Chapter 199 Sold!A huge sum of money!
Wu Weiming parked the car, opened the door and saw Zhao Dahai at a glance, said hello, saw the dustpan at the gate of the yard, and walked over.


"This scallop is really good!"

Wu Weimin said while taking one and put it to his mouth and took a bite.

"Boss Wu."

"This is raw!"

Zhao Dahai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, Wu Weimin was always like this, when he saw the things he was drying, he put them into his mouth and took a bite, regardless of whether they were raw or cooked.

"What's the matter?"

"Fresh and good things can be eaten whether they are raw or cooked."

Wu Weimin didn't care at all, and took another bite, the more he chewed, the sweeter it became.

"It's really a good thing!"

"It's a pity that the quantity is too small!"

Wu Weimin shook his head.The scallops that Zhao Dahai is drying are really good, the big meat is very clean, and there is no miscellaneous smell.But only two dustpans were left to dry, and it was clear at a glance that they did not plan to sell them, but kept them for themselves.

Wu Weimin said half-jokingly and half-seriously, if he can buy more next time, the price is easy to negotiate.

"Boss Wu."

"Who can let money go without making money?"

"It was in the morning. I went to catch the sea and found a place. I pulled out two net bags to dry it. There should be some in that place, but there are not too many anyway."

"It's okay to get a few delicious meals, but it's really not enough to sell them."

Zhao Dahai knew that Yao Zhu could make money, but he was not specialized in this business, and the amount was not much, so there was nothing he could do.

Zhao Dahai asked Wu Weimin what he was doing here this time.

"I heard that someone caught a large yellow croaker, weighing more than two catties."


"A boss called me to see if there is still one to eat."


"I've called a lot and no one has heard of it."


"No way, I can only go to the village below."

"Still no news."


"I just turned around and turned to you. Come and have a look. By the way, I'm asking if anyone in Langtou Village has caught a big yellow croaker."


Wu Weimin sighed and made a lot of phone calls. The whole afternoon went around the village, but there was no news of the big yellow croaker.


"Boss Wu."

"Where did you get the news? How did you know someone caught the big yellow croaker?"

Zhao Dahai froze for a moment.Has anyone caught a big yellow croaker?Isn't this person your own?Only one was sold to Gang Liu.Could it be that Liu Gang has already sold that big yellow croaker?If not, it is impossible to spread the news.

"There is a Fortune Restaurant in the town, you know that?"

“Specialize in selling seafood!”

"That's where the big yellow croaker is sold, that's where the news spread!"

Wu Weimin looked at Zhao Dahai, and found that the expression on Zhao Dahai's face was a bit different.

When Zhao Dahai heard it, it was indeed the case.


"This big yellow croaker was not caught or caught by you, right?"

Wu Weimin's eyes widened at once, and he always felt that this was the case.

Zhao Dahai smiled and nodded.


"If you have such a good thing, why don't you just call me?"

"My price must be higher than that of Fortune Restaurant!"

Wu Weimin suddenly became anxious.

Zhao Dahai waved his fingers, pointing to the surrounding houses.

Wu Weimin calmed down, Zhao Dahai just didn't want others to know.


"You don't have the big yellow croaker in your hand, do you?"

Wu Weimin reacted very quickly, Zhao Dahai must have a large yellow croaker in his hands, so he didn't want others to know.

Zhao Dahai turned around and walked into the yard, Wu Weimin became excited and immediately followed closely. After inquiring for a long time, he found no news at all. He just came here to have a look, but he didn't expect to meet the real master.

Wu Weimin stood in front of the refrigerator, looking at the three boxes inside, his eyes widened, especially the biggest box.Three large yellow croakers and this one is so big?

"It's not a joke, is it?"

"You have caught so many big yellow croakers, and how big is this one?"

Wu Weimin's voice was trembling with excitement, and he pointed to the largest foam box.

Zhao Dahai told Wu Weimin that he had weighed one tael for three catties, one for five taels for three catties, and the largest one was eleven catties and one tael. The fish had been frozen for two days, so the weight might be a little affected, but it was not bad. too much.

"How is this possible?"

"Three large yellow croakers!?"

"Two of them weigh more than three catties? The biggest one weighs more than ten catties?"

"This is not true, is it?"

Wu Weimin was very excited. He knew exactly what kind of seafood the big yellow croaker was. One or two catties was rare. Now there were three of them, the small one was more than three catties, and the big one was more than ten catties. I had never seen such a big fish in my life. large yellow croaker.

"Can you take a look?"

It took Wu Weimin a while to calm down.

