Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 605 Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang want to keep it simple

Chapter 605 Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang want to keep it simple


"What do you think?"

Zhao Dahai was a little strange. He didn't know what Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da had in mind.

"Zhao Dahai."

"We have discussed this matter. If we follow your speedboat out to sea for fishing, we can no longer be like before. We will share it with you."

"Give us the wages."

Zhong Shizhu has discussed this matter with Liu Bin and Lei Dayou in the past few days.

Zhao Dahai bought a big speedboat and will definitely go fishing farther away. One person will definitely not be able to take advantage of this speedboat, especially Zhao Dahai's ability to find fishing spots. People will definitely need to get on the speedboat and go fishing together. He, Liu Bin, and Lei Dayou are the best choices.

The other boat bosses didn't catch much fish, so it didn't matter what they were divided into or calculated as wages, but Zhao Dahai caught too many fish, and the advantage of dividing it among himself, Liu Bin, and Lei Dayou was too big.

In the past year, when I went fishing with Zhao Dahai, I basically calculated my share of the profits. As a result, I, Liu Bin, and Lei Dayou made hundreds of thousands or even one million at every turn.

If you buy a big speedboat and go fishing farther away, you will definitely be able to catch more fish and earn more money. The advantage you can take advantage of is too great.

"Uncle Shizhu."

"You should know that when we went to the artificial islands last time, our share was one share for each of you and two shares for me."

“I make more money than I could by fishing alone.”

"This means that if I don't take you out to sea for fishing, I will definitely not make more money by going fishing on artificial islands by myself than by taking you out to sea for fishing."

Zhao Dahai frowned. Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou just felt that they could make too much money by going fishing with him and sharing their profits. But he did not suffer a loss in this matter. He made more money by taking Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou out to sea than by going fishing alone.

"The sea."

"You have a point, and it's a fact, but it's from your perspective."

"It is true that we make more money than one person can make by going fishing alone, but the money that the few of us make is far more than what we should or have the ability and ability to make."

Lei Dayou shook his head. What Zhao Dahai said was a fact. He did earn more than going overseas alone. The problem was not here. The problem was that he, Zhong Shizhu, and Liu Bin earned too much, far exceeding the labor they put in. It makes sense to say it once or twice, and it happens again and again, especially when the money earned is very large, exceeding one million at once, and it is uneasy to make such money.

"Zhao Dahai."

"The three of us have discussed this matter seriously."

"It cannot be divided into shares this way."

"We get a fixed salary, which gives us peace of mind."

"Otherwise, I would be really embarrassed to go fishing with you."

Liu Bin was telling the truth. In the past year, he, Zhong Shizhu, and Lei Dayou had made too much money relying on Zhao Dahai.

"Zhao Dahai."

"Didn't we go fishing for golden pomfret at Windmill Foot once?"

"Aren't we just getting a fixed salary?"

Zhong Shizhu said it was very good to get a fixed salary.



Zhao Dahai thought for a while and nodded. Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou were very insistent. If they insisted on continuing to share the shares, they would most likely not want to go fishing with him.

Fixed salary is a common way to ask others for help when fishing at sea. It can be calculated on a monthly basis or on a per trip basis, and a fixed amount of money is paid.

Zhao Dahai told Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou to wait for the big speedboat to come back and wait for the weather to be better and the tide to go fishing.

When I fished for golden pomfret, I paid a fixed salary and caught a lot of fish, and everyone caught a big red spot.

Zhao Dahai didn't have to ask Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou to accept a share. Fixed salary was still a good method. If you really caught a lot of fish, just give them a big red envelope.

Nine p.m.

Zhao Dahai strode towards his home.

In the afternoon, I discussed with Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and several others at the dock about the next trip to sea.

We have been quite busy during the Chinese New Year, so we didn't have dinner together. It was better to choose a different day than to hit the sun. So we had dinner at Zhong Shizhu's house.

As soon as Zhao Dahai walked into the yard, Xiao Naihei rushed over, shook his tail, squatted down, and rubbed Xiao Naihei's forehead vigorously several times.

