Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 179 Is this robbery of the Sea Dragon King?

Chapter 179 Is this robbery of the Sea Dragon King?

Zhao Dahai controlled the fishing boat and started to float down from the head of the current. The hook that re-hanged the shrimp had already sunk into the sea under the lead of the lead pendant. It was hung for a whole day yesterday. He knew the depth of the sea very well, so he pulled the line , about one meter away from the bottom, and soon the first structure area will arrive. I just hit the bottom here not long ago. There are no fish. I think that I don’t need to hit the bottom. The second structure area that catches fish is the key point. However, hesitate After a while, the right hand loosened, the lead pendant fell down, and hit the bottom of the sea heavily. The fishing boat floated forward for one to two meters. Pull it.

There are fish!

Zhao Dahai keenly discovered that it was not the fishhook or the lead pendant hitting the reef on the bottom of the sea or the shrimp jumping on the hook, it was 100% the bite of the fish, but the fish was not big or the fish was very smart and didn't get bored.

Zhao Dahai pulled upwards without hesitation, and the momentary resistance and penetration of the hook pierced through the fish's mouth was directly transmitted to his fingers through the fishing line, and the pulling force of the fish's downward drilling was very obvious.


Zhao Dahai lifted his hand upwards vigorously, lifted it high, and immediately pulled it away from the bottom of the sea, and took up the line alternately with both hands, and pulled it five or six meters in a blink of an eye.

not moving at all?
Erythema again?

There are many fishes on the bottom of the reef area, and there are many kinds of groupers alone, such as green spots, sesame spots, etc., each of which has a different behavior when taking the bait. Not particularly struggling.

As soon as Zhao Dahai found that the fish was no longer struggling, he immediately slowed down. When the first red spot caught the fish just now, he was a little excited and pulled too fast. Take control.

While controlling the fishing boat, Zhao Dahai slowly reeled in the fish and pulled it out of the water, dark red in color.

"Redspot caught again!"



"How lucky is it?"

"I floated five times and hung up eight times!"

"The fish scales are not caught!"


"This is the place. I failed the trip just now. Why did someone else catch the fish? It's unreasonable!"


Zhao Dahai looked up, and the people on the surrounding fishing boats stared and yelled, complaining wildly in their hearts.

Zhao Dahai glanced at it and ignored it, and picked up the red spots floating on the sea with a net. They were really not big, and looked like they were over a catty.

This fish costs 800 yuan!

Zhao Dahai took a closer look and found that the speed of pulling up was not fast, the erythema was not flatulent, the fish maw was not spitting out, and there was no problem with the eyeballs. He took off the hook and put it into the live cabin, swam up with a plop, and immediately sank to the bottom of the live cabin.

Hand silk is really unique!
Zhao Dahai wiped the sweat and sea water off his face. The red spot that just came off was not big, only a little over a catty. The water depth was 30 meters or even more than 50 meters sometimes. A fish of this size would bite The mouth is very light. If you use a fishing rod, you can only see the tip of the rod. One is that the bite is delayed. When you notice it, the fish has already run away, and it is not even very obvious. It is not the bite of the fish, but the lead pendant hit the bottom of the sea The reef or the live shrimp on the hook are desperately fleeing and pulling.

The biggest advantage of hand silk is that the fishing line is directly in the hand, and any movement can be noticed immediately.

The biggest problem with hand silk is that once a big fish is caught, the ten catties or eight catties are already exhausted. The pulling force of the fish is very strong, and the fishing line is very thin, so the hand may not be able to hold it, let alone twenty or thirty catties or even bigger Heavy fish. However, the reef area in front of me is basically fishing for red spots. The fish will not be particularly big, and they will only weigh ten catties if they are full.There is more than enough hand silk, and you can easily handle it. These are the experiences accumulated by fishermen who have been fishing for many years, year after year. This place has enough fishing hand silk. It is fundamental for any big rod to catch a big fish weighing one or two hundred catties. No need, the cannon hits mosquitoes and misses them.

Zhao Dahai checked that the fishing boat did not float out of the flowing water area, and immediately took the time to continue fishing, hung up the live shrimp and put them in the sea. When he reached the front of a structure, he concentrated on fishing and did not see a big swell. Squeezing towards the fishing boat, the fishing boat rose all of a sudden, and then fell suddenly. Before I could react in time, the line I was holding loosened and immediately hung on the reef.

Zhao Dahai was very helpless, he could only break the fishing line, and the fishing boat drove out of the flowing water area.

Zhao Dahai was not in a hurry to fish right away, he patted his face and caught two red spots one after another, a little excited.

Many people fish in this place, some of them are more familiar with this place than themselves, and they may fish better than themselves at ordinary times, but now the front of the typhoon is very strong, and the fishing boats are going up or down, left or right, and it is very difficult to control.No matter how familiar the veterans are with the environment here, it is easy to hang up in this kind of weather.I can't be proud of catching two red envelopes very smoothly.

Zhao Dahai calmed down for a while, recovered his mood, drove the fishing boat again, went to the top of the flowing water, and continued fishing.

The first structural area hit the bottom and no fish took the bait.

The bottom of the second structural area was hit, but still no fish took the bait.

Zhao Dahai was not in a hurry, he calmed down, controlled the fishing boat, and drifted forward according to the line he had hanged countless times yesterday.


Here comes the biggest structural area!

Zhao Dahai saw the timing right, especially noticing a big swell that squeezed in from the side. The fishing boat loosened its right hand when it was at the highest point, and the lead fell to the bottom of the sea. Here is a trench, a relatively wide trench, about seven or eight meters. There are often fish in this kind of place, and there are a lot of fish. This is the place where I am going to go fishing today.

Zhao Dahai raised his right hand upwards, and the lead pendant was pulled about [-] centimeters away from the bottom of the sea. The fishing boat continued to float forward along the current, and the main line of the tiger's mouth with his right hand was pulled vigorously.

Here comes the fish!
Zhao Dahai quickly reeled in the line, and collected more than ten meters of the line. The hooked fish kept struggling and shaking. This was definitely not a red envelope, but other fish or other groupers. Squeeze to death and pull the fish as fast as possible.

Stone snapper!

A five or six catty stone bream!
Zhao Dahai picked up the net, caught the fish at the right time, and carried it to the deck. This one was not as big as the one he caught in the oyster field, and it was not as valuable as the red spot, but it was considered very good.

Zhao Dahai looked up at the sky. The sun was getting bigger and bigger, and the sea surface was getting hotter and hotter. If you can't go to sea, hurry up and catch one or two more fish.

Zhao Dahai drove the fishing boat away from the flowing water area, drove up, and continued fishing.

The sun is getting bigger and bigger.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter.

It's like being inside a giant steamer.

Zhao Dahai was drenched all over, and his clothes hadn't dried at all. He picked up the water bottle and gulped water. He just caught today's seventh red spot, along with two stone breams and a small fish about six catties. Lively, the harvest is amazing, and I made a lot of money today.

Zhao Dahai looked at the time and it was almost one o'clock in the noon, his stomach was growling with hunger, but at this time, the mouth of the fish was just right, and he could almost catch fish every time, feeling hot in his hands, full of luck, he couldn't stop, he couldn't be sure if he stopped I can’t catch fish, and I might run out of fish after eating. It’s unreasonable, but it’s like this a lot of times. I took a few breaths, rested for a few minutes, and immediately continued to drive the fishing boat to fish.

Zhao Dahai concentrated on fishing, not noticing that many fishing boats around him were staring at him.

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(End of this chapter)

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