Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 214 This is not an idea for the future father-in-law's route! ?

Chapter 214 This is not an idea for the future father-in-law's route! ?
The midday sun hangs in the middle of the sky, and the sea breeze that blows seems to be blown directly from the volcano, making it extremely hot.

Zhao Dahai rode a tricycle, parked slowly in front of the yard, and went to the town with Zhong Shizhu, Lei Dayou, and Liu Bin early in the morning to sell swimming crabs.


Zhao Dahai shouted.


"Where did you come back?!"

"Just cooked the meal! Hurry up and eat!"

Zhong Cuihua walked out of the yard, saw Zhao Dahai came back, and immediately called for dinner.

Zhao Dahai parked his tricycle and walked into the yard with Zhong Cuihua. There was a table in the house and meals were served in the kitchen.

"This hairtail is good! It's quite big!"

Zhao Dahai looked at the fried octopus in the plate and couldn't help being amused. It happened to be when he went to the pier to wash the fishing boat last night. He picked it up with a net and fried it for lunch today.

"Now is the season for hairtail, there should be quite a few in the sea."

Zhong Cuihua is not surprised that there are hairtails in the small pier.


"Is it the season for hairtail?"

Zhao Dahai thought about it carefully for a while, and found that it was true. The last two months were indeed the season for catching hairtail.

Do you want to capture a little bit?
Zhao Dahai was a little hesitant. Hairtail is a relatively common sea fish. Small ones are not tasty at all. Only those that are more than four fingers big and at least three fingers big are more delicious. Now is indeed the season for hairtails, but you can It's hard to say if you can't capture the big man.

Zhao Dahai thought about it for a while, but couldn't make up his mind, so he just let it go, and then carefully considered whether to do this thing or not.

Zhao Dahai told Zhong Cuihua and Zhong Shizhu that they caught a total of 970 six catties of swimming crabs yesterday, and they were all pretty good. They cost 110 and 11 yuan a catty, and they were sold for a total of 2000 and 40 yuan, after deducting the oil money and the loss of fishing nets. The remaining 6000 yuan was divided into 50 and [-] yuan per person.


“Great price!”

"Are you going to sea tomorrow to catch swimming crabs?"

Zhong Cuihua picked up a piece of octopus and took a bite. When frying, salt and soy sauce were added, which was quite salty, so it went well with rice.

Zhao Dahai shook his head. The fishing boats of several people had already caused a commotion when they returned to the pier last night. Many fishing boats had already gone out to sea in the early morning of this morning, not to mention that Zhong Shizhu, Lei Dayou and Liu Bin might run again tomorrow. I don’t think there’s much need for it. Even if I go, with so many fishing boats, the number that can be caught is very limited. There is a chance to make money but not much. At this time, it’s better to go out to sea and see if I can. Caught two blue spots.

Zhao Dahai finished his lunch, took a nap, and didn't get up until after four o'clock in the afternoon. While cooking dinner, he remembered the tapes he had dried in the sun the other day, and found out about ten of them, each with a diameter of It's more than two centimeters thick and one centimeter thick. It's really good size. It's a good thing. The porridge is first-class, and it's as delicious as roasting.

After Zhao Dahai finished cooking the dinner, he took out the unburnt wood and put out the fire. After waiting for a while, there were only charcoals left in the stove, and when the temperature was not so high, he started to roast the scallops.

Zhao Dahai is very careful. The scallops are not big, but they are thicker than dried cuttlefish. It is much more difficult to bake. It is not difficult to bake, but it is not easy to get it just right. You have to be patient, and it takes about one hour to bake it slowly. It took an hour to bake everything, let it dry for a while, and packed it in a bag.

Zhao Dahai finished his dinner, took a shower, took the bag with the straps in it, called Xiao Nai Hei, pointed to the compartment of the tricycle, jumped on it immediately, and sat down obediently.

Zhao Dahai told Zhong Cuihua to go out by herself and come back later, and rode a tricycle to Ding Xiaoxiang Village.

eight pm.

Ding Xiaoxiang held the bowl, and quickly pulled the food into her mouth.

"eat slowly!"

"No one will rob you!"

Zhang Li is a little strange, Ding Xiaoxiang rarely eats so fast.

Ding Xiaoxiang's heart skipped a beat, today is Monday, the appointment time to meet with Zhao Dahai happened to have something to do, dinner was late at home, and she ate a little too fast in a hurry.


"A little hungry!"

