Chapter 543 I have to be tough-talking!

Zhao Dahai walked onto the deck and immediately saw a large fishing boat parked next to him. He was shocked when he saw the crab pots stacked one after another on the deck.

"Uncle Shi!"

"Is it necessary to bring such a fishing boat over?"

Zhao Dahai walked up to Shi Jiehua who was talking to Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming.

Shi Zhong greeted Zhao Dahai immediately when he saw him.

"Zhao Dahai."

"We just talked to Captain Shi about setting up crab pots to catch winter crabs."

"I didn't expect that a professional fishing boat with crab pots would come directly!"

Wu Weimin pointed at the fishing boat parked next to the sea fishing boat that professionally placed crab pots to catch crabs. It was not as big as the sea fishing boat, but it was much larger than the average fishing boat.


"Zhao Dahai."

"I don't believe it when people say they put out crab pots to catch winter crabs. Since you said it, you must bring more crab pots."

"If I remember correctly, the depth of the sea water at the artificial island is relatively deep. If there are twenty or thirty crab pots, they can definitely be pulled up by hand. If there are too many, you still have to use this kind of professional lifting. Crab pots are the only way to catch crabs with a fishing boat cage lifter.”

Shi Jiehua really thinks that a professional fishing boat is needed.


"Looking at this, we can't do anything without fighting!"

Zhao Dahai was really shocked when he saw the fishing boat catching crabs. He didn't expect Shi Jiehua to make such a big noise. This is not a bad thing, but a good thing. Both his second grandfathers, Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming, said that the artificial islands There may be a huge number of winter crabs gathered in the sea. If this is the case, the fishing boats brought by Shi Jiehua this time can play a huge role.

"Zhao Dahai."

"When are we going to put the crab pots in?"

Wu Weimin couldn't wait.


"It's daytime now, so we definitely can't let it go."

"It's only four or five days before the Chinese New Year, so there shouldn't be any big problems tomorrow night!"

Zhao Dahai looked at Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming as he spoke. He had little experience in this area and had to listen to the opinions of real experts.

Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming discussed it and nodded. Tomorrow night is a good time. One is to put crab pots at night, so you can see the bottom. The other is that it is almost the Chinese New Year. There will be very few fishing boats, including speedboats, on the artificial islands. , it is almost impossible for anyone to find themselves in the spot where these people put crab pots.

“When placing crab pots at night, the speedboat has to circle around to see if there are other fishing boats or other speedboats. If there are, it would be better not to place these crab pots, or to wait until another night. "


“These crab pots cannot be left in the sea for too long!”


Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming reminded us of things to pay attention to when placing crab pots at night.


"Is it okay to leave the crab pot for just one night?"

Shi Jiehua frowned. One night was too short, usually it took two or three days.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Can you be more powerful than me?"

Shi Guangming glared, not polite at all.

Shi Jiehua shrank his neck, feeling very helpless. He turned around and saw Shi Zhongwei laughing non-stop. He raised his hand and slapped him on the back of the head.

Shi Zhongwei's face suddenly turned like a bitter gourd. This was my anger vented on his son, but he couldn't say a word.

"Aren't you going to go fishing at sea? You and Zhong Shizhu and the others go to eat quickly!"

Zhao Shi saw that it was almost time and urged Zhao Dahai and Zhong Shizhu to go to dinner and go fishing quickly.

Zhao Dahai pointed to the crab pots stacked on the fishing boat next to him. He would put the crab pots out tomorrow night. A lot of preparation work had to be done. He originally planned to go fishing for a while but now he was ready to give up.


"What kind of work can't you do during the day tomorrow? Go eat quickly and catch some stupid fish!"

Zhao Shi pointed to the speedboat on the sea next to the fishing boat. For others, the difference of delaying one night or missing one night of fishing is not much, but Zhao Dahai is different. Several 20.

"Zhao Dahai."

“You go out and catch your fish!”

"I had someone check all the crab pots before they went out to sea. There is nothing damaged."

"All the broken fish and shrimps used in the crab pots have been prepared and placed in the bait pot."

"Take it out to defrost it later, and just dry it in the cage tomorrow. There's not much work to do."

