Chapter 630 Shi Jiehua’s scheme

"Feng Lei!"

"Huang Dongshan!"

"You two, stop talking about this!"

"You two know very well what is going on."

"There are a lot of people here at the pier. They have all gathered around. Don't make it so embarrassing that you can't get off the stage, but you two are not Shi Jiehua."

He Jian pointed behind Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan.

Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan looked back and found that many people on the surrounding fishing boats were looking at them, and some people had already gathered around them.

Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan have the same shameful face. Neither of them can stand up for this matter at all. If they make a fuss here, especially if they quarrel with Shi Jiehua, they won't get any advantage at all. What's embarrassing is that they can only Be yourself.

Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan had no choice but to leave the dock.

"What the hell!"

"I don't know how high the sky is."

"Originally, I wanted to go to a village with a fairly good relationship. I wanted to give them a chance to make a fortune. I didn't want to get people's support. I wanted a 50-50 share. Feng Lei even said he wanted a 30-70 share, but if He takes 70% and Zhao Dahai takes 30%.”

"Why would you just go to heaven if you have such an idea?"

The more Shi Jiehua talked, the angrier he became.

"Forget it!"

"What's there to be angry about with people like this? What should you do if you get so angry?"

"Let's do a good job and go out to sea and come back and catch a lot of fish!"

"Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan will definitely be furious when they see it."

He Jian patted Shi Jiehua on the shoulder. Shi Jiehua originally wanted to give Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan a chance to make a fortune. What they didn't expect was that Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan didn't know that the sky was high and the sky was high. They wanted to get a higher share of the share. One was conscience. Another thing about being treated like a fool was that Shi Jiehua was so angry because he was embarrassed in front of Zhao Dahai.


"That's right!"

"That's it!"

Shi Jiehua's anger suddenly disappeared. He Jian was right. It was really not worth being angry with people like Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan. The most important thing now was to seize the time to prepare and go fishing.

Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan left the dock and returned to the village.

"What the hell!"

"Feng Lei!"

"If you hadn't told me that you wanted to get more dividends, I would have already agreed to Shi Jiehua. How could it be possible that such an embarrassing thing would happen today? As long as you join the fleet, you can get it every time you go to sea. Get big dividends.”

"It's fine now! It's a piece of cake! It's all your fault!"

The more Huang Dongshan thought about it, the angrier he became, and he cursed loudly at Feng Lei next to him.


"This is my fault now, right?"


"I did bring up this idea, but is it possible that you are a three-year-old child? You don't have a brain? You can't figure out what to do, and you can't figure it out and make up your mind?"

"I, Feng Lei, am indeed greedy and want to make more money, but if you, Huang Dongshan, were not greedy, how could you be the same person as me?"

Feng Lei had already suppressed his anger. Huang Dongshan's words were like a spark falling into a hot oil pan, and it was out of control.


"It was your bad idea!"


"What the hell!"

"It's like you don't want to make more money!"


"Who came up with the idea that it would take a few days to go to Shi Jiehua? Wouldn't it be okay if we went to Shi Jiehua from the beginning?"



"If you didn't want to split it 50-50, why didn't you go to Shi Jiehua right away that day?"


Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan became more and more angry as they talked, and their voices became louder and louder. Their anger rushed to Tianling Gai. They spoke more carelessly and harshly. Unable to stop their anger, they started to fight with their fists. Someone happened to be passing by in the village. Many onlookers rushed over and pulled the two of them apart, their noses and faces were already swollen.

"What is going on? What happened? How did these two people get into a fight?"


"Who knows what happened?"



"Didn't Shi Jiehua cooperate with Zhao Dahai from Langtou Village to take people out to fish?"

"As for the two hundred thousand yuan for a fishing position, Shi Jiehua originally asked Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan to form a fleet together."

"In the end, these two people wanted more money and raised higher conditions, and things turned ugly."

"Feng Lei thinks it's Huang Dongshan's fault, and Huang Dongshan thinks it's Feng Lei's fault."



"So that's what happened."


"true or false?"


