Chapter 623 Proactive Shi Zhongwei


"Whether Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin can make money or not, what does it have to do with us?"

"What if we lose money?"

"What if you make money?"

"If we lose money, we don't need to pay Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin. If we make money, Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin won't spend it on us!"

Li Hongyun stared at Shi Jiehua's fishing boat not far away and gritted his teeth as he spoke.



"Is there any way to do this?"

Li Fei looked at the expression on Li Hongyun's face, and his heart skipped a beat.


"Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin had a great impact when they went fishing with Shi Jiehua's fishing boat."

"Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua offer such high fishing fees just for those who like fishing and want to catch big fish, but can't catch fish and have plenty of money in their pockets."

"People who like fishing have money in their pockets. They do not fish to make money. It is very normal to spend such money."

"People like this are not the main customers of our fishing boats."

"The impact on us is not too big."

"You know, a rich person who is willing to pay 200,000 yuan for a fishing spot can't go fishing all the time without going there once or twice."

"Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua have such abilities and deserve so much money, but this kind of money is basically a one-time deal."


"Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin are not rich people, let alone people who catch big fish for fun."

"Now I go fishing with Shi Jiehua's fishing boat, and the news spreads, especially to those who like them, who go fishing to support their families, see that someone is really willing to pay for it."

"And people like me who go fishing to make money paid for this money. They must be very surprised, and they must be wondering why Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin did such a thing."

"Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin can forget about catching no fish this time. Once they catch fish, especially if they make a lot of money, there will definitely be more fishermen like Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin who spend big money to go out to sea."

"This has a huge impact on us!"

Li Hongyun not only envied Shi Jiehua and especially Zhao Dahai for making so much money, but also felt a huge threat.

Li Fei now understood why his father stood on the bow of the fishing boat blowing the sea breeze early in the morning.


"We can't just watch this happen, right? We have to do something, right?"

Li Fei was anxious.

"What to do?"

"What can we do?"

Li Hongyun has been thinking about what he wants to do, but he can't think of anything to do. Want to stop the cooperation between Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua? Or maybe you want to convince other fishermen not to go fishing with a boat? It’s not that I don’t want to do it but I really can’t do it.

A layer of sweat appeared on Li Fei's forehead. He was very anxious and couldn't think of a way, so he could only stare.


"Are those two from Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin?"

Li Fei was like an ant on a hot pot. He turned around several times but couldn't think of a way. He accidentally looked at the pier and saw two people striding over from a distance.

Li Hongyun turned around and looked. One hundred and eighty meters away, two people were carrying fishing rods and fishing boxes. He recognized them at a glance as Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin.

Li Hongyun shouted while waiting for Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin to come to his fishing boat.

Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin stood on the pier and chatted with Li Hongyun for a few words. Without stopping, they walked forward for a while and boarded a speedboat to go out to sea.

Li Hongyun and Li Fei looked at Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin's speedboat disappearing, their expressions were very ugly. Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin had indeed booked a fishing spot. It would be a few days before Shi Jiehua's fishing boat would go out to sea. The two of them today It's better to follow the speedboats out to sea and go fishing to catch as much as you can and earn as much as you can, rather than staying at home with nothing to do.

Li Fei looked up at the gradually brightening sky, and said that it was still winter, and the sea breeze at the pier was very cold. It had been blowing for such a long time, and his bones would be frozen to the bone, and he would catch a cold accidentally.

Li Hongyun nodded gloomily, turned around and took two steps towards the cabin when a shout came from behind him.

"Ouyang Hua!"

"Why are you here so early?"

Li Hongjun looked back and forced a smile on his face.


"Don't I have something to tell you?"

"You must have arrived earlier!"

Ouyang Hua smiled.

Li Hongyun felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. If it wasn't something important, he would definitely not be able to come here so early.

Ouyang Hua is a master of fishing, and his skills are not much different from those of brothers Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin.

I met Ouyang Hua a few days ago and asked if he wanted to go fishing with his fishing boat. Ouyang Hua didn't say he must go or not, he just said he had to consider it and ask five or six of his friends for their opinions.

Li Hongyun very much hoped that Ouyang Hua could get on his fishing boat. After fighting for a long time, he insisted that he had reserved the fishing spot.

