Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 580 Zhang Li feels like she has a clear mind

Chapter 580 Zhang Li feels like she has a clear mind

"Aren't eldest and second brother's friends coming in a few days?"

“Save this fish for later!”

Ding Xiaoxiang walked to Zhang Li and pointed to the large yellow croaker on the chopping board. They were talking outside just now. Zhao Dahai knew that Ding Jie and Ding Weijun's friends were coming and also knew that the large yellow croaker was to be eaten today, so he immediately mentioned this matter. After thinking about it, he felt It makes sense, so I went into the kitchen immediately and saw my mother Zhang Li preparing to kill the fish.


"What did I think it was?"

"I'll forget about those two bastards if I don't cause trouble for them!"

"What else do you want?!"

Zhang Li raised her knife and started to kill the big yellow croaker.

Ding Xiaoxiang blinked her eyes hard and couldn't believe that my mother Zhang Li had killed the big yellow croaker.



"Didn't you just say that? Didn't you kill this fish first? Did you wait until the friends of the eldest brother and the second brother came to kill it?"

Ding Xiaoxiang shook her head.



Zhang Li continued to kill fish as she spoke.


"It's really the mother-in-law who likes her son-in-law more and more the more she looks at him."

Zhou Yu couldn't stop laughing.

I heard Ding Lihua say that Zhang Li didn't want Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang to be together at the beginning, but now it looks like this is not the case.



“This fish would have been killed if not killed!”

“No one says you have to use big yellow croaker to greet friends, and it’s still ten pounds of big yellow croaker!”

"Isn't it embarrassing to find something else to eat?"

"Get out, get out."

"You just need to talk to Zhao Dahai and the others. Just have me and your mother here."

Zhou Yu smiled and pointed to the kitchen door.

Ding Xiaoxiang saw that the fish had been killed and had no ability to bring it back to life. It was clear that I didn’t intend to keep it, and it was useless to say anything.

Zhou Yu waited for Ding Xiaoxiang to walk out of the kitchen and simply closed the door.

"Lihua said, you used to look down on Zhao Dahai, but now you treat him like a baby, and you don't even care about your own son!"


"When Zhao Dahai first met Ding Xiaoxiang, he was not like this!"

"If I knew he was so good at fishing at this time, could I have blocked him?"

"Who doesn't want their daughter to marry a good family, a rich man, and live a good life?"


"What's going on with Ding Jie and Ding Weijun?"

"Don't talk about these two bastards! They really pissed me off!"


"Why didn't the big yellow croaker stay? Ding Xiaoxiang is right. Isn't it good to wait for Ding Jie and Ding Weijun's friends to come? Don't forget, they may be the future eldest daughter-in-law and second daughter-in-law. Of!"

"What's going on? My daughter-in-law is married into the family! I'm the mother-in-law! I have the final say whether I treat them well or not. My daughter is married off, but she can't stare at her all day long. Right? The son can be scolded, but the son-in-law has to be pained. I hope he can treat his daughter better! Xiaoxiang and especially Zhao Dahai can say that they will save the big yellow croaker for Ding Jie and Ding Weijun and their friends to come over. But I can’t do such a thing.”


Zhang Li and Zhou Yu were talking and busy at the same time, preparing lunch, chicken, duck and fish, everything was ready. After a while, the kitchen was filled with the aroma of food.

Ding Xiaoxiang walked out of the kitchen and returned to the hall. She looked around and found that her father Ding Chongshan and her second uncle Ding Lihua were no longer there. They had gone to the yard to smoke. Ding Jie and Ding Weijun were sitting on the sofa without saying a word. explain.


"Little sister!"

"What happened?"



"What happened?"


Ding Jie and Ding Weijun felt a little uneasy. Ding Xiaojiang had just walked into the kitchen and came out, and there was something wrong with the way they looked at them.


"Big brother and second brother!"

"I'm really a little angry like this!"

"I think it won't be easy for the two of you to pass the test this time."

Ding Xiaoxiang sighed.

I am the youngest and the only girl in my family, so I am very loved, but in a place like the fishing village, boys are still more popular.

When I first went in, I was told that I was saving the large yellow croaker for when the eldest brother and the second brother’s friends came to eat.

The old lady ignored what she said and just killed the fish.


"This is really troublesome!"


"It's over!"

"Big brother."

"We have to find a way!"


