Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 571 Uncle’s idea of ​​brother-in-law

Chapter 571 Uncle’s idea of ​​brother-in-law

The faces of Ding Jie and Ding Weijun suddenly became a little ugly, and they couldn't help but feel a little numb. Ding Chongshan, the father, might not do anything to the two brothers. He would just curse a few words and grit his teeth to push through. However, my mother, Zhang Li, was not like that. Good to pass.


"Big brother and second brother!"

"You two really don't have such thoughts, do you?"

Ding Xiaoxiang had known this for a long time and was pretending to be surprised.


"I didn't say I would never come back!"

"It's just an idea like this."

Ding Jie tried his best to smile.

"Big brother and second brother!"

"I advise you not to do such a thing."

"What are you two thinking in your heads?"

"Isn't the business at home profitable? It's several million a year. Especially if you two work hard, maybe you can make ten million a year if you don't take over the business."

"Is it just to live in a big city? How much salary can you two earn in those two big companies now?"

"How should you choose? Do you still need me to tell you?"

Ding Xiaoxiang shook her head as she spoke.

It was just a joke at first, but as he talked, he couldn't help but become more and more serious.

Ding Xiaoxiang really didn't quite understand what her eldest brother and second brother were thinking in their minds.

There are good places in big cities, but it depends on what kind of person it is. There is nothing wrong with people who have no business or property at home and move to big cities.

The situation in my own family is different. My father, Ding Chongshan, and my mother, Zhang Li, have worked hard to build their careers.

It is unreasonable for the eldest brother Ding Jie and the second brother Ding Weijun to abandon their businesses just to live in a big city.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun were a little dumbfounded. They originally wanted to find out if Zhang Li had told Ding Xiaoxiang anything. What they didn't expect was that they were scolded by Ding Xiaoxiang. The problem was that what Ding Xiaoxiang said was very reasonable and there was no way to refute it. There's no way to refute it.


"Big brother and second brother!"

"The sea is coming!"

Ding Xiaoxiang originally wanted to continue to teach her eldest brother Ding Jie and second brother Ding Weijun a lesson to see if this was really a good thing. She looked up and saw Zhao Dahai walking from the door of the vegetable market.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun turned around and saw Zhao Dahai. Don't look at the crowd. The tall man, who was about 1.8 meters tall, could be seen clearly in the crowd.

Zhao Dahai walked up to Ding Xiaoxiang, Ding Jie and Ding Weijun.


"what happened?"

"Is there something going on?"

Zhao Dahai greeted Ding Xiaoxiang, Ding Jie, and Ding Weijun with a puzzled look on his face. He didn't know if it was his own misunderstanding and felt that something was not right about the atmosphere.


"What's going on?"

"The sea."

"What are you doing here?"

Ding Xiaoxiang saw Zhao Dahai and had long forgotten about Ding Jie and Ding Weijun.

Zhao Dahai told Ding Xiaoxiang that he went to the town to buy groceries today. After buying various things, he checked the time and came here early to take a look.

"Have you sold out all the fish, shrimps and crabs?"

Zhao Dahai looked at the stall that had been cleaned up long ago, but he didn't see a single fish.

"Hee hee hee!"

"Business is extremely good today. All the fish, shrimps and crabs were sold around 11 o'clock."

“I’ve packed my things and will go back to celebrate the New Year soon!”

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at Ding Jie and Ding Weijun as she spoke.

"Big brother and second brother!"

"Now that the stalls and shops have been cleaned up, there's nothing else to do!"

"You two will lock the door and go home soon. Zhao Dahai and I will go out for a walk first. Zhao Dahai will take me home later!"

Ding Xiaoxiang called Zhao Dahai while talking, turned around and walked out.

Zhao Dahai quickly greeted Ding Jie and Ding Weijun, and quickly caught up with Ding Xiaoxiang.


"Do you think Ding Xiaoxiang knows about this?"

"Who just now deliberately pretended not to know, deliberately pretended to be confused, and beat around the bush to teach us both a lesson?"

Ding Jie scratched the back of his head and looked at Ding Xiaoxiang, who had almost walked out of the fish market with Zhao Dahai. He didn't think much about it when he was scolded, but now he slowly came to his senses.

"Big brother."

"When you say that, it's really true!"

