Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 541 This is a fishing boat that is going to have a big fight

Chapter 541 This is a fishing boat that is going to have a big fight
"Zhao Dahai!"

"How many fish have you caught?"

Wu Weimin looked at the speedboat more than ten meters away and shouted loudly impatiently.


"Big money!"

Zhong Shizhu heard Wu Weimin's words and roared back.

Wu Weimin, Gao Zhicheng, Xu Yunjiang and Lin Zuhua knew that they must have caught a lot of fish.

Zhao Dahai drove his speedboat to the fishing boat and started working hard to lift the grouper.


"Why do you think there are more fish than the ones we caught yesterday?"

Wu Weimin became more and more surprised as he watched.

Zhong Shizhu just said that he caught a lot of groupers. He knew that he must have caught a lot, but he felt that he could only catch twenty or thirty fish before he could survive.But now it is discovered that these are not just twenty or thirty groupers.


"Boss Wu."

“We caught a lot of grouper today.”

"In terms of the number of fish alone, there are indeed more than those caught yesterday."

"But the size of the groupers we caught today is not as big as the ones we went out to catch yesterday."

Lei Dayou was very excited. After working all night, he was not tired at all and had a smile on his face.

"How is this possible? Could it be that the artificial islands are really full of big fish, and you can catch them no matter how you fish?"

Lin Zuhua shook his head as he looked at the blue spots, red spots, oily spots, and sesame spots one after another.

"Zhao Dahai."

"Where did you go to fish? Did we point it to you?"

Gao Zhicheng waited for Zhao Dahai to finish his work, take a shower and change clothes, carry a big bowl full of food to the deck, and immediately asked what he had been holding back.

While Zhao Dahai was picking up the food in the bowl, he told Gao Zhicheng, Wu Weimin and others that he, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou went fishing at the spot they provided last night.

"I only fished two spots. I caught fish at the first spot, but not too many. When I got to the second spot, I found that the place was very good. The key is to catch the right fish. The flowing water."

Zhao Dahai recalled the entire fishing process last night and early in the morning.I feel very crazy. I have been fishing in the outer sea and even in the South China Sea. This is really my first time fishing like this.

"Did you encounter flowing water? Could it be that last night, you didn't hit the bottom at a fixed point to fish for grouper, but covered the current to fish for grouper?"

Gao Zhicheng reacted immediately.


"Boss Gao!"

"You're right, Zhao Dahai took us to cover the current to fish for grouper last night."


"It's so exciting!"

"The four of us either caught the bottom or caught the fish!"



"My hands are shaking now. It's not because I'm tired. It's really because I'm so excited when I think about fishing last night!"


Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou exchanged words with each other, talking about the grouper fishing in Gailiu last night and early this morning.

"No way?"

"Have you been fishing like this all night?"

After Wu Weimin listened to what Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou said, he looked at Zhao Dahai in disbelief.


"That's it."

“I was fishing for grouper in the cover stream last night and early this morning.”

"One is that the speed of seawater flow at the fishing spot last night and early this morning has been changing constantly. Sometimes it is faster, sometimes it is slower. There is no certain pattern."

"But the most troublesome thing is that the seabed structure here on the artificial islands is really too complicated."

“It’s a single line from the beginning to the end. I’ve fished each of those spots many times, but almost every time I go to the same spot, someone always catches the bottom.”


“There are always people who are hooked to the bottom, and there are always people who are not hooked to the bottom. You can’t catch fish if you are hooked to the bottom, but almost everyone who is not hooked to the bottom can catch fish!”

“I worked all night and I don’t know how many fishing rigs were hung up, but I caught a lot of fish and it was very cost-effective.”

Zhao Dahai really couldn't remember how many fishing rigs and lead weights were hung up all night, but the number of groupers he caught was comparable to the ones he caught when he went out to sea with Wu Weimin and the others the day before. He made a huge profit. Pen.


"Why are you sleeping? If I had known earlier, I would have gone fishing with you!"


"It's over, it's over!"


"Didn't we come here just to go fishing? What are we afraid of? If we are just trying to sleep, what are we doing here?"


“This is the real excitement of cover current fishing!”


Wu Weimin, Xu Yuanjiang, Gao Zhicheng and Lin Zuhua regretted very much that they did not go fishing with the speedboat in the sea last night and missed such an opportunity.

Wu Weimin immediately said that he must go fishing with Zhao Dahai tonight.

