Chapter 863 This damn sense of oppression!
"Zhao Dahai!"

"Fortunately, we have caught the sea bass we caught yesterday morning!"

Liu Bin reached into the live water tank to fish for fish. The groupers he caught must be carefully inspected at this time. I didn't think so when I was fishing. Only now did I realize that I caught a lot of fish. Zhao Dahai's The speedboat is very large, and the specially modified living water tank is even more huge, but now it is all filled with fish, one after another, packed to the brim.

Fortunately, those sea bass caught on the artificial island reef yesterday morning have been pulled back. Otherwise, these sea bass would be a bit choked on the deck, not to mention the refrigerator.


"If it wasn't like this, how could we dare to fish like this? It's probably going to be like last time. We had to stop halfway through fishing when we saw that there was no room left in the living cabin."

Zhong Shizhu had a cigarette in his mouth and was lighting it. He was smoking his hands without a puff. He was busy doing exactly the same thing as Liu Bin. He was checking the big groupers he had caught, keeping the alive ones in the living water tank, and carrying the dead ones. Get up and throw it in the refrigerator.

Zhao Dahai did not take action and took this opportunity to take a rest. One is that Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da can finish this task in a short time. The other is that he will have to drive a speedboat when he returns home.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou were busy for half an hour. They checked all the groupers in the living water tank and found that most of them were alive.

Zhong Shizhu told Zhao Dahai that the dead grouper only weighed about three hundred kilograms.

Song Tianping thought for a moment and nodded. Xu Xiaochui's words made sense. If you wanted to catch sea bass, you had to catch the tide. If Zhao Dahai came here to catch sea bass today, he would have appeared by now.

"Zhao Dahai's speedboat will definitely not come again if it doesn't come here at this time! If it wanted to come, it would have come a long time ago. Otherwise, who could catch the tide?"

Song Tianping was a little restless and looked up at the surrounding sea from time to time.

Zhao Dahai did not expect that he, Zhong Shizhu and others would catch so many groupers on the artificial islands that night. When Xiaoxiang's fishing boat came to the foam area of ​​the islands to wait for him, it would not be able to load the big sea bass, but it could. Load these groupers you caught yourself.

Zhao Dahai nodded. This number is very normal. No matter how you say it, these slabs were fished from the seabed of more than 130 meters. Even though he and others have paid great attention to controlling the speed of pulling the fish first, There is still no way. It is a pity to avoid a dead fish and make a lot of money, but there is really no way.

Xu Dachui knew very well that Song Tianping was looking to see if Zhao Dahai's speedboat was coming.

Zhao Dahai was very glad that he was not greedy. If there were fish in the sea and kept fishing, these speedboats might have discovered his fishing spot.

"Don't worry about this!"

Zhao Dahai took a few sips of scalding strong tea, cheered up, and drove the speedboat straight to the foam area of ​​the island. From time to time, he saw a speedboat driving towards the artificial island.

There are two, three or even four or five fishing speedboats parked on the edge of each foam area.

Zhao Dahai ignored these speedboats and continued to drive towards the island reef foam area.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou quickly packed up the speedboat, especially the things on the deck. There was no problem. The three of them all got into the cabin at once, huddled together and lay down to sleep. Since the speedboat returned to the island bubble area, Then there must be fishing. Zhao Dahai drives the speedboat alone. He and others have nothing to do, so they have to seize the time to sleep and rest.

Song Tianping shook his head.

The speedboats of Xu Dachui, Xiaochui and Song Tianping occupied the entrance to the largest bubble area.

"Song Tianping."

"What's going on with you? Why didn't you go to Sancha Island to fish for sea bass? Why did you come here again?"

"Such a fish should weigh about three hundred pounds!"

Last night I discussed with Cao Hong for half a day and decided to come to the island reef foam area today to see if I could catch more fish here.

When Song Tianping came here early in the morning, he found that the two brothers Xu Dachui and Xu Xiaochui had already occupied a position in the largest bubble area. After hesitating for a while, he decided to come over and occupy another position.

Zhao Dahai thought for a while and there was no good way. If he really died, he would have to die. The only way was to rush back as soon as possible.

