Chapter 850 I really can’t bear it
Xu Dachui and Xu Xiaochui stared at Zhao Dahai's speedboat, which was seven or eight meters away from them, and their eyes almost fell to the ground.

The area in front of the largest bubble area is very narrow, and can only stop two speedboats. Normally, my own speedboat plus Song Tianping's speedboat would be tightly blocked, and it would be impossible for any other speedboat to stop. , but now Song Tianping ran away somewhere today and was not here, revealing a position.

The place where Zhao Dahai's speedboat was parked was not a little further away from his own speedboat, but the distance was enough and it was very open. It was very easy to catch the sea bass in the foam area.

"What the hell!"

"This is really hell!"

"Why is there such a thing?"

Xu Xiaochui looked at Zhao Dahai's speedboat, which was undulating on the sea not far behind him. Especially when he saw that four people, Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da, had prepared their poles and were waiting. When the tide rises, I wait for fish and start fishing immediately. The anger is like sesame blossoms, rushing to my forehead one by one.


"There's nothing wrong with Zhao Dahai's speedboat stopping here. Is it possible that we can still catch it?"

"Stop thinking so much, start fishing quickly and see if there are any fish in the sea. There is nothing else to do today. We can only see if we can catch a few more fish!"

As soon as Zhong Shizhu saw the two brothers Xu Dachui and Xu Xiaochui catching fish, he immediately became a little nervous. He instinctively picked up the pole next to him and prepared to fish. Two in a row and the interval was very short, which meant that even though The tide had just risen, but there were already schools of fish. But when I saw clearly that these two sea bass were about three pounds, I shook my head and put down the pole in my hand.


"The fish are coming!"


"The fish are already here, let's hurry up and fish more!"

Xu Xiaochui was stunned for a moment. He had just thrown his pole into the foam area, but he didn't expect that a fish would bite the hook immediately. After fishing for sea bass for many years, he had already developed the habit of raising his hand and raising the pole to stab the fish.

"The fish is coming! The fish is coming!"

Xu Dachui nodded and immediately started fishing. As soon as he put down the rod, he immediately caught a sea bass weighing about three kilograms.

Xu Xiaochui couldn't help but look at Zhao Dahai's speedboat behind him.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou had been staring at Xu Dachui and Xu Xiaochui, and saw the two people starting to fish, and they caught fish as soon as the pole was lifted.



Xu Xiaochui was very excited, shouting loudly, while vigorously reeling in the spinning wheel. After a while, a sea bass weighing about three kilograms was pulled out of the water and dragged directly to the side of the speedboat.

"The fish is indeed here! But why is it so small?"



Xu Dachui didn't say anything. He took off the hook hanging on the mouth of the sea bass and immediately hung another live shrimp and started fishing immediately. Everything he said now was false. It was serious business to seize the time and catch a few more fish.

"Just nod, let's wait and see if there are any bigger sea bass!"

As soon as Xu Xiaochui took the pole and hung up the live shrimp, he immediately threw it out and hit it in the center of the foam area that had just appeared. What eldest brother Xu Dachui said is absolutely correct. Don't think about anything else at this time. Take your time and see if you can catch more fish.

Xu Dachui had to chew his teeth to bits. When Song Tianping's speedboat didn't show up, he didn't think much about it at all. He just thought it was a bit strange that Song Tianping didn't show up. He guessed that he must have gone fishing elsewhere, and even thought Song Tianping didn't show up here. If Zhao Dahai didn't come here again, his two brothers would have exclusive access to the sea bass here today. Unexpectedly, Zhao Dahai not only came, but the key is that Song Tianping's speedboat was not blocked here. Zhao Dahai There is no need to grab fish from a distance of 180 meters from the other side. The speedboat is parked behind your own speedboat and you can catch fish in the sea. The closer the distance is, the faster you will grab fish. Today I He and his younger brother Xu Xiaochui were really struggling.

Xu Xiaochui held the pole with both hands and flew the fish onto the deck. At the same time, he loudly shouted to his elder brother Xu Dachui to seize the time to fish.