Zhao Dahai shook his head. The large yellow croaker was wrapped in the refrigerator, and it had to be rewrapped to see if it was unpacked. I was afraid that it would damage the appearance and cause troubles such as scales falling off. If you want to buy it, you can negotiate the price Open it for inspection and weighing, the biggest big yellow croaker would have been impossible to open if Ding Xiaoxiang didn't want to see it.

Wu Weimin has no objection, there is indeed such a risk.

"These two small ones cost 5000 yuan a catty each."

Wu Weimin thought for a while, the price of the two small yellow croakers was very easy to quote, but the price of the big one had to be carefully considered.

Zhao Dahai nodded in agreement, the price of these two smaller ones is quite good, already surpassing the catty price of the one sold to Liu Gang, basically the highest price that can be offered in this market.

Wu Weimin looked at the largest foam box. Inside was a large yellow croaker weighing more than ten catties. It was very rare and had to be taken down.

"This big one costs 5000 yuan a catty."

Wu Weimin pondered for about 10 minutes, gritted his teeth, and set the price.

"Boss Wu."

"A total of four large yellow croakers were caught, and one was sold to Liu Gang at the Fortune Restaurant."

"The remaining three are in front of you."

"Liu Gang didn't even know that there were three other large yellow croakers on me."

"You were the first to know."

"The price of the small one is what I just said. The price of the big one is 5000 yuan per catty."

Zhao Dahai thought about it for a while and paid back the price.

Wu Weimin was very shrewd, and understood the meaning of Zhao Dahai's words at once.The price of 5000 yuan is indeed a bit high, but Zhao Dahai really released the news that he has to compete with others. Rich people don’t care about 5000 yuan a catty or 5000 yuan a catty or six 5000 yuan a catty, these people only know that ten catties of large yellow croaker are rare, but they can earn money casually.In addition, large yellow croakers weighing more than ten catties are very rare, and large yellow croakers weighing more than three catties are a different price. Zhao Dahai's price is not outrageous.

Wu Weimin gritted his teeth and nodded without bargaining, taking the most important thing.

Zhao Dahai negotiated the price, opened the wrapped plastic bag, carefully checked that the product was perfect, and weighed it again.

Wu Weimin squatted down and rewrapped the two large yellow croakers by himself. This is a trading rule. Zhao Dahai was in charge of opening the plastic bag and checked that the goods were fine. Then he had to wrap the plastic bag himself. If something went wrong, scales fell off or something. It's all their own business.Ordinary fish, shrimp and crabs are not so particular, but large yellow croakers, especially large yellow croakers weighing more than ten catties, must be careful and behave.

"The two smaller ones cost 500 yuan."

"The land is 49 yuan."

"Together it is 59 yuan."

Wu Weimin calculated the accounts and handed over the money to Zhao Dahai. He watched the three big yellow croakers repacked and put them in the trunk. He let out a sigh of relief. There was not so much cash in the car, so he just drove back to the town and returned to the house. Open the safe, put the money in the bag, and immediately rush back to Zhao Dahai's home.After negotiating a good price, you have to take it immediately, so as not to have long nights and dreams. Don't wait for someone else to know the news and rush to buy it at a higher price, and the cooked duck will fly away.

Zhao Dahai sent Wu Weimin away, walked into the yard, closed the door, and walked into the main room.

"The sea!"

"Is this money real?"

Zhong Cuihua pointed to the bag containing the money. She watched Zhao Dahai count the money just now, but she has not recovered until now.

"Ha ha!"


"Is this still fake?"

"Pearl is not so real!"

Zhao Dahai smiled, not to mention that grandma herself is a bit like a dream now, this is almost 60 in cash.


"Doesn't it look better this way?"

Zhao Dahai thought about it, took it out of the bag, and placed it on the table.


"It looks so good!"

Zhong Cuihua nodded with a smile, and raised her hand to wipe the corners of her eyes.


"This is just the beginning, and more money will be made in the future!"

Zhao Dahai turned his head to look, and there were visible tears in Zhong Cuihua's eyes. He was like a bastard two years ago, but now that such a big change has taken place and he has made so much money, he probably never thought of such a day. , with mixed feelings in my heart.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"Go ahead and make more money!"

"My grandson is capable of this!"

Zhong Cuihua kept nodding happily.

Zhao Dahai took the money back into the bag and deposited it in the bank tomorrow.

Just as Zhao Dahai had collected the money, he heard the sound of a car engine coming from the gate of the yard. He didn't pay attention at first, but soon someone slammed on the gate of the yard twice.

so late?
Zhao Dahai froze for a moment.

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(End of this chapter)

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