Chapter 562 An inconspicuous skill


"Song Tianping."

"This matter really cannot be said!"

Xu Xiaochui was startled.


"What are you worried about?"

"Zhao Dahai won't come to steal our fish, at least he won't come to steal our fish today!"

Xu Dachui looked at Xu Xiaochui and then turned to look at Song Tianping on the speedboat next to him.

Song Tianping and Xu Xiaochui immediately looked at Xu Dazui together, wondering why they said this.

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Zhao Dahai has been here for more than an hour, almost two hours."

“If you really wanted to catch sea bass in this big bubble area in front of us, you would have come here already.”

"You don't think Zhao Dahai can't catch it, do you? Or don't you think Zhao Dahai will be polite to us?"

Xu Dachui was not polite at all, speaking harshly one sentence after another.


"How is it possible that Zhao Dahai can't catch these fish in the foam area in front of us?"


"When the sun comes out from the west, Zhao Dahai won't be polite to us!"

Song Tianping didn't even think about it. Zhao Dahai would definitely not be polite to Xu Dachui and Xu Xiaochui. The fish caught on his speedboat were his own, and it was much better to make money by yourself than by others.

"elder brother!"

"Then why do you think Zhao Dahai doesn't drop the sea bass in the foam area in front of him?"

The more Xu Xiaochui listened, the more confused he became.

Zhao Dahai is indeed not polite to people like him. He is really capable of grabbing fish. Zhao Dahai has done this several times, and there is no such thing as being polite.

But why didn't Zhao Dahai grab the fish?


"Does this need to be said? One hundred percent, you just don't look down on these three to five kilograms of sea bass we caught!"

Xu Dachui suddenly raised the pole in his hand to fish, and then lowered it close to the water surface to reel in the fish.


"Why is he so small again?"

Xu Dachui looked at the sea bass pulled out of the water by the side of the speedboat, feeling very depressed.

Xu Xiaochui and Song Tianping, you looked at me and I looked at you, unable to say a word.

Isn’t that what happened?

Zhao Dahai caught [-] to [-] kilograms of sea bass when he first started fishing here.

If those speedboats had not provoked him, Zhao Dahai would not have caught those three to five kilograms of sea bass.

If Zhao Dahai didn't come to grab the fish, people like him could catch more fish and make more money, but now thinking that Zhao Dahai just didn't come to grab the fish that he just didn't like, I felt very uncomfortable and even very depressed.


"Can we only catch fish that Zhao Dahai doesn't like?"

"Do you eat other people's leftover food?"

Song Tianping felt as if he had eaten a fly and was very uncomfortable.

Xu Dachui was silent for a while and nodded helplessly. This is how he felt.

"The sea!"

"What are you doing here?"

Ding Xiaoxiang watched Zhao Dahai drive the speedboat and kept driving slowly. At first, she thought he was looking for a new place to catch sea bass, but after a while he didn't stop. Maybe he was not looking for sea bass.


"Are you looking for Ma Youyu?"

Ding Xiaoxiang had a flash of inspiration and thought of Zhao Dahai saying that sea bass can be caught in the reef foam area, and there is also a chance to catch giant marlin.

Zhao Dahai nodded while staring at the sea.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun immediately stood up and stared at the sea along Zhao Dahai's line of sight. They couldn't see anything for a long time.

"Zhao Dahai!"

"What can you tell?"

Ding Jie opened his eyes wide. The sea water on the entire island and reef area was constantly flowing. Where there were rocks, it would rotate, forming one foam area after another. This was a very obvious place to fish for sea bass. But I really can’t see what’s so special about a place like this, how can I find the horse friend fish.

"elder brother!"

"What are you doing here?"

"If everyone can see it, Zhao Dahai won't need to make money!"

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at Ding Jie very warily.


"No way?"

"Isn't that what I'm asking, brother? Isn't it okay for you to be like this?"

Ding Weijun shook his head.

Ding Xiaoxiang was worried that Ding Jie or she knew the secret of how Zhao Dahai found fish. This was a family heirloom of those who went out to sea to fish.

Don't talk about yourself and Ding Jie, even Ding Xiaoxiang would not ask about such things most of the time. This is a typical "passing on from male to female" thing.

Ding Xiaoxiang was already protecting such things even before she got married.

