Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 236 Night Fishing with Shiny Stainless Steel Bars

Chapter 236 Night Fishing with Shiny Stainless Steel Bars
Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat and arrived at the fishing spot in a short time.I came here early during the day, and the punctuation was set on the navigation, and I followed the navigation directly at night, which was very convenient.

As night fell, the entire sea was pitch black, like thick ink.

Zhao Dahai turned on the headlights on both sides of the top of the cockpit, and the sea surface on the left and right sides was as bright as daytime.

Zhao Dahai took out the underwater light he bought before, and put it down from the side of the speedboat, which is more effective.The lights on the surface of the water and the lights under the water will attract a large number of small fish to gather in a short time.

Zhao Dahai took a closer look at the small fishes gathered, there were many, very big, more and bigger than when he came last night, and the small flying fish appeared even faster.

"Boss Wu."

"It looks like we should be able to catch hairtail tonight, and there are a lot of them."

Zhao Dahai yelled at Wu Weimin and the others who were sitting on the front deck of his cockpit.


"Zhao Dahai."

"Which time I went out to sea with you and couldn't catch any fish? Today's hairtail is exactly the same, and I will never be disappointed."

Wu Weimin was not worried at all that he would not be able to catch hairtail tonight, Zhao Dahai was very good at finding fishing spots and schools of fish.

Zhao Dahai looked at the fish from time to time and looked at the sea surface from time to time. In ten minutes or so, there were more and more small fish gathered on the sea surface on both sides of the fishing boat, group after group, densely packed. .

"There are very few fishing boats fishing hairtail tonight."

Xu Yuanjiang lit a cigarette and took a puff. He was the first one to come. Ten or twenty minutes later, other fishing boats appeared one after another, and they were all with their lights on. They were all the same. Fishing boats for hairtail fishing at night.


"So what if there are more coming? It is estimated that these fishing boats are all dumbfounded now?!"

"Compared with us, the lighting is not on the same level at all!"

Luo Fei laughed.

Fishing hairtail at night must have lights.The brighter the lights, the better.The brighter the light, the more it can attract small fish schools, and the more small fish schools can attract more hairtails.

Wu Weimin, Xu Yuanjiang and Li Yong all laughed, you get what you pay for.Most of these night fishing boats around are traditional wooden fishing boats or some small speedboats.The lights were added or refitted, and they were indeed brighter, but compared with Zhao Dahai's 70 million speedboat, it was far worse.

Zhao Dahai stared at the fish detector and waited for half an hour, and saw fish flowers of different fish schools one after another.


"It should be a fish!"

"If you want to give it a try, you can start now, or wait for a while and wait for more fish to start fishing!"

Zhao Dahai shouted to Wu Weimin and the others can start fishing hairtail now, but there are not many fish.

Wu Weimin, Xu Yuanjiang, Li Yong, and Luo Fei couldn't wait a long time ago. As soon as Zhao Dahai said that they could start fishing, they immediately started to prepare, regardless of whether there were too many fish or few fish.

Zhao Dahai took out the hairtail hook he bought during the day. There was a small luminous tube that could flash bright light. This kind of hook sank into the sea and flashed continuously. For hairtail fish who like lights, it has infinite temptation , looked at the running water, today's tide is a little rush, you need to use two catties of lead pendant,

Wu Weimin, Luo Fei, Xu Yuanjiang and Li Yongyou quickly tied up the fishing group.

Zhao Dahai took the net, fished out more than a dozen live balang fish in the live cabin, took a knife, cut two pieces of fish meat from each fish bone, and cut them into small pieces with oblique cuts. The shape of the fish is more convenient when hanging bait, and it will emit a strong fishy smell, which is another huge temptation for hairtail.

The luminous tube and the smell of fish are two-pronged. As long as there are hairtails in the sea, as long as the hairtails are not full, they will definitely bite the hook.

"When hanging bait, the tip of the hook must be slightly exposed, and the tip of the hook cannot be hidden."

Zhao Dahai reminded Wu Weimin and several people, especially Luo Fei and Li Yong, who don't have much experience, they must pay attention. If these small details are not in place, it will be difficult to catch hairtail, especially if you want to catch a lot of hairtail. The same one On the same fishing boat, at the same fishing spot, some people can catch a lot of fish, while others can only catch a few fish, or even none at all. The key is these details.

Wu Weimin, Xu Yuanjiang, Li Yong, and Luo Fei nodded one after another. Zhao Dahai did what he said, and did what he said. When going fishing, you must listen to the boss of the boat in order to catch fish and catch more fish.

Zhao Dahai saw that Wu Weimin and the others were getting ready, and took a look at Yu Tan Yu Hua, which was more dense and denser.

