Chapter 203 Shout out!Men just want to die!

Chen Wenfei glanced at the navigation and fish finder, adjusted the bow of the speedboat, and began to float down, while controlling the speed of the fishing boat while staring at the navigation and fish finder.


"90 meters!"

Chen Wenfei shouted.

Zhao Dahai, Huang Tie and Zhang Libin had already made preparations, put the lead pendant and the hook with bait into the water, waited for a while, and reached a depth of 90 meters.

Chen Wenfei slowed down the speed of the speedboat, glanced at it, and made sure that all the people were ready to be put into the water depth of 90 meters. He no longer controlled the power of the speedboat but only controlled the direction, and floated forward along the current.



"Wreck position!"

"Knock the bottom!"

Chen Wenfei roared.

Huang Tie and Zhang Libin immediately hit the bottom line.

Zhao Dahai put all his energy into estimating the speed of the speedboat. This time it was much slower. When he heard Chen Wenfei yelling to hit the bottom, he deliberately slowed down by two beats before setting out the line to hit the bottom.


Zhao Dahai felt that the force and touch from the line were almost the same as last time, so he took a risk and had good luck, hitting the side closest to the sunken ship.

"Take it up!"

"Ten meters!"


Chen Wenfei roared.

Huang Tie and Zhang Libin pushed the electric winch to take up the wire for ten meters.

Zhao Dahai quickly shook the spinning wheel a few times, the ten meters without taking up the line was only five meters, he held the fishing rod tightly with both hands, stood firm, took a deep breath, and the prawn hook was now sticking to it. Floating above the sunken ship, whether there are fish, may be seen at any time.


"No fish!"

"It made me nervous for a while!"


"There should be no fish at this point!"

"Change it!"


Huang Tie and Zhang Libin were staring at the tip of the pole, with their right hands on the take-up switch of the electric winch, ready at any time, as long as the tip of the pole shook a few times and bent down, they would immediately push forward. However, ten seconds passed , motionless, this is not the first time they have come to this spot to fish, the sunken ship on the bottom of the sea is not very wide, and now the speedboat has drifted past, there is no chance this trip, there are no fish but no bottom, luck in misfortune.

Huang Tie and Zhang Libin pushed the electric winch together and began to take up the wire.

"Ha ha!"

"It's just like fishing big fish. How can I catch it every day? Is there a bite? If so, I'll make a fortune a long time ago!"

"It's too late."

"Take it up!"

"One or two more times in a while."

Chen Wenfei relaxed, and started to reel in the line, and floated a few times after a while, there was really no fish to change to another place.

Zhao Dahai saw that Huang Tie, Zhang Libin and Chen Wenfei were all reeling in the line, and he was not in a hurry. After waiting for a while, the fishing line jumped a few times very slightly.

Are the shrimp jumping?
Is there a big fish chasing it?

Zhao Dahai immediately concentrated his mind, held the fishing rod in his hands tightly with both hands, stood with his feet slightly apart, and took a deep breath.


Zhao Dahai saw the tip of the fishing rod that was close at hand shake slightly for a few times, followed by a big setback.


Zhao Dahai violently lifted up the rod with both hands to stab the fish. The three-finger-wide hook pierced through the hard bone of the fish's mouth. With great strength, he pulled it into the sea so desperately that the pole almost flew out of his hands.


Zhao Dahai firmly clamped the end of the fishing rod under his armpit, firmly grasped the fishing rod with both hands, and lifted the rod upwards and backwards. A force that had never been touched before came from the fishing rod, and his legs tried hard to He stood firmly but couldn't stand at all. He bent down suddenly, and his knee hit the broad side of the speedboat with a "boom".

Zhao Dahai was so painful that tears almost came out, he gritted his teeth, his face was flushed from holding back, and he exhausted all the strength in his body, leaning back on his knees and trying to lift his hands up desperately.


