Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 876 Fishing is like pulling out carrots!

Chapter 876 Fishing is like pulling out carrots!

"Big brother!"

"Several speedboats are heading towards Zhao Dahai's speedboat!"


"Zhao Dahai has been here all day to snatch our fish, and now someone is going to snatch his fish!"

Xu Xiaochui watched several speedboats sailing towards Zhao Dahai and laughed loudly with schadenfreude.

Zhao Dahai often comes to fish in the reef foam area recently. He can catch a lot of fish every time, and most of them come to grab the big sea bass in the place occupied by his two brothers and Song Tianping. He hated it to the core, but there was nothing he could do. Zhao Dahai came here to fish today and stopped at a place. There were speedboats around him and he immediately squeezed past Zhao Dahai.

"How can I not get my shoes wet when I often walk by the river? Now someone finally grabs Zhao Dahai's fish. This is really God's way!"

Xu Xiaochui was really very happy. He seemed to have seen the scene of these speedboats grabbing Zhao Dahai's fish for a while until the tide came and the fish appeared.

"Why did Zhao Dahai stop at that place? Why do I remember that there didn't seem to be any fish in that place?"

Xu Xiaochui's mood went on a roller coaster. At first he was very gloating about his misfortune, but now he found that it was impossible. Zhao Dahai and the people on Zhao Dahai's speedboat really didn't care about the people around them.


"What's more, the other people on Zhao Dahai's speedboat have equally fast hands and feet, and there are more people on the speedboat today."

“It’s really hard to watch the show now!”

It is not uncommon for a fishing spot, or a fishing spot, to have many speedboats collected. However, before Zhao Dahai came here, there were no other speedboats around. As soon as he arrived, people crowded over.

"If there are no fish, then there is no need to say anything."

"They thought they would be able to grab Zhao Dahai's fish, but in fact it was really of no use."

Xu Dachui glared at Xu Xiaochui fiercely.

"Your elder brother is right. Zhao Dahai fished too fast, and there were so many people on the speedboats. These speedboats simply couldn't grab the fish."

"Brother! Song Tianping! Why are you thinking about this matter?"

Xu Xiaochui disagreed.

"Just don't come here to steal our fish!"

"Do you think the people on these speedboats that squeezed past can grab Zhao Dahai's?"

Song Tianping very much hoped that other speedboats would snatch Zhao Dahai's fish. He didn't want Zhao Dahai to snatch his own fish at all. But what he was very concerned about now was why Zhao Dahai chose a place like that. In the past ten or eight years, as long as the tide was right and I didn't have too many things to do, I would come here every day to fish for sea bass. I had a very clear idea of ​​where fish would be found in the bubble area of ​​the entire island.

"The combined number of people on the speedboats that squeezed past is not enough for Zhao Dahai to grab it alone!"

"Do you have any idea? Are these speedboats around trying to grab Zhao Dahai's fish?"

"It's not like you don't know how fast Zhao Dahai's hands and feet are."

"Why did this place become a piece of Tang Monk's flesh?"

"Xu Xiaochui."

Xu Xiaochui was silent for a while, not knowing what to say, so he took out a cigarette, lit one and started smoking hard.

Xu Tianhua looked at the speedboats around him and felt a bit dumbfounded. He had rarely encountered such a situation in many years of fishing. If I remember correctly, this was the first time he encountered it.

"Zhao Dahai's speedboat is parked here. Are there any fish? Why bother?"

Song Tianping and Xu Dachui were not optimistic about how many fish those speedboats could snatch from Zhao Dahai. The only thought or hope now was that Zhao Dahai must not come here to snatch his own fish.


What's going on? Why did Zhao Dahai choose a place like this? Is it possible to catch a lot of sea bass in this place?
Xu Dachui was full of questions, but none of them had answers.

Even if Zhao Dahai catches the sea bass in the large bubble area in front of him dozens of meters away, he can catch it faster than himself and his elder brother combined.

