Chapter 205
Four in the morning.

Standing on the speedboat, Chen Wenjiang shouted to the three people who were coming on the pier to hurry up. The tide is low today, and if it is too late, the speedboat will not be able to get out.


"That kid named Zhao Dahai didn't come yesterday?"

Huang Tie got on the speedboat, packed his things, took a look, and didn't see Zhao Dahai. When he left yesterday, he and Zhang Libin immediately booked a place on the boat. The unfamiliar face must have been booked at the temporary pier last night after seeing a big fish caught. For the next half a month, Chen Wenjiang’s speedboat will inevitably be booked. The speedboats with big fishes also make a lot of money. Fishermen believe that the boat that catches big fishes must have a better chance of catching big fishes than other boats.


"If I caught such a big fish, I would have to lie down and play for at least a month."

Chen Wenjiang looked at the crowd, untied the cable, and the speedboat slowly backed up, turned the bow, and drove out to the open sea at an increasing speed.

"That kid is really wicked!"

Zhang Libin lit a cigarette, took a puff, and shivered a bit. The speed of the speedboat gradually increased, and the sea breeze at four o'clock in the morning was a bit cold.

"Evil door?"

"That kid is definitely a master."

"With the same speedboat at the same point, some people can catch big fish, some can catch a lot of fish, and others can't catch fish, including my 20-year-old experience. It's just that the skills are not as good as others. "

"Not to mention other things, even if such a big green spot is hooked, we can pull it up? The electric winch will definitely not be able to push it."

"Zhao Dahai swung the spinning wheel bluntly and started fishing."

"How many of us have this ability?"

Chen Wenjiang shook his head, fishing is not just luck, it is really skillful, just Zhao Dahai has the ability to forcibly pull up a big green spot weighing more than [-] catties.

Huang Tie and Zhang Libin were speechless, unable to utter a word.

"Sit down!"

"Let's go to yesterday's spots today, especially the spot where the big yellow chicken and the big green spot were caught."

"See if we have such good luck!"

Chen Wenjiang roared loudly, and the speed of the speedboat suddenly increased, heading straight for the open sea.

nine in the morning.

Chen Wenjiang very helplessly called Zhang Libin, Huang Tie and others to collect their poles. They caught yellow chickens in the same place. The number of chickens caught today was much less than yesterday. Twenty catties, almost all two or three taels of worthless money, the running water for fishing grouper is coming soon, and I will rush to the fishing spot immediately.

Huang Tie and Zhang Libin's expressions were a bit ugly. Zhao Dahai fished a half a catty of big yellow chicken here yesterday, thinking that he could catch some today no matter what, to make up for the loss of not catching any fish yesterday. All methods, the fishing is worse than yesterday, and now I go fishing for big grouper, and I feel a little bad in my heart.

Chen Wenjiang drove the speedboat, and arrived at the place where Zhao Dahai caught the [-]-jin big green spot yesterday at the fastest speed, and urged Huang Tie and the others to get ready, and immediately began to float down the tide, following exactly the same route.




"Another trip in vain!"



"Really evil!"


Chen Wenjiang wiped his face, not knowing whether it was sweat or sea water, his mouth was chapped and bleeding came out.


"Hung up again!"

Chen Wenjiang couldn't control his anger all of a sudden, he kicked a box, and with a bang sound, all the things inside flew out.

Chen Wenjiang took a few deep breaths to calm himself down, wrapped the thread around the horns, and drove the speedboat to break it.

Chen Wenjiang's eyes widened. The main line was broken directly at the place where the goat's horn often used to be. The whole fishing group disappeared. In addition to the main line of about 100 meters, the main line of NO. .

"Boss Chen."

"Change places!"

"Whether there are fish or not, we can't catch fish in this place anyway."

Huang Tie's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. After floating for a dozen times, there were no bottoms or no fish. It was almost two o'clock in the afternoon, and the place could not last.

Chen Wenjiang lit a cigarette, smoked it in two or three puffs, and without a word, drove the speedboat and left directly to try another spot to see if he could catch fish.

Langtou Village.

Zhao Dahai opened his eyes and turned his head to look at the window. The sun had already come in. He got up and put on his clothes. It is not free.

Zhao Dahai moved his hands and feet slowly, and it took a while to feel better.

Zhao Dahai walked out of the room, grandma Zhong Cuihua was walking up and down in the yard, and little Naihei followed behind, never leaving a step.

"The sea!"

"Hurry up and eat something."

