Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 582 The thoughts of future father-in-law

Chapter 582 The thoughts of future father-in-law

"Big brother!"

"It seems that the matter between Xiaoxiang and Zhao Dahai is basically settled?"

Ding Lihua looked at Ding Chongshan next to him.

If Ding Xiaoxiang takes Zhao Dahai around the village, everyone will know about it.

A small place is not as big as a big place. This is a big thing. It basically means that Ding Chongshan and Zhang Li have accepted and recognized Zhao Dahai.

There is no registration ceremony or engagement ceremony, but in fact this kind of behavior has considerable binding force on both Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhao Dahai.


"Didn't you say that Zhao Dahai is a good guy? My observations during this period, including those of Zhang Li and me, including those of Lin Zuhua, are all good."

"When children grow up, especially daughters, they have to get married."

"In a place like our village and town, it's not easy to marry into a good family, and it's also not that easy to marry into a good family."

"If you encounter something, you definitely can't let it go."

Ding Chongshan took a puff of cigarette and nodded heavily.


"Isn't that what it's all about?"


"Big brother!"

"Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang have been around the village so much, no one else cares about Zhao Dahai, right? Even if there are not many, they all have to weigh whether they can compare with Ding Xiaoxiang."

Ding Lihua laughed as he spoke.



"That's it."

Ding Chongshan nodded. These are all small thoughts, but they are very important. Marrying a woman and a man is never easy.

"Ding Xiaoxiang is just a little younger, and nothing else is a problem."

"I have to stay at home for two more years."

"Do you want to make a date or something first?"

Ding Lihua thought of Ding Xiaoxiang's age.

Ding Chongshan waved his hand, neither he nor Zhang Li had such an idea.

It is not necessary to get engaged a few decades ago. Today, Zhao Dahai came to visit, including Zhao Dahai walking around the village, etc. This is actually equivalent to telling everyone about Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang.

If Zhao Dahai has no other thoughts, this is actually enough. If Zhao Dahai has other thoughts, it makes no difference whether he is engaged or not.

"It's a good thing that I can raise her at home for a few more years. It's just a precious daughter, and I don't want her to get married so early."

"The other one, in the next two or three years, we can take a good look at what kind of person Zhao Dahai is."

"This long time is enough to see clearly."

Ding Chongshan knew that Ding Lihua was worried about any changes in the past two or three years.

Is this possible?

It is indeed possible, but I don't care.

On the contrary, with the help of this rare opportunity, I can take a very serious look at what kind of person Zhao Dahai is.

There are really any variables, especially Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang couldn't get along, and they couldn't get together in the end, so it's not a good thing.


"In the past two or three years, I have indeed been able to see clearly!"

"If there is such a fate, they will naturally come together. If there is no such fate, or if their personalities are not compatible, it will be a good thing for Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang."

Only now did Ding Lihua truly understand the thoughts of his elder brother Ding Chongshan and his elder sister-in-law Zhang Li.


"Let's go back to the hall and drink tea!"

"There is a big yellow croaker at noon today."

"If it weren't for Zhao Dahai, we brothers wouldn't be so lucky to eat such good food."



"Under normal circumstances, who would be willing to eat something like this?"


Ding Chongshan and Ding Lihua walked towards the hall while talking.

Ding Xiaoxiang took Zhao Dahai around the village. From time to time, she would meet people in the village. She kept introducing them and saying hello, and walked to the back of the village, where there were fewer people.

"Ding Xiaoxiang."

"I think there is something you should pay attention to, especially if you want to talk to your aunt."

Yang Qin recalled what he said to Ding Jie, Ding Weijun and the others when Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang entered the kitchen just now.


"what happened?"

Ding Xiaoxiang stopped and looked back at Yang Qin.

"In the past few years, the eldest brother and the second brother have been living in big cities and working in big companies."

"Why do I feel like I'm a little unimproved? Especially my ability to judge people. Isn't it as good as when I was doing business with my uncle and aunt at home?"

Yang Qin directly said what happened just now.