If other people's speedboats stopped here, I would definitely not even look at them. I would definitely think that there was something wrong with my brain. However, if the speedboat of a top fishing expert like Zhao Dahai parked in this place, no one would dare to say that Zhao Dahai parked in the wrong place, but he could not figure it out clearly.


Zhao Dahai looked at the five or six speedboats around him and found it a bit funny. He knew very well what these people were thinking. The speedboats around him were five, six or even seven or eight meters away from him. Very enough.

The place where Zhao Dahai's speedboat is currently parked does not mean that there is no tide or flowing water, but in his memory it really seems that not many people go there and not many people can catch fish.

"The only thing I hope for right now is that there are fish where the ocean is now and there are always fish."

"Zhao Dahai!"

"What the hell!"

These speedboats squeezing past will definitely have a certain impact on Zhao Dahai's fishing, but if you think about catching a lot of fish, it is absolutely impossible.

Xu Dachui frowned and thought about it several times, but he never remembered that Zhao Dahai was parked at this place and that someone had caught a lot of sea bass.

The elder brother Xu Dachui is right. Don’t look at how many speedboats are squeezing past Zhao Dahai’s speedboat. But if you want to grab fish, you want to grab Zhao Dahai, especially if you want to grab the fish on Zhao Dahai’s speedboat. It's really impossible for those few people.



"So what if there are fish? There are several speedboats crowded around now. I wish that there would be a lot of fish in that place. In this case, these speedboats will snatch Zhao Dahai's fish. Let's wait and see here. Just be lively!”

The smile on Xu Xiaochui's face suddenly disappeared.

"The speedboats around looked at Zhao Dahai parked there and thought there were fish there, so they squeezed over."

This really only shows that Zhao Dahai is now very famous in the fishing circle. No matter where he appears, he will attract others' attention. As long as the speedboat stops, others will think that there must be fish in this place, and there are a lot of fish.

"Boss Xu."

"There must be fish in the place where Zhao Dahai stopped. Let these people see how fast these people on our fishing boat can fish."

"If you want to steal our fish, the sun will come out from the west."

At first, Zhong Shizhu was a little worried that the people on the speedboats around him would come here and snatch the sea bass fish that Zhao Dahai found. However, after Zhao Dahai said it, he thought about it carefully and found out that the people around him came here. No matter how many of these topics come up, it is useless.


"It turns out that it was Zhao Dahai who stole other people's fish from us. When will it be someone else's turn to steal our fish? This is simply impossible to happen."

Liu Bin took a strong drag on the cigarette in his mouth and glanced at the speedboats around him.

"All right!"

"You should be able to fish by now, the tide has risen!"

Zhao Dahai has been staring at the surface of the sea.

On the surface, there is no foam area in this place now, but if you look carefully or have experience, you will find that the sea water on the seabed has begun to flow.

When Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da heard what Zhao Dahai said, they immediately picked up the poles and hung up the live shrimps.

When Xu Tianhua and Wu Guodong saw that Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou were all ready, they hurriedly picked up their own poles and hung them like live shrimps.

When Zhao Dahai saw that Xu Tianhua and Wu Guodong were ready, he picked up his pole and hung up the live shrimps, then put them into the sea along the side of his speedboat.

"The water is now three or four meters deep. You don't need to fish too deep. As long as you stop at this position and tease the fish a few times, there should be fish biting the hook!" Zhao Dahai told Zhong Shizhu in a low voice. Liu Bin, Lei Dayou, Xu Tianhua, and Wu Guodong should be fishing a few meters deep now.

As soon as Zhao Dahai finished speaking, he suddenly raised his pole to stab the fish, and then quickly reeled in the spinning wheel. In a few seconds, a sea bass weighing about two kilograms was pulled out of the water.


"The fish are coming!"

Zhao Dahai urged Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, Lei Dayou, Xu Tianhua, and Wu Guodong to seize the time to fish. Although they were not big, they came here to catch sea bass that were two to three kilograms or three to four kilograms in size.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, Lei Dayou, Xu Tianhua and Wu Guodong immediately started to lower their poles.




"I'm coming!"



"This sea bass is actually quite big, and it has a lot of pulling power!"