"My little sister must know something, and she must be very clear about what I am thinking. Maybe my little sister will give my mother some attention to deal with us."

Ding Weijun knows very well what kind of character his wife is.

Tonight, when I heard that I and my eldest brother were talking about the possibility of not coming back to inherit the family business, the expression on my face was furious, but I just gave it to my father Ding Chongshan.

This morning, no matter what you say, you must at least have a dark face, but the old Zhang Li looks calm and relaxed, which is obviously something wrong.

Thinking again that Xiaoxiang and his wife Zhang Li spent a lot of time in the kitchen muttering in the morning, my guess was most likely right. Xiaoxiang not only knew about herself and her eldest brother Ding Jie, And it must have been an idea for my mother, Zhang Li.


"No way?"

"In this case, aren't we two doomed?"

Ding Jie felt a little numb.

One old woman is enough for both herself and Ding Weijun to drink a cup of wine. If Ding Xiaoxiang is added to it, she will have to shed a layer of skin even if she doesn't die. Having grown up together, I know very well that Ding Xiaoxiang is definitely a difficult person to deal with, no matter how young she is.

"But what to do?"

Ding Weijun couldn't think of any good ideas for a while.

"The most important thing is to know what Ding Xiaoxiang and my mother said!"

Ding Jie thought about it for a while. The most important thing now is to know what plans Ding Xiaoxiang and his wife Zhang Li have.


"That's right!"

"However, this is more difficult than reaching the sky!"

"It's impossible for my little sister to tell us, let alone my mother. It's absolutely impossible for me to tell us, isn't it?"

Ding Weijun really wanted to know, but it was impossible.


"My little sister and I will definitely not tell us!"

"The two of them are plotting against us! But there is someone who can come in handy!"

Ding Jie smiled.


"Big brother."

"Are you talking about Zhao Dahai?"

Ding Weijun immediately thought of Zhao Dahai.



"My little sister will definitely not tell us what happened, and it will be even more impossible for me, but my little sister will definitely tell Zhao Dahai."    "It is impossible for us to ask both my little sister and my mother, but Ask Zhao Dahai and he will 100% tell us.”

Ding Jie is full of confidence.


"What is this for?"

"Why did Zhao Dahai definitely tell us?"

Ding Weijun shook his head.

Ding Xiaoxiang will definitely tell Zhao Dahai, there is no doubt about it, but Zhao Dahai may not tell herself and Ding Jie.

Ding Weijun didn't know where Ding Jie's confidence came from.

"Does this need to be said? We are the future eldest brother-in-law and second uncle-in-law of this boy Zhao Dahai."

"If Zhao Dahai wants to marry Ding Xiaoxiang, we must both agree to put in a good word, right?"

"How dare you offend us?"

"Isn't it 100% sure that you will tell us?"

Ding Jie waved his hand.

Ding Weijun thought for a moment and nodded, that was indeed the case.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun made up their minds. When Zhao Dahai came home on the second day of the new year, they would find an opportunity to ask about this matter. There were still many people coming to buy fish, shrimp and crabs in the fish market, but the fish on their own stalls The shrimps and crabs had been sold long ago, and after packing everything and taking good care of themselves, the two locked the door and left the fish market to go home.


"The sea!"

"There are so many people on the street."


“Everywhere you go there are people.”


"so fun!"


Zhao Dahai was very happy when he saw Ding Xiaoxiang bouncing around him. He saw that Zhang Li had accepted his relationship with Ding Xiaoxiang, but there were very few opportunities for the two of them to go shopping like this. Ding Xiaoxiang had to get up early and go out in the dark. , taking care of the business of the stall at home, one has to go fishing almost every day, and the two of them can't spend enough time together.

"Today is New Year's Eve, and the New Year will be celebrated soon. Everyone has returned from other places. No matter how busy the year has been, no matter whether they make money or not, they all put it down now and celebrate the New Year well."

"Didn't this all come out at once?"

Zhao Dahai looked left and right. He usually went on either speedboats or other fishing boats. He had never seen so many people.


"The sea."

"Did you buy all the New Year's goods, couplets and so on?"

Ding Xiaoxiang saw many stalls on the street displaying various couplets, and remembered what Zhao Dahai had just said, that she came today to buy new year's goods.