Xu Xiaochui took a look at the foam area and whirlpools had begun to appear. He should be able to fish in about twenty minutes, but at the beginning there must be small schools of fish, and they must be small fish. After almost an hour, the fish The group will become bigger and bigger.

The sky is slightly bright.


Xu Dachui stared at the sea while smoking a cigarette. The sea water had just begun to flow and the foam zone had just appeared. At this time, there would be fish one after another, but there would not be too many fish. There was no need to be too anxious and start fishing immediately.

Island bubble area.

Zhao Dahai took a sip of water and suddenly remembered something. Normally, he would have to rush back to the village pier, but he finished fishing for sea bass yesterday and had already agreed with Ding Xiaoxiang that a fishing boat would arrive at the island today. The place in the bubble area is waiting for you. This is not because I already knew that I could get so many groupers on this trip to the artificial island, but I was thinking that when I went back this time, if the tide on the artificial island was better, I would still have to fish again. Sea bass, if you catch a lot of large groupers on the artificial islands, there will definitely not be enough space on the speedboat to carry these sea bass. If Ding Xiaoxiang's fishing boat comes, it can solve this problem.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou were relieved. The groupers in the living water tank would not die in more than an hour. Ding Xiaoxiang's fishing boat must not have any problems in the foam area of ​​the island reef.

"There are really too many fish caught, and they are all crowded into the living water tank. They are very dense. Even if the oxygen machine is turned on to the maximum and our speedboat is running all the time, if the time drags on for too long, there will still be fish. There may be a lack of oxygen. Although some fish are still alive, there are still some problems and they may die. "

"Without Zhao Dahai, we now occupy the best position. It seems that coming here today is the right thing. We have to fish well and make money hard!"

"The tide at Sancha Island was good yesterday, but today's tide is not good. It's not like I have any brain problems. How could I still go to that place to try my luck?"

It is true that you can catch sea bass on Sancha Island, but there are not many sea bass there. Yesterday, Cao Hong and I caught quite a few fish there. With years of experience, we know that it is unlikely that there will be many fish today.

Lei Dayou looked at the living water tank at his feet. Although the fish on the top was alive, its belly had turned up. Such a fish had begun to lack oxygen, and it might really die if it often did.


Xu Xiaochui took the fishing rod that he had prepared a long time ago, glanced at the small bucket with live shrimp at his feet, and wanted to hang it, but stopped.

Xu Xiaochui knew that Song Tianping was very worried about Zhao Dahai's appearance. He was also very worried and always on tenterhooks, but it was almost time and Zhao Dahai's speedboat did not show up, which meant that he would not come again today.

"Song Tianping."

The tide on the sea slowly became faster and faster, and foam areas of various sizes appeared on the entire sea.

"What are you looking at?"


"Zhao Dahai."

Zhao Dahai looked at the navigation and found that he had been running for an hour just now. It would still take a lot of time to get back to the village, but if he got to the bubble area of ​​the island, one hour would be more than enough.

As Song Tianping spoke, he picked up the pole beside him and hung a live shrimp. Without even looking at it, he swung it forward and smashed it into the sea five or six meters away.

The tide has just risen now, and the bubble area has not really formed yet. It is idle, let's try it and see if there are any fish.

Song Tianping waited for a while. When the live shrimp was about five or six meters in the water, he gently lifted it up and shook it a few times. In this way, the live shrimp hanging on the hook seemed to be in the water. Just like swimming, if there is a sea bass, it will attack if it sees it.

"Yo!" "There's fish!"

Song Tianping suddenly raised his pole to stab the fish.

Xu Dachui and Xu Xiaochui couldn't help but stare at the fishing rod in Song Tianping's hand. After waiting for a while, the fish pulled out of the water were only five or six taels.

Xu Dachui and Xu Xiaochui breathed a sigh of relief.


"Why does such a small fish need to make such a fuss?"


"Do you feed a fish of this size to a cat? How many cats do you have at home? Do you need so many fish?"


Xu Dachui and Xu Xiaochui did not put down their poles to fish.

There are indeed fish now, but these sea bass are really too small. They are our little sea bass. They are not worth much and not many people are willing to buy them.