"Another one!"


Zhong Shizhu, Liu Binlei, Xu Tianhua and Wu Guodong lowered their poles directly into the water to a depth of three or four meters. Sea bass immediately bit the hook, and they fished one after another.

Zhao Dahai picked off the sea bass on the hook, threw it on the deck and ignored it. He immediately hung up the live shrimp and put it into the sea to continue fishing.

As soon as the surrounding speedboats saw Zhao Dahai start fishing, the six people on the speedboat frantically pulled in sea bass one after another until fish appeared in the sea, and they immediately began to lower their rods.

"What the hell!"

"What's going on? Why don't we have any fish?"



"Did all these sea bass go to Zhao Dahai?"



"How could such a thing happen?"


The people on the surrounding speedboats were very calm at first, thinking that Zhao Dahai had caught a fish. Their speedboats were not far away and they would definitely be able to catch the fish.

Five minutes passed, ten minutes passed, and fifteen minutes passed. It was true that some people on the speedboat caught fish, but the vast majority of people did not catch any fish. Even if the catch is just one or two.

These people all wanted to come over and squeeze Zhao Dahai to grab the fish and make a fortune. Now seeing that there is no hope of making a fortune, they could only watch Zhao Dahai at close range as people on the speedboat went crazy one after another. Pulling sea bass is like pulling a carrot, and no one can stand the loud noise and even curses.


"Be quick with your hands and feet. We have to seize the time to catch more fish. These are all small ones now. Let's catch one or two thousand catties. Wait for the tide to rise in a while, but we have to grab other people's fish. , grab a bigger sea bass, like twenty pounds!”

Zhao Dahai speeded up the movements of his hands and shouted loudly to Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou to speed up fishing.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou remained silent and fished without looking back.


"Forget it!"

"Can't catch anymore! Can't catch anymore!"


"So tired! So tired!"


Xu Tianhua and Wu Guodong gasped for air.

Now there are many fish in the water below the speedboat. Although they are either too big or two or three kilograms in size, the largest one does not exceed ten kilograms, but no matter how you say these are sea bass, the moment you catch them is still quite exciting. Nice pull.

If the fish don’t bite like crazy, you can catch one fish, rest for two minutes, and then catch another one. You can definitely keep fishing for at least two hours, but now the sea bass is three to four meters deep under the speedboat. I went crazy. As soon as the live shrimps hanging on the hook were put in place, fish would bite the hooks immediately. One shrimp followed the other and they couldn't stop at all. I fished for twenty minutes without stopping at all.

Xu Tianhua and Wu Guodong couldn't bear it anymore and had no choice but to stop. One of them had physical reasons and didn't have so much strength. The other, more important thing, was that they only went out to sea to fish for fun. They didn't fish to make money, so there was no need to work hard.


"Boss Xu!"

“Fishing like this is really going to kill you!”

Wu Guodong lit a cigarette, puffed hard several times, and shook his hands. The fishing time just now was very short, but he was very tired.


“After a day of fishing like this, I’ll probably have nightmares even when I’m sleeping or dreaming!”

Xu Tianhua made a joke.


"The people on the speedboats around us could only stare when they saw us frantically hauling sea bass. Now when they hear you say that, they must be so angry that smoke is pouring out of their foreheads!"

Wu Guodong pointed at the other speedboats around him. He had already observed them when he was fishing. Now that he had stopped fishing, he took a closer look at the speedboats around him and found that not many people caught sea bass.


"This person must just not understand why something like this happened!"


"There is no problem if you want to take advantage of others, but if you want to take advantage of Zhao Dahai, there is really no way!"

Xu Tianhua sneered.

The surrounding speedboats looked very wonderful when they crowded around. I thought I would be able to catch fish, and I could catch a lot of fish, but the reality was really cruel. Even if these people could catch only three fish. It's impossible to catch as many as five fish.

Wu Guodong and Xu Tianhua finished smoking a cigarette, rested for a few minutes, picked up their poles and continued fishing.

(End of this chapter)

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