Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 559: Brother-in-law needs to be flattered!

Chapter 559: Brother-in-law needs to be flattered!

"There are so many winter crabs that you can't finish! Why don't you sell them?"

"You are all people who have been fishing for many years. Don't you know the price of these winter crabs now?"

Zhou Liyang suddenly became excited and spoke much louder.


"Boss Zhou."

"What are you excited about?"

Liu Bin smiled and waved his hand.

“How could we not know how much these winter crabs are worth?”

"The winter crabs we caught must be sold, and we will sell them all."

"Boss Zhou."

"Have you forgotten that we didn't catch these winter crabs?"

Lei Dayou reminded him.

Zhou Liyang was stunned for a moment, and immediately remembered whether Zhong Shi, Liu Bin and Lei Da were capable of catching these winter crabs, including being able to catch so many fish and earn so much money, all because they followed Zhao Dahai out to sea.


"Zhao Dahai? Don't you sell these winter crabs?"

Zhou Liyang's hot heart suddenly became cold.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da nodded and did not say anything more. They walked quickly home carrying the winter crabs. These were living winter crabs and could not be left in the water for too long. They had to go back and put them alive immediately. They are kept in the pond. It would be a shame if they died.

Zhou Liyang looked at the backs of Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou leaving quickly and shook his head. He wanted to buy the five or six thousand kilograms of winter crabs caught by Zhao Dahai, but this was impossible.

If Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou caught these winter crabs, they would definitely be sold, but if it was Zhao Dahai who caught these winter crabs, it is very likely that they would not be sold.

Why not sell?
  Is it worth saying? That’s not bad money!

Zhou Liyang looked at Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou who were almost invisible, especially at the winter crabs they were carrying. He suddenly thought that five or six thousand kilograms of winter crabs could not be collected, but Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou could be collected. The five or six hundred kilograms that Dayou has on his hands can still make a small fortune.

Zhou Liyang wanted to catch up, but immediately stopped.


“It’s impossible to harvest these winter crabs!”

Zhou Liyang let out a long sigh, and again, if Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou caught these winter crabs, they would definitely sell them and not even a single one would be left. But Zhao Dahai caught them or so Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu and others captured them. As long as Zhao Dahai did not sell them, Zhong Shizhu and others would not sell any of them.

Zhao Dahai doesn't sell these winter crabs, he just divides them. They are New Year's goods. If he really does this, it will be embarrassing for Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu and others. They only sell them because they are mentally ill and do such a thing.

Zhou Liyang turned around and walked back to the dock.

"Boss Zhou!"

"What did you, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da say just now?"


"The winter crabs Zhong Shizhu and the others have together must weigh five to six hundred kilograms, right?"

"What price are you offering? Are they still unwilling to sell?"


"How about going to the three of their homes tomorrow and taking a look at it? If the price is higher, can you accept it?"


Zhou Liyang didn't speak. Zhao Dahai and Zhong Shizhu couldn't tell them that they caught five or six thousand kilograms of winter crabs.

When Zhou Liyang heard that someone was thinking about going to Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou's home tomorrow to see if they could be persuaded to buy those winter crabs, he sneered. This was daydreaming. It was not a matter of price.

Zhou Liyang lit a cigarette, and while smoking, he looked at Zhao Dahai's speedboat parked at the pier. He thought about how many fish Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou had caught on this trip. They must have caught a lot of fish. This is a very astonishing number, otherwise it would be impossible not to sell these winter crabs.

Zhao Dahai rode a tricycle to the gate of his second grandfather Zhao Shi's yard and called out. After a while, the yard door opened.

"Second grandpa!"

"Second Grandma isn't still at my house, is she?"

Zhao Dahai looked around and didn't see his second mistress Huang Huangtao.


"He's not back yet!"

Zhao Shi nodded.

Zhao Dahai carried several net bags from the living water tank of the tricycle, which were filled with winter crabs.

Zhao Shi shook his head when he saw it.

Zhao Dahai thought for a while, opened the mesh bag and took out a dozen of them, then went into the kitchen and took a large iron basin to put them in.

"Second grandpa."

"You don't usually go to sea, so the live fish pond and other things at home must have been used long ago."

"I'll take the rest home and keep them inside."

"Whenever you want to eat or give something away, just go to my place and get it!"