Ding Jie and Ding Weijun both looked a little pale. Ding Xiaoxiang was right. My mother Zhang Li must be very angry now.

"The sea."

"Are you free on the fifth and sixth days of the new year?"

Ding Xiaoxiang was too lazy to pay attention to Ding Jie and Ding Weijun. The two of them were trying to figure out how to coax my mother, and she had nothing to do with it.

"Friends of my eldest brother and my second brother came over and wanted to go out to sea for a while."

Ding Xiaoxiang spoke to Zhao Dahai in a low voice.


"What's going on during the Chinese New Year? Aren't they all about eating and drinking?"

"It wasn't until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month that we started working seriously!"

"The only thing is to find a time to go to Shi Jiehua's home and discuss with him about going to the deep sea. The time is not set early. It's no problem if it's a day later."

Zhao Dahai just heard Ding Xiaoxiang say that Zhang Li killed a large yellow croaker, and that he killed the fish only after Ding Xiaoxiang opened his mouth. After thinking about it, he realized that Zhang Li was not just angry with Ding Jie and Ding Weijun. He was really looking at himself. Fish that are only killed when they arrive.

"If Brother Jie and Brother Jun are friends who know how to fish, we can go fishing for sea bass, or even give it a try to see if we can catch grouper."


"If you're not good at fishing, then go fishing for Shi Jiugong, which is easier to catch, or go to the foot of the windmill pile to catch Balang fish."

"If you find a school of fish and hook it up, you can fish non-stop, which is more fun."


"It's impossible to catch the sea in this weather."

“Even if the tide goes out, it’s not possible to enter the mangroves.”


"I'll ask later if there are any small islands nearby that are not too difficult to climb."

"Go up and play."


"For dinner, we can just ask Liu Lei or Boss Liu Gang."

"That fishing boat has groupers and winter crabs in its live cabin."

"Isn't there a big blue spot weighing 1,560 pounds?"

“It’s no problem to greet the guests!”   …

"Boss Wu Weimin and Wu have private restaurants in the county and city. If you want to go to the county or city, you can talk to him."


Zhao Dahai discussed with Ding Xiaoxiang while thinking about it.

"Big brother and second brother."

"What do you think?"

Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhao Dahai discussed it and told Ding Jie and Ding Weijun directly about the arrangements and asked them for their opinions.


"That's it!"

Ding Jie nodded immediately without thinking. He and Ding Weijun had just been thinking about it for a long time. They didn't know how to calm down Zhang Li's anger, so he could only let it go first. Ordinary friends don't need to bother like this, but come on Among the few people were his and Ding Weijun's girlfriends. We had to think of where to go. Zhao Dahai's arrangement was good, with plenty of food and fun.

"The sea!"

"It's okay to go out to sea and have fun, but will it cost a lot to eat?"

Ding Weijun shook his head.

Zhao Dahai drove a speedboat and took people like him out to sea to go fishing and so on. This was no problem, but the meal he arranged was a bit too heavy.

Liu Gang's restaurant is not an ordinary place in this town, especially during the Chinese New Year, the prices are more expensive, and when Zhao Dahai opens his mouth, Liu Gang or Liu Lei must be very alert to greet him.

The food will definitely be the best, and there will definitely be no charge.

And the private restaurant owned by Wu Weimin and Boss Wu that Zhao Dahai mentioned is of a higher quality.

One hundred and fifty sixty pounds of blue spots?

If it had been kept on a fishing boat in the sea, it would definitely be alive. If it was so big, it could be sold for at least four to five hundred yuan per kilogram. Now during the Chinese New Year, fifteen hundred yuan per kilogram is not a problem.

Even if it costs four to five hundred yuan per catty, a fish can cost tens of thousands of yuan.


"It's enough to go out to sea and have some fun!"

"How can you greet me like this?"

Ding Jie just paid attention to what Zhao Dahai said about going fishing, but did not pay attention to what Zhao Dahai said about greeting people for dinner.

"You can definitely make a lot of money selling fish, but these are all fish you caught yourself."

"You can't settle the account like this."

"Ordinary friends definitely don't need to greet you like this, but isn't this what an extraordinary friend does?"

Zhao Dahai smiled and shook his head.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun looked at Ding Xiaoxiang.

"What do you want me to do?"

"I don't have any objections. But you must ask your father and mother to agree on this matter."