When people like me catch sea bass, they use quite large live shrimps. Not only can they not make money by exchanging a shrimp for a fish, they may actually lose money.

Xu Dachui and Xu Xiaochui decided to wait until the fish here became bigger before starting fishing.

Song Tianping pulled the sea bass to the edge of the speedboat, flew up and hit the hook he picked off on the deck without even looking at the fish. It was really not worth catching for such a small fish.

Song Tianping put down the pole in his hand and looked at the other speedboats around him. Some were already fishing, and some had already caught fish, but the fish were all relatively small, not much different from the one he just caught. , it seems that those who entered the reef foam area today are all small sea bass.


"Why don't you bring bigger fish quickly?"

Song Tianping cursed.

"Why are you so anxious? Where there are small fish, there will be big fish!"

"When has it not been like this? Can't we just wait a minute?!"

Xu Dachui was not anxious at all. The tide has just risen now and is far from its peak. What comes are small fish. It is not surprising at all. After a while, big fish will appear.


"Aren't you a little worried? Don't look at Zhao Dahai's speedboat that hasn't appeared yet, but what if it does appear in a while? Today's tide seems to be okay, there should be big fish. But if there are no big fish now and we don’t catch some fish first, Zhao Dahai will definitely grab the fish if he shows up.”

Song Tianping sighed.

Xu Dazhui and Xu Xiaochui were stunned for a moment. They originally thought that Zhao Dahai would definitely not come here today, but when Song Tianping said this, they immediately felt relieved. Thinking about it carefully, it was really possible.

The more Xu Dachui thought about it, the more he felt that what Song Tianping was talking about was possible. He immediately looked at the surrounding sea carefully and saw a fishing boat in the distance.

"Zhao Dahai's ship is here!"

"What the hell!"

"It's really here!"

Xu Dachui was anxious and angry.


"Where is it? Why can't I see it? Xu Dachui, aren't you dazzled? A speedboat that dominates the sea is as big as a speedboat. As long as it appears here, is it possible that we can't see it?"

Song Tianping jumped up in fright. He immediately opened his eyes wide and turned 360 degrees. He looked at the large speedboats around him that could be seen as soon as they appeared before they reached the sea. .


"Where did I say Zhao Dahai's big speedboat? I was talking about the fishing boat that transports fish!"

Xu Dachui pointed to the southeast. A large fishing boat was slowly approaching. It was not that he had never seen this fishing boat before. He had seen it once just yesterday. It was Zhao Dahai's fishing boat. To be precise, Said it was the fishing boat Zhao Dahai found.


"Is this Zhao Dahai's fishing boat? Is it possible that he doesn't use a speedboat to fish but uses a big fishing boat like this? This can't be done, right? The speed of this fishing boat is extremely slow!"

Song Tianping didn't know what was going on, how could Zhao Dahai use such a fishing boat to go fishing in the open sea.

Xu Xiaochui remembered that Song Tianping did not come to fish in the island reef foam area yesterday and wondered what happened, so he explained it in detail.


"Can it still be like this?"

Song Tianping was really dumbfounded.

"Why can't it be like this? Wait until Zhao Dahai catches so many fish. What's the problem with finding a fishing boat to pull fish here?"

Xu Dachui looked at the large ship that had stopped not far away, and his expression became very ugly.

Zhao Dahai's speedboat hasn't been seen yet, but if this ship appears here, Zhao Dahai will definitely come here, but he hasn't come yet.

Xu Dachui thought of what Song Tianping had just said, hoping that the big fish would appear as soon as possible. He would seize the time to catch more fish to avoid the trouble of Zhao Dahai appearing to snatch the fish. He originally thought that this was unlikely to happen, but now he found that it was more than possible. Happens, and will happen.

"What the hell!"

"Song Tianping, you are right!"

"Why don't big fish appear here earlier? It looks like it will take more than an hour before there will be a big fish school. By then, Zhao Dahai's speedboat may have already arrived!"

Xu Dachui looked at the foam area not far in front of his speedboat, wishing that a big fish would appear in the sea right now.

(End of this chapter)

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