Chapter 596: New thoughts

The night is dark.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun walked forward for more than ten meters. The sea breeze blew and their heads, which had drunk a lot of beer, suddenly woke up.

"What the hell!"

"Li Dongsheng and these bastards just want to find out from us where Zhao Dahai fishes!"

Ding Jie took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it and took a long puff.


"You want to do this while we've drunk a lot and are not clear-headed. Do you really think we two are really drunk?"

Ding Weijun's face looked a little ugly.

When Ding Xiaoxiang talked about this matter two days ago, both herself and her eldest brother were a little unconvinced. They all grew up together and had a very good relationship. It was reasonable once or twice, but these people kept coming back again and again. The third one was thinking about various opportunities and asking about Zhao Dahai's fishing, which was very unreasonable.

"No need to be angry!"

"To put it bluntly, Zhao Dahai has made too much money. It's not that the people we grew up with can't make money, they just make too little money."

"My eyes are so red!"

"What's so unusual about this?"

Ding Jie waved his hand.

It was normal for these people to inquire about where Zhao Dahai fished. They just wanted to fish more and make more money. Things like this happen in the fishing circle, in your own company, in big cities, and in other industries. I and Ding Weijun have seen a lot in these years.

"Big brother!"

"What do you think about it?"

"Are we coming back or not?"

Ding Weijun sighed and stopped talking about this matter. He and Ding Jie had many things to worry about.

Ding Jie hesitated for a moment, his brows furrowed into a big knot, he held the cigarette in his hand and smoked it one after another. He smoked out the whole cigarette in a few seconds, and couldn't help but light another one. .

In previous years when I went back to the village to celebrate the New Year, I really didn't feel much, but this year I found that everything was wrong.

A monthly salary of 10,000 to 20,000 yuan is considered a high income in the village. At the same time, he is working and living in a big city, which is extremely enviable.

Everything is wrong this year!


"Zhao Dahai really outshines both of us!"

Ding Jie patted the back of his head hard.

Zhao Dahai caught a lot of fish and made a lot of money. Now the news has spread in the surrounding villages and towns. Others were very envious when they knew about Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang, but they and Ding Weijun were under tremendous pressure.

If there is no other way, I and Ding Weijun can continue to work in big cities. There is no problem in earning these wages. However, my family is in business. If we come back to do business with my father and mother, we can make far more money than in the company. That salary is another matter all of a sudden.

"Big brother."

"I've been thinking about it for the past two days, and I guess I have to come back."

"One is father and mother. They must want us to come back and take over the business at home."

"The other thing is, if we don't come back, the little money won't be enough."

"It's a little too far away from Zhao Dahai."

Ding Weijun was a little depressed.

Coming back this year, Zhao Dahai put a lot of pressure on himself and his eldest brother.

No matter how you say making money is the most important thing, whether a man's waist is worth it or not depends on whether he has money on his hands.

This is not a matter of jealousy that Zhao Dahai earns so much money, but a real reality. People living in this world cannot really care about the opinions of the people around them.

Besides, is it possible to say that you and your eldest brother will not return to the village from now on?

This is impossible!


"How did you tell Zhang Qi about this?"

Ding Jie looked at Ding Weijun.


"How did you tell my sister-in-law Chen Miaomiao? I'll tell Zhang Qi!"

Ding Weijun smiled bitterly.


"I can figure it out. Do I still need to discuss it with you?"

Ding Jie glared at Ding Weijun.

Chen Miaomiao and Zhang Qi both met when I and Ding Weijun were working in big cities. They are very typical girls in cities who are already used to life in the city. If they return to a place like a village or town, it will definitely be very difficult. Not used to it.

It's not that I and Ding Weijun haven't told Chen Miaomiao and Zhang Qi about returning to the village, but both of them are very opposed to it. That's why during the Chinese New Year this year, I and Ding Weijun have to tell their parents that they don't plan to go back to the village. The fundamental reason for inheriting the business. Originally I just wanted to test it to see if it would work, but judging from the current situation, the reaction of my father and mother, including Ding Xiaogan, was very big.

"We're both caught in the middle now!"

"The palm of your hand is made of flesh, and the back of your hand is also made of flesh. It's really difficult to handle!"

Ding Weijun sighed again. He and his eldest brother had been having a lot of headaches these days.


