Chapter 610 Don’t do whatever you want!

Zhang Li walked into the company door and saw Ding Weijun sitting on the sofa, drinking water.


"Why are you here? Aren't you selling fish at the fish market?"

Ding Weijun was a little strange when he saw Zhang Li and didn't know why he came to the dock.

"The fish have long been sold out!"

"Where is your father?"

Zhang Li didn't see Ding Chongshan.

"Dad had something to do and left about an hour ago. He said he would be back before twelve o'clock, so that should be about the same."

Ding Jie pulled a stool over for Zhang Li to sit down.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Li knew that this was most likely Ding Chongshan's deliberate excuse to leave, and the matter was left to the two brothers Ding Jie and Ding Weijun to handle.

"How's the work going?"

Zhang Li sat down.

"It still doesn't work when purchasing fish, shrimps and crabs. One is the quality of the fish, shrimps and crabs, including where they were caught. It's not clear yet."


"There is no big problem loading the car. My eldest brother and I are already familiar with the whole process."

"Dad had something to do and left after collecting the fish, shrimps and crabs. It was just me and my eldest brother loading the car."


Ding Jie and Ding Weijun talked about what they could do these days and what they couldn't do.

"How to tell the quality of fish, shrimps and crabs, especially how to tell which sea area the fish, shrimps and crabs were caught nearby."

"This is indeed quite difficult. The prices of fish, shrimp and crabs purchased in different sea areas are very different. Sometimes the sea area in front of Langtou Village and the area in front of our pier here are very different. The prices of fish, shrimps and crabs caught in the sea are different.”

"But it is easy to say it is very easy. You two have too little contact to tell the difference. People like Ding Xiaoxiang or Zhao Dahai can tell it at a glance."

"As long as you stay here for half a year, or even just three months, you will know everything and understand everything."


“The most important thing about loading a car is to be careful.”

"You have to confirm with the drivers of these vehicles how much seafood is loaded on the vehicle and what kind of seafood it is."


Zhang Li knew that Ding Jie and Ding Weijun had been working outside in the past few years and had basically no contact with the business at home. They didn't understand many things. Some things, such as loading a car, could be learned quickly, and how to distinguish fish, shrimp and crabs. Bad, it takes more time to learn how to determine which sea area fish, shrimps and crabs were caught in before you can do it.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun both nodded, knowing that this really wasn't something that happened in a day or two.

Zhang Li chatted with Ding Jie and Ding Weijun for a while, and Ding Chongshan walked in from outside.


"Why are you here?"

Ding Chongshan was a little surprised to see Zhang Li.

Zhang Li said that today's business was good. Zhao Dahai came to the stall early in the morning and helped. The sales were very fast. Now he and Ding Xiaoxiang went to Shijiao Village to find Shi Jiehua. She saw that it was still early, so she might as well Come over here and take a look.

Ding Chongshan and Zhang Li have been married for many years, so they came here knowing that they wanted to know how Ding Jie and Ding Weijun were doing here.


"Have you bought a lot of fish, shrimps and crabs these days?"

Zhang Li looked at Ding Chongshan.

Ding Chongshan shook his head without thinking. He knew that this must be a very good business. He sold a lot of fish, shrimps and crabs. He wanted to get more goods, but he had no choice.


"Is the business at the fish market really so good?"

Ding Weijun thought of yesterday's episode when he was helping at the fish market, and all the fish, shrimps and crabs were sold out early.


“Business is indeed very good!”

"It's not just during the Chinese New Year period that fish, shrimp and crabs are sold out early. In fact, this happened often at the end of last year."

"We took over the stall next door and expanded the store, and the business has been getting better and better."

Zhang Li had a headache, and was more depressed.

