Chapter 775 Do you want it? Choose yourself!

Zhao Dahai was very happy. He took a towel and wiped his hands. He had caught a lot of various kinds of groupers. There were many big ones, some weighing more than 100 kilograms, and some even close to 200 kilograms. I have caught bigger fish than this one, but no matter how many big fish I have caught, I am always very excited to catch such a thirty-pound red spot.


"Shi Zhongwei's mouth is really open. This is right."



"A valuable item!"


"What kind of catfish are you fishing for? Isn't this thirty-pound old red spot very valuable?"


"Aren't you just talking nonsense? Anyone who can catch fish like this can definitely make money by going to sea!"

But it is one thing to want to catch grouper, but it is another thing to be able to catch grouper or whether it is necessary to catch grouper.

"If you say it like this, it's even more nonsense. There must be many red spots of this size in the sea, but do you think you can catch them if you want to? When have you ever seen Zhao Dahai catch ten or eight of these in a day? A little tall girl with erythema?"

Fish like this are very popular, and there are not enough to sell them.

"But you have to think about it carefully. How many people have such ability?"

"Most of the people on Uncle He and the other two fishing boats are people who go fishing and want to make money."

“It’s more cost-effective to continue fishing for squid than to catch grouper, and you can make more money!”

Zhao Dahai smiled and said that he must want to catch grouper. There is no way to compare the price of a grouper of the same size that weighs ten or eight pounds.

“When I saw such a big red spot caught, I really felt that deep-sea fishing was very promising, and I could really make a lot of money!”

Liu Bin shook his head, Shi Zhong was really just daydreaming about this.

"Do you think He Jian and the people on the other two fishing boats want to catch grouper?"

Shi Jiehua thought for a while and took the walkie-talkie and said a few words to He Jian and the bosses of the other two fishing boats, reminding them and the fishermen on the fishing boats to stay calm and not think about coming here to fish now. If you want grouper, you can do it, but you have to think clearly that you may not be able to catch many, or even none at all.

As he spoke, Shi Zhongwei couldn't help but reach into the water and touch the red spot vigorously.


Shi Jiehua put down the walkie-talkie in his hand and looked at He Jian's fishing boat with a headache, and then at the other two fishing boats. Don't look at what Zhao Dahai said just now, and he said it again, but these few There must be someone on board a sea fishing boat who wants to catch grouper, but you have to see how many people there are.

A fish costs 100,000 yuan, and can even be sold at a higher price.

A living red spot of this size can easily be sold for 3,000 yuan, or even 4,000 yuan per pound.

He Jian put down the walkie-talkie in his hand and looked at the people Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua who were fishing on the deck. He hesitated whether to tell these people that Zhao Dahai had caught a thirty-pound big red spot.

"Uncle Shizhu!"

"You definitely want to catch fish. Who doesn't want to catch more valuable fish like grouper?"

“But no matter how you say it, this place is a fishing spot for bream. There must be groupers or other big fish, but there are not many of them.”

Zhao Dahai picked up his thermos cup, drank a few sips of scalding strong tea, and looked at the deck. Gao Zhicheng, Wu Weimin and several others had ran out of the cabin at some point and were looking at the thirty-something-year-old man around the water tank. A pound of big red spot. People who go out to sea to fish are different from people who go out to sea just to catch big fish.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou gathered around the water tank and looked at the big red spot inside. You and I were very excited every time you said it.

Not worth the price? Won't anyone buy it?

When the giant red spot returns to the dock, no one is in a hurry to sell it. They have to wait for several days, waiting for the news to spread and for those with money to come and bid one by one. They will then sell it to whoever offers the highest price.

Zhao Dahai saw that Shi Jiehua was worried that those people were obsessed with catching big groupers and making a lot of money, but they ended up not making any money.

"Brother Dahai!"

