her mouth.Ding Xiaoxiang was good-looking and smart when she was young, and she had a very high vision. I don't know how many people in the village, including those in other villages, who made up their minds.

"No good at all."

Ding Xiaoxiang pursed her lips.


"Then I won't do it!"

Yang Qin kept shaking her head.This is a rare and good opportunity, and we have to get some benefits.

"Yang Qin."

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, you will have such a day in the future, don't blame me for not helping you at that time."

Ding Xiaoxiang smiled, Yang Qin wanted to use this opportunity to control herself, but there was no way.

Yang Qin was dumbfounded, Ding Xiaoxiang couldn't refute her words at all, if she didn't cover now, Ding Xiaojiang would definitely not cover for herself in the future, if she wanted to take advantage of it, Ding Xiaoxiang would definitely come back ten times and a hundred times in the future.


"Ding Xiaoxiang!"

"You are amazing!"

"Hurry up! Meet your lover! Don't dangle in front of me, you will be unhappy!"

Yang Qin picked up a small pillow and threw it at Ding Xiaoxiang.

Ding Xiaoxiang didn't care about it at all, she dodged, opened the door bouncingly, ran out, left the village entrance, looked left and right to see if she saw anyone, immediately turned a corner, got into a small road, and walked for a while. Will saw Zhao Dahai, who was waiting for him, and a dog was lying next to him, and when he saw him, he immediately barked and rushed over.


"How did you grow up so fast? The last time I saw you was only ten days, why did you grow up again?"

"It looks really good to eat!"

Ding Xiaoxiang patted the head of Xiao Nai Hei who rushed over and circling around her. She hadn't seen Xiao Nai Hei for ten days, but she really grew her head again, looking like a big dog of a year or two.

"Why did your mother ask you to sell fish at Liu Gang's today?"

Zhao Dahai watched Ding Xiaoxiang play with Xiao Naihei for a while and walked over, thinking about this matter all day today.

"I do not know!"

"I can't figure it out either. I told me last night that I should go to Liu Gang's to sell fish this morning. I was taken aback. I thought the sun was coming out from the west."

Ding Xiaoxiang shook her head, this thing is really wrong, during the day when Liu Gang saw Zhao Dahai in front of the restaurant, she didn't dare to speak, worried that her old lady would follow behind, staring in that corner, and rush out at any time.

"Could it be that your mother doesn't object to my meeting with you now?"

Zhao Dahai thought it was possible, but he also thought it was impossible. How could Zhang Li not object to meeting Ding Xiaoxiang.


"Only my mother knows what my mother thinks. I'm not a roundworm in her stomach. How can I think of it?"

Ding Xiaoxiang felt her face was a little hot.

Is my old lady really no longer objecting to meeting Zhao Dahai?

There is such a possibility!Otherwise, he wouldn't let himself go to Liu Gang's restaurant to sell fish alone. If he went to Liu Gang's to sell fish by himself, he would definitely have a chance to meet Zhao Dahai.

Is it really like this?
Ding Xiaoxiang couldn't believe it.

"I asked someone to take the gelatin for that big squid. The dried fish gelatin has been dried. The fish is really big. Especially the gelatin. Someone I know said it is a top-notch product!"

"How about I bring it for you to see next time?"

Zhao Dahai.While talking, he gestured to the size of the dried salted fish made from big squid, especially the gelatin.


"Who wants to see your dried fish and gelatin? What does it have to do with me?"

"I don't care!"

Ding Xiaoxiang's face immediately turned red, and she glared at Zhao Dahai.

Zhao Dahai was a little confused. Looking at Ding Xiaoxiang's face, he suddenly realized that what he said was wrong. He said it very clearly at the entrance of the vegetable market. For the future daughter-in-law to eat during the confinement period, what I said by myself is too obvious and too strong.

Zhao Dahai scratched his hair or the head of his head, smiled a little embarrassedly, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Ding Xiaoxiang's face became more and more red and hot, she couldn't help but lower her head, not daring to look at Zhao Dahai.


"I saw your second uncle at the entrance of the village just now!"

Zhao Dahai suddenly remembered this matter, and immediately told Ding Xiaoxiang.


"Why didn't you say so sooner? I came out after dinner."

"If my second uncle came to my house and said to look for you at the entrance of the village, my mother might be able to guess that I came out to see you!"


"I have to go back now!"

Ding Xiaoxiang stood up like a little rabbit and ran.

Zhao Dahai yelled, and we will meet here again next Monday.

Ding Xiaoxiang didn't look back, she just waved her hand, and in a blink of an eye she ran out of sight.

Zhao Dahai waited until Ding Xiaoxiang was far away before returning to the side of the road with Xiaonaihei, and riding a tricycle back to Langtou Village. He was not too sure whether Zhang Li had no objection or not much objection to meeting Ding Xiaoxiang, but anyway, It is a good thing that Ding Xiaoxiang goes to Liu Gang Restaurant to sell fish again, and has more chances to meet each other.

Zhao Dahai returned home, went to bed early, woke up at one o'clock the next day, and immediately felt something was wrong as soon as he walked out of the yard.

 Ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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