"No matter what, we have to fish at five or six pounds before we take action. Otherwise, if we catch too many fish, what will happen if the fish fills up the refrigerator of our speedboat? We can't catch them all. They are piled on the deck at this time!”

"We still have to go fishing for grouper, but we won't go back to the dock so early!"


Lei Dayou and Liu Bin put down the poles in their hands. Now these sea bass seemed to be only two or three kilograms in size. Xu Dachui, Xu Xiaochui or other speedboats around them all started fishing, but Zhao Dahai would definitely not catch this. It’s not cost-effective to grow fish that are too small. It’s not that you can’t sell them for much money, it’s not that you won’t make money, and it’s not that you worry about consuming too much energy. It’s just that although the speedboat is big, the space is limited no matter what. , after catching the sea bass here, we have to go to the artificial islands and reefs before we can go back tomorrow. There is no need to work hard for such a small fish, there is really no place to catch it.


"Uncle Shizhu!"

"How can you think like this?"

"Isn't a three-pound sea bass a fish?"

"Hurry, hurry, we have to hurry up and catch more fish and make more money!"

Zhao Dahai saw Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou pick up the poles and put them down immediately. He knew that they must think that the sea bass of this size was too small.

Normally, I really feel that a sea bass of this size is a bit small, especially since my speedboat will have to go to artificial islands and fish until tomorrow, so there is not so much space.

But this time it’s different. Sea bass weighing two to three kilograms are also a must.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou were stunned for a moment. They didn't know why Zhao Dahai wanted to catch a sea bass of this size. There was something wrong with this.

But Zhao Dahai is the boss of the ship, so he gets whatever he says.

Although Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou felt strange in their hearts, now was the time to fish, so they should seize the time to fish more. If they had any ideas or questions, they could just ask after they finished fishing.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou saw that this time the foam area was not too far away from the speedboat. Instead of using a lure rod, they directly used live shrimp. When they threw the rod out, fish immediately bit the hook.


"Here it comes! A fish is hooked!"...

"It is indeed a bit small, but it looks like the fish school is quite big. The shrimps were eaten away as soon as they entered the sea!"



"Don't look too big!"

"The selling price is not too high, but if you fish like this, you can still make a lot of money with just this bite!"


Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou fished faster and faster. They discovered that the advantage of small sea bass is that they are not very strong and can easily be fished by a speedboat. They caught one in the blink of an eye. The price of sea bass with small heads is definitely not too high, but you can still make a lot of money as long as you catch a lot of fish.

Zhao Dahai smiled. He was not idle and immediately started fishing. He kept pulling out one after another sea bass weighing two to three kilograms or three or four kilograms from the foam area.

"What the hell!"

"Is a sea bass of two to three kilograms or three to four kilograms too small? I really think you can't catch it if it's small!"

While Xu Xiaochui was flying up a fish, he picked up the fishhook with pliers. He hung up a live shrimp in a bit of a hurry and immediately threw it out and landed in the foam area.

Four people, Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da, have started fishing now. Watching fish one after another pull out of the bubble area, it is really heartbreaking and they want to seize the time to catch a few more.

Xu Xiaochui knew that it was best for him to ignore everything and just focus on fishing. However, Zhao Dahai's speedboat was right behind his speedboat, not far away, and the voice when he spoke was very loud, which was really a bit loud to his ears. Can't stand it.

"What can be done about this? Normally, if Zhao Dahai catches so many big fish, he must be a little disdainful of sea bass weighing two to three kilograms!"

"But what's going on? Why is Zhao Dahai starting to catch sea bass of this size again now?"

Xu Dachui knew why Zhao Dahai looked down on sea bass that weighed two to three kilograms. No matter how he said it, such a big sea bass was indeed a bit small. Those who could catch big fish and make a lot of money must definitely I'm not very happy to catch fish like this. It's really not worth the time and effort. Normally, Zhao Dahai really wouldn't catch sea bass of this size. Today he started fishing for this size.