Zhao Dahai smiled and didn't say anything about it. If the people on those fishing boats really wanted to catch big groupers, they could just come here. There was no need to pay too much attention to it. Anyway, he and Shi Jiehua The words have been made clear.

"The stone bell is."



"How can you be like this? Don't you know that there are very few people like Brother Dahai? Can't you just let me have a sweet dream?"

"Zhao Dahai."

Zhong Shizhu reminded Shi Zhongwei with a smile.

"It costs 100,000 yuan a fish. If you go out to sea for a month to catch one fish, it is very profitable. If you can catch three or five fish, that would be a big deal!"

Shi Jiehua saw Zhao Dahai put down the walkie-talkie and asked immediately.

Shi Jiehua sighed, knowing that there was really no way to do this. He could only see what was in the minds of He Jian and the people on the other two fishing boats. Anyway, they had already caught a lot this time. Everyone has made a lot of money. These people really want to come here to fish for grouper. If they want to try their luck, let them do whatever they want.

"Uncle Shi."

Zhao Dahai did not continue fishing. He went to the cab and took the intercom and informed He Jian and the other two fishing boats that he had just caught a big red spot weighing more than 30 kilograms. Can he catch it at the current spot? I really don’t know much about grouper. I told other fishermen about this, but my opinion is very simple, that is, there is no need to try to catch grouper if you continue to fish for bream in this place.

Shi Zhongwei patted the red spot hard several times as he spoke.

There is no reason for a place to become a fishing spot for a certain kind of fish. The most important thing is that it is very suitable for the growth of a certain kind of fish. If this place is suitable for the growth of squid, it is certainly not suitable for the growth of grouper. Even if there is grouper, the quantity It's not too much. Don't look at it. The fish you caught is indeed very good, but I can't say how much food this place can have.

He Jian was really hesitant.

Zhao Dahai just said it very clearly. Even if you have caught red spots, you really can't tell how many groupers there are in the spot where you point.

Shi Jiehua then took the walkie-talkie and talked to himself. The two people's meaning was very clear, that is, they should continue fishing for bream here, and there was no need to join in the fun and catch big groupers.

He Jian knew very well that what Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua meant was that more money could be made from fishing for mullet than from fishing for large grouper.

He Jian hesitated for five or six minutes, and finally decided that he had to tell Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua about this matter. He called others to help him drive the fishing boat, and then left the cockpit and went to the deck.

It was impossible for Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua not to know what kind of reaction would be caused immediately if such news was told to Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua, but they still told themselves, already knowing what to do about this matter. "ha!"

"He Jian."

"Why do you look so serious? What's going on? Haven't we guys caught a lot of squid?"

"I'm telling you, this place is really good. The next time you go out to sea, you have to come here to fish for mullet!"

When Liu Yun saw He Jian, he felt a little strange. People like him were frantically pulling in the sea owl one after another. Although this head really only weighed ten or eight pounds, it couldn't handle the large number of fish. The bite is very strong. If you can fish like this for a day or two, you can really make a lot of money.


"What's the matter?"

Wu Dabin had just called Wu Xiaobin to go fishing and took a breather. He was smoking when he saw He Jian coming out. Liu Yun was right. The expression on his face was really serious. There must be something going on.


"What's the matter?"

"Do you feel that fishing is very enjoyable at this time?"

"Once you know what I'm talking about, I guess you won't be able to laugh out loud!"

He Jian looked at Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin and then at Liu Yun and Ouyang Hua next to him. He suddenly felt a little funny. There was no need for him to pay attention to this matter, let alone worry about it. He just told Wu Dabin the news. People like Wu Xiaobin and Wu Xiaobin will be fine. If you want to catch squid, catch squid, or catch grouper, you can just drive your fishing boat to the side of Zhao Dahai's sea fishing boat.

He Jian no longer hesitated, pointed in the direction of Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boat, and said directly that Zhao Dahai accidentally caught a red spot weighing more than three kilograms and less than five kilograms at the beginning, and then he stopped fishing. Fish, I hit the bottom and caught a big red spot weighing more than thirty pounds.


