Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 613 The target group of Ding Xiaoxiang’s sky-high fishing fee

Chapter 613 The target group of Ding Xiaoxiang’s sky-high fishing fee

"I'm actually thinking about whether to do it for 150,000 yuan!"

"One hundred thousand yuan is really a bit small!"

Shi Jiehua was not kidding, he really felt that one hundred thousand yuan was a bit too little. Zhao Dahai's two trips to the deep sea left a deep impression on him.

On the first trip, Zhao Dahai fished by himself and sold more than one million yuan. On the second trip, he didn't sell the big owl that made more money and was valuable. If he sold them all, it would cost two or three million. The key is that people like Lin Zuhua who went on the same boat were the same. Caught a lot of fish.

"Uncle Shi."

"We are traveling for a month, and the fish we catch must be worth the price."

"Of course, it's impossible for all 100% of people to catch fish worth 150,000 or even 200,000, but some of them can definitely do it."

"The question is, is anyone willing to pay this price?"

Zhao Dahai was not worried at all that people who went fishing with the boat would not be able to catch fish or make money. He was thinking about the price and whether anyone would be willing to get on the boat, especially on the first trip.


"Zhao Dahai."

"You underestimate your own influence!"

"The first time you went fishing with a fishing boat, there were other people who went fishing with you! When these people saw you catching so many fish, didn't they have any thoughts in their hearts?"

"These people have been asking when you will go fishing."

"I'm thinking of going out to sea with your ship."

"These people are thinking about going fishing with you and catching your fish."

"Do you know how much these people are willing to pay to go to sea with you on the same ship?"

Shi Jiehua didn't talk in circles. He stretched out one of his palms and spread his five fingers as he spoke. These people are willing to spend 50,000 yuan to get a fishing spot. You must know that the original fishing spot fee on your sea fishing boat only costs 2 yuan. It costs about 10,000 yuan each.

The fishing position of the fishing boat that Zhao Dahai is now cooperating with people like him is not just as simple as the same fishing boat going out to sea, but Zhao Dahai has found the fish and told these people who are going out on the fishing boat what to catch. How to fish in the water layer.

Is 100,000 yuan a lot of money? It's really not high at all. These people who are fishing professionally know very well how valuable Zhao Dahai's doing is.

"The sea."

“I think this fishing spot fee really cannot be lowered!”

"One hundred thousand yuan does sound like a lot, but you have to remember that it lasts for a whole month."

"If you take others out to fish in your own speedboat, you'll have to pay five thousand yuan per person at the end of the day, right?"

"Are you willing to pay this price? You must not be willing to take others out to sea!"

"Honestly, even if your speedboat takes people out to sea for fishing, as long as you let the word go, there will be people willing to pay 20,000 yuan a day."

"If you think about it this way, our fishing boat can cost 100,000 yuan per person per month, which is really too little."

"At least 150,000 yuan per person."

"It really can't go any lower than this. Once the price is set, it will be very difficult to increase it in the future."

Shi Guangming had been smoking hookah nearby and said nothing. Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua interrupted when they talked about the fishing fee.


"Grandpa Shi."

"Will anyone really buy it at this price?"

Zhao Dahai frowned. He really wasn't worried at all about whether the people on the boat could catch fish or make money. What he really cared about was whether anyone would try it at this price and whether anyone would follow suit. When the boat goes out to sea, as long as there are people on the boat, you can make them catch enough fish and make enough money.

Just like what Shi Guangming said just now.

Is a price like 150,000 very high?

At first glance, it sounds really high. Many people may not be able to earn so much money in a year.

But just think about it, this is how much money it costs in a month, and then think about your own speedboat to take people out to sea for fishing, not to mention the fishing fee of five to six thousand yuan, even 20,000 yuan is really not worth it. Willing to take.

Zhao Dahai turned his head and looked at Ding Xiaoxiang sitting beside him.

Shi Guangming and Shi Jiehua looked at each other and suddenly remembered that when it came to fishing at sea, they were the masters, but when it came to doing business, Ding Xiaoxiang was the master.


"what do you think?"

Shi Guangming asked immediately.

"Two hundred thousand!"

"We won't do it for 150,000 yuan!"

Ding Xiaoxiang immediately shook her head without even thinking about it.

