Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 829 Look at this: Make a lot of money today

Chapter 829 Look at this: Make a lot of money today
When Liu Bin and Lei Da heard what Zhong Shizhu said, they immediately stood up and looked along Zhong Shizhu's line of sight. The entire sea surface was gradually getting brighter as the sky became brighter, and they could see more clearly. The water had not yet risen, but at this time There is nothing strange about the gathering of three or five speedboats. I really don’t see any problem.

Zhao Dahai carefully looked at the entire island and reef foam area, frowned, and immediately discovered a problem.

"It's impossible, right? What's going on?"

Zhao Dahai's eyes couldn't help but widen suddenly. He really didn't expect such a thing to happen. It was really strange.

Liu Bin and Lei Da were confused at this moment. They had just looked at it for a long time and didn't find anything special. They thought Zhong Shizhu was a little fussy, but now Zhao Dahai also saw that something was different. This is nothing to make a fuss about, something must have happened.

Liu Bin and Lei Dayou watched carefully for several minutes, but they really couldn't see clearly what was going on.

Zhao Dahai raised his finger and pointed in the northwest direction, telling Liu Bin and Lei Da that the place about three to four hundred meters away was the best place to fish for sea bass in the entire island reef foam area. At this time, there should be a speedboat occupying that place. That's right.

Liu Bin and Lei Dayou looked over and suddenly realized that the place Zhao Dahai was talking about was the location of the largest bubble area in the island reef bubble area.

"What's going on? Why do these speedboats come here earlier than us? Why don't they stand here?"



"The speedboat of two brothers, Xu Dazhui and Xu Xiaochui, and a man named Song Tianping, doesn't it occupy this position almost every time? Why can't it be seen now?"


Liu Bin and Lei Dayou became more and more confused as they watched, not knowing what was going on.

"Zhao Dahai."

"Things are really weird, aren't they?"

"Aren't those two speedboats from Xu Dazhui, Xu Xiaochui and Song Tianping? Why didn't you go to that place to occupy a position today?"

Zhong Shizhu felt that Xu Dachui, Xu Xiaochui or Song Tianping had not come here to fish today, so he lost his position. However, after searching for a while in the surrounding speedboats, he found two speedboats belonging to Xu Dachui, Xu Xiaochui and Song Tianping. He felt that I couldn't see clearly because I was dazzled, but I took a closer look several times to confirm that it was indeed the speedboat of Xu Dachui, Xu Xiaochui and Song Tianping.

Zhong Shizhu really couldn't understand why the two speedboats of Xu Dachui, Xu Xiaochui and Song Tianping didn't occupy the largest bubble area. Isn't this what they always do?

The tide hasn't risen yet? The bubble area does not appear invisible? These are the places where I often come here to fish for sea bass. I don’t need to wait for the tide to turn up and the foam area to appear to know the specific location.

"Old man Shi!"

"What do you think is going on?"

Zhao Shi took a puff from the hookah from time to time and looked at the two speedboats of Xu Dachui, Xu Xiaochui and Song Tianping. His brows knitted into a knot. He had been fishing in the sea for many years and had encountered all kinds of situations, but this situation in front of him was really a bit strange. not understand.

Zhao Dahai just made it very clear that the speedboats of Xu Dachui, Xiaochui, Xiaochui and Song Tianping would usually be crowded at the entrance to the largest bubble area, but now they are a bit far away, and they have no intention of occupying the position. I really can't understand this.

No matter what kind of place you are fishing, or what kind of fish you are fishing for, occupying a good place and position are the key to fishing, especially for sea bass.

Xu Dachui, Xu Xiaochui, Song Tianping and the surrounding speedboats all arrived earlier and gave up the best position, which was really weird.

Shi Guangming shook his head vigorously, he also couldn't figure out what was going on.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou turned to look at Zhao Dahai. The best thing to do now is to occupy the best position, but so many people around him didn't go. There must be something wrong and there must be some reason. , I can’t figure it out, I can’t figure it out, so I have to ask Zhao Dahai, the boss of the ship, to make the decision.