"The problem now is that originally we also liked life in big cities, but now we have changed our minds."

Ding Jie smiled bitterly.

Why didn't you talk to your parents about coming back to take over the family business before the Chinese New Year?

The most important reason for Chen Miaomiao and Zhang Qi is that they, like Ding Weijun, are used to life in big cities.

However, after seeing Zhao Dahai making so much money in the past few days, especially the attitude of people in the village towards Zhao Dahai, both himself and Ding Weijun's mentality changed.

How are the villages and towns now? Having money is the last word.

Zhao Dahai drives a speedboat that costs hundreds of thousands, and will soon have to replace it with a speedboat worth one million yuan.

A trip to the sea can earn 10,000 to 8,000 yuan, or even 100,000 yuan, and one million yuan a month.

Isn't this a bad life?

Ding Xiaoxiang just talked to her wife Zhang Li about building a house, and she was ready to level five to six thousand square meters of land.

How can you not live a good life in this town even if you have money?

Two people working in a big company in this big city look very beautiful, but who would think that they are more powerful than Zhao Dahai?

"Isn't it true?"


"The key now is that we both want to come back."

"Big brother."

"If this happens, we have to be prepared."

Ding Weijun looked at Ding Jie. Once he and his eldest brother decided to come back to the village to do business with their father and mother, the affairs between the two of them and Chen Miaomiao and Zhang Qi would definitely be ruined.


"Think again!"

Ding Jie was silent for almost ten minutes and smoked two or three cigarettes one after another. He really had a headache. He had been thinking about it these past few days, but until now he was still not sure what to choose.

"Big brother."

"This matter cannot be delayed. The key is that there is no need to delay it. Aren't Zhang Qi and the others coming tomorrow?"

Ding Weijun gritted his teeth. "oh?"

"You're not planning to talk about this tomorrow, are you?"

Ding Jie was startled and immediately turned to look at Ding Weijun. In the dark night, all he could see was the red light from a cigarette hanging on his lips.


"Forget it!"

"Anyway, let's wait until after the New Year. It's really not appropriate to talk about this now."

"Both of us haven't made up our minds yet and haven't thought about this matter clearly!"

Ding Weijun hesitated for a while and shook his head. It was the Chinese New Year and there was really no need to say such things.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun walked home with a lot of worries. They really had a headache during the Chinese New Year this year. When they got home, they said hello and went back to their rooms without saying anything else.


"Do you feel something's not right?"

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at the door closed by Ding Jie and Ding Weijun, a little confused as to what happened.


"Something must have happened. Maybe you just went out drinking and had a conflict with someone else, or had a quarrel or something like that?"

“After a little beer, you won’t know who’s whose!”

"What can this do?"

Zhang Li's face tightened.

The more Zhao Dahai looks at him, the better he looks. He doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, doesn't touch anything, and almost always fishes on the sea. If he doesn't fish, he rests at home or looks for Ding Xiaoxiang.


"If these two bastards are like Zhao Dahai, I'll be relieved!"

Zhang Li shook her head.



"It's a bit too much to say this!"

"There aren't many people in the village who can be like the eldest brother and the second brother, right?"

"It was indeed you and Dad who decided to let them find jobs in big companies in big cities. But to be fair, you two don't have much of a relationship. Now they can take such a position in a big company. Such a salary is almost 100% due to the skills of the two of them."

"Now I just find that there is not much benefit in doing this, and I want to let them come back. Plus, they said they don't want to inherit the family business."

"There's no reason to think there's anything wrong with them, right?"

Ding Xiaoxiang spoke for her eldest brother Ding Jie and her second brother Ding Weijun. She really thought that her eldest brother Ding Jie and her second brother Ding Weijun had to come back to inherit the family business, and they had to come back immediately, but she didn't think it was nothing.

"Alright, alright!"

"Anyway, when I look at these two little words now, they mean nose is not a nose and eyes are not eyes."

"No matter what you say, it's useless!"

Zhang Li knew that what Ding Xiaoxiang said made sense, but she had been really angry recently and didn't want to mention the matter of her elder brothers Ding Jie and Ding Weijun.

Ding Xiaoxiang smiled and didn't say anything further. My mother, Zhang Li, has indeed been very angry recently, but no matter what, Ding Jie and Ding Weijun are her biological sons. After a while, she won't be able to get angry even if she wants to.

Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhang Li chatted for a while, and after seeing that it was almost eleven o'clock in the evening, they went back to their rooms to sleep. Tomorrow, the friends of the eldest brother Ding Jie and the second brother Ding Weijun, especially the two who might become their sisters-in-law, The second sister-in-law's people will come to the village to play, and Zhao Dahai and I have to go to accompany them, go to bed early, and get up early.

The fifth day of the new year.

six o'clock.

Zhao Dahai had already gotten up and been busy in the kitchen for more than half an hour, cooking breakfast.

Zhao Dahai walked to the main room and saw that his grandma Zhong Cuihua had gotten up and called for breakfast. In the past few days, the second grandma Huang Huangtao and the second grandfather Zhao Shi had returned to their homes and no longer had meals together.

Zhong Cuihua picked up the bowl and picked up a piece of salted fish. While eating, she asked Zhao Dahai if he was going to Ding Xiaoxiang's house today.

Zhao Dahai nodded and would go to Dashi Village after waiting for Ding Xiaoxiang's call.


"The weather is getting colder, so I haven't prepared any food for you. You will have to cook for yourself at noon and evening."

Zhao Dahai did not cook lunch and dinner.


"Is there any need to worry about this?"

"If you usually go to sea, wouldn't it be possible that I would still be hungry?"

Zhong Cuihua took a sip of porridge. Zhao Dahai often went out to sea to fish and cooked by himself.

After Zhao Dahai finished breakfast, it was almost noon when he received a call from Ding Xiaoxiang and went out to ride a tricycle to Dashi Village.

Zhao Dahai rushed to Dashi Village and went directly to the door of Ding Xiaoxiang's house. He saw no other cars and felt a little strange. He just stopped and saw Ding Xiaoxiang hurriedly walking out of it.


"Aren't Brother Jun and Brother Jie's friends here? Why don't they see anyone?"

Zhao Dahai really didn't know what was going on.

Ding Xiaoxiang said that her eldest brother Ding Jie and her second brother Ding Weijun had picked up their friends and were now at Liu Gang's restaurant.

Zhao Dahai understood what was going on. Ding Jie and Ding Weijun's friends included the girlfriends of two of them. This was not a serious visit, and they did not come to the house.

"Are we going to the town now?"

Zhao Dahai looked at Ding Xiaoxiang.

"Let's get the fish and the winter crab, and then go to Liu Gang's restaurant after getting the fish."

Ding Xiaoxiang said as she got on Zhao Dahai's tricycle.

Zhao Dahai nodded and drove a tricycle to the pier of Shijiao Village. The fishing boat took the fish and winter crabs, and then rushed to the town and went directly to Liu Gang's Hongyun Restaurant.

"Business is great, isn't it?"

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at the cars parked one after another in front of Hongyun Restaurant, and was very surprised when she saw the people coming in and out of the gate. During the Chinese New Year, the eating places in the town were crowded with people, but Liu Gang's restaurant was a little too crowded.

"When it comes to doing business, Liu Gang is definitely a master."

Zhao Dahai found a place and parked the tricycle. He was thinking that he had to go to the restaurant to get a trailer first. Winter crabs were not difficult to carry in. They could just carry them in in a mesh bag, but groupers couldn't be held with both hands. walk into.

"Brother Dahai! Brother Dahai!"

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law"

Zhao Dahai looked up and saw Liu Lei running towards him, sweating profusely.

Zhao Dahai looked at Liu Lei running over and was not polite at all. He pointed to the water tank of his tricycle and quickly went to get a trailer to take all the fish and winter crabs to the kitchen with him.

"Brother Dahai!"

"Why do we need our brothers for this matter?"

"Let's go!"

"Let's go in."

"I'll ask the people in the restaurant to bring these winter crabs and this fish to the kitchen later."

"You and your sister-in-law don't need to worry about the rest."

Liu Lei waved his hand in the distance as he spoke, and immediately a security guard from the restaurant walked over quickly. After making arrangements in a few words, he immediately walked into the restaurant with Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang.

 The new year is here!

  Thank you all for supporting this book this past year!

  Thank you very much!

  I wish everyone a happy new year and good health!



(End of this chapter)

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