Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 182 One Trial of Crazy Knife Has Made Big Money!

Chapter 182 A Trial of Crazy Knives Has Made a Lot of Money!
Four in the morning.

Zhao Dahai pulled the cable on the bow and sat half-squatted. Liu Bin was driving the fishing boat. Today, he is the main force in fishing. It takes a lot of energy to drive the fishing boat, so save as much as you can. The sea is pitch black, and the swell is obviously bigger than yesterday A lot, when the fishing boat was moving forward, the bottom of the boat bumped into one after another, and there was a "bang bang bang" sound. The raincoat must have been drenched long ago. Even so, the sea water flowed in from the collar of the raincoat from time to time, and it was very uncomfortable to be wet. Looking around, there were very few lights, the swell in the sea was getting bigger and bigger, and there were a lot fewer fishing boats going out to sea.

Zhao Dahai didn't speak. He half closed his eyes and rested for a while. When the fishing boat slowed down, he immediately opened his eyes and found that he had arrived at the fishing spot without knowing it.

"The sea!"

"Start now?"

Liu Bin wiped the seawater off his face, it was too big and it took a long time to rush over.

Zhao Dahai carefully looked at the surface of the sea. There was a swell but no current. Today came earlier and the tide did not come. After pondering for a while, he changed hands and drove the fishing boat slowly to a place. This was the first day with flowing water. I remember the location of the tail of the stream very clearly. At that time, a swell came and hit the bottom hard. There must be a structure here. Other fishing boats are all crowded at the head of the stream to wait for the tide. Try to see if you can catch fish here. Moreover, this place is far away from the place where Liutou fishing boats gather. Once you catch fish, you won't attract the attention of others, so you don't have to worry about fishing boats rushing over.

Zhao Dahai adjusted his position, handed the fishing boat back to Liu Bin, and controlled it not to leave.

Zhong Shizhu, Lei Dayou and Liu Bin looked at the lights of a group of fishing boats parked in the first-class tide in the distance, and felt a little strange in their hearts. They knew that if it was just a few of them, seeing so many people queuing up, they would not say anything Immediately go to line up, never thought that you can try fishing in still water when there is no running water.The tide has time, but it is not 100% fixed. Sometimes it is ten minutes away, sometimes it is several hours, and sometimes it does not come at all. Zhao Dahai's mind is really flexible, and he does not waste time waiting for nothing.

"Uncle Shi Zhu!"

"There is a reef structure under the fishing boat. There is no flowing water now, so the boat cannot float. Try to catch fish here."


"Uncle You."

"Your fishing boat is about three meters to my left."

"It's the spot between our two fishing boats!"


Zhao Dahai quickly hung up the live shrimp. There was no running water, and a 23-gram lead pendant was enough. He put it in the sea and sank immediately. He caught the main line at about 25 meters. When he hung the bottom here two days ago, the water depth It was about [-] meters. After waiting for two seconds, I lowered it for half a meter and didn’t touch the bottom. I continued to lower it for half a meter, but still didn’t touch the bottom. I just wanted to go down another half meter, but the fishing line caught in the tiger’s mouth shook. A few times, very slight. If you are not highly concentrated, you may miss it. Without the slightest hesitation, you immediately pulled it up.


Zhao Dahai shouted, today I don’t need to control the fishing boat, I pull up the fishing line alternately with both hands, at the beginning the fish struggled a bit, and then stopped moving when it was pulled up to about five meters. speed out of the water.


"It's a red spot!"

Zhong Shizhu was very excited. Zhao Dahai tried it for the first time, and immediately caught the fish and it was a valuable red spot. He picked up the net scooping hand and stretched out the fish.


"Good start!"

Zhao Dahai was very happy, it was nice to have someone on the fishing boat, if he was the only one, he must be in a hurry.

Zhong Shizhu unhooked the fish and took a closer look. There was no flatulence, no tongue sticking out, no protruding eyes of the fish, and the fish immediately swam up in the live cabin.

"The sea!"

"You are really amazing!"

Zhong Shizhu gave a thumbs up.

Those who don't understand may think that Zhao Dahai's luck is just against the sky. As an old fisherman, he knows that this is definitely not luck.

Everyone knows that when fishing for grouper, you need to find a place with structure. There must be reefs at the bottom, but they are all sea water, so there is no way to mark them. If you hang them and turn your head, you may forget that there is a pit in this place.

Zhao Dahai can remember that this is not something that can be done with experience alone. It is a natural talent. He, Liu Bin, and Lei Dayou have hanged here a lot in the past two days, but he didn't remember where there was a reef.Not to mention that it is not enough to just know that there is a reef, you have to know where to stick to the reef but not hang on the reef.This is the most technical place.

When Zhong Shizhu unhooked it, he weighed it. The red spot must weigh at least three catties. For just such a fish, the four of them went out to sea together today. Not only did they not lose money, but they could also share two or three hundred yuan.


"It looks like there's still some under there."

"See if we can catch another one or two in this place. If not, we will change places immediately."