Zhao Dahai walked into the main room and saw his grandma Zhong Cuihua. He said that someone would come over tomorrow to take a look at the sloping land. If the money was settled, the construction would start on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

Zhong Cuihua was very happy.

Zhao Dahai took a bath and went to bed early. During the Chinese New Year, things happened one after another, and there was almost no time to stop. It was almost as good as running out to the sea to fish every day.

the next morning.

Zhao Dahai finished his breakfast and looked at the time. It was already seven o'clock. He had just walked out of the yard when a motorcycle drove over from a distance. He took a closer look and saw that the person driving the motorcycle was Yang Qin. Needless to say, the person sitting on the motorcycle must be Yang Qin. Ding Xiaoxiang.

Zhao Dahai walked over quickly, and then followed the slow motorcycle back to the entrance of the yard. He called his grandma Zhong Cuihua loudly and said that Ding Xiaoxiang was here. The little Naihei who was lying in the yard had already come out.

Zhong Cuihua walked out of the yard quickly and smiled immediately when she saw Ding Xiaoxiang.

"Have you had breakfast?"


"Sweet potato porridge and salted fish."


Zhong Cuihua held Ding Xiaoxiang with one hand and Yang Qin with the other, walked into the yard and towards the kitchen, calling Zhao Dahai to quickly go to the vegetable garden behind the house to pick some vegetables and fry them.

Zhao Dahai rushed to the vegetable garden behind the house and picked vegetables. He returned to the yard, washed them and took them into the kitchen. He put the oil on the fire and fried a vegetable in less than two or three minutes.


“I’m really tired of eating big fish and meat every day during the Chinese New Year!”


"Sweet potato porridge and salted fish are the most delicious breakfast in our fishing village."


Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin came over early in the morning and had not eaten breakfast yet, so they were a little hungry. In addition, they ate the sweet potato porridge and salted fish that they had been accustomed to since childhood, and they were very happy.

Zhong Cuihua sat on a low stool and looked at Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin, the smile on her face never disappeared.

Zhao Dahai waited for Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin to finish breakfast. He accompanied his grandma Zhong Cuihua in the yard. After talking for a while, he went out, walked to the house not far away, and climbed up the slope.


"Ding Xiaoxiang."

“This place is really big!”

"If everything is leveled, it would be a big deal to build a house."

Yang Qin walked around the slope. The place was really not small. He couldn't imagine how big it would be if it were all used to build a house. Zhao Dahai was not short of money now, so he would definitely build it in a nice place.

“Everything must have been leveled, but not necessarily all houses have been built.”

"Why build such a big house? It's not necessary for me, Zhao Dahai and grandma Zhong Cuihua to live in it!"

As Ding Xiaoxiang talked, she kept looking at the entire sloping land, wondering how to build a house after it was flattened, and how to divide which piece to keep and which piece to build now. “Are you planning to build the best house in the whole village?”

Yang Qin looked at Zhao Dahai next to him.

"Does this need to be said? It must be the best built!"

Zhao Dahai nodded. If you don't have money, you don't have to build it. If you have money, you must build it well and build it in the best way.

Zhao Dahai, Ding Xiaoxiang, and Yang Qin were walking around on the slope. After almost half an hour, a small four-wheeled vehicle drove up at the door. After honking the horn, two people got off, one was Ding Lihua and the other. He is a middle-aged man who is about forty years old and Ding Lihua.

Zhao Dahai walked quickly down the slope and walked to the door of the courtyard.

"The sea."

"This is Sun Zhiming."

"He drives an excavator and does construction work."

Ding Lihua introduced.

"Uncle Sun."

"Sorry to trouble you!"

Zhao Dahai took out a cigarette from his pocket. He didn't smoke but he usually carried cigarettes in his pocket, especially during the Chinese New Year.


"How could it be troublesome?"

"This is a profitable job."

Sun Zhiming took the cigarette and clamped it to his ear.

Zhao Dahai took Sun Zhiming and Ding Lihua to the broken ground.

Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin both called Ding Lihua uncle when they saw him.

Sun Zhiming walked around the entire slope for almost an hour before stopping and returning to Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang.

"The top layer is the gravel and some soil we saw. It's not too thick."

