Chapter 633 Going into the water! Good luck!

Zhao Dahai rushed to the pier, parked the tricycle, and strode towards the crowd surrounding the fishing machine. He had decided to come here to help him hoist the speedboat.

The pier is full of people going fishing or fishing. As soon as they see the crane, they know that there must be new fishing boats coming around to watch the fun.

Zhao Dahai separated from the crowd and walked in.

"Uncle Shizhu!"

"Sorry to trouble you!"

Zhao Dahai took out a cigarette from his pocket, and Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou, including several people around him, each sent one.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou shook their heads, but they were just here to do a small favor, so there was no trouble.


"It turns out that it wasn't Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou who bought the new fishing boat!"


"Is it from Zhao Dahai?"


"What kind of boat should I buy?"

"You're not buying a speedboat, are you?"


"Speed ​​boat?"

"How is this possible? The speedboat that Zhao Dahai owns now is still the largest and most powerful speedboat among the most powerful fishermen around us!"


"Zhao Dahai must be rich. He can buy any kind of speedboat! But what's the need?"


The people around them immediately realized that the new fishing boat was not likely to belong to Zhong Shizhu and the others but to Zhao Dahai, but they were all very curious about what kind of boat Zhao Dahai bought on this trip.

"Zhao Dahai!"

"Did you buy a new boat? What kind of boat is it?"

Zhao Dahai turned around and saw that someone in the crowd was shouting at him.

"Speed ​​boat!"

"We'll be here at the dock in a minute!"

"Everyone can see it!"

Zhao Dahai shouted loudly, and soon a car pulling a speedboat arrived. Everyone could see it, and there was nothing to hide.


"Are you buying another speedboat?"


"Don't you already have one? Should I get a new one?"


"Why did you buy a new speedboat?"


People around were talking a lot.

Zhao Dahai ignored the people around him and chatted with Zhong Shizhu and others.

The entrance to Langtou Village.

A small car was driving towards the village pier.

"hurry up!"


"Can't you drive faster?"

Yang Qin was a little anxious and urged Liu Lei, who was driving, because he didn't like driving too slowly.


"No need to rush!"

"It's still very early now!"

Liu Lei was sweating profusely while driving, and Yang Qin in the passenger seat kept nagging him to drive quickly.


"I had known that Ding Xiaoxiang and I would be able to ride a scooter!"

"By now, we have already arrived at Langtou Village and the pier!"

Yang Qin kept complaining.

"Yang Qin."

"OK OK!"

"Don't worry, didn't you encounter a big truck on the road just now?"

"The big speedboat I'm pulling was bought by Dahai!"

"How could it be too late!"

Ding Xiaoxiang shouted to Yang Qin.

It is indeed still early now, so there is really no need to rush. On the way here just now, I encountered a speedboat pulled by a big truck. It turned out to be the same speedboat that I and Zhao Dahai went to see on the previous trip. The surroundings In other villages and towns, no one spends this money to buy such a big speedboat.

"Xiaoxiang sister-in-law."

"Such a big speedboat, and a truck pulling it here. I don't know how many people in the village, town, and county know about it!"

Shi Zhongwei just looked at the speedboat on the truck through the car window. It was very big and very impressive. The truck was pulling all the way, and there were people on the roadside pointing and watching the excitement. The matter would definitely spread.

"Xiao Xiang!"

"Is that the pair of speedboats that Zhao Dahai bought for 1.2 million?"

"It's already so big when you look at it from a distance in the car. If you put it on the water and wait for people to get on it, wouldn't it be extremely big?"

Ding Ailian has never seen such a big speedboat.


"I just want a bigger one!"

"Although the speedboat Dahai has in hand is not small, it's still not safe if you want to spend the night on the open sea!"

"The current one can spend the night in the open sea, which is safer when the wind and waves are relatively strong."

"The space is relatively large, and the sleeping area or live cabin cold storage is much better than the speedboat I have now."

Ding Xiaoxiang is very satisfied with the speedboat she just bought. The price of 1.2 million is indeed very high. You get what you pay for. The size, space, power, etc. are all better than the one Zhao Dahai bought earlier. many.

Liu Lei drove to the pier and found a place to stop.