"How can this matter be false?"

"Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan just ran to the dock to cause trouble for Shi Jiehua. Shi Jiehua said it himself, but I heard it clearly from the side."


"Are Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan mentally ill? Why did they let such a good opportunity pass?"


Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan listened to the words of the people watching the excitement around them. They wanted to die. They had a fight and calmed down. They didn't say anything more and went back to their respective homes. They were too embarrassed to stay any longer.


He Jian frowned as he watched Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan leave. Shi Jiehua's voice was very loud when he spoke just now, and someone around him heard it.

"Shi Jiehua."

"Isn't this good?"

He Jian was a little worried.


"I did it on purpose!"

"If I don't say this, wouldn't others really think that I have treated Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan badly?"

"You don't think these two guys won't say bad things about me behind my back, do you?"

Shi Jiehua smiled. If he didn't speak, Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan would definitely put a shit basin on his and Zhao Dahai's heads.

"All right!"

"you're right."

"This is really the only way to do this!"

He Jian thought carefully for a while. If Shi Jiehua hadn't said it in a pretentious manner, Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan would definitely do such a thing. Shi Jiehua and Zhao Dahai had done nothing wrong, so why should they take the blame for this.

"He Jian."

"Do you know why your fishing boat business has never been successful?"

"It doesn't mean that you can't find fishing spots somewhere, it doesn't mean that people fishing on your fishing boat can't catch fish."

Shi Jiehua took a drag on his cigarette and looked at He Jian, who he grew up with.

"Alas!" "What can we do about this? I am born with such a character!"

He Jian sighed with a wry smile.

Whether it is driving a sea fishing boat or finding a fishing spot, I can be considered a master, at least no worse than Shi Jiehua or Li Hongyun.

The people on his own fishing boat caught a lot of fish, but if he wanted to let others go fishing in his own fishing boat, he would really be inferior to Shi Jiehua and not as good as Li Hongyun.

"Not all of us in this industry are honest people."

"You are just too honest!"

"After so many years of business, there are not many people who go fishing with your boat!"

"Forget it!"

"Like you said, I was born with this personality."

"It's easy to change a country. It's hard to change one's nature."

"If you really could change it, if you really could learn it, you would have changed it long ago and learned it long ago."

Shi Jiehua stopped talking about this matter and continued to say that it was useless. He and He Jian had grown up together as old friends for many years. She knew very well what kind of character he had and had already said it countless times.

What happened between Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan is the best proof.

He Jian felt that cooperation was not possible and there was no need to say too much, but he did not consider the fact that Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan became angry and put the shit basin on him.

He and Zhao Dahai took people out to fish on this trip. The fishing fee was very high and they made a lot of money. Many people's eyes were red with envy.

Once Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan did this, many colleagues and even people who were not colleagues felt that they and Zhao Dahai were greedy people.

Don't underestimate the destructive power of such rumors, the impact is very large.

This matter was not his and Zhao Dahai's fault at all, it was Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan's greed. I just said it loudly on purpose, just to let the people around me know what was going on.

Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan have become the laughing stock. No matter what they say, no one will believe it, at least not 100%.

He Jian couldn't do such intrigues.

It’s a small dock, and I don’t know how many people make money here.

The people who go fishing, or the colleagues who bring people out to fish like myself and He Jian, are all from the same village, or from the surrounding villages. They meet every day, and they smile when they meet, but in fact, there is not much secret behind it. Intrigue.

"Your sea fishing boat has twenty-five fishing positions. Each fishing position costs 200,000 yuan. In total, it is five million."

"The cost of going overseas for a month will not exceed 500,000 yuan even if I die."

"You can get 30% of this trip, which is more than 1.3 million!"

"Zhao Dahai makes at least two trips a year, maybe even three times."

"Even just one trip is more than what you make in a year, and it's a lot more."

"The remaining time is to recruit people to go to sea."

"With such a thing as cooperation with Zhao Dahai, there are many people who want to book the fishing position of your fishing boat to go fishing."

"Just wait to make money!"

