Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 591 A man must be rich and it’s useless to say anything else.

Chapter 591 A man must be rich and it’s useless to say anything else.


Zhao Dahai walked out of the courtyard door. Just as he was about to leave on a tricycle, he saw Zhong Shizhu, walking towards him, and stopped and waited.


"Zhao Dahai."

"What are you doing here?"

Zhong Shizhu wanted to go out as soon as he saw Zhao Dahai like this. Today is the fourth day of the Lunar New Year. During the Chinese New Year, there usually aren’t too many things.

Zhao Dahai smiled and said that he had to go to Dashi Village to pick up Ding Xiaoxiang and come home today.


"Good thing, good thing!"

"This is a great thing!"

"Go quickly, go quickly!"

"Don't waste time!"

"These are some fish balls made at home."

"Bring some here and you can taste it."

"I'll just leave it at home for you!"

When Zhong Shizhu heard that Zhao Dahai was going to pick up Ding Xiaoxiang, he kept urging him.

Zhao Dahai nodded, loudly called his grandmother Zhong Cuihua at home, saying that it was Zhong Shizhu who had sent something, and left in a tricycle, rushing to Dashi Village to pick up Ding Xiaoxiang.

Zhao Dahai came once and went directly to Ding Xiaoxiang's house.

"The sea."

"Have you had breakfast?"

Ding Jie stood at the door of the yard eating breakfast with a bowl in his hand.

Zhao Dahai nodded and said he had already eaten.

Ding Xiaoxiang heard the sound and came out carrying things in big and small bags.


"What are you doing with so many things?"

Zhao Dahai immediately helped carry things.

"It's not your fault!"

"They are all for grandma Zhong Cuihua and my second grandpa and grandma."

Ding Xiaoxiang pointed to the yard while putting things away.

Zhao Dahai immediately walked in, greeted Ding Chongshan and Zhang Li, chatted for a while, drank two cups of tea, and then left back to Langtou Village with Ding Xiaoxiang.

"What's going on?"

"Isn't Zhao Dahai's ability too powerful?"

"Two or three months ago, didn't I still say that I didn't agree and didn't want Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhao Dahai to be together?"

"How come we have only been back for a few days, and Zhao Dahai is able to come to our door? The key is that my parents are quite satisfied with it!"

Ding Jie looked puzzled as he watched Zhao Dahai drive away with Ding Xiaoxiang in a tricycle.

"I don't know what's going on? But it seems that my father and mother are really becoming more and more satisfied with Zhao Dahai, especially the mother you mentioned."

"Speaking of which, Zhao Dahai is really good at coaxing our mother!"

Ding Weijun scratched the back of his head.

"I guess the status of our two brothers in the eyes of father and mother is not as good as that of Zhao Dahai!"

Ding Jie sighed. There is no need to say this. You can see it by looking at it, and you can feel it by feeling it.

"Who told us that we haven't done anything yet?"

"Zhao Dahai is making a lot of money right now. In the past few days, we have heard a lot of people say that Zhao Dahai is terrible at making money."

"It's estimated to be five million."

Ding Weijun thought about what the people who grew up with the villagers had heard about Zhao Dahai while eating and drinking in the past few days. They were all talking about how great fishing was.

Not to mention artificial islands or deep sea places, even in places like Windmill Foot Fishing Point where there are many speedboat fishing, you can catch more fish than others on every trip.

It's not just one or two people saying that Zhao Dahai earned five million in the past year, but almost everyone knows it and is saying that Zhao Dahai earned five million in the past year.

This statement cannot be very accurate. Only Zhao Dahai himself knows how much money he makes.

However, people see Zhao Dahai going fishing, and Zhao Dahai selling fish is seen by people. They all belong to people who go fishing or fishing at sea. You can probably guess it if you see them enough.

Even if there is a deviation, it won't be too much, or even at least not much in many cases.

After all, no one else saw Zhao Dahai fishing most of the time, and no one saw him when he was selling fish.

This calculation is very amazing. Zhao Dahai earned more than five million from the fish he caught in the past year.

Earn more than five million a year fishing?

No matter how you think about it, it feels very scary and shocking.

Zhao Dahai's status in the eyes of his father and mother has risen sharply. The main thing is not that he can please or make people happy, but more importantly, he can make money and make a lot of money.