Zhao Dahai smiled and nodded.

Going fishing is a simple matter, you can go out whenever you want.

But this does not mean that every time you go out to sea, you will encounter the water from last night.

You can fish in the current even if there is no running water, but without running water, the chances of the groupers opening on the bottom of the sea are relatively low. It is almost impossible to fish like last night.

Wu Weimin, Gao Zhicheng, Lin Zuhua and Xu Yuanjiang sighed together.

As the saying goes, fish eat flowing water. It means that when there is good flowing water, the fish will open their mouths more and become more ferocious. At this time, you can catch fish almost casually.

"Who could have imagined that there would be good running water last night?"

Gao Zhicheng was very sorry and even a little annoyed.

"This is impossible!"

“This fishing spot is really unfamiliar and I don’t know much about it, but there will be opportunities in the future.”

Zhao Dahai shook his head. Don't look at it. He has been fishing on the artificial island recently, but he knows very little about it. He doesn't know when the water will start flowing.

But this is not a problem. In the following period, including after the New Year, I will definitely come here to fish frequently. The more times I come and the more times I fish, I will slowly get to know the situation here and know when I will be able to fish. There is good running water.

After Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou finished eating, the four of them were a little excited. They stayed on the deck for almost two hours before going back to the cabin to sleep.

Shi Guangming smoked a hookah and looked at Wu Weimin, Gao Zhicheng, Xu Yuanjiang and Lin Zuhua who looked depressed.


"Who told you that you didn't go to sea with Zhao Dahai last night?"

Shi Guangming was a little gloating.

Wu Weimin and Gao Zhicheng came back very tired after fishing for a day. They knew that Zhao Dahai could catch fish, but they didn't want to go to sea. They really missed a good opportunity. "Uncle Shi!"

"Aren't you just rubbing salt into our wounds?"

Wu Weimin is really a little depressed. People like him and Gao Zhicheng do not go out fishing to make money, but just for fun. Fishing for grouper with good flowing water and cover is the most fun way. Yuan Chao fishes at the bottom at fixed points. , especially Zhong Shizhu and the others just said that every time the bottom hits the bottom of every point in the current flow, someone will hang the bottom, or someone will hit the fish. This scene is extremely exciting just thinking about it.


“Isn’t this what going out to sea or fishing is like?”

“No one knows what’s going on before we go to sea!”

Zhao Shi shook his head. Fishing does require skill, but it often depends on luck.

Wu Weimin, Gao Zhicheng, Xu Yuanjiang and Lin Zuhua decided after discussion that in the next few days, they would go out to sea with Zhao Dahai's speedboat every day to see if they could encounter a good flowing water cover and shed another stone before the New Year. Madara, there is nothing we can do but wait until after the New Year.

Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou went fishing in the evening every day, and did not return to the fishing boat until five or six o'clock in the morning the next day.

Time passes day by day, and the Chinese New Year is getting closer and closer.

Three in the afternoon.

Zhao Dahai woke up and walked out of the shipyard onto the deck. He glanced in the direction of the artificial islands and reefs. Unexpectedly, there were waves on the sea again, and the sea breeze blowing over was mixed with a unique fresh smell.

"Zhao Dahai."

"The weather is not good today."

"Are you going fishing?"

Zhao Dahai looked back and saw Shi Guangming walking over with his hookah in his hand.

Zhao Dahai hesitated for a moment and nodded. Time flies when he is busy. There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year. He must go back and seize the time to catch two more fish and make more money.

"It's just a bit windy and rough, but not too big. When you go out to sea or fishing, if the wind and waves are too big, just come back."

Zhao Dahai knows that there are wind and waves now, but the wind and waves are not too big. You can go out to sea, but it is more difficult. The artificial islands and reefs are not too far from the fishing boat. If the wind and waves really become big and dangerous, rush back immediately. No. What is the problem.

Shi Guangming carefully looked at the waves on the sea for a while. There was indeed nothing wrong and he could go out to sea.



"Boss Wu, why haven't they come yet?"

Shi Guangming looked in the direction of Langtou Village a little anxiously.


"Grandpa Shi!"

"What are you anxious about?"

Zhao Dahai knew what Shi Guangming was doing.

Wu Weimin, Gao Zhicheng, Xu Yuanjiang and Lin Zuhua stayed on the fishing boat for a few days, always thinking about waiting for good flowing water to catch grouper. Unfortunately, there was no good flowing water during this period, and there was no way. , can only leave and return to Langtou Village.

