Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 835 You must not let others take advantage

Chapter 835 You must not let others take advantage
Zhao Dayou looked at it and was extremely nervous. Lei Dayou looked at the second grandfather Zhao Shi who was extremely calm. He smiled and shook his head. Jiang is really old and spicy. Lei Dayou can't compare with him in this regard. superior.

"Zhao Dahai."

"Who do you think can catch the fish first?"

Shi Guangming did not fish, but smoked a hookah and glanced at Zhao Dahai.

Zhao Dahai thought for a while, no one can say for sure who can catch the fish first, but if you have to say, it will definitely be the one with more experience and better skills. Second Grandpa will have a greater chance when the time comes.

Lei Da's most useful thing was the pole of the gun mount, which was indeed very labor-saving, but if he wanted to feel the conditions of the seabed immediately, including the bites of fish, it was far inferior to the hand silk in the hands of his second grandfather Zhao Shi.

"When it comes to fishing experience or skills, I'm definitely not as good as Uncle Zhao, but fishing is not just about experience and skills, it also depends on luck, right?"

"My skills are not as good as Uncle Zhao's, but this luck is definitely 100%!"

Lei Dayou was unconvinced and stared at the pole on the gun mount to see if any fish had bitten the hook.

Zhao Shi did not say anything. He held the line in his right hand and let it out to 135 meters and stopped. He shook it up and down a few times. He did not hit any rocks or get stuck on the bottom. He did not rush to let the line out and hit the bottom. He gently and slowly let it down about 20 centimeters and stopped. He repeated the same action just now. After making sure that it did not get stuck on the bottom, he continued to let it down about 20 centimeters and stopped. After a while, he gently lifted it twice and did not let it go any further. He stood up and moved to the side about one meter and continued to let the line out.

Zhao Dahai saw it and admired him very much. Zhao Shi was really experienced. It looked like it was just a very simple lifting action. In fact, he tried to see where the bottom of the seabed was under the speedboat. , where the bottom is not hanging, I tried it twice to make sure there was a stone underneath, and immediately moved to another position.

This looks easy, but in fact it is very difficult. This is not a water depth of a few meters, but a water depth of more than 130 meters. Without enough experience and two brushes in hand, it is impossible to do it.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da are three people who do not have such ability.

Zhao Shi changed his position twice and placed it at 138 meters when setting out the line.


"Lei Dayou!"

"But we found the right place! The fish must be here, just wait until you admit defeat!"

Zhao Shi smiled, raised his hand, pulled up almost one meter of line, and then suddenly released the line, and the lead pendant hit the seabed hard.

Zhao Shi waited for two or three seconds, pulled it up and closed it, and just when he moved, the whole line suddenly jumped out.

Zhao Shi was already prepared and tightened the rope with his right hand.


"Not too small! He weighs about twenty pounds!"

Zhao Shi's right and left hands were wrapped around the thread and tightened tightly, and his right foot kicked on the string of the speedboat.

"Second Grandpa!"


Zhao Dahai was a little worried. It wasn't that Zhao Shi didn't have such strength. The pulling force of twenty kilograms of grouper was indeed not small. But don't look at the fact that the second grandfather Zhao Shi is already seventy years old, but he has been fishing at sea all year round and is in very good health. It can definitely be pulled, but the biggest problem with fishing with hand wire is that once the fish takes the bait, the fishing line is tightened, and it is very tight when there is a certain pulling force.


"it's okay no problem!"

"My hands have been covered with calluses from working all my life. Even though the thread is tightly tightened, there is no problem at all."

Shi Guangming waved his hand. Generally, mermaid string strangulation will be very painful, it will definitely bleed, and even the palm or at least the fingers may be broken.

But for people like me and Zhao Shi who have spent their lives fishing at sea, our hands and feet have long been covered with thick calluses. Not to mention the tight thread, even if you step on an oyster shell with bare feet, there will be no problem and there will definitely be no cuts.

Zhao Dahai took a closer look at the thread wrapped around the hand of his second grandfather Zhao Shi. It was like thick calluses and armor. There was indeed nothing wrong with it, so he didn't say anything.


"Lei Dayou!"

"Now do you know what is ginger or old and spicy?"

"There are only three of us in the afternoon, but none of us caught any fish. Only Uncle Zhao did!"

Liu Bin lit a cigarette and took a puff. The hooked fish tried desperately to move downward, but Zhao Shi held it tightly.


"What else can I say?"

