Chapter 854: Did Zhao Dahai do this?
"Zhao Dahai!"

"This is how to do?"

“Too many fish!”

Zhong Shizhu took a bottle of mineral water and drank it in big gulps while looking at the open live tank, which was full of sea bass of all sizes. He had not thought much about it when he was fishing just now, but now he realized that this was a big problem.

Zhao Dahai's speedboat is very big. When it was bought, it was specially modified to enlarge the live cabin and cold storage. But now, after five or six hours of fishing, all the live cabins are filled with water. Fish, and it was stuffed to the brim, with more fish than water.

"Zhao Dahai!"

"What should we do? Could it be that we are not going to go outside this time? Are we going back to the pier now?"

Lei Dayou had the same frown.

Others were already very happy to catch so many sea bass, but Zhao Dahai and people like him only fished for sea bass to make some gas money. The real money was made by those huge groupers.

Now I have accidentally caught too many sea bass, and the live cabin has been filled with sea bass. Even if they are all emptied, the cold storage can no longer be loaded. We cannot just pile them on the deck now and wait to return tomorrow. From the village pier.

"How did you expect there to be so many big sea bass back there?"

"If we had known this, we wouldn't have caught those two or three kilograms of sea bass!"

As Zhao Dahai spoke, he looked in the direction he came from, and vaguely saw a small black spot in the distance, which was heading in the direction of his speedboat. After waiting for five or six minutes, the fishing boat became more and more crowded. Obviously, there were two people standing on the deck waving to him.

Zhao Dahai shook his head and said with a smile that there was no need to go back at all.

"Don't worry about this matter. I have already made arrangements for it. Now let's take a rest and wait for ten or twenty minutes. A fishing boat will be here in half an hour at most."

"Before going out to sea this time, Ding Xiaoxiang and I rented a fishing boat and came out here to catch fish."


Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou were very strange. They didn’t know why Zhao Dahai said that. There were indeed a lot of sea bass on the speedboat now. If they didn’t go back and continued fishing for large groupers on the artificial islands, once they were caught There are so many large groupers that there is really no place to put them.

It’s not just a matter of vacating the live tanks and putting them all in the cold storage or on the deck. The key is that most of these sea bass are alive. If they are put in the cold storage and refrigerator, or if they are placed on the deck Above, even if it was still relatively fresh when I returned, the price difference is not even a little bit different.

Zhao Dahai pointed at the fishing boat that was heading towards him. The two people could clearly see that it was Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin.

"All the live sea bass we caught were transferred to this fishing boat, emptying all the live water tanks, or the fish in the refrigerator went out to sea to continue fishing!"

"Zhao Dahai!"

"Uncle Shizhu!"

Liu Bin had a terrible headache.

"Not bad!"

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou suddenly realized, and now they realized that they had been prepared. This was the fundamental reason why they all caught sea bass weighing two or three kilograms at the beginning. Normally, Zhao Dahai would never catch such a big sea bass. sea ​​bass.

Zhong Shizhu thought about it for a while. Whether it was far or close to the village pier, other speedboats would take half a day to travel. Zhao Dahai's speedboat was faster. One trip back would free up all the sea bass. The money you make from selling live animals is actually very cost-effective.


"If that's the case, that would be a great thing!"

"Why don't we just go back? Anyway, the speedboat is bigger and faster. It's still very cost-effective when we calculate the next sum!"

Zhong Shizhu was very happy. Now all the sea bass caught by a fishing boat can be brought back to the dock alive and sold at a very high price. He and Zhao Dahai can continue to go fishing.

If the speedboat does not need to return to the dock and continues directly to the artificial islands, it will save half a day. For others, the time saved is not valuable, but the time saved by Zhao Dahai is very valuable.

Liu Bin and Lei Dayou were very worried about catching too many fish just now. Now they saw the fishing boat coming, and they were all relieved. This arrangement is very good. It only costs a little money to rent such a fishing boat to catch fish. These sea bass can indeed be sold for a lot of money alive.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou didn't bother to rest, and immediately started to take action. They took one mesh bag after another. They picked up the sea bass and put it inside. After tying the bags, they soaked them directly in the sea water next to them.