Zhao Dahai was not in a hurry. He couldn't understand the situation now. He simply waited a little longer to see if anything would happen or if other speedboats would squeeze in and occupy the best position. Anyway, it would be good for him. It doesn't matter whether you occupy the best position or not. As long as someone else occupies it, it doesn't matter if you cast the rod far away from that position opposite to yesterday or the same as before. You can catch it and grab it just as well. Get the biggest bubble area inside the sea bass.

When Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou saw Zhao Dahai like this, they knew what they were planning. They checked the fishing rods and wheels again to make sure there were no problems. Those who smoked smoked, those who drank water, and waited. Let’s talk about it when the tide and water rise.

Xu Xiaochui saw Zhao Dahai's speedboat at a glance. It was very conspicuous and he could see it clearly from a distance.

"Big brother!"

"Zhao Dahai is here. Fortunately, we didn't go to that place today. Otherwise, if the tide turns up and there are a lot of sea bass, we will only be able to watch Zhao Dahai pull the sea bass away from us. of fish.”

Xu Xiaochui was very lucky. He came here early this morning. He originally wanted to occupy the largest bubble area as usual, but remembering the countermeasures discussed yesterday, he came here today not to occupy the largest bubble area, so he changed to another one. place, when I didn’t see Zhao Dahai’s speedboat just now, I was thinking whether Zhao Dahai’s speedboat would not come here today or whether to change places. Now that I really saw Zhao Dahai’s speedboat, I was very happy that I didn’t change my mind.

"What the hell!"

"What the hell, why didn't these people occupy the position in that big bubble area? Is it possible that Chengdu has the same idea as us? Are you worried about Zhao Dahai robbing fish?"

Song Tianping held a lit cigarette in his hand, took a puff, and looked at the speedboats around him while cursing.

Zhao Dahai's speedboat has only arrived at this time, which is already relatively late. There are already twenty or thirty speedboats on the entire sea in front of him, waiting to catch sea bass, but no one has taken the best spot. The location of the bubble area.


"Looking at this, everyone has already figured this out. As long as Zhao Dahai comes here to catch sea bass, he will definitely grab fish from the big bubble area. After seeing too much, he is not willing to go there. That place stayed.”

Xu Dachui smiled bitterly.

Many of the speedboats around here often come here to catch sea bass. They know that as long as Zhao Dahai appears here, he will definitely grab the sea bass in the largest bubble area. He knows very well that even if he takes a position in advance, it will be of no use. Zhao Dahai A speedboat on the sea can swing a pole and pull a sea bass from a distance of 180 meters.

"What the hell!"

"These people have seen that we have suffered many losses and learned lessons, and they don't want to see things like this anymore!"

Song Tianping couldn't help but cursed again. He and his two brothers, Xu Dazhui and Xu Xiaochui, were used to standing in the best position every time they came here to fish for sea bass. Afterwards, he realized that maybe the people on the speedboats around him were already there. He was already watching the jokes between himself and Xu Dachui and Xu Xiaochui.

Xu Da Chui and Xu Xiao Chui both looked a bit ugly. What Song Tianping said was really very possible.

"Hehehehe!" "Zhao Dahai's speedboat has stopped. I guess he can't understand what is going on!"

Xu Xiaochui calmed down after a while and pointed at the stopped speedboat of Zhao Dahai.

"Zhao Dahai must have felt a little uneasy when he saw so many speedboats here and no one tried to squeeze into the biggest bubble area."

"I don't know what happened. I must wait here to see what's going on."

"The other one is that Zhao Dahai doesn't need it. He's worried that someone will take that position."

"What if someone takes over? You can catch the fish there and grab the fish there."

Song Tianping shook his head.

Zhao Dahai may not look young, but he is very experienced and very calm. He didn't see the empty space on the edge of the largest bubble area and drove over immediately. Stop and take a closer look at what's going on.

"Forget it!"

"Whether Zhao Dahai will occupy the largest bubble area has nothing to do with us. Anyway, we are determined not to fish for sea bass in that area today. We can do whatever we want!"

"The tide is almost coming up, the foam area will form soon, and the sea bass fish will soon come in with the tide. We have to seize the time to rest and prepare ourselves for fishing later."