My two brothers work in a large company, and the amount of money they make each month is not that small, but it depends on who compares.

Among people of the same age in the village, few make more money than the two brothers, but compared with people like Zhao Dahai, they are not even the slightest bit worse.

Both my father and mother have said that Zhao Dahai will most likely make more money than them all this year.

"five million?"

"Just a little more!"

Ding Jie shook his head immediately without even thinking about it. The people in the village guessed that Zhao Dahai's five million a year income must be too low, and a lot less.

Zhao Dahai told his second uncle that he wanted to buy a speedboat. Just a speedboat like this would cost one million.

What about others?

How much did Zhao Dahai sell the fish, shrimp and crabs he brought back from his last trip to the deep sea? Ding Weijun and himself could see those fish clearly. Just those unsold anchovies are terrible!

"Big brother."

“Money makes a man bold!”

"We brothers can't do anything if we don't make money!"

"How much can you earn in a month by working in the company? With those wages, isn't twenty or thirty thousand already a top-notch salary? And it will take three to five years or even ten or eight years to climb to that position. , only then can you have this kind of money!”

Ding Weijun frowned.

In the past few years, I and my eldest brother Ding Jie have been working in big companies in big cities. They have done really well. Their wages have been increased every year, and their status in the company has gradually improved.

If this continues, in another three to five years, we will definitely be able to find a department manager or something, maybe 50,000 to 60,000 yuan a month.

This is already much better than many others, including other people of the same age in the village.

When I returned to the village two years ago, it was very beautiful. Everyone thought that I and my eldest brother were very powerful. But when I came back this year, everyone was talking about Zhao Dahai.

What about a salary of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan a month, or even a salary of 30,000 to 50,000 yuan a month?

Zhao Dahai took his family out to sea yesterday to catch a fishing net. The fish they caught were sold for more than the two brothers' monthly salary.

"Want to make money?"

"Our salary, especially in this big company, is not much."


"I originally thought that two to thirty thousand yuan a month was quite a lot, but now I see it is really inconspicuous at all. It can't be any less."

"If we want to make more money, there is really no other way but to do business."

Ding Jie thought about it for a while and found that he and Ding Weijun wanted to make money. They wanted to make more money. The salary they were working now was not enough. The only way was to do business. If you wanted to do business, you had to get back. Home.

Do you do business in a big city?

This is no easy task!

Do you and Ding Weijun have this ability?

We can’t say that it definitely doesn’t exist, but we can be 100% certain that at least for now, this ability cannot be seen or proven.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun stood at the door of the yard. You looked at me and I looked at you. They suddenly remembered something in their hearts. My father and mother were thinking about the two brothers coming back to inherit the family business, but they said it a few days ago. Not too happy.

How to do this? Are you coming back or not?

not coming back? Earning this little money is really not enough.

Are you back? What do you do with the girl you know? Is it possible that they were separated like this? Or would you be willing to accept life in a small town?

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun didn't speak, but they couldn't help thinking about this matter in their hearts, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

Zhao Dahai drove a tricycle, and Ding Xiaoxiang sat next to him.

"Would you like to buy a car?"

Zhao Dahai remembered what his grandma Zhong Cuihua said.

Ding Xiaoxiang shook her head without even thinking about it. Zhao Dahai was really making money fishing now. If he wanted to buy something, he could buy it at any time, but it was of no use.

"What did you buy it for?"

"How many days do you need to use this car when you go to sea all day? It's just a car to bask in the sun at the door of the yard."

"No need to waste this money!"

"What's wrong with a tricycle? It's easy to get in and out. If we want to go further, we can just spend some money to book a car. There's no need to buy a car ourselves."

Ding Xiaoxiang knew that Zhao Dahai didn't buy a car that was really useful. He just wanted to make it more convenient when going out, but more importantly, he wanted to gain face for himself.

Ding Xiaoxiang didn't care about this at all.


"We really don't need it now. If we just buy it and store it at home, it will be exposed to the wind and sun. It's really a waste. We can just buy it when we think it can be used someday!"

Zhao Dahai thought about it and realized that it was indeed of no use. He had to spend 300 of the 365 days a year running around Zhao Dahai fishing, so the car he bought was really useless.