Zhong Cuihua pointed to the kitchen.

Zhao Dahai nodded and walked in.I took a big bowl of porridge, put a piece of salted fish in the plate, and ate it in big mouthfuls. After eating one bowl, I filled another bowl before I was full.


"These fish have already been bought, and Wu Weimin's people will come here to take them away in a while."

"Sold a total of 9000 and [-] yuan!"

Zhao Dahai pointed to the two large refrigerators on the tricycle.


"It seems that fishing in the open sea can really make money!"

Zhong Cuihua smiled so that the wrinkles on her face stretched out. This was Zhao Dahai's first fishing trip out to sea.

"There are indeed a lot of fish in the open sea. The big green spot is rare, but the yellow pheasant is really big. It's no problem to catch a hundred and eighty catties in a day with a little hard work. It will definitely make money. It's just that See how much you earn and how little you earn."

Zhao Dahai was agitated last night, but now he has calmed down. It is impossible to catch big green spot or other groupers every day, but fish like yellow chicken is not a problem. It will definitely make money, at least more cost-effective than fishing in the inland sea.

Zhao Dahai heard the sound of a car outside, opened the door and went out, Wu Weimin's car was in front, followed by a small truck, striding over.

Wu Weimin's car was parked, the door was pushed open, and four people got out at once, Xu Yuanjiang, Li Yong and Luo Fei all came together.


"There's that big blue spot in this big refrigerator, so be careful!"


"This smaller box contains a big yellow chicken."


"Put them all in the big freezer we brought. Take them back to the company and put them in the cold storage!"


When Zhao Dahai saw that Wu Weimin had brought a car and people, he didn't have to do it himself, he just watched from the side. It took about an hour to load the fish.

"Zhao Dahai."

"Where are we going to fish today? What fish?"

Wu Weimin washed his hands, and immediately walked up to Zhao Dahai, impatiently asking about today's fishing arrangements.

Zhao Dahai pointed to the direction of Dahai at the village pier.

Wu Weimin, Xu Yuanjiang and the others immediately looked over. The sea water receded a lot. There was water in some places, but the seabed had been exposed in some places.


"Is the sea so shallow?"

Luo Fei was a little dumbfounded. Zhao Dahai had already mentioned this matter last night, but he and Wu Weimin were all focused on fishing, so they didn't expect the sea to recede so badly.

Wu Weimin, Xu Yuanjiang, Luo Fei, and Li Yong became anxious. They started thinking about fishing yesterday, and they have been thinking about fishing until now. Zhao Dahai, a master, is free, but the sea is low tide and the sea is too shallow. Fishing is not easy or even impossible.

"It's definitely not good to catch yellow bream and black bream in this kind of tide. As long as the tide ebbs, no matter whether it is a big ebb or a small ebb, it will definitely affect the fish situation."

"Fishing something else today."

Zhao Dahai had already figured out what fish to catch today.

Wu Weimin, Xu Yuanjiang, Luo Fei and Li Yong felt relieved when they heard that fishing was still possible.

Zhao Dahai went back to the house, took the fishing line, fishhook and finger-sized Zhongtong lead pendant and attached some eight-character rings, and started to tie the fishing group. It was very simple. A main line was two or three meters long, and the Zhongtong lead pendant passed through the middle. In the past, the eight-character ring was tied, and the other end of the eight-character ring was connected with a sub-thread about [-] centimeters long and then tied with a hook.

Wu Weimin and Xu Yuanjiang are veterans, they know it at first glance, and they help out. The three of them tied up twenty pairs in less than half an hour.

Zhao Dahai took the foam board, wrapped each board with a thread, and the hook was hooked on the foam board so that it would not prick his hands when he held it.

"What is this for?"

"What fish are you going to catch?"

"Do you know?"

Luo Fei watched Zhao Dahai go back to the yard to get other things, and couldn't figure out what kind of fish he was going to catch.

Wu Weimin and Xu Yuanjiang shook their heads. Zhao Dahai was playing hand-line fishing, but he really didn't know what kind of fish he was fishing.

Zhao Dahai went back to the yard and told Zhong Cuihua that he and Wu Weimin went out to sea together. They took a large basket and a few iron cages, plus four small mesh bags with very dense meshes that only toothpicks could pass through, and five or six pairs. The labor protection gloves came out, and the tied thread group was put inside.

"Boss Wu."

"I told you to buy the Antarctic shrimp brick and sea centipede last night, did you buy it?"

