Chapter 804: People’s hearts are not enough

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at Yang Qin, her best friend who grew up together. She knew Yang Qin's temper very well. This was really not just talk, she would definitely do this.

Yang Qin pointed to the open space in front of him.

The investment in this building will be very large, and there will be many shops when it is built.

But once this kind of thing is opened, once one person gets a store, more people will pounce on it. When will the end come to an end? Is it possible that Liu Lei and I worked in vain and ended up giving it all to others as favors? ?

When people don't get it, they definitely want to get it. When they get it, they feel that they get too little, or they feel that the location of the store they get is not good enough.

People's hearts are not enough.

"Don't even think about it. No matter who comes to take it, it's impossible."

"I don't care if Liu Lei or Liu Gang, father and son, nod and agree, don't think about me marrying into the family."

Yang Qin had already told Liu Lei about this matter. You can ignore other things at home, but in a shopping mall like a building, you have the final say on everything.

This kind of thing is very complicated. If you don't let go at the beginning, there won't be any big problem. If you want to be a good person, you will definitely suffer in the end, and the consequences will be endless. The only way is to grit your teeth and be unreasonable at the beginning. Face, then there is no problem.

"Let's stop talking about these things!"

This kind of thing will happen to me and Ding Xiaoxiang. Don't look at Zhao Dahai's family. There are not many relatives, but this is just not many, or there are not many close ones, such as cousins. There are fewer cousins, but in fact, as long as you live in a place like a village, you have a lot of close and distant relatives over the years.

Ding Xiaoxiang is a little worried about Liu Lei, especially Liu Gang's attitude on this matter.

No matter if those cousins ​​came to the door and wanted to rent the shop and live in it, or had any other ideas, it was impossible to get it.

Ding Xiaoxiang strongly agrees with Yang Qin's approach.

The relatives in Wu Lei and Liu Gang's family are relatively complicated. If you relax on this matter, no matter how much money you make, you will have to spend it. You can never marry a person like this into a family like this.

Business people attach great importance to this when marrying a wife, especially whether their daughter-in-law can be a family. If she cannot be a family, it will be useless no matter how much money she makes, it will definitely be divided by others.

Yang Qin now has such an attitude and such thoughts, Liu Gang and Liu Lei are eager to raise their hands in agreement.

Yang Qin shook his head.

"Hee hee hee!"

"Like what I just said, if they relent on this matter, then I won't get married!"


Liu Lei, especially Liu Gang, can start from scratch, earn so much money, and run such a restaurant. They are really not ordinary people.

"It has to be like this. You have to grit your teeth on this matter and never let go."

If such people didn't know that they had to keep the money in their hands tightly, they would have been eaten up by others and become poor.

Yang Qin was categorical. Making money is not an easy thing, but whether you can keep the money you make is even more difficult.

Ding Xiaoxiang laughed.

These people discovered that Zhao Dahai not only made money, but also made a lot of money, so they must come to their door one after another. It won't take long for Ding Xiaoxiang to become exactly like herself and have a headache.

"Liu Gang and Liu Lei are not fools. They wish you had such an attitude!"

"There's nothing to say about this!"

Do these people want to take advantage of Zhao Dahai, especially Ding Xiaoxiang? They must be thinking about it, but they definitely can't take advantage of it, especially Ding Xiaoxiang, who is a more powerful person than herself.

"Zhao Dahai will have to come back tomorrow, right?"

"Not seeing you for one day is like three autumns. I haven't seen you for a month. I don't know how many autumns have passed!"

Yang Qin looked at Ding Xiaoxiang.


"What's going on? Can't I just think about it?"

Ding Xiaoxiang blushed, but immediately retorted.


"This is your man. If you want to think about it, think about it every day. It doesn't matter if you think about it 24 hours a day. Who else can beat you?"

"What I'm concerned about is when was our building built? Doesn't this require Zhao Dahai to come back and make up his mind?"

Yang Qin looked at the cleared and leveled open space in front of him. Everything was ready now, but he had to wait for Zhao Dahai to come back before he could start construction. It didn't mean that Zhao Dahai had to make the decision on this matter, but Zhao Dahai is the head of the family, so he must be present. This is a big deal.

"Isn't he coming back tomorrow? Let's see which day is a good day in the next few days, and we can start construction."

"We have plenty of money, so why should we worry about this matter? We don't care if it happens sooner or later."

Ding Xiaoxiang glanced at Yang Qin. Her best friend who grew up together was really a little anxious. She couldn't wait to start work on this matter immediately.

“If we start construction one day earlier, wouldn’t it be possible to finish it one day earlier?”

"The earlier it is completed, the earlier it can be rented, the earlier it can be rented, and the earlier it can be made, it can be profitable. If you are not anxious about this matter, how can you be anxious about other things?"

Yang Qin was indeed a little anxious. She really wanted to start work now, but she had to wait for Zhao Dahai to come back.


"Should we let out some news first?"

Yang Qin looked at the construction site in front of him and couldn't help but start to imagine what this building or this comprehensive farmer's market would look like once it was completed, and slowly began to get a little excited.

Ding Xiaoxiang immediately shook her head without even thinking about it. Yang Qin was stunned for a moment and felt very strange. Let the news out first, so that the whole town and even the people in the town next door know what this building is for. On the day this building is actually completed, the news has already spread, and those who want to come here to live in a shop People will all flock here, saving themselves or Ding Xiaoxiang a lot of effort to recruit renters. I think this is a very good thing, but Ding Xiaoxiang is now clearly opposed to this.

"Yang Qin."

"I know why you want to do this, but don't forget one thing. When we build a building like this, the merchants we want to recruit will take other people's cakes and steal other people's business. We are not the only ones renting out shops.”