Ding Xiaoxiang frowned immediately. When my parents sent their eldest and second brothers to big cities to work in big companies, they thought they could learn something. But now we don’t know whether they can learn anything or not. It’s quite a headache.

One is that two people have found girlfriends in a big city, and they have already considered not coming back to inherit the family business.

The second thing is what Yang Qin just said. This is also a big problem. In the final analysis, doing business is actually about being a good person and you need to be able to read people.

The eldest brothers Ding Jie and Ding Weijun have been staying in large companies in the past few years, and the things they learned have nothing to do with looking after people.


"Yang Qin."

"When you talk about this matter, can you not do it in front of me?"

"What's so funny about this?"

"How can I be a smart person? I'm just good at fishing!"

Zhao Dahai shook his head.

"Yo!"    "Zhao Dahai."

"Isn't it right that you start breathing when you say you're fat?"

"Is this just good fishing? If you are not a smart person, even if you can catch fish, can you sell it for so much money?"

"Why don't you go ask Fatty's father if you are a smart man?"

Yang Qin quits now. Zhao Dahai said that he is not a smart person, but he is good at fishing. This is simply deceiving people.


"Is there such a thing? How come I forgot all about it?"

Zhao Dahai was a little embarrassed. He had forgotten that Yang Qin was now in a good relationship with Liu Lei, just like he and Ding Xiaoxiang. He had done business with Liu Gang, especially when selling fish, shrimps and crabs. , it is impossible to hide the bargaining matter.

"Hee hee hee!"

"To the sea."

"That fat man Liu Lei said a lot in front of Yang Qin when you first started fishing, especially the blood eels you dug when you first started making money or the black sea bream and yellow sea bream you caught at the beginning were what Liu Gang did. Those things during business.”

"Yang Qin's words are not wrong at all. You are not just a good fisherman."

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at Zhao Dahai and smiled a little triumphantly.

Yang Qin was right. Zhao Dahai was definitely not a person who only knew how to fish. If he was really just like this, how could he like him?


"We are all business people. If we want to make money, we have to buy low and sell high."

"When Liu Lei's father, Liu Gang, bought your fish, he always paid the highest price."

"If Zhao Dahai wasn't great, how could you sell it at such a high price?"

"Liu Lei's father, Liu Gang, is not an easy person to deal with. He has been in business for twenty years."

"Not many people can take advantage of him."

Yang Qin has now started business and is doing well. He knows very well what is going on. If Zhao Dahai is not a smart person and is really a person who only knows how to fish, he will not be able to make money even if he catches fish. So much money now.



"Liu Lei's father, Liu Gang, has only manipulated others in recent years."

“There are not many people who can offer higher prices to get the fish, shrimps and crabs they want.”

"One is Zhao Dahai, and the other is Ding Xiaoxiang and your family."

"Is it possible to say that this means that one family does not enter the same house?"

"You two are so in love now. How can anyone take advantage of you if you really get married in the future?"

Yang Qin looked at Zhao Dahai, then at Ding Xiaoxiang, and patted the back of his head hard. This was not a good thing. Zhao Dahai was already difficult to deal with, and Ding Xiaoxiang was even more difficult to deal with.


"Yang Qin."

"You haven't even married a fat man like Liu Lei yet? Are you already worried about it?"

Ding Xiaoxiang made a joke, have you forgotten that we have been best friends and sisters for many years?

"What happened?"

"Is it possible that I won't give it to you?"

"My brain hurts just thinking about having to deal with you two in the future!"

Yang Qin glared at Ding Xiaoxiang. If she really married Liu Lei, she would definitely have to deal with Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang.

If he collects fish, shrimps and crabs from other people, he doesn't worry at all. Liu Lei will definitely be able to deal with it, but if he wants to take advantage of Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang, it is impossible.

Don’t you want those fish caught by Zhao Dahai?

How is this possible?

The groupers or other fish caught by Zhao Dahai are very popular.

If he could buy good fish, shrimps and crabs from others, how could Liu Gang keep giving Zhao Dahai a higher price?

Sometimes Zhao Dahai goes out to sea for too long, such as deep-sea fishing, and the valuables in the restaurant will be affected.

