Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 60 Don't hide!Asking means digging blood eels!

Chapter 60 Don't hide!Asking means digging blood eels!
The sun shines in the sky.

The temperature is very high.

Zhao Dahai was sweating profusely and drenched all over his body. Digging blood eels was a hard job, far harder than catching jumping fish. Riding a bamboo horse and sliding around saved most of his energy. Strength, the first few holes are fine, but as time goes by, more and more are dug, and it is very strenuous to move forward in the mud flat with one foot deep and one shallow foot, lifting the hoe and digging down every layer of sea It is even more difficult to pull the mud.

Zhao Dahai gasped for breath, stopped to drink some water he brought, his throat and lungs were smoking as if they were on fire, he took a rest, then continued to move forward and continue digging.

Zhao Dahai saw a blood eel hole. The hole was very new and obviously covered with mucus. It was 100% blood eel. After digging twice with a hoe, the hole was small. The blood eel was not big, so he gave up digging and moved forward. After digging nearly Two hours later, I found out that the density of blood eels in the tidal flat in front of me is high, and they are much bigger. What's the matter, once there is a harvest, the people in the village will know that there will definitely be people digging tomorrow, and there may be a lot of people. The time is limited, and I can't kill them all. on a knife edge.

The sun is westward.

Zhao Dahai heard the sound of sea water flowing. He raised his head and saw that the tide had risen before he knew it. The distance from him was only a few tens of meters. The sea water seemed to emerge from the ground at a very fast speed.

Zhao Dahai shook his head. There are indeed quite a few blood eels, all of which are big, but the tide is high and has almost reached the feet, so we have to stop digging.

Zhao Dahai walked back a hundred and 80 meters quickly, threw away the rising sea water for a certain distance, found a blood eel eye and immediately dug it out. At this time, he seized the time, held his breath, and quickly planed the sea mud with the hoe in his hand , can dig one more is one.

Zhao Dahai dug down viciously with the hoe, pulled his hands hard, a large piece of sea mud flew up, and a big blood eel showed its tail. Just as he was about to make another hoe, the sea water poured in and dug out from his feet. the pit,

Zhao Dahai yelled, threw the hoe in his hand, bent down, quickly dug his right hand in through the dug hole, touched the slippery blood eel, and locked his fingers. At this moment, the adrenal glands were stimulated, and the heart beat like a drum. Panting heavily, he calmed down for a while before standing up, holding a blood eel tightly in his outstretched right hand.

Zhao Dahai wiped his face, whether it was sweat or sea water, looked at the blood eel in his hand, widened his eyes, it was more than fifty centimeters long, thick enough to have two fingers side by side, and the diameter was more than two centimeters, so fat No, with such a big size, I thought it might be another eel at first, but after looking carefully for a while, I was sure that it was indeed a blood eel. I weighed it and estimated it weighed half a catty.

Really big!

This one can sell for 100 yuan or even 150 yuan.

Zhao Dahai tore open the opening of the plastic bag in the bamboo basket, put the blood eel in, the sea water was almost knee-high, now it was impossible to run faster than the high tide, and it was impossible to continue digging.

Zhao Dahai packed up his things, put a hoe on his shoulders, carried a bamboo basket containing blood eels on one end, and clams in a net bag on the other, wading through the water and walking towards the shore as fast as possible.

Zhao Dahai walked onto the beach, staggered, almost fell, and held his hands on the ground to stabilize himself. He put down the hoe, put the bamboo basket containing the blood eel away, and sat on the sand. When he dug the last blood vein, the sea water It has reached the knees, the resistance of the sea mud to the feet, the weight of the blood and clams on the shoulders, especially after several hours of digging, the physical exertion is huge, and every step is very strenuous.

Zhao Dahai was panting heavily, his body was hollowed out, he had no strength at all, he was not in a hurry to go back, he was too tired to rest for a while, but when he thought of the blood eel that weighed at least six or seven catties in the bamboo basket, all the hard work was worth it up.

The sun slowly sank to the other side of the sea.

Night falls.

Zhao Dahai walked slowly along the beach to the village.


"The sea."

"What's going on here?"


"This clam soup is really good."


"At three or four o'clock, I was digging for razor clams, and I saw you walking around the beach in front of the mangrove forest."

"Dig the blood eel?!"


The village pier is very lively.There are almost [-] or [-] fishing boats with people on them, and they are all arranging the fishing nets or washing the fishing boats, preparing to go fishing later.

"Dig some blood eels to make some money, can't you sit and eat at home?!"


"Nice size."

"It's just too difficult to dig!"

"My back hurts after such an afternoon."


"I don't know if there are not many people digging recently, but the quantity is not bad."

"Go and dig if you have nothing to do."


Zhao Dahai stopped and chatted for ten minutes before heading home.

The people in the village know that they will dig blood eels tomorrow?
That's for sure!

Dodge the people in the village?
If you want to do this, you can go a little further. I have done this before. At least for the next day or two, no one in the village will know that I dig blood eels, especially how much I dug. I will definitely make a lot of money.However, I can't do that now. I used to be a bastard, and no one in the village looked down on me. I wanted to do whatever I wanted to do.In the recent period of time, my impression of the people in the village has changed a lot, and no one dares to look down on me.Otherwise, where are so many people saying hello?It is inappropriate for me to hide and hide like before, and if I do this again, the people in the village will definitely isolate me.No matter where you are, it is impossible for a person to really survive on his own, and he may encounter something, maybe he will need help from others someday.The matter of digging blood eels is not concealed, it is generous, not talking about the high-priced acquisition, Liu Gang said to himself but never said that this is the public purchase price in the restaurant, he said it casually, in case a bunch of people dig He bought a lot of blood eels and ran to Gang Liu, but Gang Liu didn't accept the price, so he caused trouble. Gang Liu blamed himself as much as those who dug up the eels blamed himself.

"Would you like to dig the blood eel? It's really big! Zhao Dahai dug up five or six catties in just half a day!"


"I can't do this!"

"It takes a lot of money to dig this thing, old arms and old legs, after a day and a half, you have to lie on the bed without moving for a few days, it's not worth it!"


"never mind!"

"It's really not everyone can earn this money!"

"I'll go out to sea and fish honestly!"


The people at the pier were very envious when they saw that Zhao Dahai had dug several catties of blood eels. Many people were eager to move, but they quickly dispelled their thoughts. It is true that not everyone can dig blood eels. Zhao Dahai earned this money. Many people can earn this money, it really depends on their health.

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(End of this chapter)

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