Zhao Dahai immediately urged Zhong Shizhu and the others to start fishing, rehung the prawns by himself, and immediately put them into the sea.

Zhong Shizhu, Lei Dayou and Liu Bin hung live shrimps and started fishing.


"Stop when the line reaches 23 meters!"


"The depth of the sea here is about 25 meters."


"Just now I was a fish in 24 meters!"

"Wait for two or three minutes at 24 meters. If there are no fish, hit the bottom!"


"Don't be afraid to hang up!"

"Where does the fish come from if you don't hang the bottom?!"


Zhao Dahai reminded Zhong Shizhu, Lei Dayou and Liu Bin while putting out the line.Fishing in reef areas, especially grouper fishing, is a typical pursuit of wealth and danger, dancing on the tip of the knife, either hanging on the bottom or hitting the fish.

When Zhong Shizhu set the line to 23 meters, he stopped for a while, but there was no fish. He continued to put half a meter, and waited for two or three minutes, but there was no fish.

"Uncle Shi Zhu!"

"Lift up and down a few times! Make fun of it!"

"Slow down."

Zhao Dahai turned his head and looked at the Zhong Shizhu beside him, reminding him.

Zhong Shizhu nodded, lifted the main line [-] to [-] centimeters and lowered it again. When he lifted it up the second time, a bite was so fierce that he dragged the fishing line away.


Zhong Shizhu was very excited and shouted. As an old fisherman with rich experience, he immediately pulled the line with both hands alternately, and after a while a fish was pulled out of the water.


"Why is it a blue spot!?"

Zhong Shizhu looked at the grouper floating on the water and shook his head.

The price of the blue spot is far from the price of the red spot. Don't look at the size of the one that Zhao Dahai caught just now. It's even bigger, but the price difference is much lower.


"Uncle Shi Zhu!"

"Why do you feel so disappointed? It's not a red spot, is it?"

Zhao Dahai laughed loudly, took the net and picked up the fish.


"The Clock Stone Pillar."

"Why are you so disappointed? This is a green spot, and it's a three or four catties. It's about 2000 yuan."

"Isn't this from money?"


"If you don't come out with the sea, it's not bad if you can catch fish."

"Now that you catch such a big green spot, you're going to be picky and picky after making money!"


Liu Bin and Lei Dayou laughed and cursed.

Zhong Shizhu couldn't refute it. Usually, he would be so happy to catch a fish like this. Now that he went out to sea with Zhao Dahai, his goal immediately improved a lot. At first, he didn't like blue spots, and only had red spots in his eyes.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"Fishing for Big Money!"

"Today's fish school is even more irritable!"

After Zhao Dahai hung up the shrimp, he immediately released the line. The typhoon was getting closer, and the swell was getting bigger and bigger. I was able to catch two fish and caught them at the same place. Today the fish in the sea are more irritable and eat more fiercely.


Zhao Dahai's lead pendant had just been placed at 24 meters, and a fish took the bait immediately. When it was pulled out of the water, it was a red spot about two kilograms.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou were all a little dumbfounded.

Is it that easy?

This is not fishing for small black bream and small yellow bream or sand tip fish in Qianhai.Instead, catch very valuable grouper at a water depth of 30 meters, ranging from more than 400 yuan per catty to as much as 1000 to [-] yuan per catty or even more than [-] yuan per catty.

How can you catch fish every time you hook the hook?
Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou were very excited. Zhao Dahai must have found the grouper's nest, and they all concentrated on fishing.


"I hit it!"


"here we go again!"



"Why is it another blue spot? Could it be that I didn't catch the red spot today?"


Zhong Shizhu, Lei Dayou and Liu Bin shouted loudly.

nine in the morning.

It was a little overcast.

There was no wind on the sea, and it was very muggy.

Zhao Dahai looked at the sea surface and saw that the swell was getting bigger and bigger, and the sea water began to flow. Today's tide is a bit late, but it is here.

"The sea!"

"What shall we do next!?"

Zhong Shizhu wiped his face, Zhao Dahai took several of himself to find a few spots, and in each place, one or two or three or four groupers could be caught, some were red spots, some were blue spots, and even a ten-pointed grouper was caught. A few catties of red friends, I really have to be convinced, Zhao Dahai is so powerful, there are already more than a dozen fish in the live cabin, most of them are red spots weighing more than one or two catties, and the base is 2 yuan, not only making money but also already Make a lot of money, now that the water is flowing, the mouth of the fish will be more fierce, and you will definitely be able to catch more fish and make more money.

Zhao Dahai looked up at the fishing boats at Liutou in the distance, there were densely packed ones, and some fishing boats could not wait to start floating down.

"Check the adjustment group!"

"Hang up and re-tie!"

"Put live shrimps, copying nets, etc. where you can get them!"


Zhao Dahai saw that everyone was ready, and the current was getting more and more urgent. The first batch of eager fishing boats had already drifted halfway. With a big wave of his hand, the fishing boats rushed to Liutou. The real drama started here today. up.

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(End of this chapter)

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