When Ding Xiaoxiang had just discussed with Zhao Dahai, she felt that there was no need to bring out such a big fish. Zhao Dahai did keep it for the New Year and had no intention of selling it, but if he didn't eat it after the New Year, he could still sell it. no.

It must be very honorable to greet such a big fish, but I really don't think it is necessary to do such a thing.

But Zhao Dahai insisted on doing it this way. Ding Xiaoxiang thought for a while and nodded. No matter how you say these are your eldest brother and second brother, especially two of these friends are very likely to be your future eldest sister-in-law and second sister-in-law. .

When Ding Jie and Ding Weijun heard this, their faces immediately turned into bitter melons.


"Brother Jiejun."

"You are right to listen to me on this matter."

"I'll go talk to my aunt now. She will definitely agree."

Zhao Dahai stood up and walked to the kitchen as he spoke.

Ding Xiaoxiang was stunned for a moment. Zhao Dahai just said that he wanted to find Liu Lei and Wu Weimin, especially when he took winter crabs and a 156-pound green spot. Definitely disagree.

The fish and crabs that Zhao Dahai brought out were probably worth a hundred thousand yuan.

In addition, if Liu Gang and Wu Weimin eat and drink there, it will really cost a lot of money.

Zhao Dahai can be generous, but his parents are unlikely to agree.

However, Zhao Dahai is now planning to convince my mother immediately.

How is this possible?

How could my father, especially my mother, agree to this?

Ding Xiaoxiang stood up immediately and followed Zhao Dahai into the kitchen.

"elder brother!"

"Is this impossible?"

Ding Weijun watched Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang walk into the kitchen and close the door, and rubbed his nose vigorously. He really couldn't figure out how Zhao Dahai could convince his wife Zhang Li to agree to this matter.

"Who knows?"

"I don't believe that Zhao Dahai can do this!"

Ding Jie shook his head.

Zhao Dahai, the future brother-in-law, wants to please his two uncles and Ding Weijun, but this is not the way to please his parents.

What Ding Xiaoxiang said just now is right, my father and mother will definitely not agree.

The problem is Zhao Dahai, he is full of confidence.

"I really don't believe it!"

"Even if the sun comes out from the west, I don't believe I can agree to this!"

Ding Weijun really didn't believe that Zhao Dahai could do it and convince Zhang Li.

Zhao Dahai knocked on the kitchen door, and Zhang Li inside responded with a twist before gently pushing it open.


"How did you two get in? This place is just fine with us, no need for help."

Zhou Yu saw Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang coming in and immediately waved her hand.

"The sea."

"You're welcome."

"Go sit outside for a while or ask Ding Xiaoxiang to take you around the village and come back for dinner in half an hour."

Zhang Li said as she put the cleaned winter crabs into the steamer. Fresh and vigorous winter crabs are full of cream. The easiest way is to steam them, and steam them with the shells. They taste great. Don’t All practices are a waste of good things.


"Zhao Dahai came in because he wanted to tell you something."

Ding Xiaoxiang immediately talked about Zhao Dahai's arrangement just now.

"Just take it out to sea for some fun."

"Let's talk about having some meals at Liu Gang's restaurant."

"There is no need for Wu Weimin and Boss Wu's private restaurant."

"You can take some winter crabs."

"One hundred fifty sixty pounds of grouper is not acceptable."

Zhang Li shook her head immediately after listening to Ding Xiaoxiang's words. There are some aspects of this arrangement that she can agree with, but there are some aspects that are unacceptable, especially bringing a 150-600 kilogram big blue spot out to greet Ding Jie and Ding Weijun's friends.

"The sea."

"It's good that you have this idea, but you really can't do it this way."

"You did catch this fish yourself. You didn't buy it from somewhere else. You don't have to pay for it."

"But no matter what, you can make a lot of money by selling this fish."

"This is real."

Zhou Yu heard what was going on and felt that he couldn't do it like this.


"Zhao Dahai said you will definitely agree. He came here just to convince you!"

Ding Xiaoxiang smiled, she really didn't believe that Zhao Dahai could convince my mother Zhang Li.


"Listen to me, this is not only for the sake of face, but also for other reasons."

Zhao Dahai knew that Zhang Li would refuse and would disagree, but he had a strong reason.

 Please give me a monthly pass! Thanks!



(End of this chapter)

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