Chapter 395 A grand invitation to dinner!

Zhao Dahai drove his speedboat and stopped about ten meters away from a reef submerged by half a meter of sea water. There was no current and the water was relatively calm, so there was no need for a top current machine.

Zhao Dahai picked up the lure rod, pointed it towards the reef, shook his wrist slightly, and the lead hook flew out, accurately landed on the edge of the reef, then slid down, and after a while, it fell to the bottom of the sea.

Zhao Dahai was a little disappointed.

As long as there are fish in such a place, when the lead hook slides down against the reef, there will definitely be a bite. If there is no bite, there will almost be no sea bass around.

Could it be that I can’t catch anything today?
Zhao Dahai started to jump to the bottom. When he lifted the tip of the pole, the lead hook left the seabed. When the pole tip was lowered, the lead hook naturally fell to the bottom of the sea, repeating the same action.

Zhao Dahai heard the sound of the speedboat engine. He didn't pay much attention at first. This is a place for sea bass fishing, and there are many speedboats. They might have left after fishing. Soon he found that the sound of the engine was getting closer and closer.

Zhao Dahai kept his hands on his hands and turned his head to look in the direction of the sound. Two speedboats were rushing towards him.

Zhao Dahai continued to fish. If the two speedboats really rushed to the sea where he was fishing, don't blame yourself for being rude. It would not affect your fishing. He could leave as he wanted without any control.

Xu Xiaochui drove the speedboat and stopped five or six meters behind Zhao Dahai. He came here just to laugh. If he really drove the speedboat between Zhao Dahai's speedboat and the reef, this would be a taboo for fishermen. There will definitely be conflict.

"How many sea bass did you catch today?"

"Is it too much? Three hundred pounds is enough!"


"Doesn't this mean I have to earn more than 5000 yuan? What I caught today is almost this amount!"

"It's really a good income! When fishing for sea bass, you have to catch the tide. If there is no tide, you will definitely not be able to catch fish. This is a truth that all fools understand, right?"


Xu Dachui, Xiaochui and Song Tianping kept talking to each other.

Zhao Dahai recognized that this was when he was fishing for sea bass here, especially the two speedboats that blocked the entrance to the largest bubble area when he was grabbing fish. He once caught fish away under the nose of these two speedboats. There is a big sea bass, it seems that he is fishing here, especially there is no fish to taunt.

Zhao Dahai ignored it and continued to catch his own fish.

Zhao Dahai jumped to the edge of the speedboat, quickly rolled the wheel and put it away, and immediately threw it towards the reef. This time, he did not stick to the edge of the reef but threw it on top of the reef.

Zhao Dahai gently lifted the pole, and the lead hook hung on the oyster shells on the surface of the reef. A lot of debris fell, and then fell to the bottom of the sea along the edge of the reef.


"The tide has already passed by this time, and there are still people fishing for sea bass here!"

"Do you think the sea bass here is raised in his own home? Can he catch it whenever he wants?"


"Yo yo yo!"

“Is this what Luya fishing is?”

"I have to study hard, I really don't understand!"


When Xu Dachui, Xu Xiaochui and Song Tianping saw Zhao Dahai ignoring him, they became a little angry and spoke more directly.

Zhao Dahai turned a deaf ear, holding the fishing rod in his right hand and resting his left hand on the handle of the spinning wheel.

This time the strategy was changed. The lead head hook was scraped on the top of the reef. This one has a little more debris, and the other one has a louder sound.

The tide has already passed by this time, so maybe making more noise this way will arouse the interest of the fish.

coming! ?
Are there any fish?

Zhao Dahai held the fishing rod tightly in his right hand, and it vibrated, as if a fish pecked it.

Zhao Dahai remained motionless, waiting to see if the fish would continue to bite. However, when the lead hook hit the seabed, there was no movement.

Zhao Dahai started to jump to the bottom, jumping back very steadily one after another.

what happened?

Why didn't that fish bite anymore?

Zhao Dahai quickly spun the spinning wheel, and the lead hook had jumped less than two meters away from the speedboat. It was impossible to bite the hook at this time, so he put it away immediately.


"Are we unable to catch fish again? We have said that the tide has passed and it is impossible for any fish to bite the hook! Why do some people insist on not believing in evil?"

Xu Xiaochui gloated.

Zhao Dahai took up the line and pulled the lead hook out of the water. He looked back at the speedboats of Xu Dachui, Xu Xiaochui and Song Tianping, and gestured at them with the pole.

