Chapter 587 The ruthless suppression begins

"Isn't this possible?"

"Isn't it too fake?"

"Is this sea full of fish?"

Ding Jie's eyes suddenly widened. My father, Ding Chongshan, had just thrown it out and caught the fish as soon as it hit the water. If the sea was not full of fish, how could something like this happen?

"Big brother!"

"Look at the speedboats around you!"

Ding Weijun pointed to the surrounding sea.

Ding Jie looked up and saw that there were speedboats all around, and there were more speedboats farther away, all of which were fishing.

"What the hell!"

"Is the place Zhao Dahai is looking for different from other places?"

"Why is it that our speedboat caught so many fish, while the speedboats around us hardly caught many fish?"

Ding Jie stared at the sea next to the speedboat for a long time. He couldn't tell that the place Zhao Dahai was looking for was any different from the other places around where speedboats stopped for fishing.

"Who knows?"

"The place must be different from other places around. Otherwise, how could there be such a big difference?"

Ding Weijun shook his head.

On the surface, the place where Zhao Dahai's speedboat stopped is almost exactly the same as other places. The sea water is still sea water. There are no obvious signs, but fish are caught and a lot of fish are caught.

My wife, Zhang Li, and I were fishing for black sea bream and yellow sea bream one after another. When my father threw out the first rod, fish immediately bit the hook.

There were more than a dozen speedboats around, but none of them looked like this.

It's not that the sea is full of fish, it's just that the sea where Zhao Dahai's speedboat is parked is full of fish.

How did Zhao Dahai know that there were fish in this place, and that there were many fish?

There are so many speedboats fishing, and these are all professional fishermen, who even come here to fish every day. Why don’t these people know about it?

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun couldn't figure it out, so they simply asked Zhao Dahai directly.

"Big brother and second brother!"

"What are you doing?"

"Can I ask you about this?"

Ding Xiaoxiang glared at her eldest brother, Ding Jie and her second brother Ding Weijun.

With so many speedboats fishing here, only people like himself could catch so many fish. Even a blind man knew that the spot Zhao Dahai was looking for was the key.

Can Ding Jie and Ding Weijun ask this question?

"Good good!"

"If you don't ask, don't ask!"



"Ding Xiaoxiang."

"We are your eldest and second brothers. Why can't you ask me? Is it possible that we can still come here to fish?"


Ding Jie and Ding Weijun shook their heads. The last time they went out to sea with Zhao Dahai to fish for sea bass, this happened once, and now it happens again. Ding Xiaoxiang hasn't married Zhao Dahai yet, but is already protecting Zhao Dahai and making money. It's up to you.


"You don't know how to go fishing, but there are quite a few of your friends who go fishing."

"Who knows what you would say when you were drunk when you were drinking with them?"

"You must not be able to control your mouth, so you might as well not know about it!"

"It's not like you don't know how to fish in the sea, so you make less money at the end of the day? What will happen if someone else finds out about this?"

Ding Xiaoxiang, you’re welcome.

The eldest brother Ding Jie and the second brother Ding Weijun would definitely not tell others how Zhao Dahai found this spot under normal circumstances. If you drink too much, you can't tell for sure. You must not take it lightly to avoid an accident. When I went out to sea, I found that the place where I often fish was crowded with many other speedboats.

Zhang Li, Zhou Yu, Ding Chongshan, and Ding Lihua all nodded. There is nothing wrong with Ding Xiaoxiang's actions. Don't think that even her brother or even herself can ask such a thing. This is Zhao Dahai's way of supporting his family and making a fortune. Ding Xiaoxiang must protect Ding Xiaoxiang's ability, and no one from her mother's family can inquire about it.


"Big brother and second brother."

"Isn't it true that someone asked you about this?"

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at Ding Jie and Ding Weijun and suddenly became alert.


"How could it not be possible?"

"It's not like no one knows about you and Zhao Dahai now."

"When your second brother and I return to the village, we have to have a meal and drink with other people, right?"

"Don't you know? Many of the people we grew up with are now fishing."

"Why don't you ask us where Zhao Dahai went fishing?"

Ding Jie smiled and nodded.