Ding Xiaoxiang opened the car door and saw Zhong Cuihua, Zhao Shi, and Huang Huangtao walking slowly over from a distance. Xiao Naihei saw her from a distance and rushed over quickly, wagging her tail.

Ding Xiaoxiang walked over quickly.

Liu Lei, Yang Qin, Shi Zhongwei and Ding Ailian walked a few steps late and walked in front of Zhong Cuihua and others.

"Xiao Xiang!"

"You guys go find Zhao Dahai."

"Grandpa, grandma and I will just watch from here."

Zhong Cuihua took Ding Xiaoxiang's hand and said a few words, pointing to the crowd gathered around the crane to watch the excitement.



"Let's go over and take a look. We'll wait for the speedboat to arrive and then come over here to call you."

Ding Xiaoxiang nodded and took Liu Lei and others to find Zhao Dahai.

"A good three gangs."

"Zhao Dahai, Liu Lei and Shi Zhongwei are all good. Yang Qin, Ding Xiaoxiang and Ding Ailian have a good relationship."

"This is great!"

Zhao Shi picked up the hookah and took a puff.

Zhao Dahai, Shi Zhongwei and Liu Lei are all about the same age and have a cooperative relationship with each other. Ding Xiaoxiang, Ding Ailian and Yang Qin also have a very good relationship.

In the next few decades, everyone helped each other and made money together. No matter what happened, there was someone to help, so there was no need for one person to work alone.


"If you think about it this way, doesn't Zhao Dahai have his own relationship?"

"How did you come here?"

Huang Huangtao thought about it for a while and found out that Zhao Dahai married Ding Xiaoxiang and suddenly became involved with many people around him.


"Don't we need help from others throughout our lives?"

"Even if one person has only three heads and six arms, how much can he do?"

"This is really good!"

Zhong Cuihua was very happy.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, Lei Dayou and Zhao Dahai all have a very good relationship, but no matter how you say it, there is always a difference in age.

Liu Bin and Shi Zhongwei are different. They are almost exactly the same age as Zhao Dahai.

In ten years, everyone will be able to work together to make money and help out when things happen.

This is not just a matter between Liu Lei and Shi Zhongwei, plus Liu Lei's home and Shi Zhongwei's home, and Ding Xiaoxiang's home, suddenly there are a lot more things in the village and town. Such personal connections.

Zhong Cuihua, Zhao Shi and Huang Huangtao did not join in the fun. They found a place to sit on the beach next to the pier, chatting without saying a word, waiting for Zhao Dahai's speedboat.

Zhao Dahai and Shi Zhong chatted with them for a while, and when they saw Ding Xiaoxiang and others, they immediately waved.

"Brother Dahai!"

"On our way here, we saw your speedboat!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!" Liu Lei was very excited when he saw Zhao Dahai. As he said this, he gestured with his hands to show the size of the speedboat on top of the big truck he saw.


"Liu Lei."

"I haven't found a speedboat bigger than the one you are pointing to."

Shi Zhong is happy.


"It's really big!"

"I've never seen such a big speedboat before!"

"Brother Dahai."

"We must go out to sea for a while."

The more Liu Lei talked, the more excited he became.

Zhao Dahai smiled and nodded. After a while, the speedboat came. When entering the water, he must go out to sea for a spin, catch a fish or something.

"The sea!"

"Are the firecrackers and all ready?"

"We encountered a large truck pulling a speedboat not far from the village. Now it is estimated that it may have reached the entrance of the village."

"You have to prepare these!"

Ding Xiaoxiang reminded Zhao Dahai.

Zhao Dahai turned to look at Zhong Shizhu. He had a lot of things to do recently and was very busy. He asked Zhong Shizhu to help him buy firecrackers.


"The sea!"

"This matter has been arranged a long time ago. Let's just put out all the firecrackers now and light them up when it comes soon."

Zhong Shizhu had already bought the firecrackers, brought them to the edge of the pier, and piled them on his tricycle.

When Shi Zhongwei heard this, he immediately volunteered and took Liu Lei to do this.

Zhao Dahai nodded. Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou have rich experience. The speedboat will come soon and they have to take care of it for him. Liu Lei and Shi Zhongwei can handle the matter of dismantling firecrackers and raising them.