Zhao Dahai, Shi Wenming and Shi Jiehua were all stunned for a moment. Instead of reducing the fishing fee, Ding Xiaoxiang increased the fishing fee by 50,000 and directly settled at 200,000.

"Zhao Dahai."

"This is just a one-time deal for us! If it works, it will be done. If it doesn't, it won't be done."

"Rich people don't care about this little money. For those who don't pay, don't say 200,000 yuan. Even 50,000 yuan is expensive."

"If we don't do this, we must set a high price!"

"Fifty thousand yuan per fishing position?"

"We don't have any brain problems, how can we let others take advantage of us?"

"In addition, this kind of fishing position attracts people who have money in their pockets and want to catch big fish. At the beginning, not many people who fish to support their families may be willing to take the gamble."

Ding Xiaoxiang shook her head.

"Xiao Xiang!"

"You are right about this."

“The fishing position fee of 50,000 yuan must be taken advantage of by others!”

"We are doing this to make money, how can we let others take advantage of us?"

"Just book a fishing spot for 200,000 yuan."

"If you want to pay, pay to get on the boat. If you don't want to pay, don't get on the boat!"

"If there are no people on board, we will have as many boats as there are people."

"At worst, a few of us can sail a boat out to sea and wait for our boat to come back. Then these people will know what's going on."

Shi Guangming smoked a few water pipes and gritted his teeth.


"This matter is settled!"

Zhao Dahai nodded.

What Ding Xiaoxiang said is absolutely correct. Those who are willing to pay this amount don't care about the fifty thousand yuan. Those who are unwilling to pay this money will think that even thirty thousand yuan is expensive.

I am confident that I can make money by letting these people pay for it.

Why worry that no one will get on board because the fares are too high?      If no one is on board, no one is on board!

If you find a few people who know how to fish and go back to the deep sea to buy fish from a fishing boat, you will make those who are unwilling to pay for it regret it. What Ding Xiaoxiang saw more clearly was that at the beginning, the majority of people who went to sea were those who had money and leisure to fish, not for making money but for entertainment. Wu Weimin, Lin Zuhua, and especially Gao Zhicheng were in this category. Really I am willing to pay 200,000 yuan for the opportunity to catch over 100 pounds of tuna.

"Uncle Shi!"

“The fishing fee has been decided, and then we have to talk about everyone’s share.”

Zhao Dahai looked at Shi Jiehua. No one could explain this matter. Needless to say, this was not just a matter of Shi Jiehua's fishing boat. There were other fishing boats joining in to form the fleet.

"The sea."

"To put it bluntly, this cooperation is to use your name and your ability to find where the fish are, and at the same time, you can tell these people how to catch fish."

"You will definitely get the lion's share of the dividends."

Shi Jiehua had already thought about this matter clearly.

Without Zhao Dahai, this cooperation would have been impossible, and no one would be willing to spend the money to go overseas.

The pressure on whether people who have paid to go out to sea can catch fish and make money is on Zhao Dahai.

No matter from which aspect, Zhao Dahai took the lion's share of the dividends from this trip to the sea.

"Another thing, when you don't usually go out to sea with the boat, we borrow your name, and those fishing spots can be easily booked. This is a huge benefit for us fishing boats that join the fleet. ."

"Deduct costs."

"Those who go fishing get 10%."

"The rest is yours, Zhao Dahai."

Shi Jiehua directly stated the method of dividing.

"Uncle Shi."

"I know what you mean. The sea does play a big role."

"But there is no reason for such cooperation."

Ding Xiaoxiang shook her head.

Zhao Dahai indeed occupies the most important position in this cooperation. Without Zhao Dahai, there would be no such cooperation.

It is not surprising at all that Shi Jiehua offers such a dividend ratio, it is even very reasonable. But cooperation is not just a matter of reasonableness or unreasonability. More things must be considered.

Ding Xiaoxiang saw Shi Jiehua opening his mouth to speak, and waved his hand to stop him.

"Grandpa Shi."

"Uncle Shi."

"As I said just now, I know what you mean, and I especially know that Zhao Dahai plays a big role in this cooperation."

"But no matter what kind of cooperation, one company cannot make a lot of money while the other company only makes a small amount of money."

"It's divided into 30 and 70."

"Zhao Dahai just said it, and it's enough to get 70%."

Ding Xiaoxiang had already discussed this matter with Zhao Dahai.


"How does this work?"