The expressions of Xu Dazhui, Xu Xiaochui and Song Tianping changed. Just now, Zhao Dahai was silent and felt even more unhappy. He spoke more and more excessively, but now looking at the raised fishing rod, especially the hook on the line, Leng Shui Rain it directly on your forehead.


"Is this kid so arrogant?"

Song Tianping's face darkened suddenly, but he couldn't help but lower his voice when he spoke.

Xu Dachui did not speak and shook his head. The few people who spoke just now were indeed a little too loud and too clear. Zhao Dahai gestured with the fishing rod. This was a warning. If he continued to speak like this, Zhao Dahai would most likely not I'll be polite.


"Why don't you let others tell you if you can't catch fish?"

"There's no tide! Who's fishing for sea bass?"

"We are just reminding you! Your kindness was struck by lightning!"

Xu Xiaochui looked at Zhao Dahai on the speedboat five or six meters away, and a surge of anger rushed to Tianling Gai, but his voice was only heard by himself, Xu Dachui, and Song Tianping.

Zhao Dahai warned, turned around and continued fishing. If these three people continued to make sarcastic remarks, they would really throw the lead hook directly.

Zhao Dahai followed the same method and hit the top of the reef with the lead hook. While pulling, it picked up some oyster shells and other debris.

When the last rod was struck, there was a bite when the lead hook fell down. The bite was relatively small and there was no hook, but this proved that there was a fish in that place.

Zhao Dahai concentrated his mind, and a strong premonition came into his heart. This rod was very likely to hit a fish.


The fish ran away! ?

Or maybe you think this temptation is not big enough! ?
Zhao Dahai was very disappointed. The lead hook slowly fell against the reef and hit the seabed. There was no bite in the whole process.

Zhao Dahai's tense nerves suddenly relaxed, and he had a premonition that something was wrong.


Zhao Dahai was so frightened that he almost jumped up. There was no bite in Float. Just when the pole was raised and he started to jump to the bottom, there was a fierce bite without any warning, and the pole almost flew out of his hand.

Zhao Dahai grasped the fishing rod firmly with the fingers of his right hand and raised the rod to stab the fish at the same time.

"Look where you're going!"

Zhao Dahai shouted excitedly, raised his head and looked at the fishing rod standing in front of him and bent his bow.Not only did the fish take the bait, but the one that took the bait was a pretty big fish.


"Who just said you can't catch fish without tide?"

“Isn’t this where this fish comes from?”


"This head is really not small, it must weigh at least twenty pounds!"


"This is not a sea bass, is it a scissor tail?"


"This is a real valuable item!"

Zhao Dahai shouted loudly while reeling in the line to fish.

Xu Dachui, Xu Xiaochui and Song Tianping turned pale and came over to laugh at Zhao Dahai. They didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Xu Dachui, Xiaochui and Song Tianping wished that Zhao Dahai's fishing rod would break, the fishing line would break, or the hooked fish would decouple and run away, but this did not happen. After a while, a big fish pulled to the side of Zhao Dahai's speedboat.


"It's really twenty pounds!"


"How can there be scissor tails if there is no tide?"


"Is there any reason?"


Xu Dachui, Xiaochui and Song Tianping couldn't stay any longer and left quickly in a speedboat.Zhao Dahai grabbed the fish with the fishing net, looked up at the two speedboats that had almost disappeared, and left angrily.

Zhao Dahai looked at Ma Youyu. He was very lucky. The hook was hanging on the side of the fish's mouth. If it almost entered the fish's mouth, if it really entered the fish's mouth, it would not take long to wear out.

Zhao Dahai picked up the fish and weighed it. It weighed 27 pounds. The horsetail fish of this size was very beautiful. There was no way to reduce the size of the fish and put it directly in the refrigerator.

Zhao Dahai looked at the time. It was almost [-] noon. He had to wait a little longer to get back. Shi Jiehua made an appointment for dinner in the evening. There was enough fish. He drove the speedboat back to the pier, packed up the fish and everything, put them on the tricycle, and drove home to the door. .

Zhong Cuihua heard the sound and walked out immediately.

"Yellow snapper and black snapper!"

"Blue crab!"

"Flower snail!"

"Liveo erythema."

"horse friend fish"

Zhao Dahai told his grandmother Zhong Cuihua everything.

"This red spot is a good size."

"It would be nice to have this thing."

When Zhong Cuihua saw the black sea bream and the yellow sea bream, her face didn't look good. She didn't laugh until she saw the red spots.

"The sea!"

"Do you want to find someone to cook?"

Zhong Cuihua has been thinking about this matter since last night and is a little undecided.

"How can it be possible?"


"I know what you are thinking. But there is no need to be so grand."