"15 meters of water depth!"

"Try fishing to see if there are any fish!"

While talking, Zhao Dahai tied up a hairtail fishing group by himself, hung the fish meat of Balang fish and put it in the sea. There is no need for an electric winch in the water of more than ten and 20 meters, and it is more convenient to crank it by hand. meters of water depth.

"The method of fishing hairtail is not complicated, just pull up and down and shake."

Zhao Dahai was shaking up and down while talking, and the pole in his hand was immediately bitten by a fish, a very obvious bite.


"We use string hooks. The purpose is not to catch one fish, but to catch several fish in one trip!"

"When a fish bites one by one, don't worry, you have to wait. We are using a five-piece hook now, and we have to wait until three or four bites before reeling in the fish."

While talking, Zhao Dahai continued to shake the fishing rod in his hand up and down, and waited until there were four obvious bites before taking up the line and pulling the fish. After a while, the hooks were pulled out of the water, one after another, a total of four hairtails.

Zhao Dahai shook his head. There are indeed a lot of hairtails, but they are a little too small, but the size of two fingers.




"Two! Two!"





Wu Weimin, Xu Yuanjiang, Li Yong, and Luo Fei yelled, and they all caught hairtail.

Zhao Dahai reminded to pay attention to hairtails are very fierce, especially the teeth on the mouth of the fish are very serious, so be careful not to be bitten, when you catch the fish with your hands, you must firmly hold the head of the fish and lower it a little bit place, choke the neck like a chicken, and then use pliers to unhook the hook. It is absolutely not possible to pick the hook with bare hands.

"Here comes another bunch!"



"Here are five!"


Wu Weimin, Xu Yuanjiang, Li Yong, and Luo Fei had a great time fishing. Every time they put their hooks in the water layer, they immediately caught two or three or four or five. Ten or twenty.


"Going fishing with Zhao Dahai is really refreshing!"

Luo Fei stopped for a while and did not continue fishing immediately. He had been pulling hairtail fish non-stop for half an hour. He was a little tired. He drank a few sips of water for a rest, lit a cigarette, and started smoking.



"Fishing is really physical work!"

Like Xu Yuanjiang, he stopped and looked at the other fishing boats around. Some of them started fishing for hairtail, but there were not many of them. Occasionally, they could only catch one or two. The boat of Zhao Dahai and himself kept pulling wildly.

"The colors of these hairtails are really beautiful!"

"Bright silver white!"

"Shiny, shiny!"

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

"It's really like a stainless steel bar!"

"No wonder there is such a saying!"

Wu Weimin caught a hairtail that he had just caught, and it really looked like a stainless steel bar under the light, very eye-catching.

"Wu Weimin."

"Why is this hairtail caught and put directly into the refrigerator?"

Li Yong was a little strange. The hairtail he caught just now was alive and kicking, and he was not raised in the live cabin.


"Hairtail fish is absolutely impossible to keep alive!"

"It's useless to be alive and vigorous when you just catch it."

"It's the same ending whether you put the water tank in or not. It's already dead in two or three minutes. Just put it in the refrigerator!"

The hairtail that Wu Weimin held in his hands was thrown directly into the refrigerator. Most fish can be fed, but the hairtail is an exception.

Luo Fei and Wu Weiming rested for about ten minutes and continued fishing hairtail.


"Are there more and more fish schools below?"



"These hairtails are really fierce!"

"This one didn't bite the hook at all, but directly bit the tail of another hairtail!"



"Why is there only half of this hairtail left?!"

"Is it possible to live like this?"


After Wu Weimin, Xu Yuanjiang, Li Yong, and Luo Fei started fishing hairtail again, they found that there were more and more hairtails in the sea, and it was easier and easier to take the bait.

Zhao Dahai saw that only half of hairtail was left when Wu Weimin caught it. Hairtail is a very magical fish, and its vitality is really very fragile. As long as it is caught or caught, even if it is caught or released with a row hook The fish caught by fishing nets are already dead before they come out of the water. Not to mention ordinary people, even fishing people have many who have never seen live hairtails.But this kind of fish is very fierce. It not only attacks other fish, shrimp and crabs, but also eats and bites its own kind.What's even more amazing is that other fish will never survive if there is only half of it left. The hairtail is only half left, and it lives well in the sea. normal.

Zhao Dahai looked at the small fishes on the surface of the water, densely packed. From time to time, a few small flying fish flitted across the water surface with flapping wings, and even stopped directly on the water surface with their wings spread, as if a bird fell into the water.