Ding Xiaoxiang rolled her eyes, immediately found an excuse, took two mouthfuls of rice hard, and then slowed down, no matter how anxious she was, she couldn't go fast, the old lady is a shrewd person, and if something is wrong, it will arouse suspicion.

Ding Xiaoxiang finished her meal slowly, took a shower, changed her clothes, said to go to Yang Qin's house to play for a while, and jumped out of the door.

Zhang Li put down the dishes and chopsticks after a while, stood up and walked out.

Ding Chongshan felt a little strange and shouted something.

Zhang Li didn't speak, and walked out quickly.

Ding Chongshan didn't think much about it, he continued to eat, and later he had to calculate the account for buying fish, shrimp and crabs today, he couldn't be free from business, and he had to be busy with other things.

"Where did this girl go? Did she really go to Yang Qin's house?"

Zhang Li walked out of the door and looked forward while hiding. Ding Xiaoxiang was walking towards Yang Qin's house. She waited for a while and followed the corner when she couldn't see her. After a few minutes, she watched Ding Xiaoxiang push Yang Qin's house away. The door went in.


"It seems that I think too much!"

"Ding Xiaoxiang is really going to play with Yang Qin!"

Zhang Li waited for a long time and didn't see Ding Xiaoxiang coming out, she shook her head, she was a little suspicious, Ding Xiaoxiang didn't think about meeting Zhao Dahai or something, she turned and went home.

"Hee hee hee!"

"Ding Xiaoxiang."

"Your old lady followed you here just now!"

Yang Qin smiled, just now she happened to be standing by the window and saw Zhang Li following Ding Xiaoxiang from a distance.


"It seems that my old lady has noticed something, and I have to be more careful in the future."


"Doesn't your house have a back door?"

"It's usually locked, right? Quickly get the key and open it, and I'll go from there!"

"Remember, if my old lady asks, she must say that I will be at your house until 09:30."

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at the clock hanging on the wall, it was almost 45:[-], and she had to go to see Zhao Dahai, or it would be too late.

Yang Qin took the key and opened the back door, and Ding Xiaoxiang rushed out immediately, but she couldn't be seen in a blink of an eye.

"Whose is it?"

"I have to go and have a look at it some other day!"

Yang Qin was very curious about who Ding Xiaoxiang knew, and thought about finding an opportunity to meet her.

Ding Xiaoxiang walked forward quickly and glanced back from time to time. When she reached the village entrance, she didn't find anything wrong. Then she trotted out of the village entrance and rushed to the place where she had agreed to meet. Zhao Dahai had already arrived. The little Naihei rushed towards him.

"Zhao Dahai."

"A few days ago, someone in Paiwan Village caught a big green spot weighing more than [-] catties."

"Is this person you?"


"Did you sell that big yellow croaker weighing more than ten kilograms? How much did you sell it for?"


Ding Xiaoxiang asked one question after another.


"The last time I told you about buying a speedboat, didn't you suggest that I take someone else's speedboat out to sea first. Familiarize yourself with the situation and see if this business can make money?"

"I went out to sea with someone else's fishing boat. I didn't expect to catch a big green spot that broke a hundred catties on the first trip."

"I also caught hundreds of catties of big yellow chicken that day!"

"Daqingban weighs one hundred and six catties and seven taels."

"The ones sold for 500 yuan a catty, a total of 3000 yuan."


"The big yellow croaker has been sold!"

"The big one sold for more than 49 yuan, plus the other two, the small one sold for a total of about 9000 yuan."

"Didn't expect the fish to be so valuable. The money for a good speedboat will be there in no time!"


Zhao Dahai answered Ding Xiaoxiang's questions one by one.


"You really caught it!"

"It's more than one hundred and six catties, isn't that really amazing?"

"Such a big fish must have great strength, right?"

Ding Xiaoxiang took a strip, put it to his mouth and took a bite, it was really delicious, the more he ate it, the more he wanted to eat it, Zhao Dahai almost ate up the dozen or so in no time.

Zhao Dahai nodded and pointed at his knees. The bruises are not healed now, and he is a little scared when he thinks about it. The strength of breaking through a hundred catties of big grouper is really great. I am not kidding. I have caught many big fish by myself. The hardest This is the one to deal with.


"Didn't you go to Liu Gang's to sell fish a few days ago? Did you meet my old lady?"

Ding Xiaoxiang remembered what happened a few days ago, and always wanted to know what happened.

Zhao Dahai smiled a little embarrassedly. When he saw Zhang Li that day, the mouse was as nervous as seeing a cat, and his palms were sweating. The former and the latter said two words, one was to say hello, and the other was to say I have things to go, nothing else.