There is nothing to say if the business is not good and there are not many fish, shrimps and crabs for sale, but now the business is very good, and there are a lot of fish, shrimps and crabs for sale. It is a pity that although there are a lot of fish, shrimps and crabs purchased here in Dingchongshan, they have to be wholesaled. If you give it to others, let alone taking too much, it is impossible to maintain a stable and fixed amount. The fish, shrimps and crabs purchased by Ding Chongshan are given priority to meet the wholesale demand, and only the remaining ones are sold at the stalls.


"Can't we buy more fish, shrimps and crabs? The amount is almost like this every day?"

Ding Jie boiled a pot of water, put the tea leaves in the teapot, and brewed four cups of tea, one cup for each person.


"Then why don't you think of ways to buy more fish, shrimps and crabs?"

"In the past two days, our wholesalers all want more fish, shrimp and crabs. The business of the market stalls is so good, even if they charge a little more fish, shrimp and crab, they can sell them, so there is no need to worry about sales."

Ding Weijun looked at Ding Chongshan and then at Zhang Li. In the past few days, he began to slowly take over the business at home. He knew that even if the number of fish, shrimps and crabs purchased increased by 20% or even more than the number of fish, shrimps and crabs purchased now, Fifty percent of it is not about sales, but dad Ding Chongshan doesn't seem to be thinking of ways to buy more fish, shrimps and crabs.

"Do you think that the number of fish, crabs and crabs caught by the fishing boats at the pier every day is much more than the number of fish, shrimps and crabs we acquire?"

"Is there any problem if we want to buy more fish, shrimps and crabs?"

"Another one, do you think the prices paid by other buyers here at the dock are similar to ours?"

"You even think that there is a certain gap between the purchase price like this and the price we wholesale. In other words, even if we raise the purchase price a little bit, we can still make enough money, especially if the quantity is large. To smooth out the cost of raising prices?”

"In this case, if we want to buy more fish, shrimps and crabs, is there any problem?"

Ding Chongshan said as he picked up the tea cup and took a slow sip.

"Isn't it like this?"

…    “The fishing boats out here catch more fish, shrimps and crabs than the amount of fish, shrimps and crabs we purchase. It’s really much more!”


Ding Jie and Ding Weijun, look at me and I look at you. There are more fish, shrimp and crabs here at the pier than what I buy at home. It’s a good idea for a clever woman. The price of your own wholesale products is relatively high, and the profit is relatively large, which means that the price can be raised higher when purchasing.

If the price is high, it will definitely take some business away from other buyers.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun felt that if they could do this, they would definitely be able to acquire a lot more fish, shrimps and crabs than they do now.

"How can things be so simple?"

"Do you think your father didn't notice what you said?"

"Why don't you do something like this? Why can't you buy more fish, shrimps and crabs?"

Ding Chongshan was not surprised at all that Ding Jie and Ding Weijun had such thoughts.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun looked puzzled. They really didn't understand why they were like this.

"No matter where you do business, there are many things to pay attention to."

“It doesn’t mean you can acquire it if you want to.”

"People who don't understand this industry may think that they can't make much money by buying these fish, shrimps and crabs, but how could people who really know the industry not know?"

"We are not the only ones buying fish, shrimps and crabs at this pier."

"Those people in other companies also know that this industry is profitable and can make a lot of money, but why don't these people desperately raise the price to grab the fish, shrimp and crabs that we can buy?"

Ding Chongshan looked at Ding Jie and Ding Weijun. This was a typical lack of experience. Usually, the two people did not decide to come back to inherit the family business and did not talk about these things specifically. Now that Ding Jie and Ding Weijun have decided to come back to do business, these things just It must be said clearly and clearly.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun were stunned for a moment.

What I said, Ding Chongshan, is absolutely correct. The other companies buying seafood here know very well how profitable this industry is, and they must be thinking that they can make more money by buying more fish, shrimps and crabs, or even I hope they are the only one in the entire dock.

The simple, direct and effective way is to increase the acquisition price.

The two of them can think of a method, why can't these people who spend all day buying fish, shrimps and crabs here in the wind and sun think of it?

There must be other things to think about but not using such a method. Things are really not as simple as the two brothers thought.