Lei Dayou had to be convinced.

Zhao Shi was really powerful. In less than ten minutes, he had already been bitten by a fish. He, Zhong Shizhu, and Liu Bin couldn't compare to him.

Are you using it as an excuse that you, Zhong Shizhu, and Liu Bin all used electric winch poles instead of hand wires?

It's not that people like you don't want to use it, it's just that they can't use it at all. If you don't have the ability, hand silk is a traditional and simple fishing method, but it requires more experience and more attention to technology.

Zhao Shi pulled the big fish hard on the line to hold the hooked fish. With the first step of diving under, he used his hands alternately to take up the line one left and one right. It didn't take long to pull the fish out of the water.

Zhao Dahai, who had been waiting for a long time with the fishing net in hand, immediately reached out and picked up the fish and brought it onto the deck.


"Old man Zhao!"

"You are really lucky. How did you catch such a big red-spotted fish?"

Shi Guangming looked at the fish pulled out of the water. His eyes suddenly widened and he was startled. The hookah bucket he was carrying almost fell into the sea water. He originally thought it was just a blue spot weighing ten or twenty pounds. Or something like a sesame spot. What I didn't expect was that after pulling it out of the water, I saw a dark red grouper, and then I saw it was an old red spot.

Zhao Dahai used pliers to remove the hook. He pinched the red-spotted fish belly with the fingers of his right hand to prevent it from becoming bloated. He picked it up and put it into the living cabin, where it suddenly sank to the bottom of the water.

Zhao Dahai glanced at the big sea bass in the living cabin and thought for a while, then picked up the net and moved it to another living cabin. The only red spot left in the entire huge living cabin was a grouper.

"You clearly look down on those sea bass! You must know that this is a living 30-pound sea bass, and the price is not low."

Shi Guangming saw Zhao Dahai doing this and shook his head.

"What can be done? Who said this is the real valuable product? What about the sea bass? Even if it is thirty pounds, I don't care about it. It is definitely not as good as this twenty-pound thing. A pound of old red spots!”

"Looking at our speedboat running so far, it burned a lot of gasoline when we got here. Such a fish can already make money!"

Zhao Dahai looked carefully for a while and found that there was nothing wrong with the red spots in the living cabin and they were jumping around. Then he felt relieved.

This is a truly valuable commodity. Various accidents are likely to occur during the process of pulling the fish up from a depth of 130 meters. This time I caught the fish with a hand wire, and Zhao Shi had a lot of experience, so he could control the speed of pulling it up very well, without any problems.

"Zhao Dahai!"

"A speedboat is approaching!"

Zhong Shizhu narrowed his eyes.

Zhao Dahai looked up and saw that two speedboats were driving towards him. One was closer and the other was further away. Needless to say, it must have been the red spot they had just caught that caught their attention.

Zhao Dahai sneered.

These two speedboats and even another speedboat farther away were driving towards me. Thinking that they could grab the fish at this point was really thinking too much.

Zhao Dahai didn't pay much attention to it, and immediately took his own pole, but it was not the pole of a cannon stand, but the pole of a hand-cranked spinning wheel. He took two steps forward and stood at the position where Zhao Shi had just caught the red spot. I lowered the line all the way to 135 meters. Without any hesitation, I immediately started to lower the line.

Zhao Hai had been watching Zhao Shi fishing just now. He knew very well where the fish was caught. He also knew that the position where Zhao Shi caught the fish was lower than the surrounding places. The surrounding area was more than ten or twenty meters or even If there are fish within a range of fifty or sixty meters, they must be hiding in this concave or lower place.

What about the speedboats coming around?
My speedboat is right above the spot where I caught the fish.

These speedboats can only stop at least seven or eight meters away from them, and it is impossible to grab fish.

Zhao Dahai hit the lead pendant on the bottom of the sea, shook the spinning wheel, and pulled it up two meters. He did not continue to take in the line. He held the pole and swayed gently with the ups and downs of the speedboat.



Zhao Dahai held the rod with both hands and lifted it up hard. The tip of the fishing rod bent in the opposite direction towards the sea.

Zhao Dahai was very experienced. He immediately knew that the fish he was hooked on was quite big, weighing more than 100 kilograms. He held the pole with both hands to support the pull of the fish that was hooked to escape downwards, while shouting loudly to Zhong Shizhu. , Liu Bin and Lei Dayou quickly closed the line.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Xueda You all pushed the switch of the electric winch to take up the line, and the electric winch started to rotate rapidly.