"Hee hee hee!"

"Why are you so afraid of my old lady? She is not a tiger, and she can't eat you?"

Ding Xiaoxiang couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"I'm not afraid of other people! But your old lady must be afraid!"

Zhao Dahai looked at Ding Xiaoxiang.


"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Ding Xiaoxiang blushed, how could she not understand what Zhao Dahai meant.

"How about fishing off the coast?"

"Can you make money?"

Ding Xiaoxiang quickly changed the subject.

Zhao Dahai nodded. He made money from two trips to the sea, and he made a lot of money.

"Let's not talk about the big green spot that broke a hundred catties on the first trip. Even if you don't catch a big fish that day, you won't lose money, and you can make money."

"A rhubarb chicken weighing more than 100 catties is worth a lot of money."

"The second trip caught a large black bream weighing several dozen kilograms and a red spot weighing more than ten kilograms. It was the time when you said I went to Liu Gang to sell fish."

"It's impossible to catch big fish every day in the open sea, but if you catch some big black bream or big yellow chicken, be diligent and make more trips, you will definitely be able to make money."

"Generally speaking, there are much more fish in the outer sea than in the inner sea, and it is easier to catch."

Now Zhao Dahai really thinks that the fish in the outer sea are easier to catch and it is easier to make money.


"Are you planning to buy a big speedboat?"

Ding Xiaoxiang scratched the black forehead of the little girl lying beside her.

Zhao Dahai nodded, and basically decided to buy a speedboat, but it would not be so fast. He planned to take a few more trips to the open sea to learn more about the situation and be more sure before making the final decision.

Ding Xiaoxiang was very happy. Zhao Dahai's idea was good. You can't be impulsive and buy whatever you want when you have money. This is not a small sum of hundreds of thousands, so it is necessary to look at it more.


"When I went fishing on the second trip, if I wasn't the boss of the boat, I would have made more money!"

Zhao Dahai talked about He Dapeng.


"He Dapeng?"

"This man has done a lot of things like this!"

Ding Xiaoxiang shook her head.

Zhao Dahai wondered how Ding Xiaoxiang could know the name He Dapeng.

Ding Xiaoxiang said that her father likes fishing very much, and the bosses of these boats who take people out to sea for fishing are very familiar.

Only then did Zhao Dahai understand what was going on. Ding Xiaoxiang heard about He Dapeng from what her father said.

"Does your dad like fishing?"

Zhao Dahai looked at Ding Xiaoxiang, and an idea popped up in his mind, the more he thought about it, the more he thought it was very good.

"I love it!"

"My mother said that when I was not married, I had to fish 25 a month. I wish I could sleep on the fishing boat every day. After I got married, especially when I started a business, I didn't go fishing much."

"what happened?"

"Why are you asking this?"

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at Zhao Dahai strangely.

"If your dad likes fishing so much, wait for me to buy a speedboat and find a time to ask him to go fishing together."

Zhao Dahai smiled and expressed his thoughts.Zhang Li doesn't want to see her, the mother-in-law's line is temporarily blocked, so let's go to the old man's line first, as long as the old man has a good impression of her, the matter between herself and Ding Xiaoxiang will be halfway, at least there will be no obstacles.

Ding Xiaoxiang didn't know what Zhao Dahai meant at first, but it took a while to realize it, and her face flushed immediately.

"Why are you like this? Thinking about such an idea all day long!"

"All right!"

"It's almost time, I have to go back, lest my old lady look for me everywhere!"

Ding Xiaoxiang stood up, patted Xiao Naihei on the head, turned and ran.

Zhao Dahai watched Ding Xiaoxiang walk away until he could no longer see him, then he took Xiao Naihei and left slowly.

"I didn't expect my father-in-law to like fishing in the future! It's just God helping me!"

The more Zhao Dahai thought about it, the more he felt that his idea was very good, and the key was that it was really feasible.

Zhao Dahai returned home, packed up his things, and continued to go fishing in the open sea tomorrow. He took the time to familiarize himself with the environment of the open sea and the industry. This would allow him to decide to buy a speedboat earlier. This was originally just a matter of making money, but now there is another use, waiting for him I bought a speedboat to see how I can get to know my future father-in-law. Work hard in advance. Marriage is not just a matter of two people. Not only Ding Xiaoxiang agrees, but also parents' approval. It is related to whether you can marry back smoothly. Ding Xiaoxiang has to work hard for the important matter.

 Ask for a monthly ticket recommendation ticket!Thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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