Shi Jiehua was a little anxious.

This is not 20,000 yuan per fishing position, but 200,000 yuan per fishing position.

The 20% profit that Zhao Dahai gave up is 40,000 yuan per fishing position. A fishing boat has at least 20 fishing positions, which works out to 800,000 yuan.

The more fishing boats that form a fleet, the more money Zhao Dahai will give away.

"Uncle Shizhu."

"Xiaoxiang just said that."

"If you run a business by yourself, no matter how much money you make or lose, it belongs to you. But when you run a business together, you don't just have to consider a single thing."

"I think the split ratio has been decided."

Zhao Dahai knew that Shi Jiehua was not willing to accept such a share ratio, 90% of his profits and Shi Jiehua's 10%. Shi Jiehua could make money, and he made a lot of money. Before I and Ding Xiaoxiang came here, my mother Zhang Li specifically reminded me that when doing business, we should not just make a lot of money for ourselves, but everyone should make money together. Shi Jiehua's 10% dividend is indeed making money, and he makes more than before, but not more. How many. Another thing Shi Jiehua said was that when he was not sailing with the boat, his fishing boat could indeed use his influence to book more fishing spots, but it was uncertain how many benefits this would bring. Zhang Li, the future mother-in-law, is right. If you want to cooperate, and it is a long-term cooperation, everyone must make more money than before and there will be a significant improvement. This will work.


"The sea!"

"That's it! We took advantage, and we took advantage."

Shi Guangming stopped Shi Jiehua who wanted to speak and agreed.

Shi Jiehua looked at Laozi Shi Guangming. The matter of sharing ratio is very critical in the cooperation between my family and Zhao Dahai.

I have discussed it many times with my father, Shi Guangming, and both feel that in such a cooperation, adding oneself or other fishing boats to the fleet will not play a big role, taking advantage of Zhao Dahai, and taking advantage of it. It’s a big bargain. As long as you can make more money than you usually do, it’s enough to set fishing positions for people like you to go out to sea. After discussion, the share ratio determined is 10% for those who go out to sea for fishing. Zhao Dahai Taking 90%, especially now that each fishing position is 200,000 yuan, 10% may not sound like much, but in fact it is very much.

How many people can be attracted to spend money on deep-sea fishing boats and go fishing with them, including whether these people can catch fish when they go out to sea, all depends on Zhao Dahai.

He and the other fishing boats that joined the fleet were just doing logistical work and providing fishing boats.

Zhao Dahai was under huge risks and pressure and should receive 90% of the dividends.

The share ratio was determined after several discussions between me and Guan Ming, and it was my father who made the decision. Unexpectedly, it was my father who changed his mind now.

Shi Jiehua couldn't understand what was going on, but I opened my mouth and listened to him. If he had any thoughts and questions, he could ask them later when Zhao Dahai left.

Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua discussed some specific matters again.

One is to organize other fishing boats to join the fleet of sea fishing boats and various logistics. The other most important thing is to spread the news and see if there are people and how many people want to go fishing with them.

Zhao Dahai told Shi Jiehua that Shi Jiehua was responsible for organizing other fishing boats to join the fleet and logistics of the fishing boats, as well as for the other people on board.

"People like Gao Zhicheng have already said that when we wait for our fishing boats to form a fleet again, they must go fishing with the fishing boats, and his colleagues will definitely go fishing with them."

"I am responsible for this part of the people."

"The other one is Wu Guodong from the fishing gear shop in the town. He has mentioned it to me many times and wants to go fishing with him."

"I agreed to give you a fishing spot."

"However, the price we set for this trip is relatively high. He, including his familiar customers, will most likely not be happy with it."

“I will be responsible for the fishing positions of the two groups of people, but the specific numbers will not be determined until later.”

"As soon as I return to Langtou Village, I will call these two people and let you know as soon as it is confirmed."

Zhao Dahai didn't know how many fishing spots Wu Guodong and especially Gao Zhicheng needed, so he would call them later to confirm.

Shi Jiehua nodded and just waited for the call.

Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua talked about everything, sat for a while and left with Ding Xiaoxiang.

Shi Jiehua sent Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang away, and upon returning to the yard, he immediately asked Shi Guangming why he finally decided to accept a 30-70 share.

 Asking for a monthly ticket! Thanks!



(End of this chapter)

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