Xu Dachui couldn't figure out what was going on, but one thing was very clear. This was definitely not a good thing. He looked at Xu Xiaochui and pointed at the bubble area in front of him, seizing the time to fish.

"Big brother."

"I didn't know this was the case. You must seize the time to fish more. Don't worry if you can catch one weighing two or three kilograms. If you catch one more fish, you can make more money!"

"But do you think we can win over Zhao Dahai and the others?"

"We are just two brothers, Zhao Dahai and the others are four!"

"Usually we can't catch Zhao Dahai's speedboat dozens of meters away from us. Now it's only seven or eight meters away from us and only about ten meters away from the bubble area."

“It’s faster to grab fish!”

“It took two of us brothers to catch two sea bass.”

"Zhao Dahai and the others may have caught fifteen or six fish!"

Xu Xiaochui was very calm at first, but soon he saw people like Zhao Dahai and Zhong Shizhu frantically pulling away sea bass one after another in front of his eyes. The whole water surface was clattering, and he became more and more angry. Big, unable to control himself, he cursed angrily.

Xu Dachui looked at the water surface of the foam area a few meters away in front of him and pulled four fish out at once. There were four people on Zhao Dahai's speedboat, and they were all fishing veterans, especially a top fishing expert like Zhao Dahai.

Don't look at yourself and your brother Xu Xiaochui getting closer to the foam area, don't look at them in the same place, but in fact, what kind of water layer and what specific location to fish, sometimes the difference is only half a meter up, down, left, and right, the difference is very big It's so big that some people pull it wildly, and some people can't catch any fish. This is the situation now. Zhao Dahai can easily find where the fish are and knows which water layer to catch more sea bass.

Under normal circumstances or when there are only two people in a place, the difference is not big when fishing, but when it comes to grabbing fish, the difference between people with such skills and those without such skills is not that big, not to mention Zhao Dahai was not grabbing the fish alone, but four people were grabbing the fish together. His two brothers really couldn't bear it.

"What the hell!"

"Can't you go fishing somewhere else?"

Xu Dachui was so angry that he couldn't help it anymore. He turned around and yelled at Zhao Dahai's speedboat.

"Where's the hammer guy?"

"Is it possible to say that this place belongs to your family? If it belongs to your family, I won't come. If it doesn't belong to your family, it's none of your business if I fish here?"

Xu Dachui couldn't say a word when he heard a man of about the same age as himself yelling at him standing on the bow of Zhao Dahai's speedboat.

If it really is your own place, then you are the only one who can come here to fish and no one else can come, but that is not the case at all.

There are many fish in the island reef foam area, and some are speedboats that come here to fish.

No one stipulates that only a speedboat can come here to fish in a bubble area. Anyone who has a place to fish can come here to fish.

Usually, the speedboats of himself and Song Tianping blocked the entrance to the largest and best spot in the bubble area. It wasn't that others didn't want to come here to fish, but that they couldn't come here to fish. Today, Song Tianping didn't come here, leaving a gap. , Zhao Dahai's speedboat parked behind his own speedboat. There were many positions where he could catch fish. He really had no reason to say anything to Zhao Dahai.

Such words have no meaning at all. They can only let others know that they are angry.

Xu Dachui took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the anger that had rushed to his forehead. It was useless to continue arguing with Zhao Dahai and the others at this time. He was really being unreasonable. The more he argued, the more embarrassing he became.

Xu Dazhui yelled at Xu Xiaochui to stop arguing and concentrate on fishing, and he would catch as much as he could.

Xu Xiaochui gritted his teeth tightly, knowing very well in his heart that Zhao Dahai had done nothing wrong in this matter. It would not do any good if he and his elder brother really cursed at Zhao Dahai. There were speedboats and fishermen all around. In his eyes, he knew what was going on.

Xu Dachui and Xu Xiaochui continued fishing, but the anger in their hearts grew stronger and stronger, and the movements of their hands became slower and slower. On the contrary, they caught fewer and fewer fish. Several times, they even accidentally hooked live shrimps on their hooks. He held his fingers and shed tears of pain.

(End of this chapter)

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