Zhao Dahai was so good at fishing that everyone in the surrounding villages and towns knew that he and Ding Weijun were not being inquired about one or two during the meal. He did not count carefully but there were no less than fifty people.

"Ding Jie and Ding Weijun!"

"You two have to keep your mouths shut tightly and stop talking nonsense!"

Zhang Li glared at Ding Jie and Ding Weijun. This is no small matter.


"Why are you worried about this? We have to know everything we want to say, right?"

Ding Weijun was a little dumbfounded and pointed at Ding Xiaogan. Just now, he and Ding Jie wanted to ask Zhao Dahai how he knew there were so many fish in this place, but he was immediately given a hard lesson. The last time he caught sea bass, The same thing happened when I was in the hospital, I really couldn't say it even if I wanted to.

"Ding Xiaoxiang."

"You have to keep an eye on it!"


"The sea!"

"No matter what these two bastards ask, you can't tell them!"

"Don't really drink too much with a bunch of pig friends and let the news slip. That will cause trouble!"

Zhang Li immediately spoke to remind Zhao Dahai.



"I know this."

"Don't worry too much about this."

“The places we are fishing now are places that everyone who fishes knows, they are not fishing spots that only I know.”

"Take the current point as an example, don't look at the fact that we caught a lot of fish here today."

"If we wait until tomorrow, even if someone occupies this position, they won't be able to catch any fish."

As Zhao Dahai spoke, he took the fishing net and prepared to fish for Ding Chongshan. He knew what Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhang Li meant, and he knew what he meant. He didn't need Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhang Li to remind him that he had to guard it carefully and that he had the ability to eat by himself. It was impossible to tell anyone else.


“This fish is really big!”

Zhao Dahai saw that what Ding Chongshan caught was a sea bass. It was quite big, weighing almost ten kilograms. The pulling force was quite good, and it had been pulled to the side of the speedboat.

Ding Chongshan was a little nervous.

The ten-pound sea bass has a very strong pulling force, but the pole I use is a bit soft. In addition, since I haven’t fished for many years, my hands are a bit raw. I am a little anxious and want to pull it back quickly, but I am worried about the line breaking or detaching. Ding Chongshan's hands were shaking a little, and his face was a little red from holding back.

"Lower the pole."

Zhao Dahai had long heard Lin Zuhua say that Ding Chongshan was a master of fishing. He didn't care when he saw a fish taking the bait. He was busy talking to Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhang Li. Now he watched the fish pull to the side of the speedboat and held the net himself. , preparing to catch fish, he saw a sea bass swimming in the sea at a glance, and was about to jump up to wash his gills. Ding Chongshan's pole was a bit high, and he obviously did not notice this.

Ding Chongshan was startled. He really didn't notice this. The pole in his hand was pressed hard towards the sea, and the tip of the pole was directly pressed into the water. At this moment, the sea bass shook its head and wanted to jump up. , but it was already too late. The hook hanging in the fish's mouth was pressed tightly by the line pulling it, making it unable to jump.

"Press the line!"

"Keep pressing!"



"Take up the line!"


Zhao Dahai held the fishing net in his hand. At the right moment, he suddenly reached into the sea water and caught the sea bass.

Ding Chongshan let out a long breath and wiped the beads of sweat the size of soybeans that had appeared on his forehead at some point.

Zhao Dahai picked up the net and placed it on the deck of the speedboat.

"Uncle Ding!"

"This sea bass weighs more than ten pounds!"

"Maybe it must be 14 or 15 pounds!"

Zhao Dahai weighed it. The net in his hand was very tight. It looked about the same size as a ten-pound seabass. But now that the weather is colder, seabass, like other fish, shrimps and crabs, is fatter.


“I haven’t fished for a long time, and I haven’t caught such a big sea bass!”

"It's so cool!"

"But my hands are really sore!"

Ding Chongshan shook his hand. It wasn't that he had no strength, it was just that he had not fished for too long, and exerting force or being nervous consumed too much energy.


“You brag all day long about what a master you are at fishing!”

"If Zhao Dahai hadn't reminded you just now, this sea bass might have jumped up and run away."


"When Zhao Dahai went out to sea with us to fish for sea bass years ago, they were much larger than the ones you catch now, weighing twenty to thirty pounds or even thirty or forty pounds."