Zhao Dahai knew that his second grandfather, Zhao Shi, and his second grandmother, Huang Huangtao, could not eat so many winter crabs. There was no living pool that could support these winter crabs at home. If they took them back to their home, when would Zhao Shi want to eat them? It is more convenient to go and pick it up whenever you want to give it away.


"Uncle, aren't they coming back to celebrate the New Year this year?"

Zhao Dahai was a little surprised. It was already the [-]th of the New Year, and the son of his second grandfather Zhao Shi, his uncle, was nowhere to be seen.

Zhao Shi shook his head. The journey is too long, the vacation is too short, and the grandchildren are too young. Traveling long distances is very tiring. If we don’t come back to celebrate the New Year this year, we will wait until next year.


"Second grandpa!"

"Go to my house during the Chinese New Year and let's all join in the fun!"

Zhao Dahai thought about it and decided that during the Chinese New Year, he and his grandma, his second grandfather Zhao Shi, and his second grandma Huang Huangtao would have a New Year's Eve dinner together, which would make it more lively.

Zhao Shi did not refuse and nodded in agreement.


"Second grandpa."

"Didn't the crab pot catch a lot of fathead fish?"

"I told Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou that you and Grandpa Shi will each get two shares of the money from selling these fish, and Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, Lei Dayou and I will get one share."

Zhao Dahai thought about the fathead fish.


"Let this be settled as such!"

Zhao Shi nodded.

This is not a matter of whether you want the money or not. There are fishing rules for fishing.

If he and Shi Guangming don't want the money, it will be very difficult for Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da to deal with it.

Zhao Dahai took Zhao Shi's bank account, and when he went to Shi Jiehua's house, he took Shi Guangming's bank account, and would transfer money when he arrived in town.

Zhao Dahai and Zhao Shi chatted for a while before leaving and returning to their home. They picked up all the winter crabs from the living water tank on the tricycle and put them in the living water tank in the yard to raise them.

Zhao Dahai walked into the main room and saw his grandma Zhong Cuihua and his second grandma Huang Jintao still thinking about and playing with the isinglass. He wanted to say that it was not necessary, but he swallowed the words. He couldn't talk about it now. , grandma Zhong Cuihua and second grandma Huang Huangtao will not be polite when they say it.

Zhao Dahai talked to his second grandma Huang Huangtao, and he had just told his second grandpa Zhao Shi to come to the house for dinner on New Year's Eve.


"There are more people and more lively."

Huang Huangtao agreed. None of his sons and grandchildren have gone home this year. He and Zhao Shi are a bit calm during the Chinese New Year. It would be great to join in the fun at Zhao Dahai's house.

Five in the morning.

Zhao Dahai woke up and walked out of the yard. He looked up at the sky. It was already bright. He couldn't see where the sun was. He looked towards the direction of the village pier. There was a little fog and a little wind and waves. It was far or near. I saw many fishing boats fishing.

Zhao Dahai packed up the winter crabs for fishing and rode a tricycle to the village pier. He would go out to sea for fishing soon.


"Zhao Dahai, you are here!"


"Are you going to sea today?"


"You've made so much money, and it's almost the New Year. Are you still going to sea?"


Zhao Dahai walked onto the pier, and people around him greeted him one after another.

Zhao Dahai chatted for a few minutes, got on his speedboat, put live shrimps, octopus and crabs into the living water tank, then packed up the poles, wheels, etc., everything was ready, and carried a few buckets of water to wash the deck of the speedboat.

"The sea!" Zhao Dahai looked up and saw Ding Xiaoxiang, Ding Jie and Ding Weijun walking over.


"Why are you here so early?"

As Zhao Dahai spoke, he lifted the head of his speedboat, grabbed the cable with both hands, and pulled it, and the speedboat docked at the dock.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun strode onto the speedboat.

Zhao Dahai reached out and helped Ding Xiaoxiang get on the speedboat.


“This speedboat is really nice!”


"Big and powerful!"


Ding Jie and Ding Weijun walked around twice on the speedboat and praised them repeatedly.

I had already seen Zhao Dahai's speedboat yesterday, but at that time all my attention was focused on the fish. Now I took a closer look and realized that this speedboat is really good.

"Big brother and second brother."

"Zhao Dahai plans to change to a speedboat."

"Second uncle has already taken a look at it for us. I'm really busy during this period and didn't have time to take a look."

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at her elder brothers Ding Jie and Ding Weijun, and told her and Zhao Dahai's plan to change to a larger speedboat.