"The sea."

"What do you think should be done about this matter?"

Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin made some jokes, and their attention returned to the eldest brother and second brother. What Yang Qin just said was not an ordinary thing.


"If you just don't want to come back and take over the business at home for the time being, it's not a big problem. We both have given ideas. If we work together, it will only be a matter of time."

"Besides, uncle and aunt are not very old, so there is no need to worry about Brother Jun and Brother Jie. They will come back now to take over the business."

"If Yang Qin just said this, he must think it over carefully. Brother Jie and Brother Jun must return to their hometown earlier."

Zhao Dahai directly expressed his thoughts. There is no need to worry about his relationship with Ding Xiaoxiang. Say whatever you want. He only fishes and sells fish, and has no business. But no matter what he does, the important thing is to look at people, and he has to do it. See it accurately. Don’t look at the fact that you just said that you are just a good fisherman. This is just a joke and being modest. In fact, it is like what Yang Qin said. You are not just a good fisherman. If he is really a honest and honest young man, he will definitely be pinched when dealing with people like Liu Gang. A fish worth 100 yuan can only be sold for 80 yuan, or even only 60 yuan.

Yang Qin could tell what kind of person he was. Ding Jie and Ding Weijun were older. If they couldn't tell clearly, it would really be unreasonable.

Ding Xiaoxiang will marry herself in two years. Ding Jie and Ding Weijun are her eldest uncle and second uncle. If these two people are not good at business, both she and Ding Xiaoxiang will have a lot of headaches and have to help wipe their butts from time to time. In order to To save some trouble, it would be better for Ding Jie and Ding Weijun to come back home earlier to help with the business. Ding Chongshan, Zhang Li, Ding Lihua and others can teach more. The more they see and learn, the more they will naturally master it.

Ding Xiaoxiang thought for a while, nodded, and waited for Zhao Dahai to come home later. She would have to talk to her parents about this matter seriously.

Ding Xiaoxiang took Zhao Dahai around the whole village to see that it was almost time, and walked back home. When they arrived, the food was ready, not to mention winter crabs, sea bass, horsetail fish, chicken and duck. There is a ten-pound large yellow croaker in the center of the table. If anyone else sees it here, they will be stunned. The food on this table is really hard. It cannot be harder. It took two hours to eat. Finished eating.

After dinner, Zhao Dahai accompanied Ding Chongshan and Ding Lihua to drink tea.

"Zhao Dahai."

"That speedboat, what's your plan with Ding Xiaoxiang?"

Ding Lihua remembered the speedboat he went to see for Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang before the New Year.


Zhao Dahai said that at first he and Ding Xiaoxiang wanted to buy a larger speedboat. When they first went fishing on the artificial island, they felt it was not necessary, but later they felt it was necessary. I have been thinking about it for a while and have made up my mind to buy it.


"Are you changing to a speedboat? I heard Lin Zuhua say, isn't the speedboat you have now pretty good?"

Ding Chongshan has known about this for a long time. Ding Xiaoxiang said it, Lin Zuhua said it, and Ding Lihua mentioned it again now. Zhao Dahai meant that he had made up his mind. He bought the speedboat worth hundreds of thousands. If he changes it now It must be something bigger, maybe a million-dollar speedboat.

"One is safe, and the other is bigger and can hold more fish."

Zhao Dahai talked about his and Ding Xiaoxiang's thoughts. A bigger speedboat would definitely be safer. Next, he would go further. He couldn't catch too many fish in places like the windmill foot fishing spot. Artificial islands and reefs were the next step. The key point of fishing down here is to go further than the artificial islands and reefs. It is a bit awkward not to have a larger and more powerful speedboat. The other is a larger speedboat, with larger live cabins and cold storage, and more fish.

"Safety aside, it must be the most important thing. The live cold storage must be larger. You can easily catch fish weighing one to two thousand kilograms."

Ding Chongshan understood Zhao Dahai and his thoughts, so he didn't say anything more. There was no need to worry about this matter, as long as Zhao Dahai had an idea.

 Asking for a monthly ticket! Thanks!



(End of this chapter)

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