Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 837: Everyone who wants to make money is working hard

Chapter 837: Everyone who wants to make money is working hard
The smiles on Xu Fu and Chen Hua's faces suddenly disappeared.

I have made a lot of money from selling the fish I collected these days, and I feel very happy. What Liu Baojiang said is very important now, but it is not easy to succeed.

"We have told Shi Jiehua that we want to continue to buy fish from fishing boats that go out to fish islands, but that old guy Shi Jiehua is as slippery as a loach and won't accept our words."

Xu Fu remembered that he had mentioned this matter to Shi Jiehua when he, Chen Hua, and Liu Baojiang worked together to catch some fish two days ago. Shi Jiehua didn't say yes or no, he just said that he would have to wait until the next fishing boat came back from the sea.


"Shi Jiehua will definitely not just nod in agreement!"

"You want to sell it at a higher price and make more money!"

Liu Baojiang was a little helpless, but Shi Jiehua didn't nod. The purpose was very simple. When the fish returns to the dock, everyone will compete for a higher price.

"Usually, Shi Jiehua's sea fishing boat doesn't catch too many fish. Even if the price we offer is a little lower, thinking about the relationship that we have been doing business for many years, it will definitely be sold to us, but it is different now. Shi Jiehua's sea fishing boat The boat can catch a lot of fish, and if the price is slightly lower, it will be a big loss. "

"Shi Jiehua is definitely not happy. What's more, this is a fishing boat that cooperates with Zhao Dahai. I heard from Shi Jiehua that even if Zhao Dahai doesn't go fishing with the boat, all the fish caught by these fishing boats will belong to Zhao Dahai. a share.”

Xu Fu and Liu Baojiang have been doing business for many years, and they know very well that doing business only depends on whether they are thick-skinned. In this situation, there are not many good ways for people like them to catch the fish caught by Shi Jiehua and Zhao Dahai's fishing boat. It must be I have to go to Shi Jiehua again and again.


"It must be a lot of money!"


The sea is vast.

"There's nothing we can do about it!"




"Shi Jiehua didn't go to sea but went to buy a bigger fishing boat."

Shi Zhongwei very much hopes that Zhao Dahai can take the fishing boat to go out to sea with him, so that he can catch more fish and make more money. There is no way, he makes two or three trips a year, and all other times Go fishing in the open sea.



"This must be the case. Otherwise, it is impossible for a veteran like Shi Jiehua to invite people to go fishing."

Shi Zhong drove the speedboat and kept driving forward following the navigation. Yesterday he left the dock to go fishing. This was the first time that I, Shi Jiehua, did not go to sea with the boat. He only took one boat and He Jian's boat alone. He was not too far away from the other two fishing boats, so he followed behind.

Xu Fu and Liu Baojiang's expressions changed, and they immediately figured out what was going on here. Needless to say, after a month passed, the four fishing boats must be full of fish when they returned to the dock, at least the probability was very high. big.

“You must want a higher price when selling fish!”


Shi Zhongwei looked at the people chatting in small groups on the deck. They were all people who paid to go fishing on the boat. Each person's salary was 10,000 yuan.

"Almost all those people who just came back two days ago and booked fishing spots to go fishing immediately followed the boat to go fishing. In addition, Shi Jiehua and the others hired a lot of people to go fishing. Each person is worth 10,000 yuan a month. dollars’ salary.”

"We can't do anything these days. We have to go to Shi Jiehua every day to discuss this matter!"

Chen Hua nodded immediately without thinking. Xu Fu and Liu Baojiang's method seemed simple. It was the only thing that could be done in front of them.

Shi Zhongwei is looking forward to it very much. It is not easy to catch a big catfish in the big catfish field, but there is no problem in catching a catfish of ten or eight pounds. You can definitely catch such a large catfish. The price of such a large catfish is actually very low. It's already quite good. The salary of the person hired is only 10,000 yuan a month, which seems very high, but it doesn't take long to catch the fish, and the rest is all about making money.

"You can wait for Shi Jiehua's fishing boat to come back from the sea, see how many fish are caught, and see the quality of the fish before setting a price!"