Ouyang Hua had no choice but to nod and agree, but he kept a backup plan and said that if he didn't go, he would come and make it clear today.

"Ouyang Hua."

"The wind is getting strong on the pier. Let's get on the boat and make a cup of hot tea."

Li Hongyun pointed to the cabin of the fishing boat.


"I will have something to do later, and I have to be busy. Once the matter is finished, I have to leave."

Ouyang Hua shook his head and said directly that several of his friends would not go to sea with the boat without beating around the bush.


"Ouyang Hua."

"Didn't we have a good talk yesterday? Could it be that we saw other ships going out to sea?"

"I'm not bragging. My fishing boat is no worse than other fishing boats, right?"

“We can discuss the fishing spot fee!”

Li Hongyun was a little anxious.

Ouyang Hua didn't go to sea alone, he usually went to sea with four or five people.

If the fishing position fee is 25,000 to 30,000 yuan, for four or five people, it is more than 100,000 yuan.

This is a big deal.

The key to the problem is that when I met Ouyang Hua two days ago, the matter had basically been finalized, but unexpectedly something happened now.

The two brothers Ouyang Hua, Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin are the same. Professional fishermen who go deep-sea fishing to make money to support their families cannot not go fishing. If they don't go to their own fishing boats, they must go to other fishing boats.

Ouyang Hua did not deny it and directly said that he would go fishing with Shi Jiehua's fishing boat in the next few days.

The smile on Li Hongyun's face disappeared instantly.

Li Fei was very anxious and wanted to speak, but when he saw his father, Li Hongyun, he shook his head and closed his mouth tightly.

Ouyang Hua chatted for a few words, turned around and left. He could see that Li Hongyun was very unhappy, but he didn't care at all. He basically didn't go fishing with Li Hongyun's boat. He mostly went fishing with other people. Even if there is a real stalemate, it won't have any impact, not to mention that he is a person who spends money to go fishing, so he is born to be a master.


"Why didn't you let me speak just now? If we have a good talk, we might be able to persuade Ouyang Hua to go fishing on our fishing boat if the price of the fishing spot fee is reduced!" "Besides, isn't Ouyang Hua already there? Did you agree to go fishing with our fishing boat? It’s really unethical to do something like this now, isn’t it?!”

When Li Fei saw Ouyang Hua walking away, he really couldn't understand why he wasn't allowed to speak.

Li Hongyun shook his head.

Ouyang Hua never made it clear that he would go fishing with his own fishing boat. Coming here so early today to inform myself was not a big problem.

Why not let Li Fei speak to persuade Ouyang Hua?

It's of no use!

Ouyang Hua came today just to inform that he would not go fishing with his own fishing boat. He had just made it very clear that he would go fishing with Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiahua's fishing boat.

The fishing fee of 200,000 per person has already been spent. This is not something that can change your mind just by persuasion.

Li Hongyun did not stay on the deck for long. He turned around and walked quickly back to the cabin of the fishing boat. There was no smile on his face, and it was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

It's not terrible that Ouyang Hua lost this business. What's terrible is that other people who have already decided to board their own fishing boats will change their minds.

Shijiao Village.


Shi Jiehua put down the phone in his hand and rubbed his ears vigorously. From yesterday until now, there have been constant calls coming in, all wanting to book a fishing spot. There were no less than twenty people in total. He and Zhao Dahai had already decided I will no longer take more people out to sea, unless some old relationships all refuse, and the next sea trip will be prioritized. Even if it is an old relationship, I will not say death. I only say that it depends on the situation of the fishing boat, and I can only go out to sea if there is a place.

Shi Jiehua walked out of the main room and saw Shi Guangming sitting on a low stool in the corner, smoking a hookah.


"I have to go to the fishing boat for a spin in a while. I can't stay at home anymore!"

Shi Jiehua had a headache. There were really a lot of people calling, most of them were acquaintances, so it would take a lot of effort to refuse.

"Are there so many people?"

Shi Guangming was really surprised.

Shi Jiehua told Shi Guangming that some of the people who called from yesterday to today were people who had money and were just interested, but a considerable number were people who usually went fishing to make money.