"This speedboat is already pretty good!"

"So many surrounding villages don't accept this! Do we really need to change it?"

Ding Jie looked at Zhao Dahai.


"That's the idea."

"One is that we need to go farther to catch enough fish. The speedboat needs to be bigger and more powerful. If we go farther, there will be waves and so on. Bigger, a bigger speedboat will be safer.”

"The other thing is that the current speedboat is good in size, but it is still a bit small. When fishing on artificial islands during this trip, it often happens that the living cabin on the speedboat is not enough."

"Replacing a new speedboat can solve these problems."

Zhao Dahai checked the speedboat as he spoke. One was the engine, the other was oil, and the others were poles, wheels, and bait. They were all fine, and then he drove the speedboat away from the small pier in Langtou Village and headed out to the open sea.

"Brother Jiejun."

"Do you two want to drive this speedboat?"

Zhao Dahai drove his speedboat and slowed down when he was about one nautical mile away from the small pier in Langtou Village. The sea here began to become very open. There were fishing boats around, but not many. Ding Jie and Ding Weijun grew up in the fishing village. Growing up, my family was engaged in the business of buying fish, shrimps and crabs, so it was impossible for me not to drive a speedboat.


"This really needs to be driven. I have never driven such a good speedboat!"

Ding Jie nodded immediately without thinking.

"Big brother!"

"Can you do it?"

Ding Xiaoxiang was a little worried. The storm nearby was not big, but it couldn't be said to be small.

Zhao Dahai drives a speedboat out to the sea all day long to fish. It doesn't matter if the weather is worse, but it doesn't necessarily matter to his eldest brother and second brother.


"What's wrong with weather like this?"

Ding Jie didn't care about the weather in front of him at all, and drove the speedboat straight forward. The speed did not slow down but became faster and faster.


"Big brother."

"Slow down! Slow down!"

Ding Xiaoxiang was startled.

Zhao Dahai was a little worried at first, but after a few minutes, he realized that Ding Jie was indeed experienced and could be regarded as an expert at driving speedboats. It looked like he was driving a bit fast, but it was very stable. Now there is a little bit on the sea. Langtou, it’s not easy to do this.

"it's okay no problem!"

"Brother can drive a speedboat very steadily!"

Zhao Dahai shouted at Ding Xiaoxiang, and took a mouthful of Hai Feng as soon as he opened his mouth.

Ding Xiaoxiang felt relieved now. Zhao Dahai said it was okay if it was okay.


"A speedboat costing hundreds of thousands of dollars is really good. The power is really enough!"



"Big brother!"

"You're right! This speedboat is really powerful!"

"you get what you pay for!"


Ding Jie and Ding Weijun took turns driving, driving for a full hour before slowing down.


"You were driving so fast just now?!"

"What are you doing!"

"When I go back, I have to have a good talk with my parents!"

Ding Xiaoxiang wiped the splash of sea water on her face.


"Little sister!"

"Big brother and second brother haven't driven a speedboat for a long time, haven't they?"

"A little excited! A little excited!"



"Isn't it driving very well? It's very stable! It's just a little faster!"

"Don't talk about this to dad and mom when you go back!"


Ding Jie and Ding Weijun were shocked. If Ding Xiaoxiang really knew how to say this, it would be a big deal, and it would definitely be a scolding.


"Brother Jie and Brother Jun are really good at driving!"

“Don’t speedboats have to go faster?”

Zhao Dahai immediately put in a good word for Ding Jie and Ding Weijun. This is a rare opportunity to flatter them. No matter what, they must be slapped hard before talking.


"Then you two just stay away and let the sea take over. I won't talk about this matter when I get back."

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at her eldest brother Ding Jie and her second brother Ding Weijun and gave a small warning.


"No problem, no problem, we won't open anymore!"


"it is good!"

"You're right, little sister, it's a bit dangerous for us to ride such a big wave."


Ding Jie and Ding Weijun nodded immediately.

Zhao Dahai smiled, Ding Xiaoxiang must be the most favored one in the family.

Zhao Dahai looked at the surrounding sea, determined the direction, and drove the speedboat straight to the island and reef area for fishing sea bass. The weather today is not good, mainly because the Chinese New Year is about to come, so there is no need to go too far. Ding Jie and Ding Weijun If you want to fish, this is the best place.

(End of this chapter)

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