Ding Xiaoxiang knew very well what Yang Qin was up to. She had to say that letting the news out now would be effective. It would save a lot of things when it was actually completed and rented, but this was not only a good thing.

"We see it this way as colleagues are enemies. Especially if the news is released early in the morning, it is very likely to cause trouble for ourselves."

"These people might have to dig a hole for us."

"Although these people won't cause any big trouble, one more thing is worse than one less thing. If they really cause trouble, our building could have been built in a year and a half, but it will take a whole year. If it takes three to five years to complete, it will be really troublesome.”

"To make a fortune in silence, let's build this building first. It's a foregone conclusion. No one can stop it even if they want to."

Ding Xiaoxiang knows that money is not enough in this world.

I, Liu Gang, Liu Lei and others have already taken this open space, and all the procedures are complete. But if the news is released now, we will find a lot of enemies and opponents for our people. This person would definitely not watch the first building being built by himself, Liu Gang, Liu Lei and others.

Yang Qin was startled, followed by a chill on the back of her head.

I really think this matter is too simple. Don't look at yourself. These people are indeed rich. Those people may not really be able to stop the completion of this building, but these people will definitely have some tricks to delay it. If so, there is no problem at all.

If it really takes three to five years to build this building, or even ten to eight years, then it will be a big trouble.

Yang Qin took several deep breaths and slowly calmed down.

Ding Xiaoxiang told Yang Qin.

As soon as the construction of this building started, and even now that the land has been leveled, it has attracted attention, everyone is talking, and everyone is wondering what kind of building to build on this construction site, how big it is to be built, and what it is built for. This incident has spread throughout the surrounding villages and even all the way to the county seat. Everyone knows that such a building is built here in the town.

Based on this alone, there is no need to worry about whether anyone will know what is going on once the building is completed or whether anyone will come here to rent a shop.

"We will release the news after the building is completed. Even if someone knows or guesses what the building is used for during the construction process, we cannot admit it."

Ding Xiaoxiang reminded Yang Qin that she must find time to talk to Liu Lei, Liu Gang and the others, and she must not reveal the news in advance to avoid unnecessary complications.

Yang Qin nodded immediately and went to Hongyun Restaurant to find Liu Lei later. This matter must be made clear earlier.

Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin walked around the open space, talked about the start of construction again and saw that it was almost time. When they left, they agreed with Yang Qin to go to the Shijiao Village Pier tomorrow afternoon to wait for Zhao Dahai to go to sea.

After Yang Qin saw off Ding Xiaoxiang, she immediately turned around and hurried into Hongyun Restaurant. She went directly to the second floor. Seeing that the door of the office was open, she immediately walked in and saw Liu Lei and Liu Gang, father and son, sitting on the sofa talking.

Yang Qin immediately greeted Liu Gang.

Liu Lei knew Yang Qin's character very well. He knew that he had something to talk about this time. He thought that not long ago, Yang Qin and Ding Xiaoxiang went to look at the open space behind the restaurant. This must have something to do with it.

Liu Lei was a little worried and anxious, so he immediately asked if something was wrong.

Yang Qin nodded and immediately said what Ding Xiaoxiang had just reminded herself to pay attention to.


"Isn't this a good thing? Some people have been asking me about this in the past few days, even the guests who come here to eat are asking about it."

"I thought, haven't we broken ground yet? I didn't say anything about this matter. Fortunately, sister-in-law Xiaoxiang reminded me in time. Otherwise, if I had to wait for Brother Dahai to come back and really break ground, I would have to say it out. ”

Liu Lei was startled. The open space behind the restaurant was in the center of the town. It had been being leveled off these days. Anyone with a sound mind knew what was going on. A building must be built. When he inquired, everyone knew that it was his home and his house. Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhao Dahai took over the land and were wondering what it would be used for building houses and buildings.

Fortunately, I thought that the matter had not officially started yet, and the matter had not been 100% implemented. I did not answer those people, and did not say what the building was going to be used for. Otherwise, I would have said it already.


"Can't you save people some peace of mind? Is there anything to say about this in advance?"

"No matter what you do, you must be careful. Wait until this building is completed and we have completed the leasing process. Isn't that enough to show off?"

Liu Gang glared at Liu Lei fiercely. He knew his son's character very well. Although he looked much better than his peers, he was still far behind Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhao Dahai.

Liu Lei's idea must be very simple. Taking such a large piece of land and building such a large house is something that can be shown off, but luckily he still has some brains and hasn't said it out loud.

"I see!"

Liu Lei nodded honestly and admitted his mistake. He really thought it was too simple. If Ding Xiaoxiang hadn't reminded him of this matter today, he would have ruined a big thing.


"Do we really need to be so cautious?"

Liu Lei was a little curious about this matter. His thoughts were actually not much different from Yang Qin's, and he released the news when the construction of this building started.

"There won't be any big problems. It's really unclear whether someone will cause trouble for us."

"It's not very likely, but what Ding Xiaoxiang said makes sense. It's better to do less than to do more. As long as this building is built, everything will be easy."

Liu Gang has very rich life experience.

Especially since he has been doing business for so many years, he is very clear about the principle of being careful and making a thousand-year ship. The completion of this building by people like him will take away a lot of people's business.

There is no formality yet. If someone knows what the building he and Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhao Dahai built is for, there will definitely be people who feel resentful. There is no principle of guarding against thieves for a thousand days. It is better to do less than to do more.

Ding Xiaoxiang is very careful in doing things, and there is nothing wrong with such considerations.

Liu Gang told Liu Lei and Yang Qin that they must remain tight-lipped on this matter. No matter what others say, no matter what others ask, even if others guess, they cannot admit the purpose of this building.

Liu Lei and Yang Qin nodded immediately. They really had to be careful about this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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