"This one is really big!"

Zhong Shizhu shouted loudly while glancing triumphantly at the two speedboats that had already sailed less than ten meters away. He then looked up at another speedboat farther away.


"It's just a grouper weighing 180 pounds. Don't you need to be so excited? It's not the first time we have caught such a fish!"

Liu Bin was very calm and not excited at all. He was not an inexperienced person. He went fishing with Zhao Dahai. He didn't know how much grouper he caught weighing 180 kilograms, so he didn't take it seriously.


“I’ve caught big tuna over 400 kilograms, but this kind of fish is really not that good!”

"Having said that, it can definitely be sold for a lot of money. Just for this reason, we have to catch a few more fish."

Lei Dayou picked up the big iron hook and thought about it before putting it down, and then picked up the big net. The fish caught by his speedboat, Zhao Dahai and others, especially the big fish, had to be kept alive as much as possible. Yes, you can sell it at a better price when you go back. The big hooked fish will hurt the fish's mouth, making it difficult to feed, and even if you can feed it, you won't be able to keep it for a long time.

Zhao Dahai waited for the first wave of the hooked Dashi Qiong to end before reeling in the fish. He was not in a hurry.


"Old man Zhao!"

"Your luck is really unbeatable!"

Shi Guangming glanced at the bend of the pole in Zhao Dahai's hand, and then looked at the arc coming out. Zhao Shi was standing next to him holding a hookah and smoking continuously. This is not a joke. You must be very lucky to be able to do it. I caught an old red spot weighing about twenty pounds, but what was even more lucky was that the one Zhao Shi caught just now was not the one Zhao Dahai caught now. These two fish were caught in the same place, and they were bitten just now. If the hook is this one, Zhao Shi will definitely not be able to pull it up.


"What can't be done? My luck is so good."

Zhao Shi really had to admit at this time that his luck was really good. If the fish bit his hook now, he would not be able to catch it even if his hand was broken, so he could only cut off the line.

Zhao Dahai steadily reeled in the fish one after another. After a while, a huge blue spot rushed up from the water more than ten meters deep. It was swaying slowly at the beginning, but the closer it got to the water, the faster it got. It went straight to the sea for almost half a meter before stopping and drifting sideways.

Zhao Dahai held the line and pulled the fish back to the side of the speedboat.

Lei Dayou stretched out the trawl net in his hand and caught the fish. He pulled it back and the whole fish slipped into the huge dip net.

Shi Guangming was a little speechless. The net in Lei Dayou's hand was very big. Not to mention a big fish of one hundred kilograms, even a big fish of one hundred fifty kilograms or even two hundred kilograms could be easily handled. It was specially made. Other speedboats that go out to sea will not prepare such a large net. Let alone a year, they will not have the chance to catch such a big fish in two or three years.

Zhao Dahai opened the spinning wheel and the thread was loosened.

Zhong Shizhu walked to Lei Dayou's side and the two of them started carrying the net and lifted it onto the deck. Even though the speedboat was relatively low, it was only more than one meter and less than two meters away from the sea, but it could really be dealt with by one person. Without this fish, it is 100% impossible to carry it.

Zhao Dahai ignored the fish he caught. He took off the hook with pliers and hung a big crab in exactly the same position. He immediately put it into the sea and put the line directly to 135 meters, and immediately hit the bottom.


"Can there be fish in such a small place?"

Shi Guangming was startled.

Zhao Dahai made it very clear when he came here that it was just a very small spot. Generally speaking, there were only one or two fish in such a place.

Zhao Shi caught a red spot weighing more than twenty pounds.

Zhao Dahai just caught another big blue spot weighing more than 100 kilograms.

How could there still be fish?

"Old man Shi."

"No matter whether there are fish or not, I just caught one, so I can't not try it to see if there are any more, right?"

"You can fish if you can, but you can't fish if you don't. It's just a matter of meeting and getting rich together. Is it possible that others will come here to fish while we are gone? What if we really catch a fish? We know that it will take a lot of intestines." Regret?"

Zhao Shi, like Shi Guangming, felt that there were no fish in this place. One was because he caught two fish, and the other was because the two fish were quite big. In addition, fish like groupers have their own territories. This one under the speedboat The spot is too small and cannot accommodate more fish, but this is not important. The important thing is that you must catch more fish. There are several speedboats watching eagerly next to you, so you must not let others take advantage.

(End of this chapter)

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