Shi Jiehua simply made a calculation.


"Shi Jiehua."

"I'm not as smart as Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan."

“It’ll be fine if I can make more money than I can by driving a fishing boat out to sea now.”

"I'm not trying to make more money!"

He Jian knows his own abilities very well.

I am very familiar with these things on a sea fishing boat and there is no problem at all.

There is no need to do anything else now, just do the fishing cabin work well, this is what I am best at.

Shi Jiehua patted He Jian's shoulder hard.

What does it mean that stupid people have stupid blessings?

He Jian honestly didn't think too much. Unlike Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan, who had to earn money that they were unable to earn, he became the only sea fishing boat to join the fleet.

Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan have no chance, and others have no chance. If he and Zhao Dahai form a fleet to go deep sea, He Jian will only have one boat, and the rest will only rent fishing boats. They will not cooperate with them anymore. Anyone cooperates.

Shi Jiehua and He Jian rested for a while, then left the dock and drove a tricycle to the town.

It is almost dark, but there are too many things to prepare when a fishing boat goes out to sea, especially when four fishing boats go out to sea.

Try to seize the time as much as possible to finish these things, so as to avoid any accidents and there is no room for maneuver.

When Shi Jiehua rushed to the town, it was already dark and the street lights were on.

I wonder how Shi Zhong feeds this boy?

Does Ding Ailian want to see something that is attractive to her?

Shi Jiehua was a little worried, but it was impossible to go directly to take a look now. He could only ignore the matter and continue to work on the fishing boat with He Jian.

7 p.m.

Hongyun Restaurant.

A large box on the roof.

Zhao Dahai and Liu Lei got together and were drinking tea and chatting. They had already finished their meal.

"Brother Dahai!"

"Isn't this what it looks like?"

Liu Lei looked at Ding Ailian and Shi Zhongwei, who were sitting at a table five or six meters away from him and Zhao Dahai, talking and talking non-stop.


"There should be no problem!"

"The next thing is to see how these two people get along. This just requires a little more time!"

Zhao Dahai laughed. Both he and Ding Xiaoxiang feel that Shi Zhongwei and Ding Ailian's personalities are quite compatible, but now the situation is much better than they and Ding Xiaoxiang imagined.

When Shi Zhongwei and Ding Ailian met, the north and south poles of a magnet were the same, and they felt like they were immediately attracted to each other.

Zhao Dahai thought that it would take some time for Shi Zhongwei and Ding Ailian to get to know each other well before they could talk to each other. It would be enough if they felt good about each other when they met for the first time. But like this, I really want to talk about marriage right away.


"Brother Dahai."

"How can Shi Zhong be a man like this?"

"Trying every possible means to make Ding Ailian happy!"

"Ding Ailian said that the sun comes out from the west, so he will definitely say that the sun comes out from the west. There is no way he would have any other opinion!"

"It's over, it's over!"

"Another one who only listens to his wife!"

"How can this be done?"

Liu Lei shook his head with disdain as he spoke.

Zhao Dahai almost laughed.

Shi Zhongwei is indeed trying to make Ding Ailian happy now. What Liu Lei said is right. If they really get married, Ding Ailian will be 100% the head of the family. However, others may be able to laugh at Shi Zhongwei, but Liu Lei definitely does not. Such qualifications.

Liu Lei was even worse in front of Yang Qin than Shi Zhongwei was in front of Ding Ailian.


"Liu Lei."

"You are no different from Shi Zhongwei!"

Zhao Dahai looked behind Liu Lei. Yang Qin and Ding Xiaoxiang were walking over.

"How is that possible?"

"I am the head of the family. I can say whatever I say. How can Yang Qin dare to say anything?"

Liu Lei did not dare to speak loudly and kept his voice down.


"Liu Lei!"

"What were you talking about just now? Why didn't I hear you? Say it again!"

Liu Lei was startled, jumped up like a rabbit and turned around to see Yang Qin standing behind him with a murderous look.

 Asking for a monthly ticket! Thanks!



(End of this chapter)

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