Zhao Dahai asked Wu Weimin.

Wu Weiming smiled and said that he would forget about making money and never forget about fishing. He immediately walked to his car, opened the trunk, took out a box and put it on the ground to open it. Inside were neatly stacked Shrimp bricks from Antarctic Shrimp hold small boxes of sea centipedes.



"Go fishing!"

Zhao Dahai took Wu Weimin and others to the pier. The sea was too shallow for the fishing boats to go out. The place to go was not too far away, so they borrowed a bamboo raft and propped it out. After half an hour, they saw a patch of large and small fish sticking out of the water. Reef, stop slowly.

Wu Weimin, Xu Yuanjiang, Luo Fei and Li Yong looked at each other, but none of them knew what Zhao Dahai wanted to do.

This is a reef area, the sea water has receded but not much, only half of the rocks are exposed, people can stand on it, the water is very shallow, and there are a few places where the sea water is not too muddy, and the bottom of the sea can be seen at a glance.

"Is there really fish in this place? Can you catch fish?"

Wu Weimin couldn't help it.


"This place not only has fish but also is very fierce. The fish tastes good, braised in soy sauce and mixed with black bean sauce, it's really good."

While talking, Zhao Dahai found a large reef with a large surface area out of the water, where several people can stand on it and jump to other places at the same time, propped up the bamboo raft, and waited for Wu Weimin and the others to get on the reef. Inserted into the sea mud, took a rope, tied the bamboo raft to the bamboo pole, and went to the reef.

Wu Weimin, Xu Yuanjiang, Luo Fei, and Li Yong just thought about how to stop without an anchor, and couldn't help laughing when they saw this. It's an incredibly simple method, and it's very practical.

Zhao Dahai carried his things to the reef, put them in place, and immediately started to prepare for fishing. The shrimp bricks of Antarctic shrimp had been thawed out. He opened the bag and took the small mesh bag with a very small mesh. He grabbed two handfuls and stuffed it into it. , The rope was tied, and it became a lump the size of two fists. I found a small puddle between the reef and the reef, and soaked it in the sea water.

Zhao Dahai took a foam block, untied the fishing group wrapped around it, hung a sea centipede on the hook, walked to the edge of the puddle where the Antarctic shrimp had just soaked, and put it down.

Zhao Dahai waited for a while without any fish biting the hook, picked up the net bag filled with Antarctic shrimp soaked in the water, stepped on it twice with his foot, and the absorbed seawater was squeezed out and flowed into the puddle.

Zhao Dahai waited for a few more minutes, but there was no movement at all. Then he picked up the net bag containing the Antarctic shrimp and stepped on it several times.

"Is it really possible to catch fish like this?"


"Is this impossible? How can there be fish in such a place?"


"There can't be any black eagles in this kind of place, right? The water is so shallow!"


Wu Weimin frowned and looked at it for a long time, not knowing what fish Zhao Dahai was catching.There may be bastards in shallow water, as long as there are fish, it is very difficult, and even if there are fish, they are very small fish.

"Wu Weimin."

"You have rich fishing experience, can you tell what kind of fish Zhao Dahai is fishing for?"

Li Yong walked to Wu Weimin's side.

Wu Weimin shook his head, he really couldn't tell what Zhao Dahai was fishing for.


"If this kind of place can catch a decent fish, I'm really convinced!"

Xu Yuanjiang smiled. There may be fish in this kind of small puddle on the reef, but they are all small fish, and there are no decent fish.

Zhao Dahai waited for about ten minutes, but there was no movement. He was thinking about whether to change to another puddle. At this moment, the thread in his hand moved a little. It was very slight, but something was definitely biting him.

Zhao Dahai waved his hands at Wu Weimin and the others.

Wu Wenming, Li Yong, Xu Yuanjiang, and Luo immediately shut their mouths when they saw it. They knew that something was happening, and all of them stared at the thread in Zhao Dahai's hand with wide eyes. I was wondering what kind of fish it was.

Zhao Dahai waited for a while, motionless, and gently dragged the line in his hand, there must be fish, and it was the target fish, but he was very vigilant, the bite just now was a test, if you pull the line, the sea centipede will be caught in the water. Make a move, as if trying to run away, and the fish will most likely not be able to resist.


"Caught you!"

Zhao Dahai just dragged the line, bit fiercely, with great strength, pulled back violently, and pulled back hard, a dark flat fish more than one meter long was pulled out of the water.

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(End of this chapter)

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