Chen Hua patted his thigh hard. Last night, Shi Zhongwei and He Jian had taken four fishing boats out to sea for fishing. He, Liu Baojiang, and Xu Fu were busy buying fish and didn't pay much attention. Now they found out It's not that simple.

"How many fish can you catch in a month? How much money can you make?"

Liu Baojiang, Xu Fu and Chen Hua discussed it carefully again before hurriedly leaving the dock and decided to go find Shi Jiehua early tomorrow morning.


Shi Zhongwei looked at the wide, dark sea in front of him and couldn't help but think of Zhao Dahai.

Chen Hua saw this matter very clearly. If Shi Jiehua went fishing with his fishing boat and caught too many fish, no matter whether he or Liu Baojiang and others bought fish, shrimp and crabs at a slightly lower price, It’s not too different. Shi Jiehua doesn’t make money by selling fish. He usually turns a blind eye. But it’s different now. There are so many fish caught. The difference is very big. Shi Jiehua definitely can’t let himself be as usual. These people who buy seafood set prices.

Xu Fu let out a long sigh. He made a lot of money from selling fish these days. He tasted the sweetness and it was a big sweetness. He must have thought that he could negotiate a deal with Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua and directly take over these fish. Fish caught by fishing boat.

"Brother Dahai must be fishing in the open sea in a speedboat now. I wonder how many fish he has caught?"

"That's what you have to do! Only then will you have a chance to receive the fish from Shi Jiehua's fishing boat!"

"Could it be that Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua discovered a place with many fish during their last trip to the deep sea?"

"All the fish in the sea are waiting for us. This time we have to make a lot of money!"

Liu Baojiang and Xu Fu thought that this was really the case. Shi Jiehua had already seen this clearly, so he refused.

"The people who went out to sea with us on the last trip have booked fishing spots again. This is just because they know that there are a lot of fish in that place. As long as they go to sea and go to that place, they will make money."

While Shi Zhongwei was thinking about things, he drove the fishing boat and continued to move forward. It wouldn't take too long to reach the fishing spot of Daxiutian, and then he could have a big fight.

Zhao Dahai is very good at fishing. He can catch a lot of fish without going to the deep sea. In the eyes of others, deep sea fishing or deep sea fishing boats are very profitable, but Zhao Dahai really doesn't take it seriously.


"Yesterday Shi Zhongwei and He Jian took four fishing boats out to sea for fishing."


"He Jian."

"Why is your face like this? Why don't you smile when you see us?"

Ouyang Hua asked knowingly.

This time we returned to the pier and went fishing again in less than two days. I, Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin, Liu Yun and others all booked fishing spots. To be precise, not one of the people who went out to sea for a trip to the deep sea was there. Everyone has booked fishing spots.


"If you were the boss of the ship like me, would you be happy?"

He Jian looked at Ouyang Hua. On this trip, we did not go to the deep sea, but went to a fishing spot in Daxiutian to catch squid. The plan was very simple, just to catch the small squid there.

Ouyang Hua, Wu Dabin, and Wu Xiaobin, who had booked fishing spots on the previous trip and went fishing with them, knew very well how many fish there were. This time, it was only two days apart. Without any rest, they immediately booked fishing spots and went out to sea.

If people like Ouyang Hua, Wu Dabin, and Wu Xiaobin don't reserve fishing spots, they and Shi Jiehua will find more people to go fishing and make more money.


"Captain He."

"Then you need something like this. We just reserved a fishing spot, and it's not like we didn't pay for it!"

"Didn't we catch large yellow croakers when we went to sea last time? I kept two of them weighing one pound and didn't sell them."

"The time is too short! I don't have time to treat you to a meal. I will treat you to a meal when I get back from fishing this trip."

Wu Dabin looked at He Jian's depressed look and laughed loudly. In fact, it was really him who took advantage of Shi Jiehua and He Jian this time, but there was no problem with that.

"Forget it!"

"Who told you that you are the bread and butter of Shi Jiehua and I? We will have to book fishing spots on our fishing boat when we go to sea in the future!"

"The last time you went to the deep sea, you spent two hundred thousand to go fishing alone."