The news about the two brothers Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin's fishing position was spread, which had a certain impact on these people.

"What the hell!"

"Few of these people are fools. They have great noses and are very courageous. They really deserve to be rich."

Shi Jiehua shook his head.

Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin are all people who spend money to make money. If you don't see the rabbit, don't spread the eagle. Unless you see that you can make money, you will definitely not do this kind of thing.

There must be many people who think that 200,000 yuan per fishing spot is very expensive, but they know very well that not only is it not expensive, but it is a huge advantage.

People like Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua who have secured fishing positions will definitely make money on this trip, and they can make a lot of money.

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

"Which one is the fool?"

"Who would do it if it didn't make money?"

Shi Guangming picked up the hookah in his hand and brought it to his mouth and took a slow puff.


"Where did Shi Zhong go for this bastard? He didn't wake up, did he?"

Shi Jiehua and Shi Guangming chatted for a while, turned around and were about to walk out, when they suddenly remembered that they hadn't seen Shi Zhongwei for almost half an hour since they got up.

It’s true that we don’t go to sea now. People who go to sea cannot have no work, and it is impossible to be idle at home.

Shi Guangming shook his head. Shi Zhong had already gone out at a little after five o'clock, but it was not to work on the fishing boat.

Shi Jiehua is a little strange.

Why did you get up so early and go on a fishing boat?

"Shi Zhong ran to town and went to the fish market."

Shi Guangming laughed as he spoke.


"This guy is quite smart!"

Shi Jiehua was a little confused when he first heard that Shi Zhongwei had run into the town and the fish market, but after thinking about it for a while, he understood what was going on.

When Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhao Dahai came to her home to discuss cooperation a few days ago, she said she wanted to be Shi Zhongwei's matchmaker.

Shi Zhongwei must be urging Ding Xiaoxiang to go to the town and fish market now.

This is nothing to be ashamed of. If you want to marry a wife, especially if you want to marry a good wife, you have to hurry up. If you don't want to be anxious, why should others be anxious?

Shi Jiehua slowly strolled out of the yard and walked towards the dock.

The town fish market.

At eight o'clock in the morning, there were a lot of people buying fish, shrimps and crabs.

"Big brother."

"The orchid crab is quite big!"

“It’s not even celebrated on the 15th day of the first lunar month! The price is very cost-effective!”


"This is the black snapper we have here!"

"Fished less than five nautical miles away from Shijiao Village!"

"Why do I know?"

"Do you need to tell me? I'm from Shijiao Village. If I can't recognize the fish in front of my village, what's the point?!"



“Want sea bass?”

"One weighing more than ten kilograms is too much to finish, and the other one is so big that the meat is thicker."

"This one weighs about three pounds and is the most delicious, tender and smooth!"


Zhang Li looked at Shi Zhongwei, who was busy and energetic in front of the stall, with beads of sweat appearing on his forehead, with a confused look on his face.


"Do you think it's strange?"

Ding Xiaoxiang smiled as she spoke, poured a glass of water and handed it to Zhang Li.

At a little after six o'clock this morning, Shi Zhongwei arrived with breakfast. Without saying a word, he started to help. He would lift any heavy objects. After placing all the fish, shrimps and crabs, he immediately started helping to greet the sellers. Fish, shrimp and crab.

Shi Zhongwei grew up in a fishing village. The fish from the fishing boats came back and were sold to buyers. He knew the market prices of fish, shrimps and crabs very well. He often had to deal with people who bought and sold fish. The business at the stall was very easy. Quickly, I felt like a fish in water. With one more person, I and my mother Zhang Li felt a lot more relaxed.


"I really can't understand!"

Zhang Li really didn’t know what was going on.

Zhao Dahai did cooperate with Shi Zhongwei's father, Shi Jiehua, to take people out to sea for fishing, but Shi Zhongwei didn't have to come here to help.

Ding Xiaoxiang talked about what she and Zhao Dahai had said a few days ago when they went to Shi Jiehua's home to discuss cooperation.


"So that's what happened!"

Zhang Li laughed immediately, no wonder Shi Zhongwei came running over early in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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