How could there be no big hairtail?
Zhao Dahai frowned, turned his head to look at the fish finder, all of them were densely packed with fish flowers, and a large number of hairtails had gathered under the speedboat.Wu Weimin, Xu Yuanjiang, Li Yong, and Luo Fei caught more and more hairtails, and they were fishing faster and faster, but they were all small in size, as big as two fingers.

Hairtails of this size are really just for fun, not tasty and worthless.

The fishing rod in Zhao Dahai's hand shook slightly up and down.



Zhao Dahai waited until there were five obvious bites on the string of hooks, and then pulled up the line. The string was full of hairtails. The five hooks bit five of them, and two of them bit the tails of the other two hooked fish. Come up together.

Zhao Dahai threw the hairtail from the hook into the refrigerator at his feet, his brows tightened, and he tried different water layers for about an hour, from 20 meters to [-] meters. Hairtail can be caught, but they are all the size of two fingers, which is really too small.

"Boss Wu."

"The hairtail here is too small, why don't we change it to another place?!"

Zhao Dahai looked at another string of hairtails that Wu Weimin had just caught, the size of two fingers, and shook his head.


"Anywhere else?"

"There are so many hairtails here!"

Wu Weimin was stunned for a moment, more and more hairtails were attracted, but Zhao Dahai didn't expect Zhao Dahai to change places.


"It's good to be able to catch fish and have fun!"

"It doesn't have to be a big catch!"

"Who can say that the fish in this sea must be big?"

Xu Yuanjiang smiled, Zhao Dahai felt that the hairtails he caught were too small, and wanted to change to another place to see if there were any big ones.

"These hairtails are too small!"

"It's so boring to catch fish like this, we have to find a place to catch big ones!"

"The tide is very good tonight, and none of the fishing boats around has a brighter light than ours! If there are big hairtails in this area, they must gather here! If there are small ones, there will be big ones, but the big ones It's not here."

"In the past hour or so, we have caught many small hairtails, and it is meaningless to continue fishing. You have to catch big ones. They are more delicious, more valuable, and more fun."

Zhao Dahai pointed to the other fishing boats that were fishing for hairtail at night. The lights of his speedboat were obviously brighter. If there were really big hairtails in the surrounding sea area, they must have gathered here earlier.

Wu Weimin, Xu Yuanjiang, Li Yong, and Luo Fei were all moved when they heard what Zhao Dahai said. Anyone who didn't want to catch a big fish immediately nodded in agreement.

Zhao Dahai waited for Wu Weimin and the others to pack up the pole, and immediately drove away in a speedboat.

"Hey Hey!"

"As soon as we left, a fishing boat took up the position!"

Xu Yuanjiang looked back, and several fishing boats rushed to the place where Zhao Dahai had just parked the speedboat.

"This is the most typical rubbing nest!"

Wu Weimin took a puff of cigarette and sprayed out a cloud of white mist. The surrounding fishing boats kept staring at Zhao Dahai's speedboat. When they saw Zhao Dahai's speedboat leaving, they rushed over immediately. This feeling of superiority is really cool.

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat to the northeast for about 10 minutes. Under the dark night, there was a dark shadow not far away, and the fishing boat slowed down immediately.

This is a small island, not too high or too big, surrounded by some submerged reefs.

Zhao Dahai circled the island twice.

What kind of fish are these?

It can't be sea bass, can it?

Zhao Dahai looked carefully at the fish finder, and saw some scattered fish flowers, most likely a school of sea bass, but they were not too big. I didn’t come out today to fish for sea bass, so I didn’t pay much attention to it. I found a fish with the deepest water. In running water, the fish finder stops where there is a high possibility of fish.

Li Yong saw Zhao Dahai stop and looked around, wondering how this place was different from other places.

Zhao Dahai turned on the lights on both sides of the top of the fishing boat's cab, and told Li Yong that no matter what kind of fish to fish, it is a basic principle to find deep water in running water. The deeper the sea, the better the fish can be hidden, and the food in the flowing water is better. Richer, more able to attract schools of fish.


"The little fish school is coming!"



"There are more and bigger ones than the place just now!"



"Are these flying fish looking for death? Why did they all stop on the water?"

"Nice size!"

"Copy it!"

"Take it back and start cooking oil!"


Wu Weimin, Xu Yuanjiang, Luo Fei, and Li Yong saw that the fish shoals gathered on the water surface were more and faster than the place just now, layer by layer, densely packed, and the water layer that could be seen two meters below the light was all gone. It's a small fish the size of a little finger or a thumb.

"Under the pole!"

"The water depth is 21 meters!"


"Whether there is a big one depends on this place!"


Zhao Dahai looked at the fish finder, and some fish appeared one after another, concentrated in the range of ten meters to 23 meters, and the most dense one was 21 meters.

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(End of this chapter)

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