Shi Jiehua had already considered this matter before going to sea. He had someone check everything, including whether there was any damage and whether the rope fit properly. All the baits to be used were prepared.

Zhao Dahai nodded. If only the bait cage was left to dry in the crab pot, there wouldn't be much work. He immediately went to have dinner with Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, and Lei Dayou. After the meal, he immediately started preparing to go fishing.

"Brother Big."

"There's nothing else to do now, how about I go fishing with you?"

Shi Zhongwei immediately came to Zhao Dahai's side. There was really nothing to do on the fishing boat.

Zhao Dahai turned his head and looked at Shi Jiehua next to him.


"Zhao Dahai."

"If you don't mind that this kid is in the way, you can take him out to sea to fish for a while, so that he can learn a lot about it, and you can also do some hunting and other things."

Shi Jiehua smiled and nodded. Now that Zhao Dahai is out fishing, there is nothing to worry about. He hopes that Shi Zhongwei will spend more time with Zhao Dahai, and then everyone will work together, and the more familiar they are, the better.

Zhao Dahai nodded when he saw that Shi Jiehua had no objection.

Shi Zhong was very agile and helped carry the boxes and baits, etc. The few of them worked together and quickly got ready.

Zhao Dahai drove a speedboat with four people, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, Lei Dayou and Shi Zhong, towards the artificial islands and reefs, and soon disappeared.


"Eat! Eat!"

“Have a good meal!”


"Shi Jiehua."

"Let you have a good taste of the winter crabs we caught in crab pots on the last trip."

Zhao Shi called Shi Jiehua to eat quickly.

Shi Jiehua followed Zhao Shi and Wu Weimin into the cabin, and immediately saw a large iron basin on the table filled with large winter crabs weighing one kilogram or even more than one kilogram.


"Is it such a big winter crab?"

Shi Jiehua's eyes almost bulged out.Two days ago, Wu Weimin and others went to his home and said that they needed to put crab pots to catch winter crabs in the sea. When they heard that Zhao Dahai had found the spot, they knew that they would be able to catch a lot of winter crabs, but they did not expect that these winter crabs would be caught. So big.


"Captain Stone."

"Have you not seen such a big winter crab in many years?"

Wu Weimin was not surprised by Shi Jiehua's reaction.

People who go out to sea and fish for fish all know very well what a winter crab of this size means. It is not something that can be caught at any time, let alone if you have money, it is something that has a price but no market.

Shi Jiehua ignored the politeness and reached for the opened shell of a winter crab. He drooled when he saw the shell full of water inside.

"The spot that Zhao Dahai found is not full of winter crabs of this size, right?" Shi Jiehua looked at it, and Zhao Shi looked at his father, Shi Guangming.

"Does this need to be said? It must be a winter crab of this size!"

"Otherwise, do you think Zhao Dahai needs to put in the effort to put crab pots? Isn't fishing more money?"

Shi Guangming took a bowl of sea bass fish soup and took a sip. These winter crabs were caught in crab pots almost 20 days ago. They have been raised on a fishing boat for such a long time and are very fat and alive. This is not easy.

Shi Jiehua thought that this was really the case. Zhao Dahai could now earn tens of thousands of dollars, or even more than ten or two hundred thousand, by fishing every day. He didn't look down upon ordinary crabs or ordinary winter crabs.

"Yo yo yo!"

"This is something serious!"

Shi Jiehua was very excited. There are very few winter crabs of this size and they are very valuable. The few crabs he has now can be sold for 300 yuan.



"When did we put crab pots to catch crabs? They weren't caught when we first came here, were they? Are there any more in the sea now?"

Shi Jiehua thought of this for a moment, and cold water fell directly from his forehead. This was definitely not something he found and captured in the past few days. It was probably captured when he first came here. After such a long time, these things Winter crabs don’t know where to go.


"What do you mean by that?"

"If your wings become stiff, you can fly, right?"

"Do you need to worry about whether there are winter crabs in the sea?"

"Just work honestly, how can you speak here?"

"Is it possible to say that you are more powerful than you, me, and old man Zhao Shi and Zhao? Or do you think you are more powerful than Zhao Dahai?"

"If there are no winter crabs in that place, do you think we two old men plus Zhao Dahai will waste this time?"