"It took more than ten seconds to pull one onto the deck. The time you fished for this one just now was almost ten minutes, which is too far."


Ding Jie and Ding Weijun did not give Ding Chongshan face and laughed.


"Are these two people who have hardened their wings and feel that they are very powerful?"

"When it comes to making money in business, you two are far behind Mr. Li now."

"When it comes to fishing, is it possible that you two are better than you and me?"

Ding Chongshan looked away from Ding Jie and Ding Weijun, and took the pliers to pick out the hook.

Zhao Dahai smiled, Ding Jie and Ding Weijun were really asking for trouble, it was simply ruthless suppression.


"Zhao Dahai!"

"Why are all these speedboats coming here? Are they trying to catch our fish?"

Zhou Yu saw many speedboats approaching around him and quickly reminded Zhao Dahai.

Ding Chongshan, Ding Lihua, Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhang Li immediately turned their heads and looked over.


"These speedboats must be here to grab fish!"

"What can we do?"

"How can it be like this? Seeing that we caught a lot of fish here, they all came around."

Zhang Li's face suddenly became very ugly.

"Zhao Dahai."

"These speedboats mainly saw me catching a sea bass and they all wanted to come around."

Ding Chongshan was more experienced and knew at a glance what the purpose of these speedboats was.

People like Zhang Li and Ding Xiaoxiang caught black sea bream, but they were put down close to the side of the speedboat, so the point where they caught the fish was under the speedboat.

It's not that these people are jealous, but they don't dare to come close if they want to fish. If they do this, Zhao Dahai will definitely cause trouble for these people.

But the place where he just caught sea bass is five or six meters from the bow of the speedboat. If these speedboats come close to him, it will be hard for Zhao Dahai to blame them.

"Aren't these people so unreasonable?"

"Then we caught sea bass in this place and you want to come over and steal our fish?"

Ding Lihua was very angry.

"Zhao Dahai!"

"Aren't we relatively close? Why don't we just hurry up and occupy that place!"

Zhou Yu pointed to the sea surface where he was fishing for sea bass.

"There's no need to occupy that space."

"There is flowing water now, and the flowing water has a certain speed."

"If our speedboat stops at the place where Uncle Ding caught the fish just now."

"The current flow is very large, and the next flow will become even greater."

"It is very difficult to control the water layer where live shrimp are released into the sea, especially to ensure that the live shrimp stay in place."

"Now this place is the best place. If you throw the rod out and control the line, you can ensure that the live shrimps stay in the place where the fish are."

Zhao Dahai shook his head with a smile and lowered his voice to explain why his speedboat stopped here instead of directly on the sea where there were fish.

Ding Chongshan and Zhang Li thought about it for a while and felt relieved. How could Zhao Dahai not know that he caught sea bass in this place? The surrounding speedboats would definitely squeeze in. It was not the first day that he often went out to sea for fishing. It was not the first time that he had encountered it. If he didn’t have any eyesight, no Maybe you can make so much money by catching so many fish.

"The sea!"

"You can't just watch the people on these speedboats snatching our fish, right?"

Zhang Li saw that the speedboat at the forefront was almost five or six meters away from where Ding Chongshan caught the sea bass just now. Those people on top who had faster hands and feet were already hanging live shrimps. After a while, these people must be Grab the sea bass.


"How is that possible?"

"Aren't these speedboats just trying to steal fish?"

"This is not something that anyone who wants to grab will definitely be able to grab. If you want to grab the fish, it depends on your ability and who has faster hands and feet!"

As Zhao Dahai spoke, he picked up the lure rod he had inserted into the pole barrel next to him. The lead hook had already been tied on.

Zhao Dahai bent down and took out a piece of soft bait from a box beside his legs and put it on the lead hook. He raised his hand and shook it slightly. The lead hook flew out and landed exactly where Ding Chongshan had caught the sea bass just now. The place.

Grab fish?

Who is afraid of who?

This has happened to me quite often!

It’s not that I look down on the people around me, it’s just that the people around me are no match for me. The fish here are all my own, and no one can take them away.

 Asking for a monthly ticket! Thanks!



(End of this chapter)

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