Liu Lei and Shi Zhongwei immediately ran to the edge of the pier and found Zhong Shizhu's tricycle loaded with firecrackers. At first glance, this guy looked like he was on a hill.


"There are a lot of firecrackers in here. If they were all taken down, they would probably be able to go around the beach several times!"

Liu Lei was very excited.

Zhong Shizhu bought so many firecrackers that they were piled high on the tricycle.

"Hurry! Hurry!"

"The big truck is already here!"

Shi Zhong shouted loudly to hurry up.

Liu Lei and Shi Zhong worked together for two people. The disassembled firecrackers were straightened on the beach and all were ready.

Liu Lei and Shi Zhongwei didn't go back to the pier, so they waited beside the firecrackers. After a while, Zhao Dahai just had to shout loudly, and the two of them would light the firecrackers.

Zhao Dahai saw the big truck slowly driving up to the dock and strode over.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou began to shout loudly to the people watching to get out of the way. After a while, the truck would have to drive over to the crane.


"I really bought another big speedboat!"



"Is this one so big?"


"This is no ordinary speedboat!"

"This is a serious sport fishing boat!"


"Zhao Dahai's original speedboat already cost hundreds of thousands. Doesn't this one cost more than one million?"



"Even the big fishing boats here at our dock are not as valuable as this speedboat!"


"How fast do you have to run?"


"Have you seen the two engines behind the speedboat?"

"How many horses are so big?"


"This speedboat can't run seventy knots, right?"


The people watching the excitement around saw the big speedboat on the big truck clearly, and they were in an uproar.

"Second Grandpa!"

"How about just here?"

Zhao Dahai discussed a few words with the driver of the big truck and parked the place. When he saw Second Grandpa Zhao Shi, he immediately walked over. The speedboat had to be lifted from the big truck to the sea with a crane. The location was very critical. Second Grandpa did this. Zhao Shi is the real veteran.

Zhao Shi looked at the big truck and then at the big speedboat on the truck. He thought about it for a while and shook his head. It's not that it can't be hoisted in this position, but it's a bit inconvenient.

Zhao Shi walked up to the driver of the big truck and loudly directed the truck to drive forward about twenty centimeters before stopping again.

Zhao Dahai circled the big truck twice and found that although it had only moved forward a little, the angle was really much better than before.

Zhong Shizhu climbed onto the big truck, got on the speedboat, took two ropes, tied them to the bow and stern of the speedboat, and shouted loudly that Liu Bin and Lei Da were pulling one by one.

Zhao Dahai directed the crane to come over, put the hook on the rope that had been tied, and slowly lifted it up.

"A little to the left!"


"Move to the right!"


"Liu Bin!"

"Tighten the rope there!"


While Zhong Shizhu looked at the hoisted speedboat, he shouted loudly to Liu Bin and Lei Dayou to pull the rope, and the speedboat was slowly lowered to the sea.


"It's going well!"

Ding Xiaoxiang accompanied Zhong Cuihua and Huang Jintao.

Yang Qin and Ding Ailian stood nearby.

"go Go!"

"Get on the speedboat!"

"There's no need to stay here with me and your second grandma!"

Zhong Cuihua smiled and pointed at Zhao Dahai in the crowd and then at the speedboat on the water.

"Hurry, hurry!"

"Don't stay here!"

Golden Tao gently pushed Ding Xiaoxiang.

The relationship between Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang has now been settled. At this time, Ding Xiaoxiang must get on the speedboat with Zhao Dahai.


"Grandma! Second grandma!"

"This is a man's business, I'll just stay here with you."

"Just go up and have a look later!"

Ding Xiaoxiang shook her head.

"Hee hee hee!"

"Ding Xiaoxiang."

"It's not what you said. Zhao Dahai came over and must have pulled you onto the speedboat!"

Yang Qin saw Zhao Dahai striding over.


"It's a good day!"

"You must be by Zhao Dahai's side!"

Zhong Cuihua was very happy. It was very good that Zhao Dahai could think of Ding Xiaoxiang at this time.


"Let's get on the speedboat"

Zhao Dahai walked up to Ding Xiaoxiang.

Ding Xiaoxiang blushed a little, but did not hesitate. She nodded and walked towards the speedboat with Zhao Dahai.

 Asking for a monthly ticket!



(End of this chapter)

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