Zhao Dahai let out a loud roar, slowly raised the fishing rod in his hand, and the spinning wheel "squeaked" and spun wildly.


"Control the speedboat!"

Zhao Dahai let out a roar, and the speedboat continued to float forward and was moving, and it was easy to run away fish if it was not easy to use force.

Chen Wenfei was startled, he woke up, he was a little flustered, but he quickly controlled the speedboat and adjusted the direction so that Zhao Haihai could control the fish.


Why did you hit it again?
Huang Tie was dumbfounded, he couldn't believe that Zhao Dahai caught another fish.

This is a big fish!
Why did the one who bit the small hook not bite my hook?
Zhang Libin gritted his teeth.


"This fish is really big!"

Chen Wenfei roared.The fishing rod in Dahai's hand was very thick and hard, and it was almost [-] degrees. The fish was very big when he took the bait, at least weighing more than [-] catties.


"Get up, daddy!"

Zhao Dahai yelled again, his hands burst out with blue veins, his body was leaning back almost 45 degrees, his knees were firmly pressed against the speedboat, his face turned red, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans immediately appeared .

The moment the grouper, especially the big grouper, takes the bait, it will definitely drill down with great strength, and it must be lifted up as soon as possible.Once the bottom is drilled, whether it is drilling into a reef or sinking a ship, the fish must break and the fish will run away.

Zhao Dahai didn't know how long he lasted, and his eyes were a little dark.


"Either you die or I die!"

Zhao Dahai was furious, seized the opportunity, and pressed the end of the fishing rod against his stomach, holding the fishing rod tightly with both hands, and pulled hard to his left rear.

Chen Wenfei looked at the tail of Zhao Dahai's fishing rod on his belly.

People who catch big fish will prepare a belt with a special place in the middle to support the tail of the fishing rod. This is the legendary "belly top".

Zhao Dahai didn't have such a thing now, he was directly propped on his stomach and abdominal muscles, and the fishing rod was bearing the strength of the whole big fish, all of which was on his stomach, which was very painful.Not everyone can bear it.

Chen Wenfei's molars were sore, this is a real man, he really can stand it.

Zhao Dahai leaned back desperately, his hands were very sore, and his knees were even more painful. He exerted too much force, but at this time he had no other choice but to hold on.


"It's done!"

Zhao Dahai didn't know how long he lasted, it seemed like a blink of an eye but it seemed like a long year, the pulling force of the fish in his hand began to gradually decrease.

Zhao Dahai's spirit was greatly lifted, and he felt it carefully. It was indeed true that his strength was gradually decreasing.


"Have it!"

Zhao Dahai was very happy, he lowered the raised pole abruptly, quickly swung the spinning wheel a few times with his left hand, held the pole with both hands, and raised the pole backwards vigorously.

"Get up! Get up!"

"Really woke up!"

Chen Wenfei was very nervous and excited. The fish that took the bait had already left the bottom of the sea. This was the most critical step. As long as he could bear the force of the big fish taking the bait and drilling down to the bottom of the sea, it was basically impossible to escape.

Zhao Dahai was not in a hurry, the hooked fish had already been pulled away from the bottom of the sea, and the most dangerous time had passed, so he held his ground and reeled in the line one after another to pull the fish.

Huang Tie and Zhang Libin's expressions were very complicated. Zhao Dahai not only caught a fish, but it was very likely that it was a huge fish, and he was extremely envious and jealous.

Zhao Dahai stared at the sea with his eyes wide open. The sea was very clear, and he could vaguely see a large fish shadow.

It's really huge!
Zhao Dahai took a breath, collected himself, and continued to pull the fish with the line. The distance was getting closer and clearer, and the size was getting bigger and bigger. At the beginning, he slowly floated up from the bottom of the sea, but the speed was getting faster and faster. , as if a prehistoric beast rushed out of the dark deep sea, it emerged from the water with a "bang" to a height of almost half a meter before floating horizontally on the water.