Xu Dachui looked at Zhao Dahai's speedboat and then at the location of the largest bubble area. He was unwilling to accept it, but he had no choice. Instead of occupying the largest bubble area and being robbed by Zhao Dahai, it would be better to occupy it at this time. Living in a not-so-good bubble area, Zhao Dahai wouldn't come to grab fish, and he might be able to catch more fish.

Zhong Shizhu lowered his head and looked at the sea surface. The sea water had slowly begun to flow. Although the speed was not fast, he could see it very clearly.

Zhong Shizhu raised his head and looked at the speedboats around him, especially at the largest bubble area, which was not particularly far away, and frowned.


"There's something really wrong with this!"

Zhong Shizhu really couldn't understand why it was like this. There were so many speedboats around, waiting for the tide to come up to fish. Every speedboat had already occupied its position, but the biggest and best spot in the bubble area was... No speedboat goes by.

"What the hell!"

"I really can't understand this matter. Could it be that these people don't want to catch sea bass in the largest foam area? Isn't that the place with the largest and most sea bass?"

Liu Bin and Zhong Shizhu couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Zhao Dahai."

"What do you think? Do you want to go to that place now?"

Shi Guangming took two hard puffs from the water pipe. Even with his many years of experience at sea and life experience, he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Why are there so many people fishing on speedboats around, but none of them go to the best location? Something seems wrong, and it feels weird.

Zhao Shi didn't speak. He couldn't understand the situation in front of him. He couldn't see clearly. He didn't know why the speedboats and people around him didn't occupy the best place. It was useless to say anything at this time. He could only look at Zhao Dahai. How did the ship boss decide this matter?

Zhao Dahai didn't speak immediately. He took a closer look at the water flowing beside his speedboat. The water flow was getting faster and faster. Some foam areas had begun to appear on the surrounding sea surface. It wouldn't take long for sea bass to appear along with the tide.

Do you want to occupy the entrance to the largest bubble area?
Zhao Dahai raised his head and looked at the location of the largest bubble area. Until now, no speedboat had gone there, and he had never rushed here very early. One is that this place is not the main fishing spot for fishing in the open sea, but it is just a fishing spot. Another way to make some gas money by fishing along the way is that even if someone occupies the best position, you can grab fish from far away.

What Zhao Dahai didn't expect was to rush here and find that no one was standing at the best position. There must be something wrong, but what exactly is the problem? I have a vague guess in my heart but I don't know if it is true.

It’s not really like this, is it?

Zhao Dahai carefully looked at the speedboats around him. Now that the sky was getting brighter and brighter, the faces of the people on the speedboats could be seen more clearly. Almost everyone he could see were looking at him with wide eyes, or maybe they were Glancing at myself from time to time.

Zhao Dahai decided to give it a try to see if his guess was true. He started the speedboat and drove directly towards the largest bubble area.

Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming took several hard puffs from their pipes and puffed out large puffs of smoke. Their faces were tight but they did not speak.

Zhao Dahai is the boss of the speedboat. People like him have to listen to Zhao Dahai as long as they are on this speedboat. When Zhao Dahai has not made up his mind, people like him can say anything. Once Zhao Dahai has made up his mind, no matter it is No one can say anything.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou immediately picked up the poles. Now that the tide has risen, the bubble area has just appeared, but Bao could not say that fish have already come in. Zhao Dahai has decided to go fishing in the largest bubble area, regardless of the surrounding areas. Why don't these people occupy the best position in the largest bubble area? It is serious business to seize the time and fish more.

"What the hell!"

"Is Zhao Dahai really so bold? So many people don't dare to go, but he actually went?"

Xu Xiaochui saw Zhao Dahai's speedboat heading towards the largest bubble area, and couldn't help but stamp his feet hard. He originally thought that he and others did not go to that place, and no one went to the other speedboats around him. Zhao Dahai would definitely be wary and would not even dare to go. Unexpectedly, the tide rose and the water started to flow. Zhao Dahai appeared in the foam area, but he suddenly made up his mind.


"There's nothing we can do!"

"What can it be like?"

"What the hell!"

"Zhao Dahai was already able to fish, and now he occupies the best position."

“Look at this, you’re going to make a lot of money today!”

Song Tianping sighed and shook his head. Zhao Dahai will definitely make a fortune today.

(End of this chapter)

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