Although the live cabin of the speedboat is very large, there are really a lot of fish caught. They are all crowded together. There are many more fish than in sea water. Even if the oxygen machine is turned on, so many fish will take a long time. It is easy to die from lack of oxygen.

At first, one of them couldn't care less about fishing, and the other thought about keeping these sea bass in the live cabin. In the end, they could only put them in the refrigerator or even pile them on the deck, without paying much attention to them.

Now coming to the fishing boat, we have to make sure that these fish are alive and kicking.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou watched the sea bass in the mesh bag soak into the sea water. After a while, they all swam lively and did not look like they had turned up in the living cabin. They let out a sigh of relief. The fishing boat was now We are almost here. It would be such a waste if these fish cannot be fed.


"It's a pity that these Mayouyus have no way to feed them. Otherwise, they would definitely be able to sell them for a lot more money when they go back!"

Liu Bin opened the refrigerator and took a look. It was filled with big catfish. These were all caught by Zhao Dahai using wave climbing during the last period. Each one weighed more than thirty kilograms, one after another. He took it out and placed it on the deck. He counted it and found that it didn't take too long, but Zhao Dahai caught twenty-one horse fish.


"Zhao Dahai!"

"Your strength is really no joke!"

Liu Bin shook his head, not to mention whether he could catch so many horse fish. Even if he could catch so many horse fish, it would take a lot of effort to pull them out of the sea, either by himself or Zhong Shizhu. , Lei Dayou can't do such a job.


"Liu Bin."

"What are you talking about? You can handle a three to four hundred kilogram tuna, but why can't you handle these twenty or so tuna?"

Lei Da lit a cigarette, took a long puff, and breathed out a very comfortable breath.

Zhao Dahai left the bubble area of ​​the island reef in his speedboat and drove towards the fishing boat. After a while, the two boats came close to each other. He greeted Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin on the fishing boat and started working immediately. .

The fishing boat is much taller than the speedboat. The two people on the fishing boat lowered the rope, tied up the net bag with sea bass, pulled it up, and placed it directly in the live cabin. The horsetail fish was placed in the basket. Each basket can only hold one fish. , followed the same pattern and pulled it onto the fishing boat.

"The sea!"

"This is the meal brought here for you and Uncle Shizhu!" Ding Xiaoxiang watched all the fish being pulled onto the fishing boat, and immediately used a rope to hang down a large foam box.


"We are going fishing outside now, be careful when you go back!"

Zhao Dahai accepted the box and looked at the time. It was still early and it was not yet time for lunch. He decided to hurry up and drive for a while. He would stop to eat at a little past twelve o'clock at noon and looked at Ding Xiaoxiang on the fishing boat. He waved his hand to Yang Qin, turned the bow of the speedboat, and drove out towards the artificial island.

Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin watched Zhao Dahai's speedboat disappear and immediately returned to the dock. The workers were busy with their own affairs and there was not so much affection between their children.

"What the hell!"

"Can it still be like this? There are too many sea bass caught here. Do we need a fishing boat to come here to bring them back?"

Luo Mingjun watched dumbfounded as a fishing boat left the bubble area of ​​the island and slowly disappeared. He patted his forehead as hard as he could, unable to believe his eyes.


"It's definitely not cost-effective to do things like ours, but Zhao Dahai just caught so many sea bass, and a fishing boat comes here to bring the fish back. Not only is it very cost-effective, it will definitely make a lot more money!"

"Zhao Dahai vacated the live cabin of the speedboat and continued fishing!"

Xu Dachui was also a little stunned. He didn't expect Zhao Dahai to do this, but he had to do it. It was very cost-effective. If people like him did it, it was unnecessary and he would lose his pants.

"What the hell!"

"If I can catch so many fish, I will definitely get a fishing boat to haul the fish and sell them back!"

Luo Mingjun was indignant.

When they were fishing just now, Xu Dachui and Xu Xiaochui were very angry when they snatched their own fish, but now they no longer fish, so this incident has just passed. This kind of thing keeps happening among people who come here to fish for sea bass. Sometimes it is me who steals your fish, and sometimes it is others who steal their own fish.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? If you can catch so many fish, you can do whatever you want without any problems. No one can stop you. No matter what you do, you have to make money and make big money!"