"The difference is about half a meter, and it may be a little deeper in some places."

"It is not difficult to level such broken ground. An excavator can do it in a short time."

"But you'd better decide how to build the house and then level it."

"This is more appropriate."

Sun Zhiming is very experienced. The broken ground in front of him is not too difficult. It is just an excavator digging away the random rocks and some soil above.

“Where to dig out and where not to dig.”

"For such a big place, do you want to dig a pond or build a rockery or something like that?"

"If there is no road, it must be repaired. It needs to be built wherever and as wide as possible."

"A straight road, or a crooked road?"

"Are there any other uses for the excavated rocks or soil? Are they taken away or left somewhere?"

Sun Zhiming was very experienced and reminded Zhao Dahai that these things must be decided in advance.

Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang looked at me and I looked at you. Their thoughts were very simple. They just wanted to smooth things over before talking about anything else. Now they found that things were not that simple.

"Haven't you two figured these things out yet?"

Ding Lihua looked at Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang and knew that they must not have considered these things.

"Second uncle."

"We have little experience. We want to level the entire land first and then decide what to do next."

Zhao Dahai was a little embarrassed. He really didn't consider these things. Grandma Zhong Cuihua and Ding Xiaoxiang all thought of just leveling it out and dividing a few pieces of land for their son to build a house when he grew up. Sun Zhiming had never considered any of the things he just said.

"Such a large piece of land must be carefully considered."

"No need to rush!"

"After you think about it carefully, you will see how to level the entire land. Only then will you know how much work it will take and how much money it will cost."

Sun Zhiming was not in a hurry to take over the job immediately. In places like villages and towns, businesses are run by acquaintances. If you don't do things authentically, it's easy to get bad reputation and bad reputation, and it will be very difficult to get another job.

Sun Zhiming thought for a while and simply took Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang around the house several times and explained in detail what should be paid attention to and considered.

Zhao Dahai saw that it was almost noon and called Sun Zhiming to have lunch, but Sun Zhiming refused. After finishing his work and talking about everything, he waited for everything to be considered clearly, and then he came here to have a look again and then talk about the money for the project. .

Zhao Dahai had no choice but to go home and take two cigarettes and forcefully gave them to Sun Zhiming.

Zhao Dahai sent Sun Zhiming away, returned to the slope and walked in front of Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin. Ding Lihua had to go back to town to check out the store, so he left together.


"This matter seems to be more complicated than we thought, and much more complicated!"

Zhao Dahai nodded when he thought about what Sun Zhiming just said.

I am indeed a good fisherman, but things like this really make it very difficult for me to handle. I have no way of starting, and my brain hurts just thinking about it.

"Zhao Dahai!"

"Is this a headache for you?"

"If you don't have money in your pocket, it will definitely be a big headache. You have plenty of money in your pocket now, so why bother with this?"

"Besides, isn't Ding Xiaoxiang here? You don't have to think about this matter, just leave it to Ding Xiaoxiang to figure it out!"

Yang Qin pointed at Ding Xiaoxiang with a smile.



"Xiao Xiang!"

"It's really up to you to come. I don't have much time to think about this house."

Zhao Dahai didn't even think about it and blurted out that he really couldn't do this on his own, he really had to ask Ding Xiang to figure it out.


"I'll think about this matter, and I'll tell you if I have any ideas!"

Ding Xiaoxiang nodded and agreed.

Zhao Dahai, Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin wandered around the slope for more than an hour before leaving.

Zhao Dahai was busy cooking in the kitchen, while Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin chatted with their grandma Zhong Cuihua in the yard, talking about the things Sun Zhiming reminded them to consider carefully.

Zhao Dahai prepared lunch. Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin finished eating and sat for a while before leaving on their scooters.

small town.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun were eating with Chen Miaomiao and Zhang Qi. They did not go to Liu Gang's Hongyun Restaurant, but just found a food stall. A place like the seaside fishing village is indispensable for a variety of seafood. A friend had already left. After finishing his meal, he left the food stall and went to visit the company at home.

 Asking for a monthly ticket! Thanks!



(End of this chapter)

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