"A big red spot weighing more than 30 pounds? If it were alive, wouldn't it be sold for 60,000 to 70,000 or even 100,000 to 80,000?"


"It's fine if you don't take action in the sea. Once you take action, it's a big deal. Just one fish can already make a lot of money. There's no need to keep fishing for minnows like us!"



"We should go fishing for groupers. There is no need to catch these squid here! Although they are good in size, they are not big. How many groupers do we need to catch to be as good as the one caught by Zhao Dahai?"


"He Jian!"

"Let's change to something quickly!"


When everyone heard that Zhao Dahai had caught a big red spot weighing more than 30 kilograms, they all became excited and immediately shouted loudly that they wanted to catch grouper.

Wu Dabin was very excited when He Jian said that Zhao Dahai had caught more than 30 kilograms of red spots, but he calmed down when he heard the people around him shouting.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?"

"Why are you shouting so loudly?"

"Zhao Dahai has really found a spot to catch big groupers. Is it possible that he won't let us go fishing?"

"Ask me more clearly what's going on, and then tell me whether you want to go fishing for big groupers!"

Wu Dabin roared. There is no use in talking to these people around, but you have to ask clearly what is going on before you can decide whether to go fishing for grouper.

"Stop talking! Stop talking! We have to hear what's going on and see what Zhao Dahai's opinion is before we can decide whether to go fishing for grouper."

Ouyang Hua looked at He Jian.

Something must be a little wrong, otherwise He Jian wouldn't have to tell these people the news and just say something different.

"Zhao Dahai indeed caught a big red fish weighing more than 30 kilograms, and the fish is alive and there is no problem at all."

"What you just said is absolutely correct. This fish is very valuable. It can be sold for at least 70,000 to 80,000 yuan, and it may even be sold for 100,000 yuan."

"Zhao Dahai made it very clear. That's the news. Let me tell you. But he didn't say to let you people go fishing for large groupers at other places. Even Shi Jiehua said it more clearly. There is no need to go fishing for groupers, at least at this time. Need to go fishing for grouper.”

He Jian knew that Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin, Ouyang Hua and all the other fishermen on the boat wanted to go to the big grouper.


"Why is this?"


"Isn't it more profitable to catch big groupers?"


Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin, Ouyang Hua and Liu Yun couldn't help but look at each other. They were all people with rich fishing experience. When He Jian said this, he immediately understood what was going on. It must be what Zhao Dahai thought he had caught. A strip of grouper is just a place where a grouper is caught, there is not much grouper.

"Do I need to say anything? Zhao Dahai must have thought that the number of groupers in that place is relatively small."

"It is indeed possible for us all to squeeze in to that place to catch grouper, but there are relatively few people who can catch grouper, and the number of grouper that can be caught is relatively small. If we want to make money It’s not easy.”

“It’s not as good as we have been fishing in this place. Even though it’s not big, a fish weighing more than ten kilograms is pretty big and can be sold for a good price. The key is the number of big fish here now. enough."

Wu Dabin shouted loudly and said, this is actually a very simple truth. These people just heard about the thirty kilograms of large grouper and thought they could catch it if they went to that place, but in fact it was not the case at all. Such a thing.

Everyone calmed down at once. Wu Dabin was right. Zhao Dahai's ability to catch fish did not mean that people like him could catch fish. If he really felt that there were a lot of groupers at the spot, he would definitely be able to catch fish. It was a direct change of fishing spots. It was impossible to just let He Jian tell these people the news.

"He Jian."

"Didn't Shi Jiehua and especially Zhao Dahai ask us to switch to grouper fishing?"

Wu Dabin looked at He Jian and had to figure this out.

He Jian nodded. Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua really didn't shout for fishing for grouper instead.

(End of this chapter)

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