Ding Xiaoxiang is not married now, so it is impossible to use it, and she will not be able to use it even if she is married.


"When are we going to see that big speedboat?"

Ding Xiaoxiang doesn't care about buying a car at all, but she is very concerned about buying a speedboat. Buying a car will only waste money. Buying a speedboat will make money, and the other is that Zhao Dahai may go fishing at any time. A big speedboat is even more security faster.

"Isn't it very busy these days? One of the friends of the eldest brother and the second brother has to come, and the other one has to discuss with Shi Jiehua about going to the deep sea."

"I guess I won't have time until the eighth or ninth day of the lunar month, or even the tenth day of the lunar month."

"Whenever we have time, let's go take a look."

"Second uncle has already seen it. There will be nothing wrong with the speedboat. We just want to see if we like it or if we need to add something."

Zhao Dahai thought for a while. He had no time in the past three or five days. If he wanted to see the speedboat, he would have to wait until around the tenth day of the lunar month.

Ding Xiaoxiang's second uncle Ding Lihua is very familiar with speedboats and is a real expert. If you have already seen it, there will be no problem. Ding Xiaoxiang and I went to see more just to see if we like it.

"How about we talk to my second uncle about how about going to see the speedboat on the ninth or tenth day of the Lunar New Year?"

Ding Xiaoxiang wanted to confirm this matter earlier.

Zhao Dahai nodded and decided to buy it. He might as well buy it earlier so that he can use it earlier.


"I have to trouble my second uncle to see if I can sell the speedboat now."



"We bought a new speedboat, and the old one must be sold. There is no need to keep two boats."

"Didn't my second uncle say that? Our second-hand speedboat might be able to be sold at a very good price!"

"You have caught so many fish and made so much money with this speedboat. There are so many people who want to buy this speedboat!"


Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang were talking and unknowingly returned to Langtou Village and the gate of the courtyard.


"Why are you waiting at the door of the courtyard in such a cold weather?"

Ding Xiaoxiang saw Zhong Cuihua standing at the door of the yard, shouted from a distance, and jumped off the tricycle before it stopped.


"I said you are in a hurry, girl?!"

Zhong Cuihua was shocked when she saw Ding Xiaoxiang jump down.



"Get inside the house quickly!"

"The cold wind is blowing outside!"

Ding Xiaoxiang said as she helped Zhong Cuihua walk into the yard.

"it is good!"

"Let's go sit inside."

Zhong Cuihua smiled and nodded, turned around and walked into the yard with Ding Xiaoxiang.

Zhao Dahai parked the tricycle, unloaded all the things he brought, carried them into the yard, and placed them on the table in the main room.

Zhao Dahai looked at Ding Xiaoxiang, his grandma Zhong Cuihua, and his second grandma Huang Huangtao talking. He saw that it was almost time and went into the kitchen to prepare lunch.

Zhao Dahai cooks all home-cooked dishes.

A plain chicken.

Steaming a sea bass caught yesterday.

Zhong Shizhu sent the money pills this morning to make soup.

Steamed eight winter crabs and fried one green vegetable.

After Zhao Dahai finished cooking, his second grandfather Zhao Shi, who had gone out to smoke and chat with old men in other villages, came back early.

Ding Xiaoxiang watched Zhao Dahai finish cooking, and immediately came over to help set the table, serve dishes and cook.


"Second Grandpa."

"Second Grandma."

"time to eat!"


"Drink a bowl of soup to warm yourself up first!"

"Winter crab is still delicious."


"Second Grandpa."

"If you want to drink, you have to eat some meat. I'll get you some chicken. It's not good to just eat seafood."


Zhong Cuihua, Zhao Shi and Huang Huangtao were all smiling. No matter what they ate, they tasted delicious, and no matter what they drank, they all looked beautiful.

Ding Xiaoxiang watched Zhong Cuihua, Zhao Shi, Huang Huangtao and Zhao Dahai finish their meals and stand up, wanting to clear away the dishes.


"Just let Dahai do this, you don't have to work too hard."


"Go out with grandma."

Zhong Cuihua shook her head and stood up.

Ding Xiaoxiang was a little strange. She didn't know what Zhong Cuihua wanted to say to her, so she looked at Zhao Dahai.

 Asking for a monthly ticket! Thanks!



(End of this chapter)

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