Wu Weimin and Gao Zhicheng agreed with Shi Guangming before they went back that they would come back in two days, but this time they came back not for fishing, but for the winter crabs on the artificial islands.

"If they don't come, there will be no way to catch winter crabs there without crab pots!"

Shi Guangming was indeed a little anxious.

When Wu Weimin and Gao Zhicheng went back, they promised to bring crab pots in two days, but now they are nowhere to be seen.

Zhao Dahai was not worried about this at all.

People like Wu Weimin and Gao Zhicheng are very playful.

You can’t miss setting up crab pots to catch winter crabs. If you don’t come today, you will definitely come here tomorrow morning.

Zhao Dahai saw that the time was almost up, and immediately went to call Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and the radar friends to eat. After eating, he drove the speedboat to leave the fishing boat and go straight to the artificial fishing reef in the dark.

Shi Guangming walked back to the cab, glanced at Zhao Shi sitting on the sofa and smoking a hookah, and couldn't help but muttered why Wu Weimin and the others hadn't come yet.

Zhao Shi glanced at Shi Guangming and said nothing. Shi Guangming had been nagging about this matter for the past two days, eight if not ten times, and was too lazy to answer.

Three in the morning.

Langtou Village.

Wu Weimin and Gao Zhicheng stood on the deck of the speedboat.


"Do you think Lin Zuhua and Xu Yuanjiang will stop coming?"

Wu Weimin glanced at the way to the pier, but did not see Lin Zuhua and Xu Yuanjiang.


"How could they not come? How could the two of them miss such a thing?"

Gao Zhicheng shook his head.I left the fishing boat two days ago and came back to rest. I made an appointment to go out to sea to find Zhao Dahai today.This time it was not for fishing, but to set out crab pots to catch winter crabs.

Lin Zuhua and Xu Yuanjiang would never miss such a thing.


"I'm coming!"

"These must be Lin Zuhua and Xu Yuanjiang!"

Wu Weimin saw a car drive to the open space next to the pier and stop. The car door opened and he could see Lin Zuhua and Xu Yuanjiang from a distance, striding towards him and Gao Zhicheng.


"Didn't we agree that we would go to sea at five o'clock in the morning? Why did you two come so early?"

Lin Zuhua got on the speedboat.

It was only a little after three o'clock in the morning. I thought that I and Xu Yuanjiang had arrived early enough, but I didn't expect that Wu Weimin and Gao Zhicheng were already waiting on the speedboat. They had obviously arrived long ago.


"When I think about those winter crabs, my mouth is watering. How can I stay at home? I might as well come here earlier."

Wu Weimin took out his cigarettes and gave one to each person. It seemed that the wind was not too strong at the village dock, but it was still early in the morning and it was still a bit cold. He wanted to smoke a cigarette to warm himself up.


"When did Shi Jiehua and Shi Zhong come for them?"

Xu Yuanjiang lit up his cigarette and took two puffs. He looked around and saw no Shi Jiehua and Shi Zhongwei.

"Didn't we make an appointment at five in the morning? Is it still early now?"

Gao Zhicheng was not worried at all.I came back from the fishing boat two days ago and went to Shijiao Village. Shi Jiehua and Shi Zhong had already returned from the fishing boat in the South China Sea.When Shi Jiehua came back from the sea, he learned that Shi Guangming had been staying on Zhao Dahai's fishing boat. When Wu Weimin said that he would prepare crab pots and go out to sea to catch winter crabs, he immediately agreed and made an appointment to go out to sea at five o'clock this morning.

Wu Weimin, Gao Zhicheng, Lin Zuhua and Xu Yuanjiang did not wait too long. At about four o'clock in the morning, a fishing boat arrived at the pier.


"So many crab pots?"

Wu Weimin saw it clearly and was startled by the crab pot facing him on the deck of the fishing boat.


"This is the place Zhao Dahai found to catch winter crabs."

“It’s not okay to bring too little!”

"We have to do something big!"

Shi Jiehua stood on the deck of the fishing boat.

Wu Weimin, Gao Zhicheng, Lin Zuhua and Xu Yuanjiang simply boarded Shi Jiehua's fishing boat. The speedboat did not move, so they all went out to sea on the fishing boat to find Zhao Dahai.


Shi Jiehua drove the fishing boat and quietly left the pier of Langtou Village, disappearing into the dark sea in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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