Zhao Dahai heaved a sigh of relief. The fish pulled out of the 90-meter water depth will lose pressure and lose the ability to move when they come out of the water.

Zhao Dahai took a rest for a minute or two, pulled the fish by the line, and slowly pulled it to the side of the speedboat.

"You do it!"

Chen Wenfei held the big hook, looked at the fish in the water, gestured, shook his head and smiled wryly, he must not have the strength to pull this fish, and also worried that when the hook stuck into the fish's mouth, the big fish would struggle desperately, if it ran away, You can be in big trouble yourself.

Zhao Dahai nodded, holding the fishing line with his left hand and the big hook with his right hand, he stretched it into the grouper's open mouth, pulled it up at the exact spot, and pierced through the hardest bone.

Zhao Dahai waited for a while, the big grouper didn't struggle, just wagged his tail a few times.

Zhao Dahai felt relieved now, the moment the big grouper took the bait, he struggled desperately and exhausted his strength, and the deep sea was pulled out and lost pressure, so he had no strength to struggle and was at the mercy of others.

Zhao Dahai put down the fishing rod in his hand, stood beside the speedboat, held the hook with both hands and lifted it up. He tried it, but the fish was too heavy, and the speedboat leaned to one side.

"Boss Chen!"

"I need your help!"

Zhao Dahai turned his head and looked at Chen Wenfei. He couldn't pull the fish by himself. It would be fine if he stood on land or something stable with both feet, but the speedboat was wobbly on the sea surface, and he couldn't pull it with his strength.

Chen Wenfei nodded, and shouted that Zhang Libin and Huang Tie stood on the other side of the speedboat, and everyone stayed on the other side. If this big grouper was added, they might roll over if they exerted their strength.

Zhao Dahai and Chen Wenfei worked hard, spent about ten minutes, tried every means, and finally managed to pull the fish onto the deck.

Zhao Dahai was completely exhausted, and sat down on the deck next to the big grouper, panting heavily.

Chen Wenfei looked at Zhao Dahai and then again. The huge grouper couldn't help giving a thumbs up.


The hell with the hand crank, it can catch such a big grouper.

Fishing people know how difficult it is to do this.

"Boss Zhao!"

"This green spot is estimated to weigh a hundred catties!"

Chen Wenfei has been fishing overseas for 20 years, but he has never seen such a big fish.


"It should be about the same!"

Zhao Dahai rested for a while, regained his strength a little, stood up, took water and drank it in big gulps, this is the largest grouper he has ever hooked, and it might really break a hundred catties.

Zhao Dahai flicked his hands, they were so sore, and looked down at his knees, which were bruised and hurt like a needle prick. The price paid for catching this fish was not small, but it was all worth it, don't worry about this one How much is a fish worth? Just being able to catch a fish like this is enough to boast for a lifetime.

Zhao Dahai looked at it, and found that the fish was too big to fit in the refrigerator, and it couldn't fit in the live cabin either. It had no choice but to cover it with a layer of ice, which happened to be covered with a piece of plastic.

Five p.m.

While driving the speedboat, Chen Wenfei looked at the large grouper covered with plastic sheeting on the deck from time to time.

After Zhao Dahai caught this big grouper, he, Huang Tie, and Zhang Libin changed five or six fishing spots, drifting again and again, without catching a single fish.

Zhao Dahai's luck seemed to be exhausted, and he didn't catch any fish.

Chen Wenfei looked at Huang Tie and Zhang Libin, their faces were very ugly, and they smoked without saying a word.

Chen Wenfei shook his head and smiled wryly. Huang Tie and Zhang Libin even insisted on going back to the pier only if they had to catch white-headed waves, especially when there were white-headed waves in the open sea.When going fishing, some people cry while others laugh. I don’t know how many scenes like this I have seen in the past 20 years.There is only one person who got rich today, not himself, not Huang Tie, not Zhang Libin, but Zhao Dahai.