"Ding Xiaoxiang just came to have fun this time."

"It's too grand and scary!"

"Don't scare me away!"

Zhao Dahai was half joking and half serious. Grandma was being too serious. Ding Xiaoxiang will cook by herself when she comes tomorrow, and Yang Qin and Fatty will eat together.


"Listen to you!"

Zhong Cuihua thought for a while and nodded, not to go too far.

Zhao Dahai put all the fish he caught alive in the live fish pond and kept the dead ones in the refrigerator. He packed them up and took a rest after lunch.

Four p.m.

Zhao Dahai woke up, made a pot of tea, and just took two sips when Shi Zhongwei shouted at the door of the yard.

Zhao Dahai opened the door to the yard and walked out. Shi Zhongwei drove over in a pickup truck.

Shi Zhong jumped down to push the door open.

"Is it so early?"

Zhao Dahai led Shi Zhongwei into the yard, took a cup, and poured the freshly brewed tea.

Shi Zhongwei said that Shi Jiehua was working in the town, transferring money. He didn't like doing this, so he might as well come over earlier.

Shi Zhong took a sip from the cup and walked over immediately when he saw a live fish pond in the yard.


"Where did the two red and blue spots come from? These black and yellow snappers are pretty good in size!"

Shi Zhongwei saw the fish in the live fish pond.

Zhao Dahai pointed to the sea opposite the courtyard door. There will be guests at home tomorrow, so he went out to sea early in the morning to catch some fish.

"Caught some fish?"

"You said you caught some fish?"

"Is this a fish caught in one morning?"

Shi Zhongwei did a quick calculation and found that these two red and green spots, plus the yellow and black sea bream, could easily be sold for four to five thousand.

Zhao Dahai smiled and pointed to the refrigerator placed in a cool corner of the wall.

Shi Zhong walked over and opened the lid and saw Shi Jiugong inside, especially the nearly thirty kilograms of Malaysian horsetail fish.


"Zhao Dahai."

"You are exaggerating like this!"

"All the other fishermen have no chance of survival, right?"

"You caught all the fish!"

Shi Zhongwei kept shaking his head.

Zhao Dahai only went out to sea for one morning. After taking into account the time spent on the way back and forth, the total time spent on actual fishing was estimated to be three or four hours.

It was amazing to catch so many fish. Considering that Zhao Dahai could not run too far in such a short time, it was even more terrifying.

"When are you going to take me to the open sea? I have never seriously fished in the open sea!"

Shi Zhongwei's hands started to itch when he looked at Da Mayou in the refrigerator.

Zhao Dahai thought about it. He would have to take Wu Weimin and others out to sea for fishing in two days. There were not enough fishing spots. If Shi Zhongwei wanted to go fishing at sea, he would have to wait.

Zhao Dahai and Shi Zhong drank two cups of tea and chatted for a while, and it was five o'clock in the afternoon.


"It's just a good time to get to town!"

Shi Zhongwei put down his tea cup and stood up.

Zhao Dahai told his grandma Zhong Cuihua that he was going to the town to eat. He got in Shi Zhongwei's car and rushed to the town. When he got to the place to eat, he laughed when he got off the car. This was Liu Gang's restaurant again.

Zhao Dahai saw Liu Gang standing at the door of the restaurant and walked over quickly.


"Zhao Dahai."

"Boss Shi and others are already waiting for you in the box!"

"Tianzi No. [-]!"

As Liu Gang spoke, he turned around and took Zhao Dahai and Shi Zhongwei into the restaurant.

Zhao Dahai walked into the box and saw Shi Jiehua, Shi Guangming, and his second grandfather Zhao Shi sitting together smoking and chatting.

Shi Jiehua saw it, and Zhao Dahai stood up immediately.


"Uncle Shi!"

"You are just too polite!"

"We can eat by ourselves, just find a place."

"There's no need to build such a big box!"

Zhao Dahai walked up to Shi Jiehua.


"Zhao Dahai!"

"You went out to sea with my fishing boat this time and caught so many fish."

"The other fishermen almost overcrowded the fishing boat!"

"You have to have a serious meal, you have to come to a restaurant, you have to have a private room."

Shi Jiehua has received a lot of calls in the past few days from people who want to go fishing with the boat. This is all due to the influence of Zhao Dahai who caught more than one million fish. It is not appropriate to invite him to a meal at home. He has to come to a restaurant.

Shi Jiehua immediately called for the food, which had been prepared in advance. One after another, it was served like water, and in a blink of an eye, the whole table was filled.

 It's the end of the month.Ask for a monthly pass!Thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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