Shi Guangming was very impatient.

Shi Jiehua didn't dare to speak anymore.

Wu Weimin, Gao Zhicheng, Xu Yunjiang and Lin Zuhua all laughed.

Shi Jiehua is now in his forties, but in front of Shi Guangmin, he will always be a child who wants to beat him as much as he wants, and scold him as much as he wants. In a place like the fishing village, there is no love education. I have never treated my son like a child. That's right.

Wu Weimin, Xu Yuanjiang, Gao Zhicheng, Lin Zuhua, and Shi Jiehua finished their meal and went to bed immediately.

Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming packed up their things and walked onto the deck carrying hookahs.


"Does anyone know if those winter crabs are still there?"

Shi Guangming frowned as he looked at the crab pots piled on the deck of the fishing boat parked nearby.


"Didn't you teach Shi Jiehua a lesson just now? Why do you have no confidence now?"

Zhao Shi found it very funny.


"I am my father and he is my son. I can't let myself get discouraged in front of him, right?"

Shi Guangming took a sip of water pipe and blew out a puff of thick smoke. His brows furrowed more and more. It had been a while since he last caught winter crabs. Don't look at himself and Zhao Shi as they vowed that there must be some in that place. Winter crabs, and there are more and more winter crabs, no one can be [-]% sure about the fact.


"Why are you worrying about this?"

"The crab pots have already arrived. This is a fishing boat specially set up to catch crabs."

"No matter what happens, these crab pots have to be put into the sea. Are there any winter crabs? Will we just have to wait?"

Zhao Shi was also a little worried. It was definitely impossible to back down now.


"All right!"

"Just wait."

Shi Guangming nodded, and fired the bow without turning back. In any case, the crab pot must have been put down.

Artificial islands and reefs.

It was just dark when Zhao Dahai, Shi Zhongwei, and Zhong Shizhu arrived.


"Brother Big."

"It seems like there really aren't many speedboats in this place and he came here to fish!"

Shi Zhongwei paid attention to the surrounding sea along the way. He really didn't see many fishing boats, especially not many speedboats.

Zhao Dahai slowed down the speedboat. There really weren't many speedboats on the artificial islands. That's not to say there weren't any, but there really weren't many.

"In the past few days, there may be more or less speedboats coming here to fish during the day, but at this time, even if there are speedboats coming here to fish, they have to go back."

As Zhao Dahai spoke, he looked carefully at the speedboat's fish detector.


"Brother Dahai! You still have a way!"

"Get a sea fishing boat and park it not far away. You can come here to fish every day and miss the daytime."

Shi Zhongwei admired him very much.

Zhao Dahai is very good at fishing, and his mind is very flexible when dealing with and thinking about these things.

Such methods are conceivable. A sea fishing boat solves the big problem of spending a lot of time on the round trip faced by many speedboats that go fishing in the open sea, especially those that go fishing in far away places.

But having said that, this method can only be used by people like Zhao Dahai who can catch a lot of fish.

Others who go fishing in the open sea don't catch a lot of fish. It's not particularly cost-effective to rent a fishing boat like this and park it here all the time.


"How was your trip to the deep sea? What kind of fish did you catch?"

Zhao Dahai never had time to ask the clock for the harvest of this fishing trip to the South China Sea.


"What can be done?"

"No one would be able to catch a lot of fish without being on a fishing boat."

"But this time someone caught more than 3000 kilograms of tuna. In addition, almost all the people on the boat made money. Some people earned [-] yuan to [-] yuan, and some made [-] to [-] yuan."

Shi Zhongwei briefly talked about what he gained from this trip to the deep sea.

Zhao Dahai looked at the fish detector and saw that the speedboat was approaching a spot where fish had been caught.

It's not surprising that Zhong Zhongwei and Shi Jiehua gained something like this on this trip. All fishing boats are similar to this, and everyone on the boat makes money. This is already very good.


"Zhao Dahai."

"Have you ever fished here?"

Zhong Shizhu also took a puff of cigarette and looked at the surrounding sea, which seemed familiar.


“We caught a lot of big fish here!”

"Let's see if we can do another big thing tonight!"

Zhao Dahai adjusted the position of the speedboat, turned on the top-flow machine, and stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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