Night falls.

Paiwan Village Wharf, including the surrounding farmed fishing rafts, lights up.

Chen Wenfei's speedboat slowly approached the pier, and as soon as it stopped, Huang Tie and Zhang Libin hurried away without looking back, carrying their refrigerator fishing rods.

"Boss Zhao!"

"Can I discuss something with you?"

Chen Wenfei pointed to the big grouper covered with plastic sheeting. Someone in his speedboat caught such a big grouper. If the news spreads, there will be many people who want to go fishing with his speedboat. It depends on whether Zhao Dahai is willing or not.


Zhao Dahai nodded and agreed, this matter did not cause any harm to him, Chen Wenfei got the benefits, he got the benefits, there was no need to worry about everything.


"Such a big freckle?"



"One hundred catties!"


"Caught with a hand-cranked spinning wheel?"

"What the hell? How can anyone have such a skill?"


When Zhao Dahai and Chen Wenfei carried the big grouper onto the pier, it caused a commotion. One after another, people gathered around to watch the excitement, three floors inside and three floors outside.

Zhao Dahai agreed to Chen Wenfei, and waited for 10 minutes before lifting the fish to the tricycle.

Zhao Dahai walked quickly back to the speedboat and picked up his refrigerator, which contained the big yellow chickens caught in the first two hours of the morning and put them on the tricycle together.

Chen Wenfei looked at Zhao Dahai carrying a 150-jin refrigerator and walking like flying. Now he knew why Zhao Dahai was able to deal with this big green spot. He didn't have such a body and strength, and he couldn't catch the fish even if it bit the hook.

Seeing that it was getting late, Zhao Dahai greeted Chen Wenfei and left on a tricycle.

"How can this kid catch so many fish?"

Chen Wenfei pondered while walking towards his speedboat.

When fishing for yellow chickens, the yellow chickens Zhao Dahai caught were bigger than himself.Not to mention when they started fishing for grouper, only Zhao Dahai among the four caught a sesame grouper and a big green grouper that weighed a hundred catties.

"Could it be that the water layer where Zhao Dahai catches yellow chickens is different from ours?"

"It's almost the same when fishing for grouper?"

Chen Wenfei returned to his speedboat, packed his things, fetched water to clean them up, and with years of experience, he knew that Zhao Dahai would definitely not fish honestly according to the water layer or the place where he knocked the bottom, but he really couldn't understand what Zhao Dahai was doing. Know which water layer to fish and where to hit the bottom.

"never mind!"

"Don't think about it if you don't understand!"

"Tomorrow's fishing position and the day after tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are all set!"

Chen Wenfei was triumphant, as soon as Zhao Dahai caught the big grouper on the wharf, people immediately surrounded him to find his fishing spot, which was a real benefit.


"I am back!"

Zhao Dahai opened the courtyard door, rode the tricycle directly in, and shouted.

When Zhong Cuihua came out of the kitchen, she was startled when she saw Zhao Dahai's huge black spots on the tricycle.


"So big!?"

Zhong Cuihua has never seen such a big green spot in her life.


"Caught it this morning!"

Zhao Dahai took the biggest refrigerator that he bought when he bought the wheelbarrow, and it took half a day to freeze it well. The yellow chicken fish was placed one by one in another refrigerator to freeze it well. It has been more than an hour since all this was done.

"The sea!"

"The man who drove you to go fishing with you twice came again in the evening and said he was looking for you to go fishing. I said you went out to sea. They left."

Zhong Cuihua remembered that someone came to find Zhao Dahai.

As soon as Zhao Dahai heard that it was Wu Weimin, it was too late now, and Wu Weimin left again. He will call again tomorrow when he sells fish to see if he can find someone.

Zhao Dahai returned home, finished dinner, and went to bed early. He was really exhausted after a day. Going to sell fish tomorrow morning will definitely attract a new round of onlookers.

(End of this chapter)

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