"Why is this?"

Ding Jie was very curious.

“No matter what kind of industry or business you are in, you can’t just raise the price if you want to.”

"You raised the price here. When the other people buying fish, shrimp and crabs at the dock saw it, they had no choice but to raise the price."

"It's impossible for these people to not eat or drink, right? It's impossible for them to just watch us raise the price a little bit and take away all the fish, shrimp and crabs, right?"

"If this happens, the price will most likely get higher and higher."

"Those who buy fish, shrimp and crabs, including those like us who are the first to raise prices, will have higher and higher costs, and will make less and less money. The other is that the risks of doing business will become higher and higher, and we will lose money. The possibility is getting bigger and bigger.”

"Does raising the acquisition price only have advantages and no disadvantages? Various risks must be controlled. What range should the price increase be determined at?"

"Will the increased prices allow us to purchase or steal more fish, shrimps and crabs from others?"

"Even if you really grab some of the fish, shrimps and crabs, is the extra money you can make from the fish, shrimps and crabs worth the risk?"


"Who among those who go fishing wouldn't want to sell the fish, shrimps and crabs they catch at a higher price?"

“Looking at the price of fish, shrimp and crab purchased at our terminal here is higher than that of other terminals, everyone must have flocked here.”

"No one is a fool, right?"

"The same fish can be sold for a dime more, so why not sell it for a dime more?"

"If this happens, what do you think will happen?"


Ding Chongshan talked slowly while drinking tea.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun were both dumbfounded.

To what extent can we increase the acquisition price to ensure that we can make money and be very cost-effective?

This thing seems very simple, but in fact, just thinking about it carefully makes your scalp numb.

For example, if the current purchase price of sand pointed fish is fifteen yuan per pound, should it be increased by one yuan or two yuan? Or maybe it would be enough to raise it by 50 cents?

If you raise the price yourself, will the other people who buy fish, shrimp and crabs at the dock also raise their prices? If the price is raised in the same way, then there is no use in raising the price yourself. There is no way to buy enough fish, shrimps and crabs, and there is no way to make more money. It is a waste of work, and once the price of buying fish, shrimps and crabs increases , it is not an easy task to come down.

What was not handled properly was losing the wife and losing the troops, failing to catch the fish and causing a fishy mess.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun suddenly understood that this matter was really not as simple as the two people imagined. It was far more complicated than imagined.

After raising the purchase price, all the fish, shrimps and crabs that go out to sea for fishing in other villages and other wharves in the surrounding villages must be brought to this wharf in their own place to sell them.

So what will happen?

Stealing the business of other terminals in other places will definitely arouse the anger of the entire industry.

No matter which industry you are in, no matter what you do, once it arouses public outrage, unless you have absolute strength and bring down the entire industry, the consequences will be very serious.

Does your family have this strength? No!

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun were inexperienced, but their brains were very good. When Ding Chongshan said this, they immediately realized what consequences they would face.


"This matter is much more complicated than both of us imagined!"

Ding Jie honestly admitted that he and Ding Weijun were too simplistic.

Although this is just a dock, the business here can make a lot of money, and there are many people watching. It doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want, and your whole body will be affected by one move.

Things were more complicated than he and Ding Weijun imagined.

Who doesn't want to make more money? But it’s really not easy at all to make more money.


"In this case, doesn't it mean that in a place like the dock, it is not easy to expand and acquire more fish, shrimps and crabs? It is even a very difficult thing?"

"How has your business grown over the years?"

After listening to what Ding Chongshan had just said, Ding Weijun thought about it carefully. A basin of cold water was poured on his forehead and he calmed down. He understood how difficult this matter was. When I think about it, I am very surprised how I, Ding Chongshan, managed such a big business. In my memory, when I and Ding Jie were five or six years old, the business at home was not very profitable. Over the past ten years, it has grown step by step. Make it bigger.

 Asking for a monthly ticket! Thanks!



(End of this chapter)

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