"Anyway, you can just look at it, don't ask if you don't want it."

Ding Xiaoxiang's face suddenly turned red, but she shook her head firmly.

Ding Weijun and Ding Jie had no choice but not to ask.

Zhao Dahai smiled.

If you are looking for a horse friend, there are indeed some methods.

If others ask, he will definitely not say it, but if Ding Jie and Ding Weijun ask, he will say it.

One is that Ding Jie and Ding Weijun have different relationships with him. These are his future eldest uncle and second uncle. The other is that even if he really says it, Ding Jie and Ding Weijun may not be able to understand it. Even if they understand it, It may not really be the right number, and you can’t find where the fish is.

But after Ding Xiaoxiang said this, she would definitely not talk about it again.

Zhao Dahai concentrated on driving the speedboat, and it took him almost half an hour to find a place.

Zhao Dahai looked at it carefully and determined that this was the most likely place to catch horsetail fish in the entire island and reef area today. The sea water here flows faster and more complicated than other places, and it cannot be seen on the water. There are too many bubbles, but you can see one after another large and small whirlpools.

Zhao Dadiao turned the direction of the speedboat's bow. The bow was in the same direction as the seawater flow, and the stern was in the opposite direction to the seawater flow.

Zhao Dahai turned on the top-flow machine, but the water flow was relatively fast, and the speedboat couldn't stop. He had no choice but to keep the engine running.

Zhao Dahai pointed to the sea next to the speedboat and told Ding Jie and Ding Weijun that they could fish now.

"Hang live shrimps."     "Two pounds of lead weight."

"The water depth is about fifteen to twenty meters."

"Put it out along the current, about twenty meters away."

"You have to stop when you reach [-] meters. You can continue to move forward five meters, but it cannot exceed five meters."

Zhao Dahai controlled the speedboat while telling Ding Jie and Ding Weijun how to fish.

The seawater flows very fast in the reef foam area, but during the previous trips here, I have discovered that there is a fixed seawater flow line. This line will only appear on the sea surface under special circumstances. Now the water is very big, covering the whole area. People who don't know the flow of water can't tell where it is.

The biggest feature of the horsefish is that it has a scissor-like tail, swims very fast, and likes rapids very much. If you want to catch the horsefish, you must look for opportunities in such rapids.

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat along this fixed line of sea water flow to find the most suitable point.

Zhao Dahai has caught a lot of jackfish here and knows very well how to catch jackfish here.

Under normal circumstances, you must drive a speedboat and keep moving forward along the flow of sea water. The live shrimp or other bait on the hook is constantly dragged along this line, so that the fish can be caught from a long distance.

But there are too many speedboats around now. It is very difficult to drive a speedboat to fish along the entire flow of water. From time to time, you will encounter other speedboats and have to stop.

Another thing to consider is that if you really follow the entire flowing water line from beginning to end, the people on the fishing speedboats around you are not fools. They might realize that this is a hidden line. There is a high probability that some people can remember the line under the sea.

Zhao Dahai chose a point, but this point was just a point in the middle of the entire line. Even if someone really remembered it, this place didn't matter, and the loss wouldn't be too big.


"Zhao Dahai."

"So many speedboats around."

"If you stop here to fish, will someone know about this?"

Ding Xiaoxiang's eyes rolled around several times. She looked at the speedboats around her and found that everyone was looking at Zhao Dahai.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun originally wanted to go fishing, but they stopped immediately when they heard this.

"Zhao Dahai."

"There must be such a risk, right? Or let's stop fishing today!"



"There's no need to take such risks!"

“I’ve caught so many sea bass, and I’m really addicted. If I have a chance another day, especially when there aren’t too many speedboats around, I’ll come here to fish for squid.”


Ding Jie and Ding Weijun decided not to fish.

"No need to worry so much."

"This is a public fishing spot for sea bass in the reef foam area. Almost everyone knows that many people come here to catch sea bass every day."

"You can catch fish in this place, but there are not many people who know about it."

"What if we let them see that we can catch jackfish? They can't learn. They don't know where these jackfish are, and they don't know how to catch them."

Zhao Dahai shook his head.

Ding Xiaoxiang, Ding Jie and Ding Weijun's worries are reasonable, but there is no need to worry too much.