The cigarette Xu Xiaochui held in his hand was stuffed into his mouth, and he smoked one after another. He was a little lucky that he and his elder brother Xu Dazhui reacted very quickly, leaving the big bubble area and running here to grab Luo Mingjun's fish. Otherwise, today There are very few fish caught, and the money earned is very poor. Although the fish caught now are not too many, no matter how you say it, you will definitely make money today.


"How many fish did Zhao Dahai's speedboat catch just now?"

"It weighs three thousand catties at least, right?"

Luo Mingjun was very envious.


"Three thousand pounds?"

"Did your eyes grow on the back of your head?"

"The sea bass alone weighed more than four thousand kilograms! The fish were relatively small at first, but later they were all big sea bass weighing twenty or thirty kilograms each. Not only did I catch sea bass, I also caught a lot of them. The big horse fish!”

"It's estimated that the total amount of fish caught is five thousand kilograms!"

"Let's not talk about Ma Youyu. They are about thirty-four pounds in size and are very valuable. Most of those sea bass alone can be kept alive. You don't have any idea how much they can be sold for if you bring them back to the dock. Know."

"Why did Zhao Dahai find a boat to haul fish here? Didn't he just think that these sea bass could be kept alive and returned to the dock to sell them at a higher price?"

Xu Dachui was really envious of Zhao Dahai for catching so many fish.

"Forget it!"

"What's this for? Even though Zhao Dahai has caught so many sea bass here, this is nothing more than Tiantou. It's just for Zhao Dahai to warm up before going fishing in the sea!"

"Didn't you see that just now? Zhao Dahai's speedboat is now sailing out to sea. Those groupers and other things that will be caught next are the real big money!"

Xu Xiaochui lowered his head and looked at the sea bass in the live cabin, and thought that Zhao Dahai's speedboat did not return to the dock just now, but sailed directly to the open sea. This was the time to catch big fish, and the next step was the time to really make big money.

Xu Dachui and Xu Xiaochui rested for a while, quickly packed up the speedboat and drove away.

Luo Mingjun watched the speedboat of brothers Xu Dachui and Xu Xiaochui disappear quickly. He looked at the sea bass in the live cabin of his speedboat and shook his head. He no longer thought about how many fish Zhao Dahai had caught. The more he thought about it, the sadder he became. Driving a speedboat, we left the island reef bubble area and returned to the village pier.

Xu Dazhui and Xu Xiaochui left the island bubble area in their speedboat. They initially drove towards the village pier. After driving for almost twenty minutes, they saw that there were no other speedboats around, so they turned the bow and headed towards Opened in the southeast direction.

"Big brother."

"Where are we going now? Are we going to fish for black bream and yellow chicken?"

Xu Xiaochui looked at his eldest brother Xu Dachui who was driving the speedboat.

Xu Dachui shook his head. Today, the tide here in the island reef foam area is very long. It is too late now and it is too late to fish for black bream and yellow chicken.

Xu Dachui drove the speedboat for about an hour before slowing down.

When Xu Xiaochui saw that it was not far ahead, he immediately knew where his eldest brother Xu Dachui had come.

This is another sea bass fishing spot called Sancha Island. Although it is not as famous as the reef foam area, it is still a place where you can catch a lot of sea bass. Some people do not go to the more competitive place. The island bubble area chose to come here instead. The eldest brother Xu Dachui guessed early in the morning that Song Tianping went to another fishing spot to catch sea bass. He came here to see what was going on after fishing for sea bass in the foam area of ​​the island reef.


"Isn't the speedboat the speedboat of Song Tianping? Whose does that person next to it belong to?"


"Isn't that the one belonging to Cao Hong, who is very familiar with Song Tianping?"

Xu Xiaochui looked around at the fishing speedboats crowded around, and immediately saw the familiar Song Tianping and the familiar Cao Hong in the speedboat. Needless to say, his and his eldest brother's previous guesses were correct. Song Tianping and Cao Hong were not the same. Go to the reef bubble area and come here to fish instead.

(End of this chapter)

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