Zhao Dahai nodded. He came to the town early in the morning and had already bought all the things.

Ding Xiaoxiang remembered something, so she called Hai Dahai and she went to the largest shopping mall in the town, entered the clothes store, and started to choose clothes, picking three sets at once.

"The sea."

"The three sets of clothes are for grandma Zhong Cuihua, second grandpa Zhao Shi and second grandpa Huang Huangtao."

"You can bring it to them when you get back later."

Ding Xiaoxiang picked out the clothes, packed the bag and handed it to Zhao Dahai.

Zhao Dahai nodded and agreed. When the clothes are taken back, grandma Zhong Cuihua, grandpa Zhao Shi, and second grandma Huang Huangtao will be very happy.

Ding Xiaoxiang started to choose clothes for Zhao Dahai, and spent a full hour comparing and comparing before choosing a set that she was satisfied with.


"This is really more tiring than fishing!"

Zhao Dahai was sweating profusely. He didn't have to do anything. He was just a shelf for clothes, but he was really tired.


"Where does this belong?"

Ding Xiaoxiang blushed slightly.

Zhao Dahai usually doesn't pay much attention to what he wears when he goes fishing, but now he has put on new clothes, which look really good.

Ding Xiaoxiang was very satisfied.

Zhao Dahai changed into a bag of the clothes he had chosen and carried them in his hand. He would wear these clothes when he arrived at Ding Xiaoxiang's house on the second day of the lunar new year.

Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang continued to wander around the shopping mall they left.

Two in the afternoon.

Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang found a place that looked very well decorated and sat down to eat.


"If I had known I would have eaten at Liu Lei's seafood restaurant!"

"Or you can just go to the food stalls to eat better than what you get here."

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at the three dishes and one soup in front of her. They looked pretty, but the taste was not that good, especially the steamed sea bass that cost two hundred yuan. She stopped eating after eating it with chopsticks, saying there was something wrong with it. There's definitely nothing wrong with it, but if you're used to the fish, shrimp, and crab that your dad specially sets aside at home, it's a bit tasteless to eat this.


"Isn't this kind of place just for eating in the same environment? If it's really delicious, how can it be as good as at home?"

"If they go to Liu Lei's restaurant, will he ask the master chef in the restaurant to cook a good dish for us?"

"What place can compare to this?"

Zhao Dahai smiled. I came here with Ding Xiaoxiang today. The decoration of this place is very good. There are many young people coming here to eat. But when it comes to whether the food tastes good or not, it's really a bit unsatisfactory. In this way, the selling point of the place is not that the food is affordable or delicious.

Ding Xiaoxiang thought for a while and nodded. Zhao Dahai was right. The food in this place was not authentic and affordable.


"What happened just now? I always feel that there is something wrong with Brother Jie and Brother Jun's expressions?"

Zhao Dahai remembered that when he arrived at the stall in the fish market just now, he saw that Ding Jie and Ding Weijun had something wrong with their faces, but he never had time to ask.

When Ding Xiaoxiang heard what Zhao Dahai said, she laughed and told what happened.

Only now did Zhao Dahai understand what was going on.

"What's going on here?"

"Why don't Brother Jie and Brother Jun want to come back and inherit the family business?"

Zhao Dahai really felt strange.

I don’t know much about the business of Ding Xiaoxiang’s family, especially the business of her future father-in-law, Ding Chongshan. I don’t know how much money they make in a year, but the fish stall owned by Zhang Li and Ding Xiaoxiang in the fish market is quite profitable.

It can be inferred from this that Ding Chongshan's seafood purchasing business must be good, and he can earn at least several million in a year.

Don't sit in a place like a small town. With this kind of income and this kind of business in a big city, it can be considered very good.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun had no reason not to understand this. I really didn't know why they were a little reluctant to come back and inherit the family business.


"It's not like they really found a sister-in-law for you, right?"

"You're just thinking about not coming back to take over the business at home and want to live in a big city, right?"

The more Zhao Dahai thought about it, the more he felt that this might really be the case.


"I think that's what it's all about!"

Ding Xiaoxiang nodded.


"Then what should we do?"

Zhao Dahai was stunned for a moment. It would be troublesome if Ding Jie and Ding Weijun didn't come back to inherit the family business.

(End of this chapter)

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