As long as you don't expose the entire seawater flow line.

There are one or two spots where you can catch horsetails. It is no secret to the sea bass fishermen around you. If your speedboat is parked at this place, it is possible that someone or even quite a few people have caught horsefish before. .

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun were a little hesitant. What Zhao Dahai said made sense, but it was better to do less than to do more.

"Big brother!"

"Second brother!"

“If Dahai says it’s okay, it’ll be okay!”

"Fish with confidence."

Ding Xiaoxiang knew Zhao Dahai very well. When she heard this, she knew how many people around this place would see him without any problem.


"It really doesn't make any difference!"

Zhao Dahai was very sure that it really had no impact.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun nodded, hung live shrimps on the hooks, and threw them into the sea.

As soon as Ding Jie and Ding Weijun's fishing rigs were put into the sea water, they immediately felt that the live shrimp hanging on the hook quickly sank to the bottom of the sea driven by the lead pendant, but at the same time, the entire lead pendant continued to move forward along the flowing water. He stopped drifting and rushed out ten to eight meters in the blink of an eye, and his forward speed was still accelerating.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun immediately thought that Zhao Dahai had just said that the line should be lowered to a water depth of fifteen to twenty meters, and then they had to keep moving forward, and they had to stop when the line was put out twenty to twenty-five meters. .

"Zhao Dahai knows how much lead to use without even trying."

Ding Jie was a little surprised.

If the fishing rig wants to be placed in a fixed water layer and then float forward, the most important thing is the lead pendant on the fishing rig. If it is too heavy, it will even sink directly to the bottom of the sea and not float when it reaches the appropriate water layer. , even if it is light, it will not work. It has been on the sea surface until it has reached a deep enough water layer, and I don’t know where to go when the sea water rushes away.

The sea water on the entire sea surface is constantly flowing.

How did Zhao Dahai know that he could do this with two kilograms of lead?

The average fisherman, whether a novice or an experienced fisherman, has to keep trying.

Zhao Dahai knew just by looking at it that this was really powerful.

While Zhao Dahai controlled the speedboat to stay in place, he stared at the poles in the hands of Ding Jie and Ding Weijun. When he saw that they had reached the water layer and rushed out twenty meters, he was reminded to hold the line and stop.

"The live shrimp hanging on the hook are about [-] meters away from our speedboat."


"No need to rush to take it back!"

"Let these live shrimps on the hook be washed and floated in the sea water first."


Zhao Dahai saw that Ding Jie and Ding Weijun were just pulling the thread. After waiting for less than two minutes, Zhao Dahai was already a little anxious and wanted to pull the thread back and stopped it immediately.

Why don't you worry about other speedboat people around you knowing that you can catch horsetails here?

Why are all the speedboat people here fishing for sea bass and not horsetail?

Is this because you don’t know that there are horse fish here?


Isn’t the price of horse fish cheaper than that of deep sea bass?


They all make money by fishing, no one is wrong with their brains, right?

It’s just that the horsefish is too difficult to catch and can’t be caught, so it’s useless no matter how valuable it is!

This is because even if the people around them really know where to fish, they may not be able to catch fish. The people on the surrounding speedboats are all here. They don’t know how to catch fish for a long time. They must be very aware of some spots to catch horsetails, but not many can actually catch horsetails.

To catch horsetail here, you must control the fishing water layer very accurately.

Not to mention a difference of three to five meters, even if the difference is half a meter, it may not be the same and you will not be able to catch fish. The most important thing is that the two-pound lead pendant can reach the water layer and be able to rush forward along the flowing water. On the surface, it does seem very easy. However, the water flow and the depth of the sea water are different every day, and the fish hiding positions are different. Even experienced fishermen may not understand it. This is something that only a true fishing master can do. Some have unique skills.

"The sea!"

"Is this really useful?"

“Is it really possible to catch horsetail fish?”

Ding Jie took up the line and pulled the live shrimp hanging on the hook, keeping the water layer of about [-] meters floating continuously. He was very patient at the beginning, but after seven or eight minutes, he felt a little bored and couldn't help it. Open your mouth.

Ding Weijun did not speak, but turned to look at Zhao Dahai. He had the same idea as his elder brother Ding Jun, thinking that there was not much chance of catching fish.

(End of this chapter)

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