He Jian waved his hand.

People like Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua did take advantage of themselves and Shi Jiehua, but there was nothing wrong with that. When doing business, especially if you want to do business for a long time, you can't care about it.


"Shi Jiehua didn't go out to sea with us this time. What on earth did he go to do? I heard that he went to buy a bigger fishing boat?"

Wu Xiaobin pointed to the distance directly in front of the fishing boat and vaguely saw a light. It was Shi Jiehua's fishing boat. However, Shi Jiehua did not follow him out to sea this time. The person driving the fishing boat was Shi Zhong, Shi Jiehua's son. for.

He Jian nodded.

There is nothing to hide about this matter. Shi Jiehua is indeed buying a larger fishing boat. When the fishing boat returns to the dock, everyone can see it. People like Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin especially have to reserve fishing spots to go out to sea. Fishing people.


"Shi Jiehua's confidence has greatly increased!"

Liu Yun had already heard that Shi Jiehua planned to buy a new fishing boat a few years ago. There has been no news about a larger fishing boat. Now that he went back to buy a boat right away, this must be because he felt that he was like Zhao Dahai. Cooperation can make a lot of money, and a larger fishing boat is needed.


"Does this need to be said? What kind of person can't make any money by working with Zhao Dahai?"

"Shi Jiehua himself has a lot of experience. If he cooperates with Zhao Dahai, he will be even more powerful!"

Ouyang Hua was very envious. Zhao Dahai is really awesome, no joke, anyone who can cooperate with Zhao Dahai can make a lot of money.

How could Shi Jiehua not have the confidence to buy a big fishing boat and make a lot of money.

He Jian smiled and nodded. That's it. Anyone who cooperates with Zhao Dahai is confident to make a lot of money. He had already told Shi Jiehua before going to sea this time, and he might buy one when he comes back next time. A larger fishing boat, whatever Shi Jiehua bought, he would buy.

Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua Liu Yun all looked at He Jian with wide eyes. They were all people who went to sea and knew very well how much a fishing boat cost.

Shi Jiehua bought a new fishing boat, and He Jian bought a new fishing boat. This is a big deal.

Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua Liuyun were now more sure that Zhao Dahai, Shi Jiehua and He Jian were really making a fortune.


"What do you people look like? Is it possible that Shi Jiehua and I are the only ones who have made a fortune? You have paid two hundred thousand, but which one of you has not made a lot of money? In the past two years, You’ve already made money, what else do you want to do?”

He Jian looked at the expressions on the faces of Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and knew what was going on in his heart.

"We must have made a lot of money. Everyone sees this. There is nothing to deny!"



"The current season is actually quite good. Zhao Dahai can definitely take him out to sea for fishing again!"



"It's a pity that Zhao Dahai didn't take people out to sea for fishing, otherwise we could have made more money!"


Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin, Ouyang Hua and Liu Yun all laughed. They did make a lot of money on their last trip to the deep sea. It's a pity that Zhao Dahai didn't take people out to sea for fishing again. People like them want to make a lot of money, so they can only wait for the next one. Going to Zhaohai to take a boat out to sea is a matter of the second half of the year.

"Zhao Dahai should be fishing in the open sea now!"


"After we return from fishing this month, we have to find out how many fish Zhao Dahai caught and how much money he made!"



"Why doesn't Zhao Dahai take people out for fishing on the speedboat? If he did, we wouldn't have to go deep into the sea!"


"Zhao Dahai is not a fool. Why did he take people to go fishing? Isn't it better to hire people to go fishing? Isn't it possible to make more money?"


He Jian held a cigarette in his hand and drove the fishing boat while listening to people like Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin talking. After more than half a day, they were almost at the fishing spot in Dayou Field.

I wonder if those fish schools are still there?
Don’t know how many fish you can catch?

He Jian found that he was a little nervous, and it took him a while to realize what was going on. He was not worried about not being able to catch fish, but he was thinking that he must catch a lot of fish. Having thoughts created pressure. In fact, Just think about it carefully and you will know that it is impossible to have no risk at all, but the risk is really not big